Chapter 20: Sudden Wealth

The VIP lounge of Baibao Tower.

Yu Xian slumped in his chair, his face pale, breathing slightly.

His back was already soaked with sweat. The intense shopping had drained his mental energy, pushing him beyond the limits he had set for himself.

But the thought of the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver that would soon be in his pocket injected new energy into his exhausted body.

"Master, are you alright?"

Yulan had never seen Yu Xian in this state before and couldn't help but worry.

Yu Xian let out a breath and reassured her, "I'm fine, I just need a nap."

"You keep an eye on the situation outside, I'll rest for a bit."

He gave her instructions and, without waiting for a response, half leaned on the chair, supporting his head with his hand, closed his eyes, and entered a meditative state.

The consumption of spiritual consciousness mainly depleted one's mental energy, just like staying up late for ordinary people. It could be regulated through a certain amount of rest.

Although Yu Xian had never come into contact with secret techniques related to spiritual consciousness, he knew how to meditate simply.

Unexpectedly, this time Yu Xian's meditation went smoothly.

His physical body seemed to turn into a thoughtless stone statue, and his consciousness became extremely sharp as a result. His spirit extended from his physical body, like tiny tentacles, cautiously probing the outside world, giving him a warm feeling.

He didn't know how long had passed.

Yu Xian saw a flash of blood in front of him, as if a great terror had descended, and he suddenly woke up.

"What the hell!"


The tea cup on the table was knocked over by Yu Xian's swinging arm, splashing water all over the floor like a blooming water lily.

Yulan, who was dozing off, woke up and hurried over.

"Master, what's wrong?!"

Yu Xian remembered the scene he had just seen and couldn't help but feel lingering fear. He wondered if this was some kind of omen.

Even ordinary people have a sixth sense, and as a cultivator, his spirit was even more sensitive, able to sense the natural world. Occasionally, he had a whim and couldn't help but take it seriously.

Could it be that he had accumulated too much wealth this time and attracted deadly trouble?

That was the only reason Yu Xian could think of.

After all, since becoming a tribute of the Prince's Mansion, he had been living a simple life, taking his sister out to enjoy the mountains and waters, eating, drinking, and having fun. He had no chance to make enemies.

The only suspicious person was the tribute Ding Le, but he didn't look down on him. Based on his strength, he was only at the level of a fireball spell.

Moreover, Ding Le wouldn't hold a deadly grudge over a little face and a thousand taels of silver.

So what could it be that made him sense danger?

Yu Xian fell into deep thought.

Seeing Yu Xian suddenly freeze and not say anything, Yulan was also scared and held her breath, not daring to disturb him.

After a long time.

Yu Xian rubbed his forehead and let out a long breath.

Damn it, his mind was blank, he couldn't think of anything.

But it must be related to the large sum of money he had obtained this time. So, to be on the safe side, he should quickly take the money and leave, hiding back in the Prince's Mansion.

As far as he knew, after being assassinated by Chen Xiao last time, the Prince had put a lot of effort into renovating the mansion, and now it was filled with traps and secret passages.

In case any trouble came knocking, the Prince would be the first to take the blame.

"Yulan, what time is it now? How are those stones I picked doing?"

Yu Xian saw that the room was already lit and couldn't help but ask.

Yulan answered truthfully, "Master, it's just past the dog hour (7-9 pm), you've been sleeping for almost two hours. Today's gemstone exhibition has ended. Liu Steward saw that you were resting and told me not to disturb you. As for the stones you picked, about half of them have been opened. Liu Steward said we'll continue tomorrow and that once the news spreads, more interested customers will come and the prices will be higher."

Yu Xian's mental state had recovered quite well at this moment. He got up and opened the door, saying, "What I'm more concerned about now is how much silver those stones sold for today."

But as soon as he stepped out, he saw Lan Xiaohe waiting outside, her head nodding up and down, obviously tired.

"Miss Lan." Yu Xian called out softly.

Lan Xiaohe immediately woke up and, upon seeing Yu Xian, quickly paid her respects.

"Mr. Yu."

Yu Xian asked, "Miss Lan, were you waiting for me?"

Lan Xiaohe replied, "Yes, sir. The steward said to bring you over as soon as you woke up."


Yu Xian quickly met with Liu Guanshi, who had a rosy complexion and looked very energetic as he chatted with Lu Yuan, the big-bearded man.

Contrary to his expectations, the second-floor exhibition hall was not as deserted as he had imagined. On the contrary, there were still quite a few people present. Apart from the exhibition hall guards patrolling the Baibao Tower, almost every exhibition hall had one or two trusted individuals left behind. The jade and stones on display were not small trinkets that could be easily packed and carried away; they were heavy stones that required a lot of effort to move. So, except for some lightweight and precious jade that was put away, it was best to leave the heavy items under the watchful eyes of their own people. The entire second-floor exhibition hall was filled with candles, illuminating the entire lobby brightly, so there was no need to worry about accidents in the dark.

"Yu Gongfeng, you are truly a remarkable person!" When Liu Guanshi saw Yu Xian approaching, he immediately paid his respects, bowing his head all the way to his knees, almost prostrating himself.

Yu Xian shook his head and smiled. "Liu Guanshi, you're being too exaggerated."

"It's not an exaggeration, not at all," Liu Guanshi said with a proud look on his face. "I will remember this event and write it on my tombstone, so that future generations will remember what kind of grand event their ancestors participated in. Ninety-six consecutive pieces of stone, without a single mistake. Each piece is a treasure. If I hadn't personally participated, I wouldn't have believed such a bizarre thing could happen. Fortunately, I did participate, otherwise I wouldn't have experienced that numbness of excitement. Yu Gongfeng, do you know that the guests at that time were almost driven crazy? Even our host was alarmed and said that he would personally visit you next time he had the chance."

Yu Xian waved his hand. "I don't care about all that. I just want to know how much silver we made, is it enough for 90,000 taels?"

Liu Guanshi turned around and presented a wooden box. When opened, it was filled with silver notes, so many that they felt like waste paper.

"Yu Gongfeng, you have not disappointed us. There is a total of 126,540 taels of silver here."

Yu Xian's eyes lit up at this point and he turned to Lu Yuan. "Lu Xiaodi, at a 10% discount, I'll count it as 89,000 taels for you. Let's settle the money and goods."

Lu Yuan, who had witnessed the crazy scene in the afternoon, had no problem calling Yu Xian "big brother" at this moment.

"Big Brother Yu, you've already made so much money, why are you still haggling over such a small amount with me?"

Yu Xian choked for a moment, then said firmly, "This is not about haggling or not haggling, it's about trust and integrity. We said it's a certain amount, so it should be that amount. If we casually raise the price and haggle over trivial gains, it's not in line with the principles of business, and it won't lead to long-term success. Since you called me big brother, I can't let you go astray!"

Lu Yuan was left speechless by Yu Xian's words, but he learned his lesson and obediently accepted the 89,000 taels of silver, selling the most valuable treasure of the store.

In the end, Baibao Tower took a commission of 10%, which was 12,000 taels, and the remainder was voluntarily waived by Liu Guanshi. The jade sold for 980,000 taels, leaving a balance of 16,500 taels.

Yu Xian calculated and realized that he was spending even more money than before.

He looked at the remaining pile of raw ore and suddenly had an idea.

"Liu Guanshi, I want to do business with Baibao Tower. Can you make the decision?"

Liu Guanshi didn't react for a moment, but that didn't stop him from answering confidently, "In Baibao Tower, I can still make the decision."

"Good, I plan to sell these stones to Baibao Tower. I wonder what price you can offer?"

Yu Xian was content with what he had and didn't plan to earn the last copper coin. Just as he was willing to give Baibao Tower a 10% commission, the actual cost to Baibao Tower was far less than that amount, but it could help him avoid a lot of trouble.

"Huh?" Liu Guanshi was surprised and cautiously asked, "I wonder how much silver Gongfeng Yu wants? If it's too much, I'm afraid I can't make the decision."

Yu Xian said, "There are at least two hundred pieces of remaining raw ore here, but I only want 150,000 taels, and I can guarantee that every stone here has something inside. But it's only for today, and I can only accept payment in gold."

"Naturally, Gongfeng Yu's strength has been witnessed by everyone today," Liu Guanshi flattered, and then after a moment of thought, he said, "This matter is of great importance, I still need to consult the owner. If Gongfeng Yu can wait for another hour, I can give you an answer."

"Okay." Yu Xian nodded.

Since he planned to avoid the Wang Family's troubles, he didn't plan to go out again, even if it meant earning less silver.

As a precaution, he exchanged the silver notes for gold. Silver notes mainly relied on the credit of the bank, but gold was the real hard currency. If necessary, he could refine it into materials for refining tools.

One hour later, Yu Xian boarded Baibao Tower's carriage.

In the carriage, besides the two people, there was a piece of green jade worth 100,000 taels at the original price, and a box of gold worth 150,000 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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