Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 18 A Smile Is Worth A Thousand Dollars

Chapter 18: A Smile Erases Grudges, Worth a Fortune

Next to Big Beard's booth.

Lan Xiaohe was breathing heavily, her face flushed, and her bun was already damp with sweat, making her look very excited.

Her eyes were fixed on the raw ore that the stone cutter had just cut open. When the water washed over the cut surface, it revealed a sparkling green color.

"Damn! It's another full green ice seed!"

The crowd around her gathered more and more, and they exclaimed in surprise when they saw the green color.

"Miss, I'll offer 1,000 taels of silver for you to sell me this stone, how about it?"

A newcomer in the crowd hurriedly made an offer, but was ridiculed by the people around him.

"Haha, Old Wang, with so many people watching here, do you think you can still get a bargain? If this young lady is willing to sell, I'll offer 3,000 taels."

As the person spoke, he mocked while eagerly looking at Lan Xiaohe.

"Sorry, I can't make the decision. Master, please continue and open it all up."

Lan Xiaohe didn't even turn her head.

At this moment, she suddenly understood the madness of those gambling stone enthusiasts.

Clearly, these stones were not hers to begin with. Originally, she was only here to fulfill the task given to her by that gentleman.

But as she watched the stones being cut one by one, as she saw the originally ordinary and even ugly stones instantly increase in value, and as she listened to the increasingly higher bids from the people around her, her heart couldn't help but surge with excitement.


The two stone cutters, whose arms were a little sore, were also invigorated when they saw this full green color. Without hesitation, they took out their specialized saws and made a creaking sound as they cut into the stone. The stone dust quickly piled up into a small mountain on the ground.

As stone cutters, they were offered good jade by their employer, and they would also receive a big red envelope.

Moreover, this profession was somewhat superstitious. Since they had consecutively produced so many good jades, others would also invite them to help cut stones in order to seek good luck.

It could be foreseen that their income would start to skyrocket in the coming days. The only worry was whether their arms could withstand such high-intensity work.

The expression of the big-bearded stall owner went from mocking to shocked, and then to feeling nauseous and uncomfortable, as if he had eaten a fly.

He never expected that the stones picked out by that seemingly clueless young master would increase in value with each piece.

Indeed, these stones had already been sold, so whether they were a loss or a gain had nothing to do with him.

But the bastard insisted on cutting the stones right in front of him.

He regretted it a little.

These treasures were all sold by him. If he had cut them himself, he would be the one making a big profit now.

There were a total of seven raw ores, and five had already been opened. Even the lowest one was worth over a thousand taels, which directly earned back all the costs. The rest was pure profit.

Thinking about others making big profits while he himself suffered losses made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Oh, Big Beard, don't just stare at it. No matter how you look at it, it's not yours."

Yu Xian appeared next to Big Beard at some point, with an attitude that could kill.

Yulan followed behind, covering her mouth and giggling, thinking that her master was really childish.

Big Beard glanced at Yu Xian, his face gloomy, but after struggling for a moment in his eyes, he sighed.

"You're impressive. I was rude earlier. I apologize to you."

Yu Xian made a soft sound of surprise. "Big Beard, you can't take a hit, huh? I haven't even used any force yet, and you're already giving in?"

Big Beard snorted coldly. "Our family has always said what we mean. If I'm not as skilled as you, then I'm not as skilled as you. You're impressive, I admit defeat. If you still want to humiliate me, then draw your sword. I'm not someone who can't afford to lose."

"Tsk tsk, Big Beard, I didn't expect you to be quite cute."

"We can consider ourselves acquainted now. I'm Yu Xian, may I ask for your name?"

Yu Xian wasn't someone who held onto trivial matters, so since Big Beard had softened, his anger naturally subsided. Instead, he intended to make friends with him.

"Lu Yuan."

Big Beard reluctantly shook the hand that Yu Xian extended, showing a somewhat spoiled attitude.

Yu Xian couldn't help but burst into laughter, with his arm resting on Big Beard's shoulder, looking like a pair of good buddies.

"Lu Xiaodi, don't say that I, as your older brother, haven't taken care of you. All these jadeite stones were mined from your place. If you want them, I can sell them to you in a package deal."

Although Lu Yuan had a big beard, Yu Xian could tell that he was actually quite young and deliberately grew the beard to appear more mature.

Lu Yuan pushed away Yu Xian's hand, feeling dissatisfied. "You look like you're in your early twenties, but I'm already twenty-five this year. Why should I call you my older brother?"

Yu Xian touched his face and complained, "Do I have to tell everyone that I'm over thirty every time I meet someone?"

If he were still young, he would never think about retiring and living a mundane life. He would continue to strive in the world of cultivation, seeking a chance to become an immortal.

Of course, if he were still young, he probably wouldn't have discovered his golden finger either, as the rumors say that having a youthful appearance is beneficial for cultivation.

"What? I've always heard of people who never age, but I didn't expect to see one today, and it's you trying to deceive me?"

"If it weren't true, who would willingly make themselves ten years older and let those young and lovely girls call them uncle?"

Yu Xian sighed and suddenly remembered the scene in his previous life when he was called uncle by his female classmates as he passed by the school.

Damn it, he never even had a relationship, and he was already considered an uncle.

Lu Yuan thought it made sense and completely ignored the fact that he inexplicably became the younger brother.

"The water in those jadeite stones is of good quality. If you're willing to sell them to me, I won't take advantage of you. I'll buy them all at market price."

No one dislikes having more good jade, and he could make a small profit by reselling them. With the current market being so hot, he wasn't worried about holding onto them.

"Lu Xiaodi is a straightforward person. Since that's the case, I'll give you a slight discount on the whole piece of jade."

Yu Xian had no choice but to resort to drastic measures and hit Lu Yuan's major artery.

Lu Yuan's face immediately stiffened.

He acted too hastily!

If he were asked to refuse now, he didn't have the thick-skinned face of Yu Xian, so he had no choice but to swallow his pride and reluctantly say, "Alright, I'll give you a 2% discount."

"Too little, too small-minded, Lu Xiaodi, we're not just doing business. Think about it, you're unfamiliar with this place in your life. When you come to Changning City in the future, how can your older brother not take care of you?"

The discount you're giving me now is not just a simple discount. It's your pass and talisman for the future.

"I have bodyguards..."

"What use are bodyguards? The techniques used in the martial world can't stand up against the people in official positions. I have connections, and even the prince can be easily seen by me."

"My father knows someone important in the county government."

"Your father's connections are not your connections. If you want to become big and strong, if you want to be independent and self-reliant, you can't always rely on your father. Knowing me is the proof that you're taking your first step towards strength."

Lu Yuan's big beard trembled as he imagined the scene of his glorious return home, feeling like a father seeing his son grow up.

Fortunately, he still maintained some rationality.

"How much do you want?"

"Just give me an 8% discount."


Lu Yuan instantly snapped out of it. If he dared to give an 8% discount, his father would dare to discount his legs.

"Then how much do you want?"

Yu Xian looked at him helplessly, as if he had no way to deal with him.

Lu Yuan felt a little ashamed, realizing that he was being petty.

"9.5... 10% off! At most, I'll give you a 10% discount!"

He almost cried.

"No problem! I'll give you the money later."

Yu Xian clapped his hands, and the deal was done.

(End of this chapter)

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