Chapter 154: Departure

When Master Liu and her disciples were deeply infatuated with the same man, he had already cast them aside.

Yu Xian left the Moon True Sect and hurriedly arrived at Zhao Family's market in Zhaojiafang.

The main hall.

Zhao Shiwen received a notification from her subordinates and entered the living room, where she saw the man sitting in the main seat, drinking tea.

Her eyes suddenly became trance-like.

He seemed unchanged, with a leisurely expression between his eyebrows and eyes, as if he never worried about reality, appearing calm and composed.

Unknowingly, she had followed him for nearly fifteen years.

Fifteen years ago, she was the disregarded third daughter of the Zhao family, waiting to be chosen by a young master and married off to benefit the family.

At that time, she was constantly anxious, wanting to change everything but not knowing where to start.

With her meager cultivation, how could she resist the Zhao family, one of the eight major cultivation families in Shangyang City?

Not to mention that she was nurtured by the Zhao family, her cultivation, and every spiritual stone she used came from the Zhao family.

She resigned herself to her fate, her greatest hope was just to find someone she was somewhat satisfied with.

So she was very grateful to her deceased father. Now, no matter how busy she was, she would always find time to pay respects to her mother on her father's death anniversary.

If it weren't for her father's acquaintance with Uncle Zhao, she wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet Yu Xian, nor would she have had the opportunity to offer herself.

So she was equally grateful to Uncle Zhao.

Therefore, when Yu Xian was cleaning up the main branch of the Zhao family, she boldly stepped forward to save Uncle Zhao's family and entrusted many important matters in the market to him.

It was that act of offering herself that changed her life.

Now, in her thirties, her cultivation had already reached the eighth level of Qi Refining, and she was the manager of the Zhao family.

She not only personally managed the prosperous Zhao Family market, but also participated in various family affairs. Even the nominal patriarch and the elder of the family, Zhao Jia, had to listen to her opinions.

Some people called her the uncrowned queen of the Zhao family, the true female patriarch of the Zhao family.

With just a glance, she could determine a person's fate for a lifetime. She had obtained the power and authority that she had never dared to imagine before.

But she also knew who had given her all these things.

If it weren't for Yu Xian's support behind her, everything she had would be in vain.

But he didn't love her.

He used to like her youthful and energetic body, her somewhat attractive appearance.

But these things became less important as time went by.

Men always liked novelty.

The master and disciple of the Moon True Sect were more favored than her.

She enjoyed commanding the market, the awe and admiration in others' eyes, and standing high and quietly watching the empire she had built.

She was not very willing to study the skills of serving men anymore. She wanted to make Yu Xian unable to leave her based on her abilities.

So over the years, the number of times he favored her had become fewer and fewer.

Obviously, the wealth she had worked hard to earn for him and the foundation she had built were not as attractive to him as the seduction of an outsider.

How heartless this person was.

He didn't even want to leave her with a child, with a hope.

Of course, he didn't leave any woman with a child.

But she still held deep love for him.

She understood that she couldn't live without this man, both emotionally and professionally.

There would never be another man in this world who could trust her unconditionally, allowing her to move forward fearlessly.

Zhao Shiwen stood firmly at the door until Yu Xian spoke, snapping her back to reality.

"Are you ready?"

Zhao Shiwen nodded. "Yes."

Yu Xian had already come to her once before, asking if she was willing to go with him to Shangyang City.

She asked how he would arrange her once they arrived in Shangyang City.

Yu Xian said it was up to her, she could open a street of shops in Shangyang City and do whatever she wanted.

He also said that in the future, she would have the opportunity to become the female manager of the entire commercial district of Shangyang City.

Look, this is the charm of this man.

Even if the love between her and Yu Xian was not equal, and her deep love might not be able to exchange for even a fraction of his love.

But so what? He might not be able to give her ten percent of his love, but he could give her a thousand percent of power, glory, and wealth.


Yu Xian, who had obtained the accurate answer, suddenly didn't know what to say. He looked at Zhao Shiwen standing in front of him.

Perhaps it was the trials and tribulations in her career that made her slightly chubby baby face become more slender, now resembling a melon seed face, and even more enchanting.

Her legs seemed to have grown longer, becoming more slender.

Her chest was tightly bound, with no sign of the abundant baby food storage it used to have.

The current Zhao Shiwen almost perfectly matched the image of a glamorous female CEO that he had seen in TV dramas in his previous life.

"Come here."

Yu Xian suddenly became interested and beckoned.

Zhao Shiwen took a few steps forward and stood in front of Yu Xian. Seeing the burning gaze in Yu Xian's eyes, a shy expression appeared on her face, unable to maintain the elegance of a glamorous manager.

She already knew what Yu Xian wanted to do.

In the many years she had been in charge of the market, Yu Xian's greatest interest in her was watching her bow down before him.

It had been almost half a year since they were intimate, and she almost forgot about this hobby.

But her eyes were filled with anticipation.

She was a woman, and she had her own needs.

Sure enough, the next moment.

"Kneel down."

Zhao Shiwen was stunned, obediently kneeling in front of Yu Xian.

Yu Xian lifted Zhao Shiwen's chin, his fingers exerting some force, his tone carrying an indescribable heat.

"Shiwen, you're becoming more and more beautiful."

"If the master likes it, I will be happy."


Three days later.

A flying boat docked on an empty space within the Zhao family's territory.

On the flying boat were Yulan, Chen Yi, Zhao Shiwen, and a small white tiger the size of a hunting dog, as well as a lazy ghost tiger.

The three elders of the Zhao family's third branch and Zhao Jia stood below the flying boat, their faces serious, expressing their sorrow and reluctance to see their guest leave.

As for how happy they were in their hearts, only they themselves knew.

"After spending so many years together, suddenly leaving, I truly feel a bit reluctant. How about I stay for a while longer?"

Yu Xian said, causing everyone's hearts to jump, then shook his head.

"Forget it, forget it. After all, Shangyang City is not far from the Zhao family. If I miss you all, I can come back anytime."

"All members of the Zhao family welcome Guest Minister Yu to come back anytime."

Zhao Jia was the happiest person to see Yu Xian leave without taking him along.

As long as he didn't appear in front of Yu Xian, then the blood contract between them would be as good as non-existent.

As for not being able to make progress in cultivation while staying in the Zhao family's ditch, he didn't care.

"But Zhao Dao You, although I'm leaving, the agreement with the Zhao family still stands."

Yu Xian patted Zhao Jia's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

"If anyone dares to take even one spiritual stone less, I will kill their entire family."

Although he had already embraced his own woman's thigh, the annual income of several thousand spiritual stones from the Zhao family was insignificant to him.

But it was necessary to use this income to make up for the harm Zhao Laozu had caused him.

Otherwise, why should he forgive the Zhao family?

Zhao Jia immediately shivered and quickly assured, "Please rest assured, Guest Minister Yu. I will personally oversee this matter. Anyone who dares to reach out will be the first one I kill."

"Alright, elders, I wish you a long and healthy life. I bid farewell."

Yu Xian bowed to the few remaining elders, who were now old and feeble.

The six elders of the Zhao family, due to his arrival, were now reduced to only three.

The second branch was completely gone, and the current second branch was just an empty shell, with the elders also serving in the third branch.

After all, Zhao Shiwen was from the third branch, and he was her brother-in-law.

"Thank you for your kind words, Guest Minister."

The three elders returned the gesture, and with an average age just over eighty, the wish for a long and healthy life was a genuine blessing.

"Haha, no need to see me off. I'm leaving."

A flash of light appeared on Yu Xian's body, and the flying boat turned into a streak of rainbow light, disappearing into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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