Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

171. Chapter 170 Lin Zhanlong

Chapter 170: Lin Slays the Dragon

Lin Residence.

Main hall, reception room.

Zhao Shiwen was dressed in a sleek black uniform of the Taxation Department, with cloud-like patterns embroidered on the cuffs, giving it a subtle and refined look. This was a ceremonial robe.

Her gaze was indifferent, her expression cold and elegant as she sat in the chair, crossing her legs casually.

Her long black hair was tied up in a simple bun, cascading down her back like a waterfall.

Standing behind her were two Foundation Building cultivators with deep auras, their presence luxurious.

As the Deputy Director of the Taxation Department, who handled thousands of spirit stones, security was of utmost importance.

She never felt that she had no one to protect her just because she had the support of the Chief Steward.

In fact, in the past two years, she had encountered assassination attempts at least eight times, if not ten.

But the more this happened, the more excited Zhao Shiwen became, and the more passionately she devoted herself to her work.

She enjoyed this kind of attention.

The two Foundation Building cultivators behind her were one newly promoted Foundation Building cultivator of the Taxation Department, who had just signed a twenty-year work contract with the department, with severe consequences for breach of contract.

The other was a senior temporary worker of the Taxation Department, a top elder of a newly promoted Foundation Building family, who had voluntarily joined to find a backer for his own family.

Such Foundation Building cultivators with a clean background and family ties were actually quite trustworthy.

"Master Lin, the Flying Sword shop opened by the Lin family on Xingye Street is suspected of engaging in private transactions and tax evasion. According to the new tax code, we have already sealed the shop and issued a fine notice to your Lin family. It has been almost a month, why hasn't the fine been paid yet?"

Zhao Shiwen spoke lightly, her long-standing experience in a high position giving her a certain air of authority. Even with simple words, there was an inexplicable pressure.

The head of the Lin family was named Lin You, a Foundation Building cultivator in the early stage, only in his eighties, still in his prime. He had a dignified appearance of a middle-aged man.

At this moment, facing a young girl who was two generations younger than him and one realm lower in cultivation, Lin You's face turned pale, his eyes filled with anger that he had to restrain.

"Deputy Director Zhao, I have already appealed regarding the Flying Sword shop on Xingye Street. It was clearly just the shopkeeper privately selling his own flying swords, how can it be considered a shop transaction? It just happened to take place within the shop premises."

"Even if we assume that the shop accidentally forgot to record it, it shouldn't warrant sealing the shop and arresting people, right?"

Zhao Shiwen smiled faintly and said, "Master Lin, your Lin family is now the tax model of Shangyang City, the role model for everyone. So you should be even more careful not to make mistakes. Once you make a mistake, it is a challenge to the entire Taxation Department. A light punishment is not enough to convince the public."

Lin You almost couldn't help but slam the table.

Damn it, the better you do, the heavier the punishment. What kind of bullshit is this?

Clearly, it was intentional targeting!

"Deputy Director Zhao, just say what conditions you have. Spirit stones, magical artifacts, or the shop itself, even Foundation Building pills, I can promise. As long as you can spare us, stop holding onto the misunderstandings of the past."

Zhao Shiwen sneered, "Master Lin, do you know how many Foundation Building Pills are displayed on the plaque of the Taxation Department nowadays?

Exactly seven. As long as I want, I can have my fill of these seven pills.

The reason I haven't broken through to Foundation Building is simply because my cultivation level is not enough, not because I lack Foundation Building Pills.

Your offer may seem sincere to you, but in my eyes, it's nothing more than that."

Lin You closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his face was expressionless.

"So, Deputy Director Zhao, what kind of offer do you consider sincere?"

Zhao Shiwen said, "Master Lin, I have already stated my conditions."

"First, our department has a young talent named Jiang Shaolin, who comes from a prestigious family. He has long admired Miss Lin Xiaoman, a noblewoman, so he asked me to act as a matchmaker for him to marry Lin Xiaoman as a concubine."

"Second, I want Lin Wu to abandon his cultivation!"

"Third, a compensation of one hundred thousand spirit stones!"

Lin You sneered, "Do you think that's possible?"

Lin Xiaoman has yet to achieve Qi Refining perfection, and the chances of her breaking through to Foundation Building are slim. It wouldn't be a problem to sacrifice her as a pawn, but she can't be married to someone from the Jiang family, let alone as a concubine.

Everyone knows that the Jiang and Lin families almost started a clan war a few years ago. They were relentless.

Now, marrying the Lin family's eldest daughter as a concubine would be seen as the Lin family admitting defeat, as if they were throwing their face on the ground for others to trample on.

As for Lin Wu, as the fourth son of the Lin family from the previous generation, he broke through to Foundation Building more than ten years ago during the beast tide.

Now, apart from the ancestors, his position as the head of the family is not much lower than his. Why should he abandon his cultivation?

On the contrary, the third condition, one hundred thousand spirit stones, seems like a lot, but in reality... it is a lot!

Back then, they only had a budget of fifty thousand spirit stones to deal with the total expenses of Lord Yu Xian.

Anyway, it's impossible to agree to it.

It was just a few joking words back then. If it weren't for the sake of Lord Yu Xian and Lord Cheng, how could they tolerate a lowly servant acting so insolently in front of them!

A hint of fierceness flashed in Lin You's eyes.

There is no need for one hundred thousand spirit stones. Even ten thousand spirit stones are enough for a Foundation Building cultivator to personally kill a Qi Refining cultivator.

Zhao Shiwen said, "It seems that there's nothing to discuss. Master Lin, please pay the fine as soon as possible, otherwise, once the time passes, there will be late fees, and the loss will outweigh the gain."

"Deputy Director Zhao, I have already shown sincerity. My final offer is thirty thousand spirit stones, and all past grievances will be forgiven.

From now on, the Lin family and you will not interfere with each other."

Lin You stopped Zhao Shiwen, who was about to leave.

But Zhao Shiwen didn't even turn her head.


Lin You grabbed the teacup and smashed it, creating a grand splash of water.

"It's your own fault!"

"Young You."

At this moment, a slow voice came, and an old man with white hair carrying a long sword walked into the hall.

"We sword cultivators, with pure thoughts, must be patient and avoid impatience. You have already taken the wrong path."


Lin You quickly saluted the old man.

The person who came was the ancestor of the Lin family, Lin Zhanlong, known as the Dragon Slayer with the Dragon-Cutting Sword.

Lin Zhanlong asked, "Young You, do you know why you were forced into this state by a Qi Refining servant girl?"

Lin You replied, "Naturally, it's because of the person behind her. A lowly servant at the Qi Refining stage, I could crush her with just one finger."

"Indeed, she is backed by Manager Yu, Lord Xiao, and Master Yu. So what use is it to kill her?"

"One Zhao Shiwen dies, and there will be Li Shiwen, Wang Shiwen. As long as the people behind her continue to target our Lin family, we will never be able to kill them all."

On the contrary, once they find an excuse, our Lin family will face the calamity of extermination.

This new cultivator has a big appetite. Even if we don't reach the Gold Core stage, we are nothing more than a piece of meat they can eat whenever they want."

Lin Zhanlong said with a sigh.

Lin You's heart trembled, waking up.

"Thank you, Ancestor, for your guidance. From now on, I will strictly abide by the rules and not give the Tax Bureau and the Lord of the City a chance to deal with our Lin family."

"No, you still don't understand."

Lin Zhanlong shook his head lightly.

"Instead of hoping for others' pity, I would rather seize the initiative in my own hands."

Lin You's eyes widened in surprise, then showed a joyful expression.

"Ancestor, are you about to break through?!"

Lin Zhanlong said calmly, "I am only half confident."

Lin You's face immediately turned bitter. "Ancestor, half confidence is still too low. You must be cautious. You are the pillar of the Lin family. If something happens to you, the Lin family will fall apart."

Lin Zhanlong said, "The Jiang family didn't disintegrate when Old Ghost Jiang died. They are still doing well."

"Today, I am here to bid you farewell. After I leave, you can hide for as long as you can. When you can no longer hide, handle it as you see fit."

Lin You asked in doubt, "Ancestor, are you going on a journey? Didn't you say you could Transcend Tribulation on Shangyang Mountain? We can guard you, maybe increasing the chances of success."

Lin Zhanlong said, "Now that the Lin family is being targeted, if I Transcend Tribulation under their noses, it would be a great calamity. Besides, Shangyang Mountain only has a second-grade superior spiritual vein, which is of no help in breaking through to the Gold Core stage and may even be a hindrance.

The old man intends to traverse the Wan Yao Mountain Range and go to the Xuan Yang Realm to transcend tribulation.

Lin You was startled again, "But now the Xuan Yang Chamber of Commerce has already withdrawn, and there are no ships to escort the ancestors. How will they pass through the Wan Yao Mountain Range?"

The entire Upper Yang City cultivation world is like an isolated wasteland, with half of its borders adjacent to the Wan Yao, and the other half close to the Sea of Death.

To leave the Upper Yang City cultivation world, one can either go to the mortal realm through the Sea of Death, or cross the branches of the Wan Yao Mountain Range to reach the Xuan Yang Realm ruled by the Xuan Yang Sect, which is an extremely vast world.

When the Dan Yang True Immortal was still alive, the Xuan Yang Chamber of Commerce had a base in Upper Yang City. Every ten to fifteen years, the Xuan Yang Chamber of Commerce's ships would come here to sell goods and purchase some basic raw materials at low prices.

But since Master Yu took over, the Xuan Yang Chamber of Commerce has completely withdrawn.

In fact, in recent years, the cultivation resources above the Foundation Building realm have experienced a slight price increase.

Lin Zhanlong showed no fear, "I rely on the sword in my hand. If I can successfully pass through the Wan Yao Mountain Range, I will have at least a fifty percent chance of breaking through."

As he spoke, he sighed again.

"The original Gold Core seed was Zhen'er. He was born with a triple Yang spirit body, even the Dan Yang True Immortal said he was born in the wrong place.

Originally, I planned to support Zhen'er's breakthrough for the sake of the Lin family's survival. However, in order to prevent him from becoming arrogant, I have never given him too many privileges. I even honed him and sent him to the mortal realm to compete with the Jiang family for supremacy, to fight for cultivation resources for himself.

I didn't expect that old Jiang ghost would also be there, nursing his injuries..."

Speaking of the Lin family's Gold Core seed, Lin You also showed a regretful expression.

"Ancestor, you even gave him a third-level teleportation talisman, which is your life-saving trump card, but it still couldn't save his life. It can only be said that it was his fate, no one else to blame."

"Now that the ancestor has made up his mind, I wish you success in achieving Gold Core and a lifespan of five hundred years."

Lin You bowed deeply to Lin Zhanlong.

"You take good care of the Lin family. When it's time to let go, let go. I'm leaving."

With these final words, Lin Zhanlong's figure gradually dissipated.

Lin You looked at the empty sky in the distance and sighed deeply.

He knew that if the ancestor didn't reach the Gold Core realm, they would never have the chance to meet again.

"Gold Core..."

Outsiders only know the glory of being the head of the Lin family, but they have no idea about the pressure he carries.

Just then, a servant from the Lin family hurriedly arrived.

"Sir, Manager Yu is here to visit."

Lin You was startled, thinking about the ancestor who had just left, it couldn't be such a coincidence.

He remained silent for a while before slowly saying, "Please, invite him in."

(End of this chapter)

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