Chapter 156: Chief Yu



"Where did this wild cultivator come from? How dare he disrespect the Lord of the city!"

"Someone, quickly capture him!"

"I request the Lord of the city to take action and suppress this audacious outsider!"

"If the Lord is insulted, I am willing to die. Please do not stop me, I will teach this ignorant person a lesson!"

"Hey, Chen Lao, don't be impulsive."


The group of cultivators were filled with righteous indignation, but none of them made a move.

Engaging in a war of words was not a problem, it was just a matter of wasting some saliva.

But sacrificing their lives for the Lord of the city was a matter of life and death.

After all, this person dared to ask the Lord of the city to step down as soon as he opened his mouth, so he must have some trump cards.

And the Lord of the city, as mentioned by them, only hesitated for a moment when he saw the newcomer, then smiled bitterly and said:

"Alright, since you want to be the Lord of the city, I'll give it to you."

The newcomer was naturally Yu Xian.

Seeing his eldest brother being so understanding, Yu Xian felt relieved and decided not to mind the bad things he said behind his back.

Of course, the main reason was that he couldn't win.

Although this guy's cultivation talent was not great, he had a genius sister protecting him.

The path of body cultivation had always been extremely domineering. As long as various resources were piled up and the limits of the physical body were constantly broken through, rapid progress could be made in the early stages.

And his eldest brother was now a late stage second-tier body cultivator. He seemed to have average strength, but he was also a high-level Dao weapon.

As the guardian Dao weapon of the Xuan Yin Sect, his body was engraved with Xuan Yin Dao patterns by a high-level Dao formation master. One person could form a formation and transform into a Xuan Yin Dao weapon, possessing the innate physical divine ability - Xuan Yin Battle Body, capable of fighting against third-tier Gold Core cultivators.

In short, if he couldn't win, he would just keep a record.


The cultivators were shocked. The position of the Lord of the city was actually handed over so hastily in front of them, and a faint regret arose in their hearts.

If they had known it would be so simple, they would have wanted to try it themselves.

"No, I disagree!"

"How can the position of the Lord of the city be treated so casually?"

"The position of the Lord of the city cannot be given to an outsider so easily. Lord Xiao, you can't step down. How can you face Master Yu?"

"Lord Xiao, you are the one who has the support of the people. We can't do without you."

"That's right, Lord Xiao, it is under your leadership that our Shangyang City has achieved its current development and prosperity. You can't let an outsider take credit for your achievements!"


Chen Xiao looked dazed, and only then did he realize how popular he was.

He looked at Yu Xian, his gaze flickering.

Should he continue for a few more years?

Yu Xian rolled his eyes, pretending not to see, and calmly walked through the hall to the main seat, sitting down with great fanfare.

"It seems that my position is not popular, but I have always been democratic.

How about this, among the people present... um, a total of twelve people, as long as more than half of them disagree, I won't be the Lord of the city.

Then the new Lord of the city will be chosen from among you, whoever gets the most votes will be the Lord. How about it?"

Silence filled the hall.

No one objected.

Things were developing too quickly, and they were a bit caught off guard.

Who knew what this play was all about today?

But this was the position of the Lord of the city.

The struggle for rankings among the major families was a matter of life and death, and now whoever became the Lord of the city would undoubtedly be the most deserving first-class family.

And the current Lord of the city was not the same as the previous one. It represented not only honor, but also immense power and benefits.

Since even Lord Xiao did not object, could it be that everything was true?

Especially the series of actions by Lord Xiao before this indicated that he was not a bloodthirsty person. Could it also prove that Master Yu behind him had a similarly easy-going nature?

The law does not blame the masses. Could it be that they could all be slaughtered together?

With interests at stake, no one would remain unmoved.

They would always find various reasons that were beneficial to themselves to convince themselves.

Then... let's take a gamble!

Several divine senses rose in the hall, connecting and communicating with each other. In an instant, dozens of messages sounded, and soon a consensus was reached.

Regardless of who became the Lord of the city, it was better to maintain the status quo.

They couldn't let a newcomer suddenly step on their heads.

"I disagree!"

"I disagree!"

"I disagree!"


With a swish, all twelve Foundation Building cultivators raised their hands.

Seeing this situation, Yu Xian shook his head and smiled.

"It seems like everyone is very united."

"Alright, then who do you all want to be the new city lord?"

An energetic old man stood up and firmly said:

"Other than Lord Xiao, this old man doesn't recognize anyone else!"

Chen Xiao's eyes brightened, and he looked at the old man with a bit of goodwill.

Although he hadn't done a great job as the city lord, there were still people who supported him.

He glanced proudly at Yu Xian.

Although he knew that this was most likely his sister's intention, it didn't mean that he had no objections.

To publicly snatch away his position as city lord, he couldn't lose face.

"I also agree, Lord Xiao is the city lord in our hearts!"

"That's right, I choose Lord Xiao too!"

"Lord Xiao!"

"Lord Xiao!!"


The cultivators were unanimous, listing eighteen benefits and the importance of Lord Xiao being the city lord.

"What about you all?"

Chen Xiao showed a touched expression, not expecting to have such popularity.


"Haha, Lord Xiao is the city lord in our hearts because he listens to the will of the people."

"That's right, as long as we are united, what can Lord Xiao do even with Gold Core cultivation? He's brainless if he doesn't listen to us."

"This newcomer cultivator seems cunning and sly. If he gains power and has the support of a true expert, it will be difficult for us."

"That's right, this person even wants to use tactics to divide us. We have been cultivating for nearly a hundred years, how can we not see through such tricks?"

"Haha, now he has put himself in a difficult position. If he wants the position of city lord, he will offend Lord Xiao. But if he retreats, everything will remain the same and we can continue to live carefree."

"The position of city lord is indeed tempting, but we also need to enjoy our lives. What is a mere reputation?"


The divine senses of the Foundation Building cultivators suddenly appeared in Chen Xiao's mind.

Chen Xiao glanced at his sister standing outside the hall and knew that it was her doing. Only she could easily decipher the divine senses of Foundation Building cultivators. His expression became even more unpleasant.

Although his sister had no expression, he seemed to have read the words "stupid fool."

Just as Chen Xiao was filled with killing intent...

Yu Xian patted Chen Xiao's shoulder and comforted him:

"It's not your fault. You're a good person, it's normal to not be able to fight back."

Chen Xiao's face turned black and he transmitted his voice:

"I want to kill them all, is that okay?"

Yu Xian replied, "Of course not. If we kill them all, who will do things for us? At least we need a reason."

In a world where power belongs to individuals, it is so domineering and unreasonable.

Politics is the compromise between equal powers.

If the powers are not equal, the stronger party has countless ways to kill the weaker party.

As for reasons...

Does the stronger party need a reason to bully the weaker party?

"Alright, since everyone supports Lord Xiao so much, I won't snatch the position from him. It was just a joke earlier. Now let's formally get to know each other."

Yu Xian decisively ended the discussion and smiled at everyone.

"My surname is Yu, the Yu of 'True Person Yu.' I am the chief steward under True Person Yu, which means that both you and your Lord Xiao have to listen to me."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, realizing that they had been played.

What's the difference between having a new city lord?

In their eyes, Yu Xian's handsome face suddenly became hideous, and they labeled him as having a bad personality in their hearts.

But no one dared to speak disrespectfully anymore.

Since he had revealed his identity and Lord Xiao obediently listened, if they dared to speak out, it would give him a reason to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys.

"Now I will convey True Person Yu's first order. Starting from today, the Sun City will establish a Taxation Department and begin collecting taxes from the entire city.

The Taxation Department will be independent of the City Lord's Mansion and will be under the direct command of True Person Yu. I will temporarily serve as the director.

Now, the director sincerely issues a call for talents. If any of your families or sects have outstanding young talents, you can send them to the Taxation Department to apply. They will receive preferential treatment.

The key is that they can protect their families and secretly take shortcuts.

The number of personnel is limited, first come, first served."

Yu Xian cleared his throat and waved his hand.

"Meeting adjourned."

(End of this chapter)

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