Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

215. Chapter 214 There Is A Firm

Chapter 214: Youjian Trading House

"The price of fate's gift has long been secretly marked. It's not so easy to obtain freedom."

In the city of Wangshu, there was a trading house called Youjian Trading House.

Yu Xian, who had just arrived, casually leaned on an old master's chair, flipping through the records of achievements of the preparatory members of the Great Unity Society. He couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Zhao Shiwen stood by, smiling lightly and praising softly.

"The master is truly amazing. With just a few simple numbers, he can make a group of fake Dan realm cultivators risk their lives. The goods in the trading house haven't been sold for years."

In order to quickly accumulate achievements and regain their freedom, the preparatory members of the Great Unity Society not only hunted demon kings, but also gathered resources from the Wan Yao Mountain Range in exchange for achievements.

In this regard, Yu Xian certainly wouldn't exploit them too much.

Instead, he would purchase at market price and exchange the achievements for ten thousand spirit stones per achievement point.

After all, what he paid was just a bunch of numbers, but what he gained was tangible resources.

And these resources obtained from the Wan Yao Mountain Range could be circulated in the market through Youjian Trading House and converted into real spirit stones in his hands.

Youjian Trading House was established five years ago when the Great Unity Society entered a period of rapid development.

It was originally a caravan founded by Zhao Shiwen when they first arrived in Qiufeng County. Later, they developed their own business and intelligence network through the Li family's channels and entered Wangshu City.

After initially understanding the market in the city, the caravan began to upgrade according to plan, giving birth to the prototype of Youjian Trading House.

Later, with the "selfless dedication" of many preparatory members of the Great Unity Society,

Youjian Trading House's goods were able to compete with other shops on the market at slightly lower prices, and it began to develop rapidly.

In just a few years, Youjian Trading House had gained quite a reputation in Wangshu City.

Of course, during the development process, there were naturally people who came to cause trouble.

But faced with the presence of a queen bee and the ability to set up the Mist Prison Formation to conceal any movement, as well as the ability to summon a group of fake Dan realm cultivators as assassins when necessary, Youjian Trading House dealt with any underhanded tactics.

Any competitors who resorted to such tactics ended up dead or injured, and there was even a Gold Core realm cultivator who died a mysterious death, with no trace of the killer to be found.

As for direct competition and price wars...

Youjian Trading House didn't say they would give things away for free, but they had no problem guaranteeing a fifty percent discount for a certain period of time.

Other competitors were immediately beaten to the point of speechlessness.

After all, not every family had a group of fake Dan realm cultivators working for free.

Costs don't disappear, they just get transferred in some way.

Later on, whenever Youjian Trading House entered a market, other shops would avoid competing with them and dare not provoke them.

Fortunately, Youjian Trading House had only been established for a short time and lacked cooperation with high-level cultivators. They mainly dealt in raw materials.

Because the selling price was low, many shops took the opportunity to reduce costs through Youjian Trading House's channels, resulting in increased profitability.

Thus, they passively became allies of Youjian Trading House.

After a few years of development, Youjian Trading House quickly monopolized most of the low to mid-tier resource production related to the demonic veins in the city.

Even other cultivators who made a living in the Wan Yao Mountain Range, whether or not they were preparatory members of the Great Unity Society, had to sell their goods to Youjian Trading House since many stable trading shops had changed their business.

Nowadays, Youjian Trading House had a good reputation in Wangshu City.

Zhao Shiwen, the spokesperson who openly represented them, was even called the Goddess of Wealth and ranked high on the list of female cultivators in Wangshu City.

Even the City Lord's Mansion didn't want to provoke such a powerful dragon.

They were doing legitimate business and even voluntarily paid commercial taxes to the City Lord's Mansion every year, amounting to several hundred thousand spirit stones. Who wouldn't like that?

Similar to Qiufeng City, even though Wangshu City was the capital, it was still difficult to collect taxes.

Which family's elders didn't rely on the spiritual fields and mines they owned?

They couldn't open too many shops themselves, but their disciples, family members, and friends would always open one.

The money earned from the shops belonged to themselves, and naturally, the lower the taxes collected by the City Lord's Mansion, the better. It would be even better if they didn't collect any.

Therefore, a powerful and well-behaved trading house like Youjian Trading House was welcomed by the City Lord's Mansion. They even took the initiative to maintain a good relationship.

Several streets near the commercial firm have added the patrol team of the Lord's Mansion, just to serve as tax-paying models.

But let's get back to the point.

After Yu Xian finished checking the merits of the Great Unity Association, he reminded:

"Every month, a copy of the updated merits should be sent to each member, to let them know that the association always remembers their contributions.

Only then will they have the motivation and hope to continue working.

This matter is very important, do not forget."

Zhao Shiwen nodded: "Now that the commercial firm's business network has initially covered the entire city, it is easy to deliver this information. I personally take responsibility for this and will not forget."


Yu Xian nodded, somewhat regretfully:

"Unfortunately, the technical reserves of the association are still too poor. If we could develop a remote communication device that can update merit records in real time, I believe their motivation to complete tasks would be even stronger."

Zhao Shiwen shook her head and smiled: "Master, you're daydreaming again. Even if such a device exists, it must be very valuable. It's impossible for everyone to have one.

If they fall into the hands of demons, our losses would be great."

Yu Xian thought of the convenient and practical smartphones from his previous life, but didn't comment.

If he hadn't returned all his knowledge to his teacher after the college entrance examination, becoming an educated illiterate, relying on his knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, along with his increased intelligence from cultivation, he might be able to deduce a complete scientific system from scratch and then study satellite launch technology in the immortal cultivation world.

Do you understand what the Heavenly Dao Internet is?

Of course, the laws of the two worlds are likely to be different. Even if he researches satellites, it doesn't necessarily mean he can launch them.

"But... when my supernatural powers reach their peak, I can try to use Heavenly Dao spiritual energy to deduce a similar device with similar functions."

Yu Xian suddenly thought of something and his thoughts diverged.

"It would be best to create something like a main god's space. Then I wouldn't even need to issue tasks, and I wouldn't have to worry about the members of the Great Unity Association exposing information.

Sigh, we just don't have enough "leeks" (referring to naive people)."

Heavenly Dao spiritual energy is similar to the transmission of Heavenly Dao teachings. All the principles that exist in this world are contained within it.

In theory, as long as there is enough Heavenly Dao spiritual energy, there is nothing that cannot be deduced. It is even more effective than divination techniques.

"Let's just consider it a joke."

Yu Xian smiled, but added:

"By the way, in the future, add a ranking list to the merits records we send them. The ranking list should include the merits of other reserve members.

With rankings, there will be competition, and there will be role models.

For example, the current number one in the rankings, codenamed "Old Turtle," look at him. He has only been a member of the Great Unity Association for a few years, but he has accumulated over six hundred merits. It seems that he will be able to regain his freedom soon."

Zhao Shiwen noted everything down but still had some doubts.

"Master, if he really accumulates enough merits, do we really have to set him free?"

Yu Xian naturally replied, "Of course we do."

Zhao Shiwen asked, "But if we lose the means to control him, what if he betrays us?"

Yu Xian laughed, "If he betrays us, so be it. What does it matter? Who among us has he seen? And who has seen him?

The little information he knows will soon be known if someone wants to investigate.

If he really intends to oppose us, as a false pill cultivator with no future, killing him is just killing him.

On the contrary, if we break our word or find an excuse to continue restricting his freedom, others will lose confidence and won't work hard to complete tasks.

So I hope he accumulates one thousand merits as soon as possible.

This means that the merit quota we set is not impossible for them to achieve.

And if he accumulates one thousand merits, it means he has earned ten million spirit stones for me. I should be grateful to him, so why should I still restrict his freedom?

Finally, do you think he will really be willing to leave?

A wandering cultivator with no attachments, now being invited by a massive organization that has only revealed the tip of the iceberg to become a formal member.

Will he be willing to give up so much just to leave?

Once he officially joins, we only need to give him a small portion of the profits, and we don't even have to give him any benefits, just a title.

For example, we can let him establish a branch of the Datong Society in another city, repeating the operations we did in the Wangshu City, and we can provide him with a little support from behind to help him overcome the initial pressure.

When his own interests are inseparable from the Datong Society, he will support our existence more than anyone else. Anyone who dares to oppose the Datong Society will be his enemy.

Not only him, but any member who gains freedom in the future can be given a title by him and let him repeat this operation himself.

If he succeeds, we will make a big profit.

If he fails, we will lose at most two Five Elements Yuan Pills, which is nothing compared to the profits he has already created for us."

Zhao Shiwen listened with excitement. Even just thinking about the future described by Yu Xian made her feel weak and unable to control herself.

When the tentacles of the Datong Society extend to various heavenly cities, prefectural cities, and even the entire Xuan Yang Realm, what kind of role will she, as Yu Xian's right-hand woman, become?

At the same time, she looked at Yu Xian with admiration, adoration, and fanaticism.

This man is so outstanding.

Underneath his lazy appearance lies great danger and deep scheming. Even in the Gold Core stage, he is already planning for the entire Xuan Yang Realm.

As a witness to Yu Xian's progress, Zhao Shiwen couldn't help but be grateful for her bravery that day, allowing her to follow such a man.

"Of course..."

Yu Xian interrupted Zhao Shiwen's beautiful fantasy and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

"To achieve this beautiful vision, the first thing is to let the Datong Society survive the upcoming attacks."

Zhao Shiwen frowned, "Is it because of the incident with the Golden Peng Demon Emperor causing chaos in the Mingyue Heavenly City?"

As the intelligence liaison for the Datong Society, she knew a lot of information had to pass through her hands, so she naturally knew the difficulties the Datong Society was facing.

But she was more optimistic than Yu Xian.

Yu Xian sighed, "Yes, the Datong Society has developed so quickly, coupled with constantly recruiting new members, it has already attracted the attention of the prefectural city. Plus, not long ago, the Golden Peng Demon Emperor caused a commotion in the Mingyue Heavenly City. I think it won't be long before the Datong Society is forced to surface."

"You know the true strength of the Datong Society. Even if the True Lord of the Mingyue Heavenly City takes action, or the late Gold Core stage Lord of the Wangshu Prefecture takes action, we won't be able to confront them head-on."

Zhao Shiwen had gained experience and remained calm in the face of such a life-threatening crisis.

"We only have direct contact with the preparatory members of the Datong Society, so we don't have to worry about them tracing us. Even if they are captured and coerced, they won't be able to reveal our identities. On the contrary, if we sense something is wrong, we can quickly eliminate them."

"In this regard, we are safe. The worst-case scenario is losing a few False Core stage cultivators. However, the Datong Society has been operating behind the scenes, mainly hunting demon kings, and temporarily has no conflicts of interest with the Xuan Yang Sect."

Therefore, even if the Golden Peng Demon Emperor knows that the demon kings were killed by the Datong Society, unless the Lord of the Wangshu Prefecture actively assists him in capturing members of the Datong Society, he won't be able to find us easily.

As for the concern you mentioned about the Lord of the Wangshu Prefecture taking action personally, I don't think it will happen.

The Datong Society has no grudges with him, so why would he risk going against an organization with more than a dozen or twenty Gold Core cultivators just because of the anger of a demon emperor?

And if he takes action himself and something goes wrong, he will also be punished by his superiors.

From what I know, the Lord of the Wangshu Prefecture is nearly four hundred years old and doesn't have much time left. His principle has always been to avoid unnecessary trouble.

If we can reach some understanding with him in secret, without him actively helping us, the difficulty for the Golden Peng Demon Emperor to find us will be extraordinary.

After all, he is a demon emperor, not a True Lord.

The Xuan Yang Sect now controls eight heavenly cities, with over a dozen Nascent Soul True Immortals. Even for the sake of the sect's reputation, how could they tolerate a Demon Emperor causing trouble in their territory?

So I believe the difficulty of this matter lies in the attitude of Lord Wang Shu.

Zhao Shiwen gradually became calm, with a feeling of sudden enlightenment. Looking at Yu Xian, her eyes seemed to sparkle.

"I think this is the reason why the Lord came to the capital."

"Lord, is my answer satisfactory to you?"

Yu Xian reached out and pulled Zhao Shiwen into his arms, resting his chin on her chest, very stable.

"Now that you are so clever, the Lord can't do without you anymore."

Zhao Shiwen was caressed by Yu Xian's palm, her eyes watery, her body starting to heat up. She nestled in his arms and murmured, "Shiwen will always be the Lord's."

A pink aura of charm began to stir in the air.

So, a shallow singing and low chanting...

An hour later.

It's done.

While fastening his jade belt around his waist, Yu Xian said, "Shiwen, your cultivation level is still a bit low. You're only in the early stage of Foundation Building, which is a bit slack. Your aptitude is not bad, even if you can't break through to the Gold Core realm in the future, reaching the peak of Foundation Building and becoming a False Dan cultivator is still good. So don't neglect your cultivation in your daily life, otherwise, when you're over a hundred years old and want to improve your cultivation, it will be much more difficult."

Yu Xian paused and said, "Yulan has already broken through to the mid-stage of Foundation Building for quite some time. You know how poor her aptitude is, if she can do it, so can you."

Zhao Shiwen, who was originally dressing in new clothes, wanted to act spoiled and deny that she had been lazy, but she had been busy on weekdays.

But when she heard that Yulan had already broken through, she immediately panicked.

The matter of Yulan taking the Transcendent Origin Pill had not been made public, as it involved Chen Yi, the fewer people who knew, the better.

So in Zhao Shiwen's eyes, Yulan was still the waste who relied solely on pill cultivation.

As fellow pill cultivators, she had actually fallen behind!

"Lord, don't worry, I will soon catch up to Yulan."

Zhao Shiwen said firmly.

"Good, very spirited."

Yu Xian used the competitive nature between women to motivate Zhao Shiwen's cultivation.

As someone who cherished the past, he really didn't want Zhao Shiwen to leave him in seventy or eighty years.

At least she had to work for him for another three or four hundred years.

"Organize the information about Lord Wang Shu and bring it to me. The trading company cannot intervene in this matter. Now that there is a trading company that lays golden eggs, we absolutely cannot let people discover its connection with the Great Unity Society."

Yu Xian instructed.

The trading company now monopolizes the mid-to-low-level resources of the capital city related to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range. Even without the resources supplied by the Great Unity Society, it can earn hundreds of thousands of spirit stones extra each year.

Of course, without the resources supplied by the Great Unity Society, the trading company's monopoly position would no longer exist, and this income would be immediately halved.

This is also the reason why Yu Xian voluntarily moved his base.

The Great Unity Society has become his main source of income. Unless there is no other way, he must save it if he can.

And Lord Wang Shu is the target he is about to conquer.

"Damn it, it feels like there's collusion between officials and businessmen. Clearly, I wanted to rely on myself."

Yu Xian thought angrily.

"It's all because of that damn Golden Peng Demon Emperor causing trouble for no reason. He didn't even kill your direct bloodline, why are you overreacting? Sooner or later, he'll destroy your whole family."

(End of this chapter)

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