Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 145 Falling In Love

Chapter 145: Caught in the Trap of Love

When Yu Xuanji opened her eyes, the person had just left.

The true body gave her extraordinary senses, allowing her to collect all the information around her without using divine consciousness and store it in her mind.

Naturally, she found Chen Yi, who had found Yu Xian's trail.

Yu Xian always acted low-key, and his life trajectory was often straightforward. There were not many people who knew his real name.

Most people called him Yu Zhen Shi, Yu Keqing, or Yu Qianbei.

Chen Yi searched secretly for a long time but found no clue.

It was extremely difficult to find someone with just a name, and she didn't want to reveal this name to others.

Until she decided to form a force to find Yu Xian.

Thus, the City Lord's Mansion was established, and other forces in the city suffered as a result.

But just as the City Lord's Mansion was established, she hadn't had time to select personnel and spread the intelligence network.

Information about Yu Xian was delivered to her.

On the list of records from the Land Department, the name Yu Xian appeared clearly in front of her.

If it was just Yu Xian, it might be a coincidence, but with the addition of a Yu Lan, it was almost certain.

At that moment, she couldn't describe her own feelings.

Surprise, astonishment, panic, and... a hint of fear.

She was actually a little afraid to see Yu Xian.

She was afraid that the scenes she had rehearsed in her mind for decades would collapse.

But with one lead in hand, the whole picture was already laid out before her.

Soon, she learned that more than ten years ago, Yu Xian and Yu Lan had briefly lived in Shangyang City.

She also went to No. 44 Courtyard in the Xiaomi District.

Unfortunately, after the beast tide, the emergency housing for the disaster victims, along with the two courtyards, was sold when Zhao Jia helped handle the Zhao family's properties.

Now, she couldn't find any trace of Yu Xian in No. 44 Courtyard.

Then she learned that Yu Xian had actually broken through the Foundation Building realm and became a guest elder of the Zhao family. He now lived in Zhaojia Gou, the Zhao family's ancestral land.

Together with Yu Lan.

She also knew that on the day she came to Shangyang City, they had already passed by each other.

She arrived at Zhaojia Gou.

She saw Yu Xian secretly following Yu Lan, protecting her every day. She also saw Yu Xian's absurd daily life of fooling around, having multiple partners, and being extremely reckless.

But she was like a ghost, silently watching everything.

If she had found Yu Xian in Yueguo, no matter how he had changed, she would have snatched him away and never let him leave her.

Just like the vow she made when she left.

But Yu Xian had deceived her.

Actually, she doesn't really care if Yu Xian is hiding something from her, just like when she first appeared by Yu Xian's side, it was also an act, in order to infiltrate him.

Yu Xian saw through her, but never paid attention to her deception. Instead, he pretended not to know, sparing her from embarrassment.

After all, even the closest people have their own secrets.

Perhaps Yu Xian has his own reasons for hiding things from her.


She wants to know why Yu Xian was able to cross the Sea of Death with the mediocre Yu Lan years after she left, bringing her to the world of cultivation.

Why couldn't he just wait a few more years for her?

Does she really appear so impatient in his heart that he can't even wait a few years for her?

Or is she simply not important to him at all, so he doesn't care about her leaving or her life and death in the world of cultivation.

This is a thorn buried in her heart.

"If you don't have the ability, I won't blame you. Even if you die, it's just my bad luck. But if you clearly have the ability and choose to stand by and do nothing, how can I not hate you?"

This is the ultimate question in love - do you really love me or not?

But she didn't use the power of the Gold Core to question Yu Xian, to ask him if he really loves her.

She wants to observe and explore this question herself.

So she used her senior sister's name and became a weak Qi Refining female cultivator, wanting to stay by Yu Xian's side.

Just like when they first met.

But this time, she has no mission. She wants to try starting over with Yu Xian.


Outside the house.

Yu Xian and Yu Lan walk and talk.

Yu Lan holds onto Yu Xian's arm and acts coquettishly, saying, "Darling, let her stay. I also want more company, and she looks so much like little Yi sister."

Yu Xian looks helpless and affectionately pats Yu Lan's head.

"If you want her to stay, then let her stay. Our family can accommodate more people. But you should ask her opinion first, don't make it seem like we're forcibly taking her away."

Regarding this woman who looks similar to Chen Yi, he was also quite surprised when he first saw her.

But in this vast world, anything is possible.

In his previous life, with advanced information, he had seen many people who looked like twins but had no relation whatsoever.

Especially those who resembled celebrities and politicians, they often made headlines in gossip news.

And at this moment, Chen Yi should be practicing in her sect, maybe even close to breaking through to the Gold Core stage. How could she possibly appear here?

Of course, he has the most important evidence.

That is when he was healing this woman named Yu Xuanji, he discovered that she still had a pure Yin body, commonly known as a virgin.

And he has had deep conversations with Chen Yi countless times.

Yu Xian strokes his chin and suddenly thinks of something.

"I don't know if this counts as substitute literature. If I can't play with the high-end version, then I'll play with the high imitation."

"Thank you, sir. I inquired and found out that she is a wandering cultivator with no family or background. She was captured by the Ye family when she passed through Hongye Town."

"I let her stay here for a few more days to heal. Maybe she will like it here."

Yulan said happily.

However, Yu Xian looked skeptical and asked, "I noticed that you seem to really want her to stay. Why is that?"

Yulan's expression froze for a moment, and after a moment of silence, she said,

"I always feel like I owe Xiaoyi. So I want her to stay with you, even though I know she is not Xiaoyi. But doing this makes me feel better."

She raised her head, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Sir, if it happened again, would you let Xiaoyi stay?"

"When I heard that Xiaoyi was taken in by a high-ranking expert from the Shangzong sect, I remember you were worried for several days. I know you also cared about Xiaoyi."

"That's because I was worried that she would come back and cause trouble for me. And my reserved cabbage was taken away by someone. Of course, I would be worried."

Yu Xian thought to herself, but shook her head and said,

"The past is the past, what can we change by bringing it up again? Besides, it was her decision to leave, I never forced her to stay. At that time, I didn't know when I could return to the cultivation world, and Xiaoyi is an ambitious person. I couldn't hold her back from progressing. Even if you weren't here, she would have left. So you don't owe anyone, and love is selfish. After all, she arrived later than you."

Yu Xian pinched Yulan's face and smiled,

"Don't overthink it. Are you ready to break through this time? If I put down my Foundation Building pill again, its medicinal properties will dissipate."

When it came to Foundation Building, Yulan's heart stirred, thinking of the Sect Master Liu who should be in seclusion by now. But since her husband didn't ask, she could only say dejectedly,

"I feel like I'm almost ready, but I'm afraid of failing again and wasting your efforts."

Yu Xian encouraged her, "Then just succeed."

"That's settled then. Three days later, you will break through again."

"So soon?"

"Strike while the iron is hot, the momentum is strongest. Don't even think about escaping, I'll be watching you."

As the two walked further away, their voices gradually faded.


Inside the house.

Chen Yimei's eyes sparkled with joy.

She didn't expect the answer to come so easily.

From Yulan's words, she knew that Yu Xian cared about her, and she had been saddened by the news of her being taken as a disciple by a superior.

And he did have his reasons back then.

Although she still didn't know what those reasons were.

In the end.

After being reminded by Yu Xian, she realized that her self-proclaimed righteousness was completely untenable.

It was she who had decided to leave.

Yu Xian had already given her the best conditions at that time, so what qualifications did she have to complain and blame Yu Xian for not keeping her?

It's just that her mind was filled with fraudsters and heartless words before, full of resentment, so naturally she wouldn't think so much.

Now that the truth has been revealed, she only feels ashamed and guilty, and at the same time, a thought suddenly pops into her mind.

"In my imagination, when I, shining brightly, appear in front of him, he should be grateful and overjoyed, he should be ecstatic, he should kneel at my feet.

In my subconscious, I have already regarded him as my possession, and he should belong to me alone.

But he has never belonged to anyone.

On the contrary, I should apologize to him."

Chen Yi sighed, feeling that dealing with this emotion was more exhausting than fighting a Nascent Soul True Immortal.

"The emotional turmoil and heart demons were all excuses I used to deceive the sect and make them let me come back, but if there wasn't a bit of sincerity, how could I really deceive Master and the others?"

"I have long been caught in the tribulation, yet I still thought I was detached."

Chen Yi, as the number one genius of the Xuan Yin Sect, had extraordinary talent and temperament.

In her heart, love was never the top priority, otherwise she wouldn't have left Yu Xian and chosen to roam the cultivation world with Chen Xiao.

Her obsession and love for Yu Xian were only because of the beauty of her youth, because of the infinite nostalgia for her first love, because... love that couldn't be obtained.

What cannot be obtained always stirs up restlessness, regardless of gender.

If Yu Xian had gone crazy with love for her at this moment, she might have felt that men and love were nothing special.

Now that she has partially unraveled the knot in her heart, Chen Yi feels that the series of things she has done for Yu Xian seem particularly ridiculous.

She set up a trap for Yu Xian, prepared a series of plans to force him out of the Zhao family's turtle shell, and finally face the new true person of Shangyang City.

Then, in his despair, reveal her identity and give him a big surprise.

But her world has never been so small, revolving only around one man.

"He is my tribulation..."

"To fall in love with him again, or to forget him. Hesitation is the greatest tribulation."

With a determined thought, Chen Yi feels the sky is high and the sea is wide, her mind is clear, and her internal mana operates autonomously, causing the external spiritual energy to surge.

Seeing this phenomenon, Chen Yi reaches into her hand and takes out an orange spiritual stone, and the spiritual energy anomaly around her disappears in a flash.

When she comes back to her senses, her cultivation has advanced further, but the orange spiritual stone in her hand appears slightly dim.

(End of this chapter)

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