Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 147 Limits Are For Breaking

Chapter 147: Limits are meant to be broken

At midnight, the bright moon hung high in the sky.

In the courtyard, there stood a woman, isolated from the world, pure and noble. She seemed like a fairy from the Moon Palace who had descended to the mortal realm, exuding an untouchable aura.

This reminded Yu Xian of the reason why he was attracted to Chen Yi in the first place.

He wanted to see a fairy fall to the mortal realm, to see if a fairy in love was any different from an ordinary woman.

The truth proved that fairies were also women.

And the truth also proved that one would pay the price for being foolish.

Yu Xian and Chen Yi stood facing each other across the courtyard, their thoughts swirling in their minds.

In just one day.

Yu Xian had been reflecting on every little detail of his relationship with Chen Yi, checking if he had done anything to wrong her.

And he discovered that there were quite a few things.

Take, for example, his messy relationships with other men and women, which could be described as being torn apart by six horses.

But he could also confirm that his previous efforts were not in vain. After all these years, Chen Yi still had feelings for him.

Otherwise, she would have slapped him to death after being molested by him during the day.

This ruled out the worst-case scenario he had imagined - the pure and noble fairy choosing to eliminate anyone who knew about her past to cover up her disgrace.

So, the remaining possibilities were not difficult to guess.

Either she came back to sever their past relationship, or she wanted to continue their past relationship.

To put it more vividly,

It was like a pitiful young man who struggled in society, achieved success and fame, and then returned to his hometown to find his youthful first love, ready to fulfill their dreams.

Clearly, he was now that first love.

Yu Xian let out a sigh, a hint of melancholy appearing on his face, and took the lead in speaking:

"I never expected that we would meet again."

When dealing with women, one should never follow their rhythm, no matter when.

Otherwise, once the first explanation was given, there would be endless explanations to follow, and then one's mentality would explode.

"Do you think I wouldn't come back? Do you think I'm the kind of ungrateful woman in your heart?"

Sure enough, when Chen Yi heard Yu Xian's slightly resentful tone, her voice involuntarily softened, feeling a sense of guilt as a heartless woman.

No matter what, it was her choice to leave in the first place.

Yu Xian's smile was bitter as he sighed:

"No, in my heart, you will always be the woman who would leave a light at the door for me when I came back late at night. Since you, I have never felt this way again. Over the years, I have imagined countless scenes of our reunion, rehearsing in my mind every word I would say to you. But when I learned that you went to the Upper Sect for cultivation, I knew that we no longer had any fate."

"So when you appeared in front of me, I felt like I was dreaming, and the shock was greater than the surprise."

"I no longer dare to hope to have you, but you suddenly appeared in front of me."

As he spoke, Yu Xian unconsciously took a few steps forward, wanting to reach out and touch Chen Yi, but restrained himself.

With just a few steps, he felt like he had used up all his acting skills in his lifetime, trying to show that love was unrestrained and restraint was love.

Chen Yi's gaze flickered slightly, recalling the moments she had spent with Yu Xian.

Perhaps time had softened the memories.

Now, she realized that the short time she spent with Yu Xian was the most relaxed and free moment of her life.

The cultivation world was not as free as she had imagined.

Even though she had extraordinary opportunities and was brought back to the sect by a senior elder of the Mysterious Yin Sect and became a disciple of the sect master, she was still an ordinary person who had suddenly risen to a high position. The challenges and pressures she faced were unimaginable for ordinary people.

She was like a spring that was tightly compressed, not daring to relax even a bit.

So she cherished the feelings she had in her youth even more.

"I..." Chen Yi bit her lip, at this moment, she shed her fairy-like appearance and became a girl trapped in her emotions.

She looked at Yu Xian with slightly reddened eyes and stubbornly said:

"I don't believe it."

When a woman says she doesn't want something, it means she wants it. When she says she doesn't believe it, it means she believes it.

Yu Xian knew that by now, he had passed most of the test of emotions. He smiled bitterly and looked deeply into Chen Yi's eyes.

"This is my proof."


"My eyes."

Chen Yi stared at Yu Xian's eyes, and in the faint moonlight, she saw her own reflection.

She suppressed her heartbeat and said:

"My brother said that you are deeply affectionate towards any beautiful woman you see."

Yu Xian: "..."

"Alright, you big brother. You promised to look after your sister, but you've been undermining me behind my back."

But after rolling around in the world of women for so many years, his thick skin could withstand the mid-level spiritual arts of a Foundation Building cultivator.

At this moment, he remained calm and composed, saying lightly:

"Time will prove everything. I may deceive you for a while, but I cannot deceive you for a lifetime."

Chen Yi seemed to sense something and became flustered, feeling somewhat at a loss.

"What do you mean by that?"

Yu Xian firmly took a step forward and embraced Chen Yi tightly.

"Now that you have appeared before me again, I will not let you leave this time. I want you to be with me forever!"

Yu Xian exerted little force, and Chen Yi felt that with a surge of her power, she could easily push him away.

But at this moment, she seemed to have become a powerless lady, like a puppet being manipulated by Yu Xian.

She sniffed the scent on Yu Xian, embraced his waist, and rested her head on his chest, murmuring:

"I really love you. Will you only be mine from now on?"

Yu Xian: "......"

"Damn, can't you talk about something realistic?"

So he firmly pushed Chen Yi forward...


He pushed again,

But nothing happened.

Yu Xian looked at Chen Yi awkwardly, smiled bitterly, and shook his head:

"Yulan has been thinking about you all this time. Do you want to drive her away as soon as you come back?"

Only then did Chen Yi remember Yulan and blushed.

"Then let's add Yulan, but that's the limit."

Yu Xian sighed and said, "Still not enough."

"Why? Isn't it enough with Yulan and me? Or were you lying to me earlier?" Chen Yi's tone turned cold.

She was no longer the spy who was once coerced, nor the powerless maid. She was now a true disciple of the mysterious Yin Sect, a Gold Core cultivator with extraordinary abilities.

Sharing one husband was already her limit.

If there were more, she would have to rank them.


Limits are meant to be broken.

Yu Xian was firm on this issue; it was a matter of principle for him.

"You are great, and Yulan is great too. But because of that, I won't deceive you. I am a simple person with only one hobby in life.

I can't guarantee how many women there will be in the future, but I can guarantee that I love you both and will love you forever. I will never abandon you.

If one day you want to leave me, I won't stop you, just like when you left before.

For me, love is not about possession, but about letting go."

Chen Yi said mockingly, "Your love is really broad."

Yu Xian lowered his head helplessly, and Chen Yi unconsciously averted her gaze, as if afraid to meet his eyes, but Yu Xian turned her head back.

"Because this is the real me."

He kissed her.

Matters of the heart are not arithmetic problems; they cannot be resolved by reasoning.

So sedation is more effective than persuasion.



Yu Xian was sent flying.

His whole body was charred, especially his right hand, which was covered in blood and exposed the gruesome white bones.

"You... Ah... It hurts..."

Yu Xian quickly swallowed a healing pill and used a recovery technique on himself.

This was the most severe injury he had suffered since his debut.

Damn it, who set up the restriction there?

Fortunately, he used his hand; if it were another part of his body, he could have become the chief steward in the palace.

In a daze, Chen Yi suddenly woke up and immediately noticed something wrong with her body.

She lifted her sleeve and saw the red Palace Guard Sand gradually fading away.



She gritted her teeth and exclaimed.

This was the Palace Guard Sand her master had placed on her after she regained her pure Yin body. It was meant to help her maintain her purity and not be disturbed by desires, so as not to ruin her future cultivation.

She had thought it was just a symbolic gesture, but she didn't expect it to be a powerful restriction.

If it hadn't been triggered this time, she might not have noticed it at all.

She tried to break the restriction with her power.

However, the restriction was much more formidable than she had anticipated. At least, as a cultivator in the early stage of Gold Core, she couldn't break it.

So, this night, there was no romantic encounter as she had imagined. It passed in the miserable moans of Yu Xian.

Chen Yi didn't get the answer she wanted, but she also didn't force Yu Xian anymore. She couldn't even give herself completely to him, so what right did she have to bind him?

(End of this chapter)

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