Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

216. Chapter 215 Boy, Sign This Contract, I Will Guarantee You Gold Core Avenue!

Lord Chu, whose real name is Chu Tianxing, is a member of the Chu family, one of the aristocratic families within the Xuan Yang Sect. He was enrolled in the Xuan Yang Sect at a young age.

At the age of twelve, he reached the Qi Refining stage, and at twenty-eight, he achieved Foundation Building. In the year of Jiazi, he broke through to the Gold Core realm and was selected for the preliminary true transmission. After another two hundred years of cultivation, he advanced to the later stage of the Gold Core realm. However, his cultivation stagnated thereafter, and the chances of him breaking through to the Nascent Soul realm became extremely slim.

As a result, Chu Tianxing was transferred to the Mingyue Heavenly City by the sect and later sent to serve as the Lord of the Wangshu Mansion, where he has been for nearly a hundred years.

During Chu Tianxing's tenure as the Lord of the Wangshu Mansion, his governing strategy emphasized governing by doing nothing. He rarely stayed in the mansion and was commonly known as someone who should not be disturbed unless necessary.

As long as the annual tax revenue did not fluctuate or decrease, it was enough for him to pass the assessments from above, and he would not interfere with local governance.

This is also the consistent policy of disciples from the sect who hold positions as local officials. By doing nothing, they avoid making mistakes.

Of course, there are also people like Yan County Magistrate, who are young and ambitious, seeking to rise through the ranks by governing locally and seize the opportunity to obtain spiritual treasures.

But Lord Chu is naturally not among them.

If he wanted to compete for spiritual treasures, he would not have wasted nearly a hundred years in the position of the mansion lord.

If it weren't for the attack on Mingyue Heavenly City by the Golden Peng Demon Emperor, which prompted the True Immortal to order an investigation, he might not have returned and would still be enjoying himself outside.

There is a trading company.

After reading Lord Chu's information, Yu Xian in the guest room felt a headache.

He is most afraid of people like Lord Chu who have no ambitions.

Without desires, one is strong.

If a person doesn't want anything, naturally there is nothing they fear.

Dealing with such a person, whether through threats or temptations, would not be very effective.

Moreover, what level is he at to dare to threaten an old monster who has been cultivating the sect's connections for hundreds of years?

Not to mention who his master is, his peers might already be Nascent Soul True Immortals by now.

After studying Lord Chu's information for a while, Yu Xian finally spotted a flaw that was not really a flaw.

In his early years, Lord Chu was devoted to cultivation and had never been married.

After being sent to the Wangshu Mansion when there was no hope for the Nascent Soul realm, he took the opportunity to fulfill his duty as a member of an aristocratic family—to expand the family's bloodline.

Especially with his excellent bloodline, it needed to be continued.

So he married several legitimate daughters from Gold Core families in the mansion all at once, also sending a friendly signal to the locals.

However, as mentioned earlier, the higher the cultivation realm, the less likely it is to conceive offspring. At Lord Chu's realm, it would be impossible to succeed without decades of effort.

After decades of hard work, Lord Chu finally had a daughter, Chu Yanran, fifty years ago, completing the task of expanding the family's bloodline.

Chu Yanran's talent is quite good, and she joined the Xuan Yang Sect at an early age.

However, it is said that Chu Yanran made a mistake in the sect more than ten years ago and returned to the mansion to cultivate. But her progress has been slow, and she is currently only at the mid-stage of Foundation Building.

Yu Xian muttered softly, "If I can't drag you down, can't I drag down your daughter?"

He put down the mansion lord's information that Zhao Shiwen had spent a lot of money to obtain and gradually disappeared into the air.



Chu Yanran does not live on the spiritual vein outside the city with her mansion lord father but has her own estate within the city, called Yanyuan.

Because most of the information in the data is about the mansion lord, the only mention of his daughter is that she is headstrong, jealous, and has beaten and killed passersby on the street multiple times.

It is said that it was simply because she felt that the passersby were wearing clothes of the same color or jewelry of the same style as her, which was an absurd reason.

By the way, this daughter of the mansion lord has been married three times, all ending in widowhood.

With just this simple information, Yu Xian's mind conjured up an image of an arrogant and domineering beauty with a snake-like heart.

After all, there are very few cultivators who are extremely ugly, and even fewer female cultivators who are ugly.

But soon, Yu Xian realized that he was wrong.

There is a formation guarding the outside of Yanyuan, but facing Yu Xian, a third-level formation master, the simple protective formation is no different from having none.

He entered like a wisp of ghost.

Soon, Yu Xian saw a woman in the backyard who was even larger than the Yan County Magistrate with giant bloodlines.

Let's call her a woman, not a pig demon.

How should I describe her? With a body as thick as a water tank, layers of fat piled up like a quilt, and with a casual movement, there would be a wave of flesh rolling.

Her face was even more full of folds of fat, her eyes sunk in the flesh, making her normal-sized eyes appear like mung beans under the flesh on her face. Her head was also bald.

In broad daylight, she lay half-naked on a huge soft sedan chair, and several handsome men were wriggling on her, looking particularly petite.

That feeling is like a piglet lying on its mother pig. The only difference is that the piglet is the joy of growth, while these men are full of numbness.

The woman let out a wild laugh and said mockingly to a man standing straight in front of her, "These men look down on me now, saying behind my back that I am an old sow, saying that I shouldn't come out to scare people. Well, then I will make them lick every inch of my old sow's skin clean, and let them serve me day and night."

"Duan Lang, do you still love me when you see me like this?"

The man had a handsome appearance, a gentle temperament, and a humble gentleman's demeanor. At this moment, his eyes were full of determination.

"Yanran, do you think this will make me back down? No, it won't. I love your soul, your inner self."

"I grew up with you. Don't I know what kind of person you are? As long as you don't remarry, I am willing to wait, whether it's one year, ten years, or a hundred years!"

The man took a deep breath and declared loudly, "I won't give up!"


Yu Xian took a cold breath. He didn't expect to see such a grand scene as soon as he arrived, let alone that the daughter of the master of the mansion would have such an image.

Yanran - what a beautiful name.

But now, he felt that his eyes had become dirty.

He, Yu Mou, had traveled far and wide and considered himself someone who had seen grand scenes, but he had never seen such a scene before.

And this man...

Although his cultivation was so low, not even reaching the Foundation Building level, a breath from him could make him disappear, dead and gone.

But at this moment, admiration still rose in his heart.

What is a hero? This is a hero!

At this moment, he no longer thought about the possibility of getting involved with the daughter of the master of the mansion. He didn't have the courage of this brother.

When Chu Yanran heard the man's confession, her wild laughter abruptly stopped, and she looked at the man intently, asking, "Do you really not despise me?"

The man said affectionately, "In my heart, you will always be the most beautiful girl, the beautiful girl who asked me if I looked good with the jasmine flower on her head. No matter what you look like, I don't care. In the past, you were the high and mighty daughter of the master of the mansion, and I was just a bastard child of a small family. If it weren't for the mansion's school admitting commoners, we wouldn't even have had the chance to be classmates. I have hidden my love for you in my heart, only daring to silently pay attention to you. I saw you make mistakes in your cultivation and become like this, I saw you get married again and again, I saw you kill one husband after another, and I felt a sense of vile joy. Because only now, no one is competing with me for you. Even if I can only be your husband for one day, I will die without regrets. As long as you agree, I will go to the master of the mansion tomorrow to propose."

Chu Yanran was stunned for a moment, and then her mana surged. The several handsome men lying on her all turned red, as if they were exploding like balloons.

Only at this moment did the faces of the several handsome men come alive, revealing relieved smiles.

Chu Yanran's face was covered in blood, making her look even more ferocious and terrifying. She waved her hand impatiently at the man.

"You can leave now."

The man couldn't help but take a step forward.

"Yanran, can't this prove my feelings for you?"

Chu Yanran's eyes were buried in flesh, and her emotional expression couldn't be seen, only her voice carried a hint of anger.

"Get lost! Get lost right now!"

A gust of wind passed like a blade across the man's face, leaving a shallow bloodstain.

The man paused his steps and smiled bitterly.

"I will come again tomorrow."

After saying that, he turned and left.

After the man left, a maid waiting outside the courtyard walked in, not surprised, and started cleaning up the debris on the ground. At the same time, she asked, "Miss, should we stop Duan Gongzi tomorrow?"

Chu Yanran remained silent for a while, nodded, and then quickly shook her head.

"He is welcome to come if he wants to," she said. Then, with some anticipation, she asked, "Xiaodie, do you think I still have a chance to return to my original appearance?"

A hint of mockery flashed in the maid's eyes, but she still comforted her, saying, "The Lord has great powers, Miss will definitely have a chance to recover."

Chuyanran's face was full of anticipation. "That's right, Father will definitely help me. By then..."

She didn't know what she was thinking, and a blush flashed across her chubby face.

In a corner unnoticed by the master and servant, a light breeze passed by, causing a ripple.



Duan Hong left Yan Garden, turned into an alley, walked a distance, and entered a small courtyard. He formed a seal with his hands, raised a prohibition, ensuring that no sound could escape the room.

Then, unable to hold back any longer, he rushed to a copper basin and vomited forcefully.

After a while.

Duan Hong felt like he had vomited all his bile and finally stopped feeling nauseous. But when he thought of Chu Yanran's current appearance, he couldn't help but retch a few times.

"I must quickly adapt to her current appearance. Once she sees through my flaws, I will end up like those men around her, drained to death."

"This is my only chance to rise above others, and I will never give up."

Duan Hong hypnotized himself silently, gradually calming his mood.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Suddenly, Duan Hong heard applause in his ears.


Duan Hong's expression turned cold, and a black light appeared in the palm of his hand. It was a bone-piercing needle-like artifact, which he threw towards the source of the sound.


Two fingers lightly caught the bone-piercing needle, and an ordinary-looking young man appeared in the air.

"Impressive, truly impressive. Young man, you can endure what others can't endure, and tolerate what others can't tolerate. You will definitely become someone great in the future."

Duan Hong's face changed, and he quickly apologized, bowing.

"So it's a senior's visit. I, Duan Hong, have been impolite. I am acquainted with Miss Chu Yanran, the daughter of the Lord. May I ask what advice the senior has?"

Yu Xian smiled playfully. "Do you want to use Miss Chu to suppress me? How do you know that I am not someone from Miss Chu? I deliberately came to test you."

"But seeing your performance just now, there's probably no need for any test."

"The current appearance of Miss Chu is indeed something that ordinary people cannot bear."


Duan Hong's face became anxious as he hurriedly explained.

"It's not like that. I was just feeling unwell for a moment. It's not because of Yanran. Senior, I have genuine feelings for Yanran, but it's hard to express them in words..."

"Alright, alright. Save these words for Miss Chu to hear."

Yu Xian, as if the master of this place, invited Duan Hong to sit down.

"I am just a passerby. Seeing that your ambition is still commendable, I developed a fondness for you, so I appeared to meet you."

Duan Hong was delighted. "Senior, are you not someone from Miss Chu?"

Yu Xian sneered, "Even if it were the daughter of the Lord, Chu Mansion, they wouldn't have the qualifications to command me."

Although Duan Hong didn't know if Yu Xian's words were true or false, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement when he heard his confident tone.

Could this stroke of luck really come knocking on his door?

He had just heard the senior say that he appreciated him.

So he immediately wanted to bow down.

"Master, I am your disciple..."

"What the hell, get up!"

Yu Xian was completely shocked. This kid was even more shameless than him.

Duan Hong felt a force blocking him, preventing him from kneeling no matter what. He had no choice but to sit back in his original position.

"Since you're not accepting disciples, I don't know why you suddenly appeared. Do you have any instructions for me?"

Yu Xian smiled faintly, "I said I admire you, so I came here to give you a choice."

"What choice?" Duan Hong asked curiously.

"Dare you use your life and freedom to gamble on something big? I guarantee you a future Gold Core!" Yu Xian's voice was like a seductive demon, with unparalleled temptation.

Duan Hong almost without hesitation said, "Of course I dare to gamble!"

"Oh, aren't you going to think about it?" Yu Xian wondered, but he felt it was expected.

A man who dared to touch Miss Chu with such honor probably had already disregarded life and death.

At least he was inferior to her.

Duan Hong self-mockingly smiled, "Do I have a chance to choose?"

If he didn't agree, would he still have a chance to walk out alive?

Yu Xian nodded, "You're right, this is indeed not up to you to choose."

He slapped a jade card on the table.

"This is a soul-transmitting card, capable of containing a trace of your soul power. It means that as long as I hold this jade card and cast a spell, no matter where you are, you cannot escape the fate of death."

This is the downside."

Then he slapped two small jade bottles on the table.

"Here are two pill bottles, one containing Foundation Building Pills, and the other containing Gold Core Formation Pills. The former allows you to build your foundation, and the latter allows you to form your Gold Core.

This is the upside."

"Do you understand?"

Duan Hong looked at the two pill bottles on the table with envy. If his gaze had temperature, his desire could melt the two jade bottles.

"If Senior had offered such benefits earlier, I wouldn't have struggled and panicked like this."

He picked up the jade card and said with a bitter smile, "Senior, how do I separate this soul power? I don't know."

"It's simple, release your mental defense, don't have any resistance, otherwise your soul will be shattered in an instant."

Yu Xian pointed at Duan Hong's brow, and his powerful divine sense squeezed into his sea of consciousness.

After a while, Duan Hong felt a tearing pain in his body, a pain that penetrated his bones, as if his body was no longer his own.

But he forcibly suppressed the instinct to resist and allowed the pain to spread within his body.

When the pain subsided and he regained his senses, the senior in front of him had already put away the jade card.

He understood that from this moment on, his life no longer belonged to himself.

But it didn't matter.

He could exchange his worthless life for a Foundation Building Pill and a Gold Core Formation Pill, which was a huge profit.

These were precious spiritual pills worth millions of spirit stones!

Even if he sold his entire Duan family, he couldn't exchange for such a pill.

He tentatively reached out and grabbed them.

There was no obstruction, and he firmly held the pill bottles in his hand, then couldn't help but open them.

One was a golden Foundation Building Pill, emitting spiritual energy that made him feel like he was about to break through just by smelling it.

The other was a multicolored Gold Core Formation Pill, resembling a living creature, pulsating with spiritual energy. After opening it for a while, he felt a power that made his heart palpitate condensing in the pill bottle.

He quickly sealed the pill bottle and closed it with a spiritual talisman.

"Senior, is this really mine?" Duan Hong still couldn't believe it.

Yu Xian smiled, "I wouldn't go back on my word for such trivial things. But now that I've received something, I need you to do something. It's fair, isn't it?"

Duan Hong smiled helplessly, "Indeed, it's fair. May I ask Senior what I need to do?"

Yu Xian said, "There's no rush for this matter. Let me ask you first, have you heard of the Great Unity Society?"

... (End of this chapter)

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