Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 158 Daoist Chen Xiao

Chapter 158: Daoist Soldier Chen Xiao

Just as Zhao Shiwen was showing off in place of Yu Xian, Yu Xian was being questioned by his uncle.

There were some things he couldn't ask Chen Yi, but he didn't have as many concerns when it came to his uncle.

City Lord's Mansion.

Backyard Pavilion.

After drinking some wine, their conversation became lively.

"It's not an exaggeration when I say that there are countless people who want to pursue my sister. They come from all walks of life, from the heavens to the earth.

But rest assured, with me watching over her, Yi is very obedient and hasn't taken a liking to anyone."

Chen Xiao drank a cup of wine and patted his chest loudly.

Yu Xian thought he was just talking nonsense, but his eyes were sincere.

"Yes, yes, Uncle, you are reliable in this aspect. With you here, I can rest assured."

Chen Xiao suddenly felt awkward and changed the topic.

"Now that Yi has found you, you two can finally be together. But there are some things you need to be careful about.

Otherwise, fifty years later, when the people from the Profound Yin Sect come to take Yi away, you won't be able to escape."

"Uncle, please enlighten me."

Yu Xian poured him another cup of wine, becoming interested. This was what he wanted to ask.

Chen Yi didn't want to mention too much about the sect, so as not to burden him. But even if there were more burdens, he still wanted to clarify things.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even know when the opportunity to escape would come.

"It's actually very simple. Just don't touch my sister randomly. Otherwise, the True Lord of Profound Yin will personally deal with you.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen the True Lord make a move yet."

Chen Xiao clicked his tongue.

Yu Xian thought that if it weren't for the prohibition, he would have become Dao companions with Chen Yi by now and could do whatever he wanted.

The key was that with every level of cultivation, Chen Yi could provide eight cultivation points. Combined with Chen Yi's own talent and cultivation, as well as the top-tier cultivation technique, the Charming Maiden Profound Yin Scripture, their dual cultivation technique could provide more than ten cultivation points in one session.

If they did it four times a day, that would be fifty to sixty points, and in a month, it would be fifteen hundred points.

If he worked a bit harder, he could supplement another five hundred points from Yulan's side in a month.

That would be over two thousand points in a month.

In a year, it would be over twenty thousand points. Even if there was a pseudo Gold Core stage later on, it would all be taken care of.

By then, he could find a place to cultivate for a hundred years, and he might even break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

"To hell with the Profound Yin Sect!"

Yu Xian was shocked when he realized the truth.

The Profound Yin Sect was his biggest enemy on the path to becoming an immortal.

Chen Xiao was also shocked and quickly said, "Don't mess around. I'm just venting for Yi. Love between men and women should be free. How can they do such things?"

Chen Xiao explained, "Actually, it's not entirely the fault of the Profound Yin Sect. Every family has its own difficulties.

The Profound Yin Sect has invested millions of spirit stones in Yi.

Do you know what top-grade spirit stones are? They are the kind that is worth a million low-grade spirit stones each, and they are priceless.

From what I know, the materials needed for Yi's cultivation technique are all top-grade. Each material requires several top-grade spirit stones.

Not to mention the secret realms and barriers that Yi enters during her usual cultivation. Each cultivation session costs a lot.

The Profound Yin Sect has paid such a high price. If you mess things up, not only will you die, but I will also have to accompany you in death."

Yu Xian's hand trembled, and he almost dropped the wine cup.


"I don't go out much, so don't lie to me. What kind of cultivation requires so many spirit stones?"

Even if all the circulating spirit stones in Shangyang City were taken out, he doubted if there were millions of spirit stones.

In other words, Chen Yi was equivalent to the entire cultivation world within a thousand miles.

Where he usually hugged her, it was clearly a mountain of spirit stones!

Damn it, he couldn't sleep. He would have to hug her more in the future.

Chen Xiao's face showed a hint of pride in his sect. He disdainfully said, "Yi is not someone those mediocre Gold Core cultivators can compare to. She carries the hope of the Profound Yin Sect and will definitely break through to the Nascent Soul stage, and may even rival the ancestors.

The more they invest in her, the greater the return she will bring to the Profound Yin Sect in the future.

Millions of spirit stones may seem like a lot, but in reality, it's just the output of a spirit stone mine for a hundred years."

"If it weren't for her always thinking of you, we would have..."

Chen Xiao quickly covered his mouth and forced a smile.

"Brother-in-law, let's drink. Let's drink."

Yu Xian said with a hint of sadness, "Uncle, you promised me back then."

Chen Xiao became angry and retorted, "What do you mean by 'messing around'? I'm just venting for Yi. Love between men and women should be free. How can they do such things?"

"I had no idea that you, kid, were also cultivating and even broke through the Foundation Building realm. As your older brother, I can't just watch the little sister jump into a pit of fire.

And you don't understand anything. You don't know how much pressure Xiao Yi is under, how much she has sacrificed and given up to come find you."

As Chen Xiao spoke, it seemed like he had finally found someone to vent to, and his eyes turned red.

"I'm useless. I joined the Xuan Yin Sect as an outer disciple, riding on Xiao Yi's reputation, but I'm just a waste.

Do you think everything is smooth sailing for us in the Xuan Yin Sect?

Do you know how desperate I felt when Xiao Yi faced danger alone and I was powerless to help?

I'm her older brother, but I can only let her face danger alone.

I'm even afraid to tell others that I'm Xiao Yi's brother, afraid that they will use me to threaten her and distract her."


Yu Xian fell into silence, looking at Chen Xiao with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

If Chen Xiao were caught and used to threaten Chen Yi, it would probably be of no use.

From the beginning, Chen Xiao was just a tool.

Of course, it couldn't be ruled out that after so many years together, a deep friendship had been established between the two.

And he didn't believe that the elder of the Xuan Yin Sect, who had traveled all the way back to the sect with two burdens, would really put Chen Yi in danger.

Most likely, it was just a test before formal entry.

There were probably a dozen pairs of eyes watching from behind.

But obviously, Chen Xiao didn't know.

He was immersed in his own world, this was his innermost thoughts, but there was no one he could confide in.

So when a suitable listener appeared, he had an urge to unburden himself.

"So I begged the elder who brought us to the Xuan Yin Sect that day, behind Xiao Yi's back, to let me become a Xuan Yin Dao soldier.

This is the only way I can quickly improve my strength and have a chance to help Xiao Yi.

At that time, I was thinking, instead of spending decades in the Xuan Yin Sect and breaking through to Foundation Building in a mediocre way, it's better to take a risk.

If I die, it would relieve Xiao Yi of some worries and burdens.

The elder agreed in the end, out of consideration for Xiao Yi's face.

In a short period of time, my physical body was solidified under violent catalysis, and I finally qualified for the Daoist formation master to engrave Dao patterns on me - the Xuan Yin Battle Soldier Body, becoming a Daoist soldier.

I can finally be assigned to protect Xiao Yi."

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and smiled bitterly.

"But there is a price to pay for rushing things. My physical body is solidified by Dao patterns, and I will never have the opportunity to advance in cultivation again.

My soul will never have the chance to reincarnate and will be trapped in my physical body, until I become a thoughtless Dao soldier, forever at the mercy of others."

"I don't regret it. Only by doing this can I help Xiao Yi."


Chen Xiao stared at Yu Xian, speaking slowly and seriously.

"You absolutely cannot betray Xiao Yi, otherwise, even if I become a ghost, I won't let you off."

Yu Xian also looked at Chen Xiao, their expressions very serious.

"Don't worry, if I betray your sister, she will kill me first."

Chen Xiao instantly broke the tension and burst into laughter.

"That's right, the current Xiao Yi is not the same girl you used to bully. If you betray her, she will kill you, as simple as squashing an ant."

Yu Xian didn't want to compete with a single man who had been single for years in matters of love, nor did he want to tell him that his sister had already been devoured by him.

He just continued to ask about the information outside the cultivation world of Shangyang City.

With the experiences and knowledge of Chen Yi and Chen Xiao, a vague picture of the world outside the cultivation world of Shangyang City gradually formed in his mind.

But Chen Xiao had just spoken his mind, and a sense of shame suddenly surged up. He didn't have the mood to chat anymore and found an excuse to slip away.

Seeing this, Yu Xian could only wait a few days before coming back to connect with his eldest uncle.

With this level of mental resilience, it's no wonder he was played around by a group of Foundation Building cultivators who were weaker than him.


In the Fudi District, at the third mansion.

This was Yu Xian's temporary residence, said to be a mansion left behind by a Foundation Building family that was wiped out by his eldest uncle.

The mansion was filled with Yin energy, and with the second-grade superior spiritual veins of Shangyang City, several little ghosts had already been nurtured.

But when the Ghost Tiger went around the mansion, all the Yin energy disappeared.

Yu Xian, who had just returned, received news of a visitor.

In the living room.

Yu Xian instructed the maid, "Bring the person in and serve tea."

The maid serving here was transferred from the Lord's Mansion, but she couldn't be trusted. She might be a spy from some family.

But it didn't matter.

A gentleman has nothing to hide, and he had no secrets to expose.

And without these spies leaking information, how would others know that Yu Dazongguan had a taste for fishing and loved treasures?

If someone wanted to give gifts, they had to prepare a way.

(End of this chapter)

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