Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 146 Did You Recognize Me?

Chapter 146: Do you recognize me?

Three days later.

The door to the meditation room was tightly closed.

This time, Yu Xian did not go to observe and disturb Yulan. She just stood at the entrance of the meditation room, silently watching the clouds in the sky.

Chen Yi sat on the side steps, looking cold and quiet without saying a word.

At Yulan's insistence, she didn't hesitate and stayed behind.

Now her identity was a guest of Peach Blossom Residence.

So it was reasonable for Yulan to break through, and she followed along with concern.

At this moment, she looked up and openly gazed at Yu Xian's profile.

It was still the same as she remembered, not much different, just softer features and more attractive.

Yu Xian seemed to sense something, his gaze lowered, and he saw Chen Yi's clear eyes, like the ancient ice under the Arctic, calm and without ripples.

"You've already peeked at me twelve times today, is there something you need?"

Chen Yi said, "Because you're good-looking."

Yu Xian was taken aback, then nodded seriously.

"You have good taste, and your aesthetics are great."


Chen Yi stared at the serious Yu Xian, then burst into laughter, like an iceberg melting, and flowers bloomed on the mountaintop. This extreme contrast made Yu Xian feel a bit dazed.

Why did she feel that Chen Yi looked even better than the original version?

Chen Yi continued, "I'm curious about something."

"What are you curious about?"

"You seem to have many women, why are you so concerned about Yulan alone?"

Chen Yi asked.

Yu Xian thought for a moment, sat down beside Chen Yi, but kept a safe distance, causing Chen Yi to roll her eyes secretly.

When she sneaked into his bed before, he wasn't this gentlemanly.

"Miss Yu, first of all, you need to understand one thing."

Yu Xian raised a finger and said, "It's true that I have many women, but there's only Yulan who has always been by my side.

I'm not nervous for her, who else would I be nervous for?"

"Right, I can't say this for nothing, remember to mention it to Yulan when you chat with her, it's best to bring it up casually."

"I think your cultivation is just average, so it's better to stay by Yulan's side, it's good to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain outside."

Chen Yi asked, "Are you concerned about me?"

Yu Xian was straightforward, but also clueless, and said, "I care about every beautiful woman."

Chen Yi's eyes remained calm, and she asked in return, "What if I say I don't want to be by Yulan's side, I want to be with you?"

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "Not for now."

"Why? Am I not pretty enough? Or not attractive enough? Yulan said I look like a friend of hers, I guess that friend is also one of your women."

Chen Yi pursued, "Don't you want to find a replacement?"

Yu Xian said, "There's no one here who is a replacement for anyone else, I like beautiful women, but I don't accept all beautiful women."

"And Yulan is working hard inside, while I'm enjoying myself outside, it's a bit too much."

"So, another time."

Chen Yi didn't want to speak anymore.

From a different perspective, with a different identity, she suddenly wanted to ask her past self why she liked such a fickle man?

Compared to her previous pursuers, this man didn't have any advantages in terms of character, appearance, talent, or cultivation.

But she thought about it carefully.

It seemed that liking someone didn't need a reason.

Because only he could disturb her heartstrings, making her cry and laugh for him.

"I'm serious, from the moment I saw you, I felt that I liked you."

Chen Yi said seriously.

Yu Xian looked at Chen Yi intently.

For a long time.

Until Chen Yi's heart started to race, thinking that he had discovered something, she heard Yu Xian sigh deeply and said in distress.

"Don't be like this, I can't control myself."

But Chen Yi was instead stirred up by the desire to win or lose, she had to make Yu Xian make a decision.

She propped herself up on the ground, pressing half of her body onto Yu Xian, and said with a bit of defiance.

"What if I insist?"

Feeling the soft body of the girl, Yu Xian thought to himself that since she had taken the initiative like this, if he didn't take some action, he wouldn't be much of a man.

So he pulled and pushed with his hands, and the girl's whole body was embraced in his arms.

At the same time, his hands were not behaving properly, moving from top to bottom.

"If I refuse again, it would be impolite."


Chen Yi allowed Yu Xian's big hands to roam freely on her body, while emitting an ambiguous laughter.

She felt like an onlooker, watching herself become a promiscuous woman in Yu Xian's embrace.


Yu Xian's actions paused, and he swallowed hard.

This familiar gesture?

And this familiar bodily reaction?

What the hell?

"What's wrong with you?"

Chen Yi's cold face was flushed, her eyes like hooks, captivating.

"It's, it's nothing."

Yu Xian forced a laugh, burying his head in the girl's embrace, nibbling randomly, causing the girl to laugh wantonly again.

But this time,

Yu Xian's final move was faster.

Yu Xian straightened Chen Yi's body, stood up quickly as if lightning, and faced Chen Yi with a righteous expression.

"Miss Yu, we can't continue like this!"

Chen Yi looked at her disheveled clothes and her fair skin partially exposed, almost unable to resist slapping Yu Xian to death.

Her eyes turned cold as she said, "Although I have feelings for you, it doesn't mean you can humiliate me like this."

Yu Xian earnestly explained, "Miss Yu, I've thought about it carefully just now, and we're progressing too fast. We haven't considered everything yet. Let's calm down for a moment."

Chen Yi coldly replied, "I am calm now, very calm."

"But it seems like you're nervous?"

At this moment, their positions seemed to have reversed.

Yu Xian laughed, "Really? I don't feel that way."

Chen Yi stared at Yu Xian, who acted as if nothing had happened, and suddenly asked, "Do you recognize me?"

Yu Xian: "..."

The most feared thing is when the air suddenly becomes quiet.

Yu Xian wanted to say something, but he really didn't know what to say.

Yes, he was already 80% sure that the woman in front of him was Chen Yi.

Faces can be similar, but bodily reactions cannot be so similar.

Some natural and subtle bodily reactions, perhaps even Chen Yi herself hadn't noticed them in her emotional state.

But he was the one in control, familiar with the situation.

If he didn't have complete certainty before, Chen Yi's question gave him 100% certainty now.

He really didn't want to break this relationship.

But Chen Yi's directness left him unable to react.

The Chen Yi who was supposed to be cultivating in the Upper Sect appeared in front of him, in a completely new identity, making it hard for him not to speculate.

A role-playing game?

Then what role should he play?

He, who should have cooperated with the performance, had no lines or script.

Just as the atmosphere became awkward, the door to the quiet room opened.

Yulan walked out with a smile on her face, then took three steps and jumped onto Yu Xian, hanging onto him.

"Master, I succeeded!"

She exuded a deep breath, full of vitality, and her spiritual sea at the center of her eyebrows seemed to be emitting light, as if there were rushing water sounds around her, remnants of the operation of her cultivation technique.

Yu Xian forced a smile, "Good, very good."

Yulan looked puzzled, "Master, why do I feel like you're not very happy?"

Yu Xian was about to brush it off when Chen Yi, who was beside them, said, "Senior Yu, since Yulan has made a breakthrough, I won't disturb your celebration. I'll take my leave first."

Yu Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he heard a cold voice in his ear.

"At midnight, I'll be waiting for you."

He looked up and saw Chen Yi's eyes, seemingly smiling but not smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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