Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 159 The Lin Family Gives Gifts

Chapter 159: The Lin Family's Gift

Soon enough, a young man, accompanied by a maid, walked into the living room at a leisurely pace.

The young man had a handsome appearance and a gentle and refined temperament. In a crowd, he wouldn't stand out, but he wouldn't be easily overlooked either.

Upon seeing Yu Xian, who was waiting, a smile appeared on the young man's face as he bowed and greeted, "I am Lin Qinglang, representing the Lin Family to pay respects to the Lord Manager."

Yu Xian nodded lightly and instructed the maid, "Serve tea to Lin Dao You."

In no time, the maid brought over a cup of hot tea for the two.

"You have the time it takes to finish a cup of tea," Yu Xian said.

Lin Qinglang sat down and just as he picked up the tea, about to exchange pleasantries, he heard Yu Xian counting down in his ear. He quickly put down the teacup.

"I have heard that the Lord Manager has a fondness for viewing rare flowers and exotic plants. Coincidentally, the Lin Family recently obtained a thousand-year-old Purple Gold Cordyceps in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range," Lin Qinglang said, patting the storage bag at his waist. In his palm appeared a brocade box.

Opening the box, inside was a medicinal plant that resembled a bamboo shoot, with a purple-golden skin like scales.

"This item is like a hidden gem in the hands of ordinary people. Only someone like the Lord Manager can truly bring out its brilliance. So, I specially brought it to present to the Lord Manager for appreciation."

Upon seeing this medicinal plant, Yu Xian couldn't help but be intrigued.

Purple Gold Cordyceps, with its powerful nourishing properties, has the marvelous effect of replenishing essence and marrow. It also happens to be one of the main ingredients of the Red Powder Peach Blossom Scripture's pill called Golden Wind Jade Dew Pill.

If he could refine the Golden Wind Jade Dew Pill to assist in his cultivation, his Red Powder Qi would at least double, which means his daily cultivation time would be effectively doubled.

Medicinal plants that are over two hundred years old are rarely seen in the market in Shangyang City. They are usually traded privately.

And this Purple Gold Cordyceps, with its age of over a thousand years, is probably an extremely precious treasure even within the Lin Family.

To be able to present such a valuable gift on their first meeting, the sincerity of the Lin Family is quite impressive.

Yu Xian accepted the box and casually tossed it aside, appearing indifferent.

"It seems that Lin Dao You came prepared. Now we can have a good chat," he said.

"It is my honor to receive the Lord Manager's guidance," Lin Qinglang forced a smile on his face, secretly cursing Yu Xian for being insatiable.

This Purple Gold Cordyceps is priceless in the market. If it were to be sold, it would fetch at least tens of thousands of spirit stones, equivalent to a Foundation Building Pill.

Yet, it only exchanged for a chance to chat.

But he couldn't afford to fail this test set by Lord Manager Yu.

Otherwise, if he were targeted by someone who controls the overall situation in Shangyang City at any time, the Lin Family might end up like the Zhou Family before.

The Zhou Family was formidable, but in front of a Gold Core cultivator, they were still no match.

Although the Lin Family has some hidden cards, it would be unwise to fight against a Gold Core cultivator. A peaceful resolution would be the best outcome.

Unfortunately, this Lord Manager Yu is not an easy person to get along with.

Lin Qinglang suddenly felt an invisible pressure.

He thought that, considering the face of the Lin Family and the generous gift, this new Lord Manager would give him some face.

But now it seems that Miss Zhao Shiwen, that cunning woman, must have whispered countless things in Lord Manager Yu's ear.

Now, Lord Manager Yu's impression of the Lin Family is extremely poor.

Realizing this, Lin Qinglang couldn't help but curse Zhao Shiwen for her malicious nature. It's just a small matter from before, yet it has been remembered for so long.

"To be honest, besides appreciating rare flowers with the Lord Manager, I also wanted to take this opportunity to explain a misunderstanding," Lin Qinglang said. "A few younger members of the Lin Family were disrespectful in their words and offended a young lady named Zhao Shiwen. As soon as I found out, I immediately had the younger members apologize to Miss Zhao. However, at that time, we couldn't find Miss Zhao, so the matter was delayed. Fortunately, we recently encountered Miss Zhao again, and it turns out she is the Lord Manager's beloved concubine."

"So, I would like to ask the Lord Manager to help us reconcile with Miss Zhao. Please rest assured, no matter what compensation Miss Zhao wants, the Lin Family will do its best to fulfill it and will not tarnish the Lord Manager's reputation."

Lin Qinglang's attitude was very humble, without any airs of a noble family's young master or a Foundation Building cultivator.

Yu Xian had a look of sudden realization and smiled, saying,

"So it turns out that Shi Wen has this misunderstanding with the Lin family. No wonder the Lin family sent me such a generous gift.

But this is Shi Wen's personal matter, and I really shouldn't interfere.

If you can persuade Shi Wen, then I won't mind."

If not...

Well, you'll be in trouble.

Lin Qinglang automatically completed Yu Xian's words in his mind and quickly smiled, saying,

"As long as you forgive us, I believe Miss Zhao will soon resolve the misunderstanding with us."

"When that time comes, the Lin family will host a banquet and I hope you, sir, will honor us with your presence."

In his eyes, Zhao Shiwen was just an ordinary woman, with average talent and temperament, except for her appearance.

Such women could be found in large numbers in the major families, so how could they possibly receive any genuine affection?

Therefore, he believed even more that Zhao Shiwen was just an excuse for Yu Xian to manipulate the Lin family.

Now that the Lin family had taken the initiative to send a valuable gift and expressed their desire for cooperation, the next step would be a mutual benefit.

In his opinion, there was no cat that didn't love fish.

The reason why the sir in charge held a high position was because of his relationship with the real family.

And as soon as he took office, he started favoring his own relatives, even arranging a position for the spirit beast tiger he raised in the Taxation Department.

A person like this definitely prioritized their own interests over the interests of the real family.

In order to establish a connection with the sir in charge, the Lin family had prepared a generous sum of 50,000 spirit stones as an activity fund.

As long as they implicated the sir in charge, the Lin family would cooperate with the Taxation Department, and with the support of the clueless city lord's military power, all the other Foundation Building families would become second-rate.

With enough resources integrated, the Lin family might even produce a Gold Core cultivator.

Especially a few years ago, when a new cultivator successfully transcended the tribulation on Mount Shangyang, it gave the Lin family great confidence that local cultivators could also appear in the cultivation world of Shangyang City.

So while others were still hesitating and observing, the Lin family had already seized the opportunity to turn a disaster into a blessing.

This kind of decisiveness and courage, apart from Lin Qinglang, could not be found in the entire city.

Lin Qinglang felt quite pleased with himself.

Yu Xian had no idea about the complex thoughts in Lin Qinglang's mind; he was just waiting to receive the gift.

As for the conflict between Zhao Shiwen and the Lin family, he really had nothing to do with it.

But it didn't matter.

He always helped his loved ones and didn't care about justice. If the Lin family offended his concubine, they would have to pay the price, even if it meant emptying their pockets.

Besides, Lin Qinglang had just said that the conditions were negotiable.

So, it wouldn't be excessive to take half of the Lin family's assets.

"The Lin family has a heritage of three hundred years, and I also look forward to a deeper cooperation with them."

Yu Xian praised the Lin family's heritage for the sake of the millennium spirit medicine, and then kindly reminded,

"My concubine is quite petty, so you better be mentally prepared."

In order to take half of the Lin family's assets, Yu Xian had to lie to himself and say that Zhao Shiwen had a narrow mind.

Lin Qinglang thought that the two sides had reached an understanding, and his smile became even more sincere.

"Haha, please rest assured, the Lin family, with its three-hundred-year heritage, will definitely meet Miss Zhao's requirements."

Yu Xian was also very satisfied. He continued to have a friendly conversation with Lin Qinglang, and their laughter echoed in the hall, heard by many servants in the mansion.

Afterwards, he personally escorted Lin Qinglang to the door, lingering for a long time, watching him leave.

According to unreliable rumors,

The sir in charge was in a good mood during dinner with the women in the mansion that night. He even showed off the millennium spirit medicine that the Lin family had given him, causing the women's faces to blush.

So the next day,

People who came to visit and give gifts lined up in front of the mansion, and not a single gift was worth less than five thousand spirit stones.

Because the Lin family had secretly raised the standard for gift-giving, it was better not to give anything if it was below that standard.

But since everyone else was giving, if one's own family didn't, it would only make the sir in charge unhappy for no reason.

Perhaps the sir in charge wouldn't remember exactly what each family had given, but he would definitely remember which family hadn't given anything.

As a result, the Lin family inexplicably became the target of resentment for many people because of the gift-giving.

(End of this chapter)

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