Chapter 144: Yu Xuanji

Moon's smiling face faded as she walked up and held her master's hand.

"Master, are you alright?"

Tears welled up in Master Liu's eyes as he bowed deeply to Yulan, who stood thoughtfully to the side.

"Sister Yulan, I thank you on behalf of those disciples. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know when we could seek revenge."

Senior Yu's protection only prevented them from being bullied.

For example, the Ghost Tiger Sect dared to covet them even though they knew they were Senior Yu's people, which naturally invited Senior Yu's thunderous strike.

But Senior Yu was not their hired hand, and he had no obligation to avenge their past grievances.

If it weren't for Senior Yu wanting to train Yulan, these grudges could only be avenged when Moon grew up, or even passed down to the next generation.

Or perhaps they would never be avenged.

Yulan helped Master Liu up, even though she had witnessed this scene several times before, it still moved her every time.

"Is this the last one?"

Yulan suppressed the palpitations in her heart.

In the past two years, she had accompanied Master Liu in conquering five Qi Refining forces, heard dozens of tragic stories of female cultivators, and witnessed many misfortunes.

She knew that the lower levels were difficult, but she didn't know it would be this difficult.

Originally, she had some reservations about Master Liu wanting to please her fiancé by bringing along a female disciple, thinking that Master Liu was shameless and unscrupulous.

But after living with Moon Sect and many female cultivators for two years, she realized that what her fiancé gave her was far more than just material things, even more than she had imagined.

She couldn't help but think back to herself at the age of twelve.

If it weren't for the helplessness of her family, how could they have sold her into the city?

If it weren't for the lucky chance of being chosen by the royal family, how could she be better off than the previous female disciples of Moon Sect?

It was just that the comfortable and happy life gradually made her forget the unpleasant memories and made her forget the suffering of the world and the awe of the world.

She suddenly understood why she had failed in Foundation Building.

Upon hearing this, Master Liu shook his head and said, "No."

There was actually one more Foundation Building family, but they had Foundation Building cultivators in their clan, so naturally, Master Liu wouldn't mention it to Yulan.

Otherwise, it would be not training, but sending her to her death.

In the ancestral home of the Ye family, other disciples who were cleaning up the aftermath had already gathered.

Master Liu composed herself and smiled brightly, loudly saying to the disciples, "As usual, we will only take half of the Ye family's assets, and the rest will be distributed to those who helped us just now."


"Master is wise!"

The disciples cheered and laughed, not feeling any pain even if they were injured.

Seeing this scene, Master Liu made a decision and said to Moon, "Wenren Yue, listen."

Moon didn't understand, but seeing her master's seriousness, she obediently knelt down.

"Disciple listens."

Master Liu wiped his waist and took out a crescent-shaped, snow-white jade from his storage bag.

"From now on, you will be the sixth generation sect master of Moon Sect. This is the sect master's token, keep it well."

Moon took the sect master's token and asked in a daze, "Then what about you, master?"

"I'm going into seclusion."

Master Liu's eyes sparkled.

"What Senior Yu said is right. If we die in humiliation on our deathbed, no one will respect us. If we die valiantly in battle, people will fear us.

No one can protect us for a lifetime.

I will try to break through Foundation Building. I can't burden you with all the pressure."

In the two years of battle, Moon Sect had suffered casualties, but all the disciples had made great progress.

She was the same, her cultivation had already reached the peak of Qi Refining.

Her aptitude was not bad, and it could even be said to be excellent. She was a rare talent in Moon Sect, a seed for future Foundation Building.

It was precisely because of this that she had made such a big mistake back then, but her master was willing to forgive her and pass on the sect master position to her.

In these two years of battle, not only did Yulan gain experience, but she did as well.

Moon was stunned, her voice tinged with a sob.

"Master, Moon can't do it. Moon can't be without you."

"You have followed me for so many years, and there are also elders in the sect supporting you. If you still can't do it, then go find a tofu and smash yourself to death."

Master Liu scolded with a smile, "And can't you think of the good things your master has done for you? What if I succeed in Foundation Building? You will be the disciple of a Foundation Building cultivator in the future."

Even without Foundation Building pills and Foundation Building spiritual objects, one could still achieve Foundation Building. It was just that it would be self-initiated Foundation Building, and if it failed, death would be the result. Only one in a hundred could survive.

At this moment.

Yulan, who was standing aside, spoke up: "Yueru, if you want to break through Foundation Building, why not ask your husband first?"

But Liuzhangmen insisted.

"Please, Yulan, don't tell Senior Yu about this. I already owe him too much and don't want to trouble him with this matter."

Yulan saw something in Liuzhangmen's eyes, and that was her pride.

She nodded gently. "I'll do as you say, but I won't lie to my husband. If he asks about it, I won't hide it."

"That's good."

Liuzhangmen nodded with a smile, but somehow, she suddenly felt a faint anticipation in her heart.

If she took the initiative to ask for help from Senior Yu to break through Foundation Building, it would be taking advantage of him, and even she would look down on herself.

But if Senior Yu took the initiative to help her...

'Then I'll follow him for the rest of my life, give him everything, after all, Yueru is the sect leader now.'

As Liuzhangmen thought about it, she felt a sudden heat in her body and discreetly pinched her thigh.

'So embarrassing, maybe I'll fail to break through directly and lose face. I shouldn't be thinking about good things.'

At this moment.

The female disciples who were cleaning up the battlefield had already returned, and one of them reported: "Sect Leader, we found many women in the Ye family's dungeon. How should we handle them?"

Liuzhangmen regained her authority as the sect leader and glanced at Yueru.

"Yueru, you are the sect leader now, you handle it."

Yueru was caught off guard and stood there for a while before saying, "Um, let's bring them here first."

The female disciple looked at Liuzhangmen and saw her nod before respectfully retreating. In the two years of battle, the Moon True Sect had washed away the shame of the past two or three decades and made Liuzhangmen's authority reach its peak.

After the disciples left, Yueru grabbed Liuzhangmen's hand and asked for help, "Master, how should we handle this? I don't understand."

Liuzhangmen knocked Yueru's head unkindly.

"I taught you seduction techniques, and you learned them quickly, but when I asked you to remember other things, you didn't do it properly."

Yueru covered her head with both hands and said aggrievedly, "But Master, you didn't say that before. You even praised me for learning well."

Liuzhangmen blushed and abruptly changed the subject.

"After bringing them here, you should say some kind words and let them remember your kindness. Then, send those who have homes back, and bring those who have nowhere to go to the sect. The Moon True Sect is so vast, it's not a problem to take care of a few more people."

Yueru nodded, "I understand."

Soon, the imprisoned women were brought over by the disciples, about fifteen or sixteen of them.

Yueru held her breath and followed her master's instructions to say some polite words. Then she ordered the female disciples to categorize them and prepare to take them away.

Everything went smoothly.

Except for one person who stood still in the middle of the scene.

"Why aren't you moving?"

Yueru asked.

The person raised her head, revealing a cold and pale face, and said lightly, "I have no home to return to, but I don't want to go with you either."

"Xiao Yi?!"

Before Yueru could speak, Yulan exclaimed in surprise and took the initiative to approach and ask, "Hello, may I ask your name?"

The person frowned slightly and answered, "Yu Xuanji, what's the matter?"

Yulan forced a smile, "You look very much like a friend of mine. If you have nowhere to go, you can come with me."

This person who called herself Yu Xuanji had a striking resemblance to Xiao Yi.

But upon closer inspection, the differences between the two became apparent.

This person had a sharper edge and a colder temperament.

"I..." Yu Xuanji was about to speak when her face suddenly turned pale, and she let out a muffled groan. Then, a large amount of blood spread from under her skirt.

She collapsed weakly.

Yulan quickly checked and found a fist-sized wound on her abdomen, which was bleeding profusely.

She quickly fed Yu Xuanji a healing pill and then carried her towards Liuzhangmen.

"I'll take her back for treatment. I'll leave the rest to you."


Before Liuzhangmen finished speaking, Yulan had already flown away with the person in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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