Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

183. Chapter 182 Dannu Wu Fan

Chapter 182: Dan Nu Wu Fan

Yu Xian voluntarily imprisoned for forty-nine days.

Wu Mansion's rear courtyard.

"Sir, it's time for tea."

A beautiful maid respectfully brought a cup of tea.

Yu Xian took it and drank it in one gulp. The fluctuations of his spiritual power immediately became obscure, and his aura weakened significantly.

The maid breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Yu Xian drink the tea.

To prevent him from causing trouble in the mansion, they had to feed him this specially made tea every day, which prevented him from condensing his spiritual power in his dantian.

Without spiritual power, even a Foundation Building cultivator would be like a toothless tiger, greatly reducing their danger.

Yu Xian was now a half-hearted alchemist who had some knowledge of various medicinal materials. He knew that this tea would only have an effect on Foundation Building cultivators at most.

And he was already a Gold Core cultivator, so when his dantian fire burned, it would burn away any medicinal properties.

In reality, the higher one's cultivation level, the fewer weaknesses they had.

This applied to both medicine and poison.

Otherwise, a dignified Gold Core cultivator who had cultivated for a hundred years would be easily killed by a random poison, which would be ridiculous.

If there were such a poison that could harm cultivators, its value would be comparable to that of a Nascent Soul spiritual object, something that someone like Wu Laozu couldn't produce.

Of course, even so, he didn't drink this tea.

The fluctuations of his spiritual power were merely a passive effect of his deceptive technique.

This divine ability that he had engraved on his Gold Core was invincible against cultivators of lower realms.

"Sir, the Patriarch has instructed that after you finish drinking the tea, please come over for a conversation."

The maid tidied up the teacup and whispered.

"Even if he didn't invite me, I would still go."

Yu Xian answered without answering, then suddenly asked, "Chun Tao, what is your relationship with Wu Laozu?"

The maid, using the alias Chun Tao, was taken aback but calmly replied, "I am just a lowly maid, I have no relationship with the Patriarch."

Yu Xian smiled ambiguously, "Wu Dao You is really bold, just finding a maid to watch over me, isn't he afraid that I'll run away?"

The maid forced a smile, "Sir, you're joking."

Yu Xian stood up with a smile, touched the maid's smooth and tender face, and teased, "I heard that Wu Laozu has sixty-four concubines, I wonder which one you are? Aren't you afraid that I'll expose him?"

"Let's go, lead the way. I imagine Wu Dao You has been under a lot of pressure these days and is probably eager to confide in me."

The maid's expression changed, knowing that her identity had been exposed.

She was not only one of Wu Laozu's concubines but also the only Foundation Building female cultivator among his concubines, and she was his most trusted confidante.

If they weren't so close, how could she be entrusted with the task of guarding Yu Xian, the manager?

"Sir, this way, please."

The maid didn't directly answer, only leading the way.


Dan room in the backyard.

The fragrance of medicinal herbs filled the air, and in the mist, Wu Laozu's face looked somewhat tired, but his eyes were bright and spirited.

In front of him, the blue-red pill furnace had entered the tempering stage, which meant that the pill being refined was already ninety to eighty percent complete, only the final step remained before it could be taken out of the furnace.

"Manager, after much thought, I realized that you are the only person I can talk to at this moment," Wu Laozu said to Yu Xian, who had been brought in by the maid.

Yu Xian didn't stand on ceremony and directly instructed the maid, "Serve tea to me and Wu Dao You."

After saying that, he pulled over a cushion and sat down in front of Wu Laozu, with the pill furnace conveniently behind him.

The maid glanced at Wu Laozu, saw him nod silently, and then bowed and retreated to prepare the tea.

"I understand your current state of mind. You see that your greatest achievement in life is about to be completed, but you find that there is no one around to appreciate and confide in, so you feel bored," Yu Xian poured a cup of tea for Wu Laozu, acting like an experienced person.

"Villains are usually like this," Yu Xian said with a smile.

"Villains?" Wu Laozu frowned.

Yu Xian smiled, "The so-called winner takes all, and the defeated are the villains. If you win, then I am the villain who obstructed your path to enlightenment. Defeated by arrogance and conceit, despite having a huge advantage, you ruin a good situation and become a negative example in the future."

Wu Laozu smiled, "Manager, your words are quite unique, and they have taught me a lot.

"Not bad. If I succeed in my cultivation, I will definitely bring out this competition with the Lord Prefect to teach future generations."

"So, Lord Prefect, why don't you take a guess as to why I invited you here?"

Yu Xian pointed to the alchemy furnace behind him and said, "Wu Daoist friend risked his life to stay here, probably for this furnace of elixirs."

Wu Patriarch's expression changed slightly. "You actually know?"

"That's right. Lord Prefect may seem carefree, but he actually monitors the entire city. If not for that, why would he intervene against the Wu family at the critical moment of my alchemy?"

Wu Patriarch thought he had deduced the truth.

"I underestimated you, Lord Prefect."


Wu Patriarch smiled smugly. "Lord Prefect probably doesn't know what is being refined in this furnace of elixirs, right?"

As long as the External Path Gold Core is formed, he will be free to do as he pleases, with no one to restrain him.

Even if it's just a fake elixir realm, it is still a true External Path Gold Core cultivator!

Yu Xian paused for a moment and said honestly, "Wu Daoist friend, you've misunderstood me. I, as the Lord Prefect, have countless matters to attend to. I wouldn't have the leisure to monitor you all if it weren't for you reaching out and secretly stealing my spirit stones. How could I have acted against the Wu family? After all, we have had a pleasant cooperation over the years."

By the way, I was planning to wait a while longer before making a move against you all, but your Wu family's reputation is not good. If it weren't for your Wu family's juniors harassing my wife, I wouldn't have acted ahead of schedule."


Wu Patriarch thought he had grasped the only lifeline in the critical moment, feeling quite pleased with himself, but he didn't expect that he had been competing with thin air all along.

"Is it really that simple?"

Yu Xian spread his hands and said, "At this point, I probably don't need to deceive you."

"It just so happens."

Wu Patriarch: "..."

After a while, he sighed to the sky, "Misfortune upon the family, misfortune upon the family!"

"If I am fortunate enough to survive this time, I will definitely tighten the family's discipline. A mere junior almost brought disaster upon the entire clan! If I find out who that person is, I will definitely torture him to death!"

Saying that, Wu Patriarch rallied his spirits and pointed at the emerald red alchemy furnace.

"Let Lord Prefect know that the elixir being refined in this furnace is called the Five Elements Yuan Pill. It resembles an elixir but not quite, resembles a treasure but not quite, and it is the method to achieve the External Path Gold Core. Today, I will use this pill to achieve the External Path Gold Core, and the Wu family will become the first Gold Core family in Shangyang City!"

With the last sentence, Wu Patriarch's spiritual momentum reached its peak, burning like a torch.

But Yu Xian's reaction surprised Wu Patriarch. It was surprisingly calm, as if he had known all along.

"Aren't you surprised?"

Yu Xian helplessly smiled and said, "Although I would love to show a surprised and frightened expression to satisfy your current bursting vanity, I'm sorry, but I've known about this for a long time. So, it's just ordinary."

Wu Patriarch's momentum stagnated, and he repeated in a somewhat dry voice, "Just ordinary?"

For three generations, the Wu family had worked hard for nearly three hundred years and accumulated wealth for nearly three hundred years for the External Path Gold Core plan, which was finally realized in his hands. Who could understand the excitement and trepidation in his heart?

But in Yu Xian's words, he only received the words "just ordinary."

These two words were such a blow to a man!

"What do you mean by 'just ordinary'?"

Wu Patriarch angrily said, "Do you understand what an External Path Gold Core is? It's a Gold Core, a true Gold Core cultivator! You, Lord Prefect, rely on a mere Yu Zhenren to dominate Shangyang City. What qualifications do you have to say 'just ordinary'?"

Yu Xian looked at the enraged Wu Patriarch and saw a hint of fear in his eyes.

He was afraid. He had gambled with the fate of the entire Wu family and staked three hundred years of wealth, so he was afraid of failure.

"Wu Daoist friend, calm down. With such emotions, you won't be able to become a Gold Core."

Yu Xian poured another cup of tea for the pitiful Wu Patriarch.

"But how come I heard that the Five Elements Yuan Pill was refined for Manager Jiang? Now it seems that Wu Daoist friend intends to use it for yourself?"

Wu Patriarch was taken aback, immediately reacted, and sneered, "Impressive, Jiang Wang. He can even abandon the temptation of the External Path Gold Core. Since he was unjust first, I won't blame myself for being untrustworthy."

"So, Lord Prefect knew about the Five Elements Yuan Pill a long time ago, but you still dared to enter the mansion to exchange hostages. I must admire you."

"Does the opportunity to achieve an external Gold Core outweigh that of a woman in the eyes of the Lord Governor?"

Yu Xian smirked self-righteously, "To be honest, a mere external Gold Core is not something that the Lord Governor would pay much attention to."

After all, he had already broken through.

As he spoke, he seemed to feel something and looked at the pill furnace behind him. The fire in the furnace had only a faint glow left, emitting a unique fragrance.

"The Five Elements Yuan Pill is complete."

Before Patriarch Wu could even think about the meaning of Yu Xian's words just now, he saw that the Yuan Pill had formed and quickly stood up, standing in front of the pill furnace and pinching the pill collection technique.

He was not worried that Yu Xian would take advantage of the situation.

On one hand, Yu Xian had consumed the Dissipation Tea for forty-nine days, and his mana was completely depleted. He probably couldn't even perform a simple spiritual technique now.

On the other hand, the spiritual pill had already been refined, and it didn't require much effort from him. Even if he was interrupted, it wouldn't delay the pill formation.

Since he dared to invite Yu Xian over to show off, he had complete confidence.

As Patriarch Wu activated the pill collection technique, the lid of the blue-red pill furnace clanged. Then, he heard Patriarch Wu shout.


The lid of the furnace flew off, and colorful mist rose into the air. A five-colored rotating spiritual pill floated in mid-air, surrounded by colorful pill clouds.

When the Yuan Pill appeared, all the pill fragrance converged, leaving only the original herbal fragrance and a faint smell of rust from the mineral materials in the pill room.

"It's done! The Yuan Pill is complete!"

Patriarch Wu carefully held the Five Elements Yuan Pill, as if it were his most beloved treasure, and burst into a manic laughter.

"Yes, it's done."

Yu Xian looked at Patriarch Wu's slightly crazy appearance and sighed.

"It's not in vain that I waited for you for so long."

With a light touch, the majestic Gold Core mana pressed down like the sea, and the gravity in the pill room seemed to increase several times in an instant.

Not to mention the substantial pressure of the Gold Core's divine sense, which made the dust in the air stop moving.

Patriarch Wu's shoulders instantly sank, and the Yuan Pill slipped out of his hand, drawing a colorful trajectory in a slow but irresistible manner, and gently landed in Yu Xian's palm.


Patriarch Wu's eyes turned bloodshot, and tears of blood fell from his eyes.

Feeling the immense pressure, the warning signs and the sense of an impending disaster that came from his whole body, how could he not react?

It turned out that the seemingly arrogant and domineering Yu Xian was actually a true Gold Core cultivator!

He suddenly realized that everything Yu Xian had said just now was true.

For a true Gold Core cultivator, an external Gold Core was nothing special and naturally not worth his attention.

Yu Xian looked at the Five Elements Yuan Pill in his hand, as if it could breathe on its own. In just a moment, it autonomously extracted the spiritual energy from the air and transformed it into a trace of Gold Core-level mana.

It seemed to have a similar effect to his own Gold Core in the dantian.

This Five Elements Yuan Pill seemed to be transformed from a Gold Core.

In other words, in order to refine a Five Elements Yuan Pill, one must have a true Gold Core as the main ingredient.

However, a cultivator's Gold Core is usually in a state of virtual and real, and it doesn't exist in a substantial form under normal circumstances.

However, he had seen a secret technique in the Blood Demon Art of the Taiyin Blood Demon Cult that could torture a true Gold Core cultivator and have a certain chance of completely solidifying the Gold Core, turning it into a substantial form.

But this kind of Gold Core was filled with resentment and death energy, and could only be used to refine some vicious magic treasures and pills.

However, there was also a secret technique that could make a true Gold Core cultivator voluntarily preserve the Gold Core as an inheritance.

Most of the cultivators who accidentally entered the caves of senior experts and obtained fortuitous encounters obtained this kind of inheritance, allowing them to soar to the sky.

But it could also be obtained by using the third-order demon king's demon pill.

After all, demonic beasts have always been an important component of human alchemy materials.

Yu Xian speculated towards Patriarch Wu.

But Patriarch Wu seemed to have been drained of all his vitality and was paralyzed by the pill furnace. His expression was dull, and his silver hair had become withered and lifeless, aging several decades in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xian brought Patriarch Wu back from the brink of death with just one sentence.

"Wu Daoist friend, I can return the Five Elements Yuan Pill to you."

Sure enough, Patriarch Wu instantly recovered half of his blood.

"Is it true?!"

Bloodstains appeared at the corners of his mouth, apparently injuring his meridians during the extreme joy and sorrow just now.

"Of course it's true."

Yu Xian smirked, revealing a playful smile.

"But Wu Daoist friend should also know that there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world. I came here to destroy your Wu family, and now the Five Elements Yuan Pill is in my hands.

If you want the Yuan Pill, you naturally have to offer something that interests me.

Something that can make me spare the Wu family and willingly return the Yuan Pill to you."

To be honest, he wants to destroy the Wu family for two reasons. One is because Wu Laozu was too greedy in order to refine this Yuan Dan, and he touched his money bag.

Ever since Luo Han came up with the formula for refining demonic beasts into pills, the efficiency of the pill refining department has not improved, but has declined year after year.

The reason given is that the cost of improving the pill formula is too high.

It is understandable to upgrade a first-grade pill formula to a second-grade, but damn it, simplifying a second-grade pill formula to a first-grade, where is the difficulty? He can do it.

Damn it, he's treating him like a fool.

The other reason is to find a rival for Yu Lan to gain experience.

Originally, he planned to send a few remaining members of the Wu family's Foundation Building stage out, and then let Yu Lan lead people in a passionate chase and kill.

Even this reason is more important.

He still wants to fatten up the Wu family a bit more.

But with the unexpected appearance of the Five Elements Yuan Dan, the matter of gaining experience naturally has to be put on hold.

However, the Five Elements Yuan Dan doesn't have much effect in his hands.

After all, Yu Lan has obtained Chen Yi's Transcendent Pill, and her physique has greatly improved, already possessing the qualifications for a Gold Core.

And Luo Han seems to have a special physique in pill refinement, otherwise her cultivation wouldn't be so smooth. What binds them is only the current cultivation environment.

Therefore, the Outer Path Gold Core is only the last resort.

It's Zhao Shiwen, this concubine. If she can cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building stage, it's not impossible to give her this Five Elements Yuan Dan.

But she is currently only at the Qi Refining stage, even with the help of the Foundation Building pill, it is still unknown whether she can break through to the Foundation Building stage.

He doesn't have a loyal and devoted peak Foundation Building stage under his command, so it's not suitable for anyone.

Instead, it's Wu Laozu.

As a quasi-third-grade alchemist, he can now refine the Five Elements Yuan Dan. It's possible that he has advanced to a third-grade alchemist, greatly increasing his own value.

And as a long-established alchemy family, the Wu family is naturally more valuable alive than dead.

But the premise is that they have to give up their freedom and obediently earn spirit stones for him.

Now it depends on Wu Laozu's choice.

Wu Laozu naturally knows what Yu Xian's words mean.

Even if he obtains the Five Elements Yuan Dan and becomes an Outer Path Gold Core in the future, he may have to serve him as a slave, and his status may not even be as free as it is now.

And Yu Xian is also a real Gold Core cultivator, and he is younger than him, which means that he will have to live under his control for the rest of his life, with almost no possibility of regaining his freedom.

But he looked at the dazzling Five Elements Yuan Dan in Yu Xian's palm.

That is his dream, the dream that the Wu family has been striving for for nearly three hundred years!

Wu Ancestor struggled with his expression, finally exhaling a long breath, feeling a sense of breaking the jar.

"I wonder what the Lord has to teach me? What can make this old man regain the Lord's trust?"

The Heart Demon Vow is not unavoidable. As far as he knows, as long as he is willing to pay a certain price, suffer a great loss of vitality, and then use secret techniques, he can break free from the bondage of the Heart Demon Vow.

Of course, he doesn't know this secret technique.

But since this secret technique exists, it means that the Heart Demon Vow cannot gain trust.

However, since Yu Xian dared to make demands, it naturally means that he has a secret technique that can't be freed from bondage.

At this moment, Wu Ancestor's mind was very clear.

Seeing Wu Ancestor yielding, Yu Xian smiled and said,

"Just cooperate with me, Wu Daoist, and give me a trace of your divine soul. Coincidentally, I know a secret technique called Blood Soul Induction, which can refine a divine soul token.

With this token, Wu Daoist's life and death will be in my hands, and I can safely return the Five Elements Yuan Dan to Wu Daoist."

Blood Soul Induction is a demonic secret technique used by the demonic sect to control inner disciples. It is also recorded in the inheritance of demonic cultivation.

If a disciple of the demonic sect wants to obtain the higher-level inheritance of the sect, they need to voluntarily offer a trace of their soul to refine a divine soul token to be offered in the forbidden area of the sect.

One is to control life and death, and the other is to facilitate the monitoring of disciples' conditions.

If there is no such secret technique, given the selfish atmosphere of the demonic sect, it is highly likely that after learning the skills, they would pull up their pants and run away.

However, when an inner disciple becomes a true disciple or becomes an elder of the inner sect, this Blood Soul Induction will be actively lifted by the sect and instead refine harmless soul jade, which is only used to monitor life and death.

After all, the former is the exploited object of the sect and may rebel at any time, while the latter has become the ruling class of the sect, exploiting others. The existence of the demonic sect is where their interests lie, and they cannot be driven away.

Of course, there is also a way to break the Blood Soul Induction.

Everything in the world has its strengths and weaknesses, and there is no technique that has no solution.

However, the cost of breaking the technique far exceeds the value of a Gold Core cultivator. If someone is willing to pay such a price for a fake pill cultivator like Wu Ancestor, then he accepts it.

And the casting of Blood Soul Induction requires the cooperation of the person being casted, otherwise the divine soul token cannot be successfully refined.

Otherwise, he wouldn't need to waste so much time talking to Wu Ancestor.

Hearing this, Wu Ancestor knew that he was in a desperate situation. He had never even heard of the secret technique of Blood Soul Induction, let alone how to break it.

But the Five Elements Yuan Dan was too important to him, not to mention the lives of the entire Wu family were in his hands.

He smiled bitterly, prostrating himself before Yu Xian, as if seeing a deity, and respectfully said,

"Dan slave Wu Fan pays respects to the master!"

(End of this chapter)

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