Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

184. Chapter 183 Heavenly Spiritual Energy

Chapter 183: Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi

Outside the Wu Residence, the atmosphere was heavy.

The appointed time of March had arrived, yet the Wu Residence remained silent, with only the faint blue light emitted by the formation that enveloped the entire residence, silently guarding everything.

Outside the residence gate, cultivators from the Taxation Department and the Law Enforcement Division surrounded the Wu Residence.

More than ten cultivators at the Foundation Building stage hid their auras within the crowd, not attracting attention but also not being easily ignored.

This force was even stronger than when they besieged the Wu Residence three months ago.

"Sister, your injuries have just healed. It's better for you to rest. I will inform you as soon as there is news from Master. Master will definitely be fine," Zhao Shiwen said, trying to maintain composure while comforting both herself and the nearby Yulan.

Yulan still had a lingering worry between her eyebrows. It was because she had been poisoned by the Ink Fragrance Poison from the Foundation Building cultivator of the Wu family before, and it took a lot of effort to remove it from her body.

This poison was like ink seeping into a water pool. Once contaminated, it would entangle endlessly within the bloodline and mana. If it couldn't be stopped in time, it would pollute the dantian's mana, causing it to weaken day by day. Over time, her cultivation would regress.

Fortunately, the Wu family cultivator was only at the early stage of Foundation Building. Although the Ink Fragrance Poison was strange and vicious, it was still limited to the Foundation Building level.

Yulan practiced high-level techniques, and the quality of her mana was higher than that of ordinary Foundation Building cultivators. Therefore, even though she had to detoxify herself alone and it took more time, she gradually eradicated the poison bit by bit from her body.

She even felt that after completely removing the Ink Fragrance Poison, not only could she control her mana more freely, but the quality of her mana also improved slightly.

This was an experience she couldn't have while cultivating with pills, which she had been doing all along.

At this moment, Yulan was not using her identity from the Taxation Department. She simply changed her clothes and, with the help of her technique's disguise ability, her temperament changed drastically. Even if the temporary workers from the Taxation Department who fought alongside her that day didn't take a close look, they might not recognize her.

Hearing Zhao Shiwen's comforting words, she smiled faintly and said, "My husband always plans before taking action. Since he dares to enter the tiger's den, he must have confidence. Shiwen, you don't need to worry. However, after this lesson, you should pay more attention to your own safety in the future. After all, my husband won't always be able to save you in time."

When Yulan first learned that Yu Xian had taken such a risk, she was quite worried. However, she quickly learned the details from the new City Lord and knew that everything was under her husband's control, which allowed her to rest assured and focus on recovering from her injuries.

Otherwise, how could she be as calm as she was now?

However, Zhao Shiwen did not have the same treatment. She still didn't know the specific situation, and until now, she felt guilty and moved by Yu Xian's exchange of hostages with her.

Hearing Yulan's criticism, she didn't refute it but lowered her head and admitted her mistake. "I understand."

However, deep down, she secretly made up her mind. After Master's safety was ensured, she would go into seclusion and prepare to break through to the Foundation Building stage.

Now she had the favorable conditions that she had never dared to imagine before, but she had always lacked confidence in breaking through to the Foundation Building stage.

When she had nothing, she would grab onto a straw and give it her all, even if it meant risking her life.

But now that she has status and power, she is not as enthusiastic about breaking through.

After a failed breakthrough, even with the help of a Foundation Building pill, she would still need some time to recover.

And with the preparations before seclusion, it would take even more time.

So, if she were to fail in her breakthrough, she would have at least a year or two of power vacuum.

During this time, would she be replaced by someone else?

After all, there are many women by the Lord's side, and she was just being used. If she were absent for a period of time, she might be absent forever.

And now she is not a Foundation Building cultivator, but she is superior to one.

Which Foundation Building cultivator in the city would dare to treat her as a Qi Refining cultivator? Who wouldn't address her as Deputy Director?

When the consequences of failure become unbearable for her, even with a Foundation Building pill in front of her, she hesitates.

So she waits a little longer.

She waits until her mana becomes more refined, her divine sense becomes stronger, her blood and qi become more abundant, and her chances of breakthrough become greater.

As she waits, she becomes accustomed to this kind of life.

If it weren't for the lesson three months ago, she would probably still consider herself on the same level as a Foundation Building cultivator.

But the reality tells her that her so-called status and power are completely useless in the face of true strength.

When others no longer fear these things, they become worthless, and only power is real and unyielding.

If she were a Foundation Building cultivator that day, even if she was two small realms below Senior Wu, she wouldn't have been easily captured with just one move.

And none of this would have happened today.

If the Lord really had an accident, she couldn't imagine what the consequences would be, as everything she had was already tied to him.

Jiang Wang, who stood a little further away, was also very puzzled.

It had been three months, and neither the Lord nor Senior Wu had sent him any news.

What about the plan to make him a double agent?

As a result, he hadn't received any information as an undercover agent.

Thinking about the Five Elements Pill refined by Senior Wu, his anxiety was no less than anyone else's.

But the three-month deadline had not arrived yet, and there were countless eyes watching outside. If he were to make a move, the risk would be too great.

In the distance were other cultivation families in the city. They stood far away, seemingly discussing among themselves, but their eyes never left the Wu Mansion for a moment.

The Lord captured the Senior Manager and has kept him imprisoned for three months.

This matter has already caused a huge uproar in the city.

Now the Wu Mansion is like a powder keg, just waiting for a spark.

And today is the day to ignite.

Just when everyone is expecting a change.

Suddenly, the sky darkens, and heavy dark clouds quickly gather and converge. In the blink of an eye, a large expanse of dark clouds presses down towards the Wu Mansion.

Accompanying it is a terrifying momentum, like the suffocating feeling of an ordinary person encountering a top predator in the wild. The tense atmosphere pervades everyone's hearts.

"What is this?!"

Someone exclaimed in disbelief.

"Gold Core Tribulation?!"

"Who is transcending the tribulation? Which fellow daoist is breaking through to Gold Core?"

Some old cultivators who originally came to watch the excitement shouted in madness.

No matter what kind of cultivator, the temptation of a breakthrough is the most deadly poison in the world.

"That's the direction of the Wu Mansion. It's someone from the Wu family transcending the tribulation!"

"The only one in the Wu family who has revealed the peak of Foundation Building is Wu Fan, that old guy. Could it be him? Impossible, absolutely impossible!

This old guy is already 150 years old, close to his end. How could he be on the verge of a breakthrough?"

Some old cultivators who are of the same generation as Wu Laozu, and perhaps have some grudges, have red eyes.

"But it's just a tribulation cloud, the thunder tribulation hasn't come yet, and it's not necessarily a breakthrough. That's right, old man, how can you break through? You don't have this fortune!"

They had agreed to lie down together, and even the feng shui treasure land had been chosen. But now this old guy wants to break through without saying a word?

"Could it be that our Shangyang City's cultivation world is finally going to have a local Gold Core cultivator?"

"No, I have to hurry back and tell the clan leader!"

Thinking of the second Gold Core cultivator appearing, the changes that Shangyang City will face, some people didn't even bother to watch the excitement anymore. They hurriedly ran back to their own clans to prepare for urgent discussions.

"How could this be?"

Jiang Wang felt the increasingly expanding aura inside the Wu Mansion and couldn't help but sigh almost like a groan.


Under the gaze of the crowd, a purple thunderbolt descended from the sky, emitting a deafening roar.

The Wu Mansion's protective formation flickered and closed urgently before the thunderbolt descended.

Tribulation thunder is a test from the heavens, and can only be resisted by the strength of the person transcending the tribulation. If external forces are used, it will only accumulate the thunder tribulation until no one can stop it.


A peach wood staff emitted a sparkling green light, transforming into a green vine dragon, and pounced towards the thunder tribulation.

Underneath the dragon, an old man with a ruddy complexion and full of vitality gradually rose into the air.

It was Wu Fan, the ancestor of the Wu family.

His pale long hair danced, his large robe billowed, and a five-colored rotating spirit pill flickered on his forehead. His momentum erupted like a mountain torrent, making a crazy declaration towards the thunder tribulation in the sky.

"The three generations' wish of the Wu family ends today with this old man!"


"Master, the formation has disappeared. Should we attack?"

A law enforcement cultivator asked Jiang Wang for instructions.

On the side, the tax officer also had cultivators asking Zhao Shiwen the same question.

"No need."

Jiang Wang didn't take his eyes off the Wu Laozu who was fighting against the thunder tribulation in the sky, and sighed softly.

"If Wu Laozu succeeds in breaking through, what use is there for us to attack? If he fails, there's no need for us to attack either, only adding to the casualties."

"Wu Laozu, even if you pass this thunder tribulation, how will you pass the test of Senior Yu?"

Jiang Wang's gaze shifted, looking at the desolate silhouette of Shangyang Mountain.

That is where Senior Yu resides.

Wu Laozu has caused such a big commotion with his breakthrough, he must have noticed, right?

"It's alright, it's alright."

Yulan looked at Wu Laozu transcending the tribulation, unconsciously grabbing Zhao Shiwen's arm, and muttered under her breath.

Her husband didn't tell her about this.

She knows who this so-called Senior Yu is, it's her sister Xiaoyi, who has long since left.

If Wu Laozu becomes a Gold Core cultivator, who can stop him?

Seeing Wu Laozu breaking through, Zhao Shiwen's face turned pale. She clenched her teeth tightly, but was praying in her heart.

"Fail, you must fail in your breakthrough!"

However, Wu Laozu had prepared for many years and refined treasures like the Five Elements Pill. Coupled with the deep encouragement from Yu Xian—If he fails to break through, he will sacrifice the entire Wu family.

At this moment, Wu Laozu already had the belief that he would rather die than fail.

His breakthrough was no longer just a matter of personal honor or disgrace, but the vitality of the entire clan, the vision of the Wu family for hundreds of years.

"I will never fall!"

In the midst of the thunder tribulation, Wu Laozu, who was charred all over and in a sorry state, pinched his fingers and suppressed the last bit of his mana. Green vines rose up under his feet, weaving into a solid and tightly woven curtain, blocking the final thunder tribulation.


The intertwined green and white thunder plasma shot out in all directions, dancing like thunderous snakes, and the air emitted a crackling sound of electrification.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.


The green curtain turned into a charred color, and Wu Laozu's momentum went from weak to strong, reaching its peak. His powerful Gold Core divine sense swept across several miles, declaring the sovereignty of the Gold Core.

The thundercloud gradually dissipated, revealing a gap in the middle. Strands of extremely pure spiritual energy descended from the sky and fell in front of Wu Laozu.

This is the reward from the heavens for those who successfully transcend the tribulation.

The thunder tribulation is both a test and an opportunity.

Wu Laozu was about to absorb these spiritual energies to consolidate his cultivation and repair his body damaged by the thunder tribulation when he heard a loud exclamation.

"Good stuff."

Yu Xian, thinking about his regret of not crossing the thunder tribulation, quickly greeted enthusiastically.

"Wu Daoist friend, come over quickly. You just broke through and your aura is unstable. You must absorb a large amount of spiritual energy to replenish your mana, otherwise there is a risk of falling in cultivation. The third-level Gathering Spirit Array here has been accumulating spiritual energy for over a month, which is perfect for you."

Wu Laozu looked at the pure spiritual energy in front of him, vaguely containing the mysteries of the heavenly dao. His inner desire was revealed, and a premonition told him that these spiritual energies were very important to him.

But when he saw Yu Xian's undisguised covetous gaze, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and stepped aside.

Although the spiritual energy was good, he also needed to have the fortune to enjoy it.

Now that the Lord Supervisor asked him to take the initiative, it was giving him face. If he didn't drink this toast, the just-refined Soul Token would not spare him.

"Thank you, Lord Supervisor."

After speaking, Wu Laozu didn't even look at the spiritual energy and resolutely walked into the Gathering Spirit Array.

His body seemed to become a vortex, and countless rich spiritual energy swarmed towards him, continuously drilling into his body, filling the emptiness in his dantian.

In the dantian, the originally rotating five-element elemental pill had turned into a Gold Core with a faint green glow, constantly transforming these spiritual energies into Gold Core mana.

He slowly closed his eyes, feeling the mysteries of the Gold Core realm.

As for Yu Xian, he walked to the position where Wu Laozu had just been without hesitation, gently inhaling. The suspended pure spiritual energy in the air was like swallows returning to the forest, all being absorbed into his body without a trace.

When the spiritual energy entered his body, a bright light burst in Yu Xian's sea of consciousness, and countless inspirations erupted.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the embodiment of the lofty and ancient heavenly dao.

The cultivation techniques that he usually pondered over without any progress, the shackles of some spiritual arts that he couldn't comprehend, all seemed as simple as one plus one equals two.

Moved by this, Yu Xian quickly focused all his energy on his Gold Core technique.

"Hiss... To think that it can still be like this, deceiving the heavens and hiding one's tracks, not only concealing one's aura, but also introducing illusion techniques, deceiving gods and ghosts.

No, not enough, deceiving the heavens, deceiving the heavens, this is not just a simple disguise, but the way of stealing the heavens!

If I can truly deceive the heavenly dao, my deception technique can evolve into countless techniques, speaking and manifesting, whatever technique I say it is, it will be that technique.

By then, all the techniques will belong to me, evolving into one, that is the true deception technique!"

For a moment, Yu Xian seemed to have deduced the future appearance of the deception technique.

Only at this moment did he truly have the confidence to upgrade his deception technique to a first-grade technique, or even surpass a first-grade technique.

This spiritual energy was not only pure enough, but also contained the comprehension of the heavenly dao, which was a great opportunity for a Gold Core cultivator after a breakthrough.

Yu Xian had missed such a great opportunity before, but now he had made up for it.

When all the spiritual energy bestowed by the heavenly dao was consumed, Yu Xian opened his eyes with a sense of loss, experiencing the pain of a genius turning into a fool.

The originally clear comprehension seemed to become blurry, as if it could directly lead to the promotion of a first-grade technique.

Yu Xian looked inward and saw a Gold Core in his dantian that had remained unchanged for eternity, seemingly still retaining a faint aura of the heavenly dao, but this aura was also rapidly dissipating.

Obviously, it was only a temporary blessing.

However, there was a second line on the Gold Core, as if it had naturally formed, engraved with mysterious inscriptions. With just a slight understanding, he gained new insights and understanding of the deception technique.

"Two lines upon completion, eighth-grade technique!"

"The heavenly dao's bestowal after the breakthrough of the Gold Core is unexpectedly powerful. If I can take advantage of those cultivators who have just broken through their Gold Core..."

In that instant, Yu Xian was so excited that his whole body trembled.

"Damn, calm down!!"

"If the comprehension of the heavenly dao is so easily obtained, what's the point of those Nascent Soul true immortals cultivating? They should just cultivate disciples to quickly achieve the Gold Core stage.

Even pseudo-dan cultivators like Patriarch Wu would become incarnations of the heavenly dao, breaking through the Nascent Soul stage and even surpassing it."

"There must be some restrictions among them."

"Perhaps this thing can only be used once when breaking through on one's own, and it will be ineffective if used again. It's too early to be happy now."

Yu Xian forced himself to calm down.

But there was still a faint expectation in his heart.

After all, he was different from those orthodox cultivators.

He was a man who could break through the Gold Core stage without crossing the Heavenly Tribulation, perhaps he could avoid their restrictions.

If it really turned out as he thought, then he would become incredibly powerful in the future. As long as he took advantage of the heavenly dao like this, what genius could compare to directly receiving the teachings of the heavenly dao?

He seemed to have discovered the hidden function of the golden finger again.

With a thought from Yu Xian, the long-lost green panel appeared in his sight.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Early Gold Core (15678/600000)]

[Soulmates: Yu Lan, Luo Han (2/3)]

"Indeed, during these days, I have been supervising Wu Laozu in the Wu Mansion and haven't had the chance to cultivate with Yu Lan and the others.

I can only slowly improve my cultivation points on my own. Previously, I had only a little over four thousand points, almost reaching five thousand. But now, with this wave of enlightenment from the Heavenly Dao, I have gained over ten thousand more cultivation points."

"If my guess is correct, not only will I be able to improve my techniques without any worries, but I will also have another way to obtain cultivation points."

"But I can't be too happy yet. I need to find another cultivator who is about to break through to the Gold Core stage and verify it as soon as possible."

"Soulmates are the core of my path, everything else is just auxiliary. I can't rely on them. I should do what I can and go with the flow."

Yu Xian's thoughts kept turning, finally digesting the excitement of this unexpected opportunity.

But he couldn't help but touch the storage bag at his waist.

Inside, there was the method of refining the Five Elements Yuan Dan.

Originally, it was only kept for collection purposes, just in case Yu Lan or Luo Han couldn't break through to the Gold Core realm in the future, there would be a way out.

But now, it seemed that he needed it more than they did.

"No, I can't think about it anymore."

Yu Xian took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing this uncertain idea.

In such an extremely excited state, no matter what decision he made, it wouldn't be rational enough.

He looked at Wu Laozu, who was already immersed in the mysteries of the Gold Core, and suddenly felt a sense of familiarity.

Hmm, let's give him a free pass for the "huge" cost of setting up the Gathering Spirit Array.

If it weren't for Wu Laozu's unexpected situation this time, he wouldn't have obtained this opportunity today.

"It turns out that I still need to do more good deeds. Opportunities will come knocking on my door by themselves.

But I also have to be shameless enough. If I stick to some gentlemanly etiquette, opportunities won't come to me.

I have to be both good and bad, it's really hard to figure out opportunities."

It's just that Wu Laozu's ancestors have never produced a true Gold Core cultivator, otherwise he would probably fight to the death and not let go of those Heavenly Dao spiritual energy.

But a false pill cultivator, even if he obtains these Heavenly Dao spiritual energy, he is still a false pill cultivator, and his cultivation cannot be improved in the slightest.

So it's not certain.

With unreliable thoughts swirling in his mind, Yu Xian saw that Wu Laozu was still digesting the breakthrough he had just made, so he didn't wait for him and quietly left the Wu Mansion.

Along the way, everyone in the Wu family was smiling and happy. Even when they saw Yu Xian leaving, they didn't pay too much attention.

Since even the ancestor didn't say anything, it must mean that there was no problem.

After all, no matter what, he was the steward, and there was a true Gold Core cultivator standing behind him.


Outside the Wu Mansion.

Jiang Wang and the others saw Yu Xian coming out unharmed and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Now that Wu Laozu had become a Gold Core cultivator and could be called a true person, if they rushed in, it would be like seeking death.

It seems that even after breaking through to the Gold Core stage, Wu Laozu still feared the strength of Yu Xian and sent the steward out.

It's good that they didn't fight.

That's what everyone thought.

No one would think that Wu Laozu would kneel at Yu Xian's feet and call himself a slave. They could only feel the terrifying power of the Gold Core.

"Steward, are you alright?"

Jiang Wang led the Foundation Building cultivators to greet him, showing concern.

Even though Wu Laozu had become a Gold Core cultivator, they hadn't forgotten who their immediate superior was, but some thoughts inevitably emerged.

"I'm fine."

Yu Xian sighed deliberately, swept his gaze around, including the distant prying eyes, and said weakly, "Everyone, disperse. What happened with Wu Dao friend was just a misunderstanding."

No one believed that it was just a misunderstanding.

But it had to be a misunderstanding.

After all, Wu Laozu had already become a genuine Gold Core cultivator, and it was no longer within the scope that Yu Xian, the steward, could handle.

"Yu Lan, Shi Wen, accompany me back to the mansion."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yu Xian sighed again and left with a lonely figure, holding a beautiful woman on each side, disappearing from everyone's sight.

The Wu family doesn't need to take any action now.

But it doesn't prevent him from continuing to fish and see how many disobedient people jump out on their own, replacing the Wu family as Yu Lan's training partners.

Looking at Yu Xian's figure, as well as the still silent Shangyang Mountain.

Everyone inevitably had a thought.

The sky above Shangyang City has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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