Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

202. Chapter 201 Autumn Wind County

Chapter 201: Autumn Wind County

Yu Xian listened quietly to Li Liangyu's introduction, combining it with the previous knowledge shared by the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts. In her heart, she formed a rough initial impression of the Xuan Yang Realm.

The Xuan Yang Realm is vast, spanning over a hundred thousand miles, and is ruled by the Xuan Yang Sect.

Under the rule of the Xuan Yang Sect, the Xuan Yang Realm is further divided into eight major celestial cities, with each city lord being a legendary Nascent Soul True Immortal.

That's right, not just one or two, but eight!

Moreover, these eight city lords are appointed, which means that there may be several old monsters hiding within the main sect of the Xuan Yang Sect.

If we estimate as high as possible, the Nascent Soul-level power within the Xuan Yang Sect is at least more than a dozen.

Not to mention their sect's Dao weapons, high-level formations, guardian spirit beasts, high-level puppets, various divine weapons and treasures, and other unorthodox means.

In other words, the Xuan Yang Sect is not a declining sect with only one or two Nascent Soul early-stage cultivators left, nearing their limit and barely holding on.

Instead, it is a powerful sect that flourishes in its prime, suppressing all who do not submit.

Although he said that the advanced map made it seem like the Xuan Yang Realm was only slightly higher than the Shang Yang City, in reality, the world never gives him the opportunity to level up step by step, and the bosses in the map will not always be just one or two small realms higher than him.

After all, even in a place as desolate as the Shang Yang City, the Xuan Yang Sect was able to send a Gold Core True Immortal to establish a city and rule over it.

Not to mention the personnel configuration in prosperous areas, which naturally wouldn't be stingy.

In theory, he would have to face the pressure of Nascent Soul powerhouses directly, as he had encountered only a few opponents at the Gold Core level.

And it would be a group of Nascent Soul powerhouses.

But the good news is that he has no conflicts or long-standing grudges with the Xuan Yang Sect, so he doesn't have to worry about suddenly encountering a True Immortal who would give him a hard time.

Unless he develops to a point in the future where he poses a threat to the Xuan Yang Sect, then it is possible to attract their suppression.

So, for now, this pressure doesn't exist.

Furthermore, the ruling style of the Xuan Yang Sect is not one of dominance and arrogance, but rather one of inclusiveness and openness.

For example, among the eight city lords, only half of them are genuine disciples of the Xuan Yang Sect. The other half are half-hearted cultivators who were incorporated and given a city.

In other words, as long as he catches them off guard and develops rapidly within a short period of time, even the Xuan Yang Sect would feel the pain of suppression.

Even if he offends the Xuan Yang Sect at that time, it is highly likely that he would be recruited and appointed as a city lord.

But this is a long-term goal.

To achieve that level, at least the Nascent Soul realm is required as a starting point.

The short-term goal is to settle down here, establish power, and seek opportunities for his angel investor plan.

And this requires looking at the young master of the Li family in front of him.

Underneath the major heavenly cities, they are divided into capital cities and county cities, as well as families and small sects attached to each city.

Each city has a high degree of autonomy and is theoretically only responsible to their immediate superiors, so they have great authority.

For example, the lord of a county city, according to the rules of the Xuan Yang Sect, only needs to be at the Foundation Building realm to hold the position, but can be on equal footing with an out-of-office Gold Core cultivator.

Because they have someone above them, with an official position.

However, the Xuan Yang Sect is quite strict, and even a county lord mostly needs to be at the Gold Core realm to hold the position.

Li Liangyu is one of the eight main cities, under the rule of the Mingyue Heavenly City, and one of the four capital cities, under the rule of the Wangshu Capital City, and is from the prestigious Li family in Qiufeng County City.

It is said that the Li family was also a Gold Core family in the past. Unexpectedly, the youngest daughter of the Li family's patriarch fell in love with a wild cultivator and insisted on marrying him, even resorting to death threats.

In the end, the Li family saw that the cultivator had decent aptitude, so they reluctantly accepted him and married him off, even giving him Foundation Building spiritual treasures.

Unexpectedly, that son-in-law had ambitious plans. After reaching the Foundation Building realm, he acted grateful to the Li family, not only having three sons and four daughters with the Li family's youngest daughter, but also working diligently for the Li family for decades.

The Li family also relaxed their guard and accepted him as one of their own.

Until the old ancestor who suppressed the family's luck was about to reach his limit.

The Li family exerted all their efforts to help the Li family's Gold Core seed break through, but it was secretly sabotaged by the son-in-law, causing the death of the Gold Core Dao seed.

After receiving the news, the Li family's old ancestor passed away not long after.

And the son-in-law, who should have perished along with the Gold Core Dao seed, returned as a true person and naturally took over the power of the Li family.

With the son-in-law in charge, the Li family has undergone a change of dynasty over the past few decades.

Nowadays, everyone only knows about the Xiu family and doesn't know about the Li family.

And Li Liangyu, as the bloodline secretly cultivated by the Li family, usually presents himself as a wastrel, but secretly cultivates diligently. Finally, at the age of thirty, he broke through to the Foundation Building realm.

Just when everything was going well, a senior member of the Li family's legitimate line betrayed them, not only revealing the fact that Li Liangyu is a genius, but also disclosing that he possesses a token of a secret realm, which is the Li family's last heritage.

The so-called secret realm is formed after the Nascent Soul true deity sits in meditation and senses the world, creating a semi-independent small space.

Ordinary cultivators can only enter if they meet the conditions set by the secret realm.

Some secret realms have cultivation level restrictions, some have bloodline restrictions, and some have gender and age restrictions.

The secret realm token in the hands of the Li family is set up by a certain wandering cultivator at the Nascent Soul realm in search of a successor.

Holding the token allows one to enter the secret realm.

The Li family naturally did not have such confidence that Li Liangyu could obtain the inheritance of the True Immortal with just a token.

They only hoped that after Li Liangyu entered the secret realm, he would have the opportunity to obtain a chance to form a Gold Core.

As long as Li Liangyu broke through to the Gold Core stage, there would be a chance to restore the family's reputation and reclaim the Li family's legacy.

However, the news leaked, and the Li family was left with dead bloodlines and surrenderers. Only Li Liangyu managed to escape.

And then he was caught up by the pursuers.

"...If it weren't for the young master's rescue, I'm afraid I would have been exposed and devoured by wild beasts long ago."

Li Liangyu smiled bitterly, his voice filled with loneliness.

Yu Xian listened and sensed that something was amiss.

What a protagonist's destiny!

Young genius, talented but not yet unleashed, burdened with blood feuds, surviving against all odds, saved by a noble person...

The treatment of a protagonist is unmatched.

Next should be the opening of the protagonist's halo, soaring in levels, returning as a king, succeeding in revenge, showing off and challenging all the way...

The more Yu Xian thought about it, the more anxious he became.

Why did he feel like he would become a supporting villain sacrificed on the protagonist's path? After all, he had already threatened Li Liangyu's life as soon as they met, a typical villainous behavior.

Following the plot he had seen before in the Nine Streams Dragon Proud Heaven.

Next, the women around him might even fall in love with someone else, claiming to have found true love and stabbing him in the back.

What? He was disfigured and didn't even have a face?

For the protagonist's halo, it didn't matter if he was a pig's head.

Suddenly, Yu Xian felt that the Blood Soul Talisman was a bit unreliable.

Although it was a secret technique certified by the Demon Sect after who knows how many years, there was still the saying that there is no perfect secret technique in the world, there are always means to counter it, it just depends on whether the price is enough.

And the protagonist is capable of doing what adults cannot.


It's me who's cheating, so it's fine.

Yu Xian's eyes gradually became kind.

Since the Blood Soul Talisman was not reliable, then let's add another unorthodox Gold Core.

For ordinary cultivators, an unorthodox Gold Core is already the greatest pursuit and opportunity in their lives.

But for geniuses, an unorthodox Gold Core is the strongest shackle in the world.

After all, an unorthodox Gold Core cannot be further cultivated in one's lifetime, and the spiritual energy of the heavens is absorbed by him, destined to have no future.

All geniuses must be ruined.

He had never been a good person, nor would he ever think of others as good people.

He wouldn't think that just because he saved someone, they should be grateful to him, worship him, and serve him unconditionally.

So, by directly killing the capital of betrayal, he could solve the problem once and for all.

"Sir, he's so pitiful."

Yulan, who was beside him, felt sympathy after hearing Li Liangyu's story.

But it was just a moment of emotion.

She was always a person who knew her place and wouldn't ask her husband to help just because someone was pitiful.

Even if she wanted to help, it would be within her own capabilities, without bothering others.

But this time was different.

Seeing Yu Xian's serious expression, holding Yulan's hand, he said affectionately:

"You're lucky, since Yulan has spoken, this young master will help you once. Of course, the premise is that you haven't deceived me.

I will have someone investigate this matter thoroughly, and if what you said is true, I will give you a chance. "

He was wondering how to discreetly integrate into the local forces.

Li Liangyu provided him with an excuse.

As a Gold Core family that had been passed down for hundreds of years, it was not surprising that they had close relationships with a few friends.

Now that the Li family had suffered, it was reasonable for their friends to step forward and help.

Of course, the premise was that the son-in-law, who also had a protagonist's destiny, didn't have any extraordinary backing.

If the other party was not easy to provoke, he would send Li Liangyu back to where he came from in minutes, and he could also help the mysterious son-in-law with a real person.

But Yulan's eyes showed a strange color when she heard this, secretly thinking when her husband had changed his mind.

Her husband had always allowed her to be willful in small matters without any consequences.

But in important matters, he never allowed anyone to defy his will. How could he change his mind just because of her little pity?

But even if it was just a show for others, she was happy.

Otherwise, why not pretend in front of others?

With this thought, Yulan rubbed against Yu Xian's arms like a little cat, smiling foolishly.

"Darling, you're so kind."

"You can go and investigate, and if I have even one word that is untrue, I will personally cut off this head and offer it as an apology to you."

However, Li Liangyu was unaware and instead felt excited, especially grateful for the jade orchid in Yu Xian's arms.

After all, throughout history, there have been countless absurd things done to win a beauty's smile, and his actions were no different.

Yu Xian remained noncommittal, simply waving his hand lightly, allowing Li Liangyu to retreat, and then continued to rest his head on the jade orchid's leg.

Looking at the bright night sky, with stars scattered, his thoughts gradually sank.


After passing the Jinpeng Demon Vein and heading north for over three hundred miles, one would come across a large city called Qiufeng County.

Qiufeng County was situated on a plain and did not have any defensive fortifications like city walls.

It was simply a continuous stretch of tall buildings and houses, neatly constructed on both sides of the streets according to a planned layout.

Judging by its scale, it could accommodate millions of people.

Outside the city were endless golden rice fields. It was currently autumn, and the wheat in the fields was heavy and falling down. When the breeze blew, it made a rustling sound.

Occasionally, one could see farmers working in the fields, each of them dark and lean, with vigorous vitality. On the field ridges, there were overseers holding long whips, all of them cultivators with cultivation bases.

There were at least tens of thousands of acres of land here, and they were all spiritual fields!

Although they were only the lowest-grade spiritual fields, they were still spiritual fields that produced spiritual rice.

Even ordinary people with poor aptitude, even if they only practiced the Qi Refining technique that was widely practiced, as long as they could eat this spiritual rice every day, they could cultivate their own magical powers.

A glimpse of the whole picture.

Food is the paramount necessity of the people. With an abundance of spiritual rice, the possibility of cultivation for the lower levels greatly increased. They could continuously generate new blood. If a suitable selection mechanism was implemented, selecting the best among the best, it would naturally ensure the sect's rule for generations to come.

And not far outside Qiufeng County, there was a third-grade medium-quality spiritual vein hidden beneath a mountain.

It was the spiritual power of this spiritual vein that permeated the land, and after cultivators developed it, it became this vast expanse of tens of thousands of acres of spiritual fields.

Spirit veins were natural phenomena, but most of them were connected to mountains and water veins.

The mountain was also named Qiufeng, and on the mountain, there were magnificent palaces, palatial buildings, and divided caves and blessed lands.

Occasionally, streaks of light descended from the sky or flew out from the mountain, and there were various spiritual birds and exotic beasts dancing in the mountains, creating a celestial atmosphere.

Similar to the planning of Shangyang City.

The true core of the spiritual vein was sparsely populated, inhabited by high-level cultivators and their families.

More middle and lower-level cultivators and mortals lived in the city at the foot of the mountain, working day and night for the luxurious enjoyment above, hoping that one day they could also live on the mountain.

Yu Xian arrived from a distant place under the guidance of Li Liangyu, taking in the scenery of Qiufeng County.


In Qiufeng County, people come and go at the inn.

A small courtyard was rented by a group of foreign cultivators.

In the courtyard, Yu Xian tasted the Monkey Wine brought back from Baoyuan Mountain.

Monkey Wine is a fruit wine that is fermented. However, because it contains various spiritual herbs from the mountains and there is no fixed recipe, combined with the natural brewing skills of a group of monkeys, it forms the unique flavor of Monkey Wine.

He occasionally enjoys a taste, but as for the spiritual energy contained in the wine, it is insignificant to his current cultivation level.

By his side were Yulan and Luo Han, whispering to each other. Because they were newcomers, both of them had a sense of novelty and excitement on their faces.

Li Liangyu was arranged to stay in a small room in the courtyard, which was actually a form of confinement.

He couldn't come out until his words were verified.

The others were sent out to gather information.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.

Two hours later, the people who went out to gather information gradually returned, and Yu Xian pieced together the distribution of power in this area from the mouths of the crowd.

It was almost the same as what Li Liangyu had said.

Qiufeng County can be divided into two major forces. One is the county lord who comes from Xuan Yang Sect, a Gold Core cultivator, with 800 Qianqiu troops under his command, very capable in battle.

The other major force is the local family power led by the Xiu family, with a complex and influential network.

The head of the Xiu family is the cultivator mentioned by Li Liangyu as a son-in-law.

Indeed, he was a son-in-law of the Li family in his early years, and the matter caused quite a stir at that time, with various versions circulating in the streets.

According to Li Liangyu, it was the Li family's youngest daughter who was blind and forced him to marry her, threatening to die if he didn't agree. The Li family had no choice but to agree to let him marry into the family.

But there are also rumors that it was the Li family who saw the cultivator's talent and used a scheme to make him achieve a good thing with the Li family's youngest daughter, forcibly separating him from his childhood sweetheart, and forcing him to marry into the Li family.

There are also rumors that the cultivator is cunning and ruined the innocence of the Li family's youngest daughter, and the Li family almost killed him for it. It was the cultivator's teacher, a respected teacher at the county school, who came forward with his reputation and asked the county lord to mediate.

This happened more than a hundred years ago. It was only because the cultivator took over the Li family that his past romantic affair became popular again.

For the common people, there is nothing more attractive than the gossip of important figures.

"So, the only thing that can be confirmed is that the cultivator did come from a humble background. It was only because of his outstanding talent that he was selected for the county school and caught the attention of his teacher, who was the county school instructor at the time. The original plan was to recommend him for the assessment of Xuan Yang Sect.

Later, he became a son-in-law of the Li family, and the matter was left unresolved.

And the instructor who was said to have trained several disciples from Xuan Yang Sect has long since passed away, which means that even if the cultivator had any connections, they were formed later on through his personal relationships.

He himself is only in the early stage of Gold Core, and his circle is only in the middle stage of Gold Core. Even if he can call for help, at most it would be at this level.

If he really went to Xuan Yang Sect for further study, I would have to be wary.

Who knows if he has any connections with Tong Tian."

Yu Xian pondered in his heart and had a preliminary plan.

It's like a student from an ordinary background who gets into a prestigious university. Even if he doesn't have any connections, his mentor, his supervisor, could very well be someone that ordinary people can only see in the news, someone that local officials have to treat with caution.

So by involving such a person, there is a slight possibility of breaking through the sky.

That's the importance of having a platform.

But for a self-taught person, even if they are a genius, they can only rely on themselves. Even family and friends can become burdens instead of support.

"But there's no rush. These are all rumors. I'll wait a while longer and find out more before making a decision."


One month later.

Li Liangyu stood nervously in front of Yu Xian, waiting for his judgment.

"Young master, do you have something to tell me?"

This was the first time he had left his room in a month. Fortunately, he was already a Foundation Building cultivator and could fast for several months, otherwise he would have starved to death.

Yu Xian said casually,

"I've found out about the matter. It's slightly different from what you said, but not by much.

During the time you were being chased, the Li family did indeed undergo a major purge.

Normally, I wouldn't care about such matters. There are too many injustices in the world, and how much can one person do?

But since Yulan spoke up, I'll give you a chance to choose."

Yu Xian's voice became more serious.

"Have you ever heard of the heretical Gold Core?"

Li Liangyu smiled bitterly, "Of course I've heard of it, but it's much more difficult to cultivate a heretical Gold Core than a regular Gold Core."

His voice suddenly paused, becoming more impassioned.

"Could it be that young master wants..."

Li Liangyu didn't dare to continue, afraid of shattering this illusion.

His talent was good, but it was still limited to below Gold Core. To break through the Gold Core realm, he still needed opportunities.

Yu Xian nodded, "By chance, I obtained a heretical Gold Core. As long as a peak Foundation Building cultivator refines it, there's a 60-70% chance of breaking through.

Since it's your own blood feud, it's better for you to take care of it yourself."

Li Liangyu's expression became excited. With the burden of hatred on his back, he hadn't even considered the issue of the heretical Gold Core's future.

All he knew was that once he became a Gold Core cultivator, he could personally seek revenge.

Thinking like this, he felt that the young master in front of him wasn't that despicable after all.

Although his personality was a bit bad, as Miss Yulan said, he was very good to his subordinates, even offering such a great opportunity like the heretical Gold Core.

"But I'm only in the early stage of Foundation Building now."

After Li Liangyu became excited, he became quite troubled.

"It's a coincidence. I happen to have a secret technique that can burn essence blood and life force to quickly improve your cultivation.

If you're willing to practice it, you can break through the peak of Foundation Building in at most five years.

But by then, if you can't break through to Gold Core and replenish your life force in time, you may immediately age and die.

Even if you do break through, you'll only have a lifespan of two to three hundred years at most.

Are you willing to take the gamble?"

What Yu Xian was talking about was a secret technique in the Blood Demon Art that forcibly stimulates potential. It was originally used to create death warriors.

This kind of secret technique, not to mention the demonic path, even in the orthodox sects, there were only a few who used it.

For example, Chen Xiao's cultivation progressed so quickly because he used a similar secret technique. If he hadn't successfully refined a high-level Dao weapon, he would have died long ago.

Li Liangyu struggled on his face, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Yu Xian gave him time to think and gently placed a jade slip on the table before walking away.

Li Liangyu looked at the jade slip and heard the dying words and admonitions of the elders in his clan.

"Liangyu, you must survive, only by surviving do we have hope!"

"Liangyu, I can't make it, take this token and escape. Only if you break through to Gold Core do we have hope for revenge."

"Liangyu, you are the last hope of the Li family!"


Li Liangyu took step by step and finally grasped the jade slip that carried hope.

"I must seek revenge!"

His eyes turned bloodshot, filled with resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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