Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 155 Three Entering Shangyang City

Chapter 155: Entering Shangyang City for the Third Time

Shangyang City.

Yu Xian stood on the deck of the flying boat, looking out at the city. He saw rows of houses and crisscrossing streets, bustling with pedestrians.

The once low-rise slums were nowhere to be seen, replaced by a new outer city area with tall city walls, giving the whole place a more refined appearance.

This was his third time coming to Shangyang City.

The previous two times, he was a guest in this city.

There were all sorts of rules and regulations to follow, and he had to be cautious and careful to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although life was not bad, he always felt a bit stifled and oppressed.

So, within two years, he found an excuse to leave. As expected, he felt refreshed and liberated, with the sky high and the sea wide.

But this time, he was the master of this city.

The real person above him had been suppressed by him. In other words, he had also trampled this city under his feet.

Yu Xian never thought there was anything wrong with relying on women.

When away from home, one relied on their own abilities and the support of influential people.

Who said influential people couldn't be women?

Yu Xian looked at Chen Yi, who had a calm expression, and secretly shook his head with a somewhat malicious thought.

"What a pity."

"It's a shame that I don't have any enemies in Shangyang City. Otherwise, this would definitely be a triumphant return, shocking everyone and causing a sensation."

"This is the law of gain and loss."

"I have gained the peace and freedom I wanted, living a low-key life, not making enemies, and even if I do, they won't last overnight. Naturally, I have lost the opportunity to show off and act cool in public."

"Otherwise, if this were in a certain point in my past life, the author could easily write three chapters about me showing off here."

Various thoughts crossed Yu Xian's mind as the flying boat slowly flew towards the inner city.

The outer city of Shangyang City was not restricted from flying, nor were there any formation restrictions.

After all, the outer city now guarded the entire inner city, with an area of fifty to sixty square kilometers. It would require a considerable amount of resources to set up such a large formation.

From a certain perspective, the refined outer city now looked no different from the previous slums, except that it had been beautified with time and effort.

But that's what the new real person liked.

With just one sentence, a city could undergo earth-shattering changes.

It wasn't until the flying boat entered the inner city that Yu Xian felt a heavy pressure, as if countless invisible hands were grabbing the flying boat and pulling it down.

Yu Xian remained calm and took out a golden jade talisman, infusing it with his mana. A layer of golden light enveloped the flying boat.

Then, the pervasive restriction on flying suddenly disappeared.

The flying boat stabilized and continued to fly slowly towards the inner city.

The jade talisman was naturally given by Chen Yi. It was the key to the Xuan Yang Golden Light Formation that protected the city. It was similar to the key Zhao Laozu gave him to enter the Zhao family's protective formation. It granted him the permission to freely enter and exit the formation.

A team of law enforcement officers who were running towards them suddenly stopped in their tracks. The captain raised his hand, and the whole team turned around, pretending not to have seen anything.

Anyone who could ignore the restriction on flying was definitely not someone a small law enforcement team could provoke.

And if even the formation didn't react, it meant that the person coming was one of their own.

If there was a misjudgment, then the blame would fall on the formation master.

The City Lord's Mansion.

The conference hall.

Chen Xiao sat with a stern face in the main seat.

On both sides sat the heads of various departments under the City Lord's Mansion, mostly the ancestors of the various cultivation families, as well as some Foundation Building cultivators who had been absorbed by the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, they were all complaining about being poor.

It was well known that infrastructure development was costly.

The appearance of Shangyang City has undergone a complete transformation, dressed up like a little girl, and the expenses involved must be considerable.

In addition, the Lord's Mansion now has numerous departments and a diverse staff, and the monthly salary issued is a significant amount.

Although Chen Xiao appears fierce and ferocious, after experiencing the initial unease, everyone gradually figured out the temperament of this new city lord.

As long as they speak well, with reason and evidence, the new city lord generally won't oppose it.

Then everyone realized that life seemed much better than when Xuan Yang Zhenren was in charge.

Xuan Yang Zhenren used to govern without doing anything, but held power firmly in his own hands.

The Eight Great Families seemed powerful, but in reality, they even had to scrutinize and search when more people stayed in the city.

After all, having one more person meant paying an additional spiritual energy tax each year.

But after they argued based on the fact that they were public officials under the Lord's Mansion, they couldn't possibly do work for the Lord's Mansion and still have to pay the Lord's Mansion.

They also submitted multiple pieces of evidence of people being ruined and killed due to the spiritual energy tax, various cases of broken families and deaths, which was truly heartbreaking.

Chen Xiao was an honest person and truly understood this reasoning.

He couldn't engage in such bloodsucking activities.

And his own sister had disappeared, without even someone to discuss things with.

After considering it alone, Chen Xiao felt that if he wanted his subordinates to do things, he had to give them some benefits. What could a few spiritual stones per person do?

So he logically canceled the spiritual energy tax, thereby canceling the Lord's Mansion's largest source of income.

When everyone saw this, they thought, "Wow, the Lord dares to cancel even the spiritual energy tax. What else wouldn't he dare to do?"

After considering the initial bloody massacre, many Foundation Building cultivators realized that the new lord didn't interfere, and the new city lord was a reasonable and kind person. Who would he bully if not them?

This was a huge benefit for an immortal city.

People die for wealth, and birds die for food.

The rest doesn't need to be said.

The subordinates were in collusion, and soon they marginalized Chen Xiao.

As a result, whenever Chen Xiao mentioned money now, everyone would push the blame onto each other, acting as if their families were in dire straits, and instead, they would all reach out to Chen Xiao for money.

Now that they all worked for the Lord's Mansion, they couldn't bring their own provisions and didn't even have a salary.

And Chen Xiao knew there was a problem with this, but for a moment, he didn't know how to handle it. He couldn't just kill them all at once.

But it wasn't entirely Chen Xiao's fault.

After all, everyone has their own expertise.

Chen Xiao grew up in a broken family, later became a wandering martial artist, assassinated a prince, and finally became his own sister's bodyguard after being released.

After joining the Xuan Yin Sect, his aptitude for cultivating immortality was not good, so he voluntarily switched to body cultivation.

Body cultivation always relied on fists and didn't require much thinking.

Chen Xiao inherited this tradition quite well.

Later, he became a high-ranking Dao soldier, a professional fighter in the Dao sect, with no chance to use his brain, let alone lead any forces.

So even though he was the strongest in terms of strength, as long as he wanted to convince people with reason instead of force, his power as the city lord was destined to gradually decline.

If he wanted to be successful in politics, he couldn't care about his reputation.

Being bombarded with criticism from all sides, Chen Xiao stood up resolutely, his cold eyes sweeping left and right, and said:

"Enough, the matter of the spiritual stones will be resolved by this lord."

If worse comes to worst, he could go into the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range and kill a second-stage demon beast to exchange for thousands of spiritual stones, which would sustain the Lord's Mansion for a while.

Thinking this, Chen Xiao let out a sigh.

When would this end?

He began to miss the days when he followed his sister, doing whatever she said, killing whoever she wanted to kill, without having to think so much.

Just at this moment.

A commotion came from outside the hall.

A handsome young man strode into the hall, followed by three women and two tigers, one black and one white.

The young man scanned the hall and laughed loudly:

"Coming uninvited, disturbing everyone's discussion. Xiao City Lord, right? I regret to inform you that you have been dismissed. I am now the city lord."

(End of this chapter)

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