Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

170. Chapter 169 A Year And A Half

Chapter 169: One and a Half Years

After dealing with Luo Han, Yu Xian's life returned to its usual routine.

Every day, he practiced diligently, putting in effort and pushing himself to the limit.

Watching his cultivation points increase every day became the happiest thing for Yu Xian, just like saving money. With every increase in his account balance, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

He voluntarily reduced his entertainment time and lived a brief life of asceticism.

Of course...

His asceticism was different from that of ordinary cultivators.

And Luo Han was the first person to fall so deeply in love with a man, and under someone's manipulation, she lowered her bottom line and cooperated with him almost unconditionally.

She thought this was love, that loving him meant giving him everything.

In the blink of an eye...

One and a half years had passed.


In the Fudi District, at the third mansion.

Yu Xian swallowed a pink pill, and the red aura on his body gradually replenished. His tired waist instantly became energetic.

"No wonder everyone loves to cultivate while taking pills."

Yu Xian couldn't help but sincerely marvel at his rapid progress over the past year.

The pill in his hand was called the Little Golden Wind and Jade Dew Pill, which Luo Han had replicated based on the pill formula recorded in the Red Peach Blossom Sutra.

Because the original pill formula required extremely high-quality medicinal ingredients, several main ingredients needed to be thousand-year-old spiritual herbs, which were obviously impossible to find in Yangcheng.

So they had to settle for second best and created the Little Golden Wind and Jade Dew Pill, which probably had about sixty to seventy percent of the original pill's efficacy.

Originally, it would have taken him another ten years to break through to the peak of Foundation Building, but at the current rate, it would only take him eight or nine years at most.

Just Luo Han alone could provide him with nearly ten thousand cultivation points in a year.

The imitation of the Little Golden Wind and Jade Dew Pill had increased his cultivation efficiency by about forty to fifty percent.

But even the best elixir would eventually be used up.

Luo Han had helped Luo Han refine three furnaces of the Little Golden Wind and Jade Dew Pill, with each furnace producing five to six pills, for a total of eighteen pills.

One pill per month, exactly one and a half years.


Yu Xian thought of the Yulan that Chen Yi had taken up the mountain.

Now that the two-year agreement was approaching, when Yulan came down the mountain, her cultivation in the Red Peach Blossom Sutra should have reached the entry level. By then, his cultivation speed could be further increased.

Perhaps five or six years would be enough to break through.

After all, there were only twenty-four hours in a day, and he couldn't immerse himself in cultivation all the time. Eight hours a day would be enough.

Four hours for each person, fair and reasonable.

He just didn't know how things were going on Chen Yi's side.

Yu Xian estimated that Chen Yi probably couldn't remove the restrictions on her body.

After all, according to Chen Xiao, the Mysterious Yin Sect had invested millions of spirit stones in Chen Yi, as well as various priceless treasures that couldn't be bought with any amount of spirit stones.

With such a massive investment, Chen Yi's pure Yin body couldn't afford to have any accidents, so the strength of the restrictions on her body could be imagined.

Even if Chen Yi was a genius, she had only just broken through to the Gold Core realm.

The further one progressed in cultivation, the greater the power gap between major realms.

Yu Xian even suspected that there might be guardians from the Mysterious Yin Sect secretly protecting her in unseen corners.

Thinking of this, a chill ran down Yu Xian's spine, and he had the urge to run away on the spot, regardless of the consequences.

He could only blame himself for being too short-sighted back then, not realizing that Chen Yi, this true dragon, had fallen into shallow waters and easily let her go.

Otherwise, without enough resources to catalyze her, no matter how much of a genius Chen Yi was, she would now only be at his mercy.


Yu Xian let out a sigh.

At this moment.

From the side of the bed, a tender and small foot stretched out, lightly hooking his clothes, revealing a beautiful and blushing face, it was Luo Han.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Han's voice was lazy and casual, with a hint of hoarseness and magnetism, like a sticky rice cake.

Yu Xian casually grabbed the small foot and played with it, saying, "It's nothing, I just suddenly feel sorry for you, following me without any status or identity."

Luo Han's face showed shyness and she scolded, "Didn't we agree on this long ago? I'm behind the two sisters, and I haven't rushed you. Besides, we have already signed the marriage contract and performed the ceremony in front of heaven and earth. In my heart, you are already my husband, and I will only be with you in this lifetime."

It was indeed a case of growing affection over time.

Now when Yu Xian looked at Luo Han, there was also a hint of affection in his eyes, no longer just treating her as a tool.

"Wife is right, I have come to realize that."

"It's just that this Golden Wind Jade Dew Pill is running out. I wonder if the wife has any good ideas?"

Luo Han thought of the pill that she loved and hated, and involuntarily shrank back.

"I can reduce the age of the medicinal ingredients, but the effect may be one in ten. We must have a thousand-year spiritual herb as the main ingredient for this pill formula to exert its effect."

"I wonder where the Lin family found the spiritual herb?"

Yu Xian rubbed his chin and thought that now that Zhao Shiwen had almost dealt with the Lin family, it was time for him to intervene.

Speaking of which, his mind was filled with women before, no, it was filled with cultivation.

He didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the Lin family.

He only knew that Zhao Shiwen relied on him, the chief tax officer, to command a growing temporary workforce in the tax office, and now she was a prominent figure in Shangyang City.

Although her cultivation level was a bit lower, it didn't prevent her from becoming a female demon in the eyes of many aristocratic cultivators.

In the past two years in Shangyang City, the tax office led by Zhao Shiwen had collected nearly a million spirit stones in taxes for the city lord.

It sounded like a lot, but it was the income of a city.

The collection area for these taxes was not only the inner city, but also the outer city.

Under the temptation of the Foundation Building Pill, all the gangs, evil forces, and underground organizations had to obediently be incorporated, otherwise they would inevitably be killed by the group of subordinates.

After all, the big brother couldn't stop the pursuit of a better life by his subordinates.

So these taxes also included the cost of confiscating property.

Confiscating the property of a family would yield tens of thousands of spirit stones, and confiscating the property of ten or eight families would yield hundreds of thousands.

Even the eldest uncle rarely publicly expressed his admiration and support for Deputy Director Zhao, and personally stood up for her, killing several Foundation Building cultivators who wanted to cause trouble.

Although Chen Xiao's cultivation level had solidified, machines still needed maintenance, not to mention human weapons. The cost of maintenance was not a small amount.

The collected taxes just solved his urgent need.

Of course, most of the tax revenue was used for the people.

Whether it was the monthly salary of public officials, the maintenance of public facilities, the continuous maintenance of the city's defensive array, or the purchase of Foundation Building Pills, they all required spirit stones.

Only a small portion, about a dozen or so, went into the private pockets of the chief tax officer.

Therefore, the chief tax officer considered himself fair and just, worthy of being a person.

After all, he received tens of thousands of spirit stones for a gift, and after two years of hard work, he only received a small amount. No one could say that he wasn't.

Going off on a tangent.

To get back on track, under Zhao Shiwen's continuous suppression, the Lin family was the most heavily taxed family in Shangyang City, and they had been the taxpaying model for two consecutive years.

The Lin family thought that giving gifts to the chief tax officer would resolve the issue, but they didn't expect that the chief tax officer's idea of "talking" was really just talking.

They tried several times to reconcile with Zhao Shiwen, each time with more sincerity, and even attempted to send a Lin family woman to seduce the chief tax officer.

But during that time, he was immersed in cultivation and had no time to deal with any vulgar matters, so he rejected them all.

However, it did brush up his good impression of Luo Han.

The Lin family must be looking forward to his appearance now.

(End of this chapter)

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