Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 19 The Young Jade Master

Chapter 19: Young Jade Appraiser

After another half an hour, the remaining two pieces of raw ore were finally fully extracted, and the jade inside was of excellent quality and size, causing others to once again exclaim and discuss in amazement.

It was impressive that they had been standing for nearly two hours without feeling bored, but rather watching with great interest.

Only after all the stones were extracted did they reluctantly agree to go eat, discussing the seven pieces of raw ore they had just found along the way, saying that today had truly broadened their horizons.

It is not uncommon to find good jade when extracting stones, but what is rare is to find seven pieces of good material in a row.

This level of skill is top-notch in the entire jade industry, and those who are interested have already started inquiring about the owner of the material.

Lan Xiaohe wiped the sweat from her forehead and respectfully brought the jade that had been opened to Yu Xian, her tone full of admiration.

"Sir, your discerning eye is truly amazing. Every piece of raw ore you found contains hidden treasures. I don't think even those jade appraisers can do the same."

"He is much more skilled."

Lu Yuan muttered under his breath.

There are two jade appraisers in his family, and even if they succeed eight out of ten times, it is considered good. Moreover, they don't always make a big profit.

He is not a naive newcomer who can be easily fooled and taken advantage of.

Apart from those top-grade types of jade, the prices of other jades are relatively uncertain.

The quality of that piece of green jade is not good, but the only advantage is its large size. To sell it at a good price, it depends on luck, such as whether they can find a sucker.

Being able to quickly sell it this time and exchange it for cash, even if the price is a bit lower, he wouldn't be at a loss.

In addition, he can establish a good relationship with Yu Xian and try to learn some special jade appraisal techniques from him in the future.

Even if he can't learn them, he can ask for his help in identifying any large materials that are difficult to appraise in the future.

Considering the ten thousand taels he saved today, how could he refuse?

But Yu Xian just casually glanced at the jade that was brought over. These jades were all lacking in spiritual energy and not worth his attention.

"Miss Lan, please ask the master from Baibao Tower to come and appraise them. I want to sell them to this Mr. Lu."

"Alright, sir."

Lan Xiaohe already had a tired look on her face, but she still forced herself to stay alert.

She had been standing for two hours, paying attention to the situation of the stones, and dealing with customers who kept asking for prices. She had already exhausted all her energy.

Yulan noticed Lan Xiaohe's abnormality, but she didn't speak directly. Instead, she clung to Yu Xian's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Master, I've been accompanying you for so long, and I'm starving. Let's eat first."

Yu Xian was taken aback for a moment, then realized it and apologized, "I forgot that it's been so long. Then let's do that. Miss Lan, you go eat and rest for an hour, then come back."

As his cultivation deepened, the mana in his body could provide most of the energy he needed, so he didn't have a strong appetite for food. It was more of a tasting attitude.

But he overlooked the fact that the people around him were still mortal and needed to eat.

If it weren't for Yulan's reminder, these people would have had to endure with him, and they wouldn't dare to complain. But he wasn't a wicked capitalist, so there was no need to exploit them like this.

Lan Xiaohe gratefully glanced at Yulan, then said to Yu Xian, "Thank you, sir. I'll take my leave."


Over an hour later.

Yu Xian returned lazily with Yulan after they had eaten their fill and drank enough.

Lan Xiaohe had been waiting in front of the booth, and Liu, the steward, had also arrived. Lu Yuan was engaged in a heated argument with a middle-aged man.

When Yu Xian saw them approaching, Liu, the steward, respectfully greeted him and apologized.

"Master Yu, I apologize for not personally welcoming you this morning. Please forgive me."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Steward Liu, you're too polite. Didn't you send Miss Lan over? She provided excellent service, and I am very satisfied."

Steward Liu echoed with a smile, "Xiaohe is my most capable assistant. It is her honor to serve Master Yu."

"Alright, let's not be too polite."

Yu Xian greeted Lu Yuan, "Brother Lu, have you estimated the price of the jade?"

Lu Yuan glared at the middle-aged man and said,

"You should let him speak."

Liu, the steward, introduced in a timely manner, saying, "Master Zeng is the master of jade in our building. When Xiaohe told me that you wanted to have your jade appraised, I invited him over."

Facing someone even the steward was so respectful towards, Master Zeng didn't dare to be negligent. He cleared his throat and said, "Sir, I estimate the approximate value of these jade pieces to be 26,700 taels of silver. However, Boss Lu disagrees and says they are worth at most 22,000 taels."

Lu Yuan angrily said, "With the influx of a large number of jade into the market, a price drop is certain. The price I offered is already high. If you want it higher, I won't buy it. If you have the ability, you can keep it for yourselves."

"This?" Master Zeng looked at Liu, feeling helpless.

Liu, too, was at a loss. He was only helping to raise the price for the offering, but somehow the fire was directed at him.

Seeing this situation, Yu Xian knew that Liu had been too forceful, but he meant well, so Yu Xian couldn't blame him.

"Don't argue anymore. Let's just go with 22,000 taels of silver," Yu Xian said.

"Hmm? Why are you suddenly so generous?" Lu Yuan suspiciously looked at Yu Xian.

Yu Xian replied irritably, "Then make it 25,000!"

"No, no, 22,000 is fine," Lu Yuan quickly paid the silver.

The jade merchants who came to participate in the transaction not only came to sell, but also prepared a large amount of cash.

Yu Xian waved the banknotes in his hand and said to Liu, "Liu, please bring a few more people with me. I want to buy some more stones."

His spiritual sense could see through the original ore of jade, so gambling on stones was no different from picking up money for him.

Although this was a bit high-profile and not in line with his principles of doing things, it was worth it for future financial freedom.

Nearly being tempted to kill for the treasure of 100,000 taels, let alone several hundred thousand taels.

"No problem," Liu immediately called for more people, having heard about Yu Xian's feat in the morning from Lan Xiaohe.

"All of them, take them all!" Yu Xian waved the banknotes and entered a buying spree, buying all the original ore that he had liked in the morning, not only jade, but also white jade, yellow jade, red jade, agate, crystal, and so on, a wide variety.

In this gambling mode, as long as there was a layer of stone skin on the outside, it could be gambled on.

The 22,000 taels of silver banknotes disappeared like flowing water, and in the end, he even used the remaining 2,000 taels of silver banknotes on him.

Jade was expensive, but stones were cheap.

The original ore that Lu Yuan sold was carefully selected, so he dared to sell it for several hundred taels, but many small merchants were willing to sell the original ore for dozens or even a few taels of silver.

24,000 taels of silver was not a small amount.

But opportunities to pick up money like this didn't come often.

And because of this high-profile shopping spree, even if others didn't have any shame, they would put him on a blacklist. Even if they had no shame, they would treat the stones he had seen as unsellable and secretly open them.


The piled up original ore almost attracted the attention of the entire second-floor venue.

Liu's face turned red, and he waved his hand and said, "Call all the stone-cutting masters in the building. We're going to cut all these stones today."

"Dear friends, don't miss out as you pass by. These stones were personally selected by our master appraiser at Baobao Building. We guarantee that every piece will yield jade. If anyone likes them, feel free to make an offer. The highest bidder gets it!"

At this moment, he wasn't even doing his job.

If we estimate the earnings from this morning, the more than 20,000 taels of silver would turn into at least 400,000 taels.

And Yu Xian planned to give Baobao Building a 10% commission.

This was a considerable amount, and at the same time, it was a great reputation for Baobao Building. Even if the owner found out, he wouldn't blame him. Instead, he would give him credit.

As for Yu Xian himself, he hid his talents and fame amidst the discussions of "the young master appraiser."

(End of this chapter)

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