Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

201. Chapter 200 Departure

Chapter 200: Setting Off

In the year 5704 of the Jiuyang calendar, on the fifth day of the fourth month, the weather was clear and suitable for travel.

Two months after returning from the Zhao family...

Yu Xian took one last look at Shangyang City.

Under the morning sun, the quiet little city slowly awakened. The morning mist receded like a tide, revealing the true face of Mount Lu.

This city had briefly carried his ideals.

In the past, when he was trapped in the fields, he had dreamed of making a change, taking a risk, and venturing into Shangyang City, as his companions had suggested. Would it make a world of difference, as they claimed?

But in the end, he chose to go to the mortal realm, the country of Yue.

When he returned as the master of this city, he realized that Shangyang City was just the same. It was only he who had put on a filter back then.

After all, when he had nothing and was in despair, he always needed a reason to keep going - perhaps things would get better in the future.

In reality, if he hadn't activated the cheat codes, he probably would have had a bunch of children in the country of Yue by now.

Of course, he might have been forced into the struggle between the Jiang and Lin families and become an insignificant sacrifice.

Life is always cruel.

Ordinary people, if they don't cheat, think that they can succeed by taking one step at a time and working hard.

Ha, what a dream.

Yu Xian withdrew his gaze, feeling the desire in his expanding heart, yet firmly grasping it in his hands.

Because he knew that all his desires would come true.

As long as he steadfastly continued on this path.

"Let's go."

Yu Xian said lightly, taking the first step.

Behind him, there was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were filled with his Yulan. Luo Han, who had recently returned from refining pills in the Wan Yao Mountains, looked a little lost but determined. Zhao Shiwen had a calm and resolute expression on her face.

A little further back was Wan Tianchou, whose injuries were just beginning to heal. His face was pale, and he wore a bitter smile, occasionally looking back and scanning the surroundings. And there was also Wu Laozu, with a sturdy and simple appearance, his expression cold but his gaze fixed on Yu Xian.

Oh, and there were the mother tiger and her daughter in the spirit beast bag.

The group of people flew into the sky.

The city behind them grew farther and farther away, gradually becoming a small black dot until it could no longer be seen.

A new journey had begun.

After three months, on the outskirts of the Jinpeng Demon Vein, several streaks of flowing light were engaged in a fierce battle in mid-air. Surprisingly, it was three Foundation Building cultivators fighting each other.

And it was a two against one situation.

The loud rumbling sound spread far and wide, frightening the wild beasts in the mountains, causing them to flee in all directions. Even some low-level demon beasts retreated into their own caves.

"Li Liangyu, do you think you can shake us off by entering the Jinpeng Demon Vein? Let me tell you, the Demon King and the cultivators here have some relationship. You can't escape. Hand over the token of the secret realm quickly, and we might spare your life!"

A cultivator wielding a long whip as his spiritual weapon spoke, suddenly launching a sneak attack from behind.

I saw the black whip in his hand swiftly piercing through the air, transforming into a black python in the blink of an eye, attacking a young man who was already covered in blood.

The young man manipulated a dagger-shaped spiritual weapon, struggling to defend against another person's bowl-shaped spiritual weapon.

I saw that person muttering something, and wisps of green smoke rose from the bowl-shaped spiritual weapon. Within the smoke, there were occasionally thick arms with wings and red centipedes growing on their backs.

These red centipedes were as hard as gold and iron. Even when struck by the spiritual weapon dagger, they only tumbled in the air for a few rounds before shaking their heads and rejoining the battlefield.

At the same time, they moved like lightning, leaving a faintly sweet and fishy smell in the air. It was clear that they were venomous insects.

If it weren't for the young man's skills, with the air filled with dozens of afterimages of the dagger, he would have barely managed to block dozens of venomous red centipedes with double wings.

But looking at his complexion, a bluish-black aura had already appeared.

Obviously, unknowingly, he had fallen into the hands of the insect cultivator's methods. Coupled with his continuous intense battles, his mana was boiling, his blood was flowing, and the poison gradually penetrated his body, weakening his combat power.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the whip-wielding cultivator not only distracted him with words but also launched a sneak attack. The young man could no longer resist and was entangled by the black python on his arm.


With a crisp sound, the young man let out a scream, and his right hand twisted at an extremely strange angle, revealing the white bones inside.

The other cultivator, who controlled the venomous insects, naturally wouldn't miss such an opportunity. Several double-winged red centipedes took advantage of the gap in the dagger's defense, quickly closed the distance, and spat venom towards the young man's cheeks and neck.

The protective spiritual light around the young man's body was as fragile as thin paper in the face of the venom from the double-winged red centipedes, rapidly dissolving. A few drops of venom directly sprayed onto his face.

It was as if sulfuric acid had been splashed on his face. The young man pressed his intact hand against his rotting face, screaming in agony as he fell from mid-air.

However, within a few breaths.

The young man had lost an arm, his appearance was ruined by the venom, and he was about to lose his life.

"Where do you think you're going!"

The two of them hurriedly chased after him.

"Hate, I hate!"

The young man laughed miserably as he stood up from the ground. His face was corroded by venom, his flesh rotted and oozed pus, making him look like an evil spirit. At this moment, his smile was even more ferocious.

"Xiu Zhenren was just a small son-in-law of my Li family back then. It was my Li family's pity that gave him the Foundation Building spiritual object, which gave him the opportunity to achieve Foundation Building."

He didn't think about repaying us, but after our ancestor passed away during the Foundation Building stage, he attacked my Li family's Gold Core seed, causing our Li family to decline and taking away our foundation.

These years, we have been accommodating everywhere, so why did he have to take away my last hope?"

"You are working for such heartless and ungrateful people. Sooner or later, there will be no good outcome for you!"

But the pursuers just sneered and secretly used their techniques, fearing that the young man still had some hidden cards and would eventually drag them down.

After all, the Li family was once a famous Gold Core family, so it wouldn't be surprising if they had some hidden cards.

The young man glared angrily, took out something from his pocket.

The two pursuers took a step back, and when they saw what it was, their eyes lit up and they took a step forward.

"A token of the secret realm!"

It turned out that the young man took out a chess piece in the shape of a black stone.

"Even if I destroy it, I won't let you have your way!"

The young man roared, his mana surged, and he was about to destroy the chess piece in his hand.


Seeing their target in front of them, the two hurriedly stopped, but they saw the young man's ferocious face twitch, his eyes cold.

A dark red talisman suddenly drilled out of the young man's sleeve, and then spontaneously ignited without fire, emitting a powerful force.


The young man's body flashed with white light and instantly appeared a hundred meters away, leaving the two pursuers to face the power of the exploding talisman head-on.


The intense fire instantly engulfed the bodies of the two cultivators, and the shockwave spread hundreds of meters away.

"Are they dead?"

The young man was hit by the shockwave, his abdomen churned, and he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood before gasping for breath and looking towards the center of the explosion.

This fire talisman was a third-grade lower-grade spiritual talisman, and its explosive power was almost equivalent to a strike from an ordinary Gold Core cultivator, making it extremely powerful.

The only drawback was that the explosion didn't distinguish between friend and foe. It was originally used for ambushes, but it could also be used as a last resort to burn both jade and stone.

However, he still had a damaged teleportation talisman in his hand, which could achieve short-distance teleportation. Because it was damaged, the teleportation distance was extremely short.

In normal battles, this distance could be closed in less than a blink of an eye, but when combined with the fire talisman, it was a very suitable killing move.

"Is this all your cards?"

Just as the young man was feeling fortunate, a faint voice came from behind him.


The young man couldn't believe it and turned his head to see a middle-aged man with a clear and bright face looking at him coldly.

"Uncle Zhong, is it you?!"

The young man's eyes showed a painful expression, unwillingly asking:

"You've also sided with that traitor?"

He couldn't imagine that facing a Foundation Building early-stage cultivator like him, the cultivators had not only sent two experienced Foundation Building cultivators, but also a middle-aged man in the late Foundation Building stage to act as a backup.

The middle-aged man said indifferently, "A good bird chooses its tree to roost. Over the years, I have helped your Li family a lot. This time, will you fulfill my wish?

The cultivators have already promised to let me use the token of the secret realm."

The young man coldly said, "I won't let you have your way!"

He clenched the chess piece, and his mana surged again, but he heard the middle-aged man snort lightly.

"Dare to act recklessly in front of me!"

The young man felt as if thousands of needles were piercing his brain, and his vision suddenly spun. He fell back weakly.

He was attacked by the middle-aged man's secret technique using divine sense, and he had no power to resist.

"For the sake of my deep connection with the Li family, I will spare your life. Whether you live or die depends on your luck."

The young man felt dazed as the middle-aged man approached, took away the token in his hand, and took off the storage pouch around his waist.

Then the figure moved farther and farther away.


I want to live!

The young man shouted in his heart, but he was already powerless to change his fate.

With a severed arm, poisoned, residual explosion, and damage to his divine sense, he had lost the ability to save himself. It wouldn't be long before his flesh and blood...

No, there were already toxins in his flesh and blood. Even beasts wouldn't be interested in him.

He would probably be able to leave behind a complete corpse.

The young man waited second by second for his impending death, and in his mind, a piece of not-so-good news appeared.

His consciousness plunged into darkness.


"I can't die!"

Li Liangyu forcefully opened his eyes, feeling an itch on his face and a sense of awareness in his broken arm.

When he focused his gaze, he saw an old man with kind eyes and a gentle smile, looking down at him.

"You're awake," the old man chuckled.

"Old man, did you save me?"

The young man struggled to sit up, surveying the surroundings.

They should have already left the Golden Peng Demon Vein and were now in an unknown wilderness. It was nighttime, and two bonfires were lit nearby.

Next to one bonfire, a layer of blankets was spread out. A man lazily lay on a gentle woman's lap, while the woman fed him grape-like spirit fruits.

The man's leg rested on another woman with a youthful appearance and ample bosom, who was massaging his leg.

There was also an intellectual woman kneeling on the side, holding a shimmering spirit herb and studying it. Judging by her posture, she was also close to the man.

Next to the other bonfire sat two men and a woman, their gaze fixed on the fire, but their focus had drifted far away.

But with just a glance, he felt a heavy pressure.

This kind of pressure, he had only seen it before on the cultivator who had taken his foundation.

Could it be...

An incredulous guess rose in Li Liangyu's mind.

With just a brief glance, he tried to absorb as much information as possible.

"Now that you're awake, come over. The young master has a question for you," the old man reminded.

This group of people was naturally Yu Xian and the others who had crossed the Wan Yao Mountain Range.

They had gone through three months of danger, relying on the route provided by the Wan Shou True Immortal, the information from Lin Laozu who had successfully crossed before, as well as the cooperation of Yang Hou and the Bee Queen, who were both Demon Kings. The journey had been smooth.

For cultivators below the Gold Core realm, the Wan Yao Mountain Range was a life-threatening adventure.

But for Yu Xian, who had several Gold Core-level cultivators, this trip was like a vacation.

If it weren't for picking some spirit herbs along the way and enjoying the primitive scenery, it wouldn't have taken three months at all.

"Young master?" Li Liangyu muttered to himself, forming some speculations about Yu Xian's identity.

Accompanied by beautiful women and protected by Gold Core-level guards, it was highly likely that he was a direct descendant of some influential family on a secret visit.

As for why he wasn't a disciple of a major sect...

It was because Yu Xian's aura was too intimidating, just like an ordinary playboy. If it weren't for the presence of beautiful women, Li Liangyu wouldn't have given him a second glance.

If he could drag him down, then there might be hope for revenge. He might even be able to retrieve the Li family's lost fortune.

Li Liangyu's mind immediately started calculating.

However, as soon as he approached Yu Xian, he heard a sentence in his ear.

"I saved your life, so your life belongs to me. Come, separate a strand of your soul."

A transparent jade plaque hovered in front of Li Liangyu.

Li Liangyu: "..."

His tone was difficult as he said, "Young master, I will surely repay your life-saving grace in the future, but it is a bit excessive to ask for my soul."

But Yu Xian pressed his hand.

"Sit down, I don't like talking to people while looking up at them. Also, turn your face away. You look terrifying right now."

Li Liangyu's expression changed, and he instinctively touched his face. It felt rough, like touching an old tree bark.

With just a simple touch, he could already imagine his current appearance.

It must be hideous!

But he quickly accepted it.

Compared to his face, saving his life was more important.

He sat down as instructed and turned his back.

"Young master, the importance of a cultivator's soul is self-evident. I'm sorry, but I can't agree to your request."

"I'm not discussing it with you, I'm informing you. Either hand over your soul and become my servant, or I'll turn you back to your original appearance and throw you back."

"To be honest, if it weren't for your decent cultivation level and the fact that I need a local guide, even if you wanted to be my dog, I wouldn't be interested."

Yu Xian's confidence made Li Liangyu tremble.

Half of it was indeed due to the humiliation he had suffered, and the other half was excitement. From Yu Xian's words, he could sense his background.

Coming from elsewhere means there is no involvement with local forces.

His hope for revenge increased by another point.

But he still wanted to struggle.

"Master, I am willing to repay you with a treasure related to the opportunity to form a Nascent Soul."

"Now that your life belongs to me, naturally the treasure also belongs to me. It's unreasonable for you to repay me with my own treasure," Yu Xian sneered, giving him a countdown to death.

"Do you need ten counts to consider?"



"Three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."

Yu Xian suddenly accelerated his speech.

Li Liangyu suddenly jolted in his internal struggle and shouted loudly:

"I agree!"

With no life left, all calculations and grudges were useless.

The current plan was to save his own life.

As for everything else, it could be considered later.

Li Liangyu grabbed the suspended jade plaque, ignoring the injuries in his sea of consciousness, enduring the pain, and forcibly tore apart a trace of soul power to inject into the jade plaque.


Li Liangyu turned around, knelt on the ground, his face pressed against the ground, offering the jade plaque with both hands, tears streaming down his eyes for some unknown reason.

When did he, the young master of the prestigious Gold Core family, have to kneel on the ground and beg someone to accept him as a slave?

"Don't be afraid, the Lord is just scaring you. As long as you don't do anything wrong, whether you have this plaque or not doesn't matter."

Li Liangyu felt that this voice was like heavenly music. He unconsciously looked up and saw a face smiling gently at him.

But when he thought of his own appearance, he quickly lowered his head to avoid offending the beauty.

"It's okay, you have already suffered enough misfortune. How could I mock your suffering?"

Yulan took out a mask with a grimace from her storage bag.

"If you're afraid of others seeing it, then wear this."

Li Liangyu dumbly accepted it, feeling that the face in front of him, which was not extremely beautiful, was shining.

"Alright, since you've done good deeds, I'll become the villain. If it weren't for your somewhat attractive appearance, I would have punished you on the spot."

Yu Xian pinched Yulan's face and deliberately spoke harshly.

Yulan playfully smiled and leaned closer.

"The Lord is just reluctant."

"Where is this place? Which forces are here? Tell me everything you know," Yu Xian asked Li Liangyu, who was wearing the mask.

A Foundation Building cultivator, even in a top sect like Xuan Yang Sect, could be considered an elite disciple.

Moreover, Li Liangyu was still very young.

When Patriarch Wu examined his bone age while treating his injuries, he was only in his thirties. In Sun Yang City, he could be hailed as a top genius.

But here, he almost became food for wild beasts in the mountains.

Yu Xian almost felt awe for the local environment.

Has it already become like this here? Even such a genius can be easily discarded.

But while others may not want him, Yu Xian would not refuse him.

These were the future "Gold Core leeks," and they needed to be cultivated well.

However, trust was lacking between them, and a Blood Soul Contract was the best guarantee.

Of course, it was a one-sided guarantee for him.

Others also looked over.

They were equally concerned about their current situation.

Even if it was just a branch vein, it was still extremely vast. They had stumbled out of the Golden Peng Demon Vein in a daze and were not very clear about their specific location.

The True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts had been away from his homeland for a long time and was also not very clear.

But it was definitely within the Xuan Yang Realm.

"As expected..."

Li Liangyu's guess came true, but he wasn't happy. His soul was in someone else's hands, which was his fatal weakness.

In the cultivation world, there weren't many secret techniques targeting the soul, but each one could be deadly.

He forcefully suppressed his distractions, organized his thoughts, and began to talk about the information he knew.

He needed to organize it, and I also needed to organize it to see how to fabricate it.

(End of this chapter)

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