Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

217. Chapter 216 Datong Society Needs Such Talents

Chapter 216: The Great Unity Society Needs Talents Like This

Half a month later.


Duan Hong stood at the door, recalling the experiences of these days, as if it were a dream. But when he felt the abundant spiritual power in his body and the shining divine consciousness in his sea of knowledge, he felt that everything was so real.

This is the power of Foundation Building!

Looking back on the past, when he was young, he was also full of spirit. At the age of fourteen, he entered the government school for cultivation, mingling with Chu Yanran, the only daughter of the government's head.

At that time, even though he was just a son of a concubine, he was regarded as an honor by the family.

Until the age of eighteen, he was full of hope to participate in the assessment of the Xuan Yang Sect. However, because of his rebelliousness and refusal to bow down, he was severely injured by the children of the aristocratic families who entered the sect with him. His foundation was seriously damaged, and he had to leave in disappointment.

The aristocratic child who injured him was reprimanded by the elder in charge of the assessment, and then successfully entered the sect, leaving him behind.

When he returned home in disappointment, instead of receiving comfort from the family, he felt uneasy because he had offended the people of the sect. He was blamed in every possible way.

However, the fact was that people had long forgotten about this insignificant pawn.

Later, as his injuries gradually healed, he lost the talent he had in his youth. His position in the family plummeted, and even the resources that should have been allocated to him were misappropriated.

He was brainwashed by the family and felt guilty, thinking that he had let the family down. He had been enduring everything that came his way.

Fortunately, he still had the foundation of his youth. Even though his foundation was damaged, after decades of cultivation, he had reached the edge of Foundation Building.

In order to obtain the Foundation Building Pill, he lived frugally and guarded the mine for the family day after day for thirty years, finally accumulating enough spiritual stones.

He asked the family to purchase a Foundation Building Pill for him.

He thought everything should go smoothly.

After all, this was his thirty years of savings, and he had never used a single spiritual stone from the family. He used the family's channels just to ensure his safety.

The result was that his thirty years of savings were embezzled by someone.

When he went to seek justice, he was falsely accused of harassing the head of the family's wife.

The furious head of the family didn't listen to any of his explanations and severely injured him on the spot. His birth mother knelt in front of the head of the family's wife, begging for his life.

His mind went blank, and pain and despair engulfed him.

In the mocking laughter of the head of the family's wife, his birth mother died for him, while he wandered around like a walking corpse.

He knew that this was the revenge of the head of the family's wife.

The reason was quite ridiculous.

The head of the family's wife and him were of the same generation. She used to be his pursuer, but he, being young and arrogant, rejected her in a way that hurt her pride, so she held a grudge against him.

All the grievances ended with the death of his birth mother.

The elderly members of the family, who liked to mediate, finally stepped in to stop this farce.

Afterwards, he escaped from the family and swore to repay the pain he had endured a thousand times over, no matter the cost.

However, his foundation was destroyed. To forcefully break through the Foundation Building realm, he had only one path to take, the path of life and death. He had to obtain a Foundation Building Pill.

With the power of breaking through Foundation Building and transforming his body, perhaps he could repair some of the damage to his foundation.

But even in a place like the Wangshu Mansion City, Foundation Building cultivators were not insignificant figures.

The Foundation Building Pill was also not something that ordinary Qi Refining cultivators could covet.

Just as he watched himself grow older day by day, he accidentally learned about Chu Yanran's situation.

He spent two years understanding Chu Yanran's current situation, and then spent another year coincidentally meeting her, reminiscing, accompanying, waiting...

And finally, confessing!

Then he saw Chu Yanran's true face.

Although he had noticed some things in their daily interactions, such as Chu Yanran never meeting him face to face and always sitting behind a light veil, making it impossible to see her appearance.

But he was still taken aback.

But once the arrow is released, there is no turning back. If he had any hesitation at that time, he would have had no way out after seeing Chu Yanran's true face.

The fact proved it.

When he could be so ruthless to himself, even the heavens would help him.

He gained the appreciation of a senior member of the Great Unity Society, who claimed to be a member of the Profound level named Bai Gu. This senior gave him an opportunity to change his destiny.

In this half month, he didn't go anywhere. Instead, he immediately took the Foundation Building Pill that had been waiting for decades.

Sure enough, he made a breakthrough in one fell swoop and also took the opportunity to repair a part of his cultivation foundation.

Next, as long as he diligently cultivates the Foundation Building stage, he will be able to consume the self-proclaimed Gold Core of the heretical Gold Core, with a seventy to eighty percent chance of becoming a false Dan Immortal.

Of course, he is more inclined to exchange this heretical Gold Core for a genuine Gold Core.

Even though it greatly reduces the chances of a breakthrough, he doesn't want to decide his own future too early.

But to obtain something, one must give up everything.

And now, this is his first step of repayment - marrying Chu Yanran.

Duan Hong took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

The door opened with a bang, revealing a tired-looking gatekeeper.

Seeing Duan Hong, the gatekeeper's expression changed drastically, and then he hurriedly grabbed Duan Hong's arm, his voice choked up, almost on the verge of tears.

"Young Master Duan, you finally came!"

The gatekeeper grabbed Duan Hong and tried to lead him inside, urging him incessantly.

"Hurry, Young Master Duan, if you don't come soon, Miss will go crazy. Miss Butterfly instructed me to bring you over as soon as I see you."

Duan Hong frowned and let the gatekeeper lead him inside.

After breaking through to the Foundation Building stage, he suddenly realized that this seemingly inconspicuous gatekeeper was actually a Foundation Building cultivator.

But thinking of Chu Yanran's identity, he felt relieved.

However, the joy of just breaking through suddenly diminished.

The territory of Yan Garden was large, but the pace of two Foundation Building cultivators was faster.

Soon, Duan Hong saw Chu Yanran's personal maid, Xiaodie.

"Xiaodie, what happened to you? Who hit you?"

A big palm print almost covered Xiaodie's entire face, with five large black and red marks, like black and fat centipedes.

Obviously, the force used was heavy and poisonous, otherwise, with Xiaodie's cultivation level, the injuries would have long since disappeared.

"Young Master Duan, you finally came."

Xiaodie said the same words as the gatekeeper.

"What happened exactly?"

Duan Hong had always maintained a gentlemanly image, even in front of Xiaodie, his attitude was extremely good.

"Is it Yanran? Why is she so angry?"

Xiaodie looked at Duan Hong with a speechless expression.

It seemed as if she was saying, "Don't you know why she's angry?"

Duan Hong suddenly remembered something, his face stiffened.

"I will explain this to Yanran, please take me to see her."

He remembered that after confessing to Chu Yanran, in order to show his determination, he specifically said he would come to see her tomorrow.

But he ended up standing her up the next day.

In Chu Yanran's heart, he was probably deceived again, which led to her venting her anger on others.

Looking at the tense atmosphere in Yan Garden, it seemed that quite a few innocent lives had been lost during these days.

Xiaodie kneeled and saluted, "Please wait, Young Master Duan, I will inform Miss."

Duan Hong patiently waited.

Not long after.

There were piercing curses coming from the courtyard, followed by a loud slap. Soon after, Xiaodie, with new wounds on her face and tears in her eyes, came out and smiled reluctantly at Duan Hong.

"Young Master Duan, Miss invites you in."

"Sorry, Miss Xiaodie, I have caused trouble for you."

Duan Hong took out a handkerchief and handed it to Xiaodie before walking in with determined steps.

Xiaodie held onto Duan Hong's handkerchief, staring blankly at his back.

"Young Master Duan is really gentle, why does he like Miss, this demon?"

She touched the faintly painful scars on her face, her eyes showing a hint of resentment.


Chu Yanran was still sitting on the soft couch, but she no longer had her previous ugly appearance.

Instead, she wore a huge canopy that covered her head, with light veils hanging down, faintly revealing a graceful and enchanting figure inside.

However, Duan Hong knew that this was just a illusion created by Luo Gai himself, quite clever, even though he had now broken through the Foundation Building realm and developed divine consciousness, he still couldn't see through it.

Back then, he was also deceived by this figure.

If he had known from the beginning that Chu Yanran had already become like that, he couldn't guarantee whether he would still have the courage.

"Duan Lang, you finally came."

Chu Yanran's voice also became soft and smooth, like a cup of white wine, giving a kind of mellow feeling.

But Duan Hong felt that this voice was like a poisonous snake, its slippery body crawling on him, giving him a layer of chill behind his back.

"Sorry, Yanran, I'm late."

Chu Yanran's voice suddenly sank.

"Since you know you're late, why did you still come!"


A burst of spiritual power erupted from under the light veil, evolving into invisible blades in the sky, carrying an attacking force, and attacking Duan Hong.

Duan Hong's heart completely chilled.

If he hadn't broken through, he would probably have been blasted to pieces at this moment, just like the several men who had been played with by Chu Yanran before.

But he resisted the urge to dodge and took this attack head-on with his physical body.


Duan Hong's shirt shattered on the spot, and he was heavily hit to the ground, dense scars appearing on his body, and blood soon accumulated into a small pit beneath him.


Chu Yanran lightly exclaimed, realizing that Duan Hong was not dead, and had even blocked the attack, and had already broken through the Foundation Building realm.

Her anger calmed slightly, and she asked,

"Why didn't you dodge?"

Duan Hong looked at the graceful figure behind the light veil and smiled bitterly,

"If this can make you less angry, I'm willing to be your target."

Chu Yanran asked, "Did you break through during these days?"

Duan Hong said, "Yes."

Chu Yanran's voice softened, "Why didn't you explain to me?"

Duan Hong stood up, allowing blood to flow and drip on his body.

"I wanted to explain, but you didn't give me a chance."

Chu Yanran's voice choked, somewhat annoyed,

"The mouth is on your body, do I still have to remind you?"

"Even if you wanted to break through, why didn't you have someone send me a message?"

Duan Hong said again, "That day, you told me to leave, I was worried that if someone came to deliver a message, you would think I wasn't sincere enough, so I wanted to come and explain to you in person. As a result, this breakthrough took up too much time for me. I came as soon as I broke through. I just didn't expect..."

Duan Hong shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Yanran, no matter what you do to me, I won't mind, because I know that this is not the real you. The real you is kind, innocent, and pure, the most beautiful girl in the world. I will wait for you, always waiting. I believe that you will eventually return to your true self."

"Do you know why I was so anxious to break through? I just wanted you to know that I want to be with you, just because I like you, I love everything about you. I don't want you to think that the reason I'm with you is because I covet your family background or value your status. I like you just because you are you, the girl who asked me if she was pretty."

Duan Hong's expression was sincere, his voice filled with a sincerity that even he himself couldn't detect, even a woman with rich emotional experience would not be able to judge whether what he said was true or false.

After all, he had truly loved this woman in front of him.

Youth is the nature of human beings.

The young Chu Yanran was so dazzling and captivating, making people yearn for her, before they met again, he had already lost count of how many times he had replayed the scene of their reunion in his dreams.

Chu Yanran believed him.

Through a light veil, she looked at Duan Hong, whose words seemed to be written in blood, and her gaze couldn't help but become infatuated for a moment.

Since she had become the way she was now, there had been too many people with ulterior motives trying to get close to her, using her.

Dealing blow after blow to her fragile psyche.

Even if she had truly become an old sow, as long as she remained the daughter of Lord Wangshu, she would be more noble and charming than most women in the world.

Many men who believed they had enough resilience were willing to pursue her.

That's why she had experienced three failed marriages.

She had also thought of accepting her fate, living a peaceful life, continuing the bloodline of the Chu family, and fulfilling her father's upbringing.

But the reality proved time and time again that no man would ever like her in this appearance, and even getting close to her felt disgusting.

She felt a mix of joy and shyness towards Duan Hong's deep affection, but she was also afraid that he would be like the others who had made vows of eternal love to her before.

But now, she was willing to believe once again.

Her eyes suddenly became trance-like.

Once upon a time, the man in front of her was also a talented young man full of spirit. He was a true man who dared to confront the aristocratic families in order to protect her during the sect assessment. He was a warm-hearted boy who would smile and wave at her even if he was seriously injured and coughing up blood.

He had left a mark in her heart.


The man in front of her fell down.

"Duan Lang!"

Chu Yanran moved, but then slumped back down. She looked at her own fat hand, covered in greasy and disgusting flesh, and tears silently fell.

She shouted outside the courtyard, "Xiao Die, Xiao Die!"

Xiao Die walked in.


"Take Duan Gongzi to receive treatment, use the best spiritual medicine, and make sure there are no lingering effects."

Chu Yanran, like a prisoner trapped in a cell, dared not leave her own soft couch.

Xiao Die looked at Duan Hong, covered in wounds, with a look of pity in her eyes, and quickly agreed, "Yes, Miss."

She was about to help Duan Hong up and leave.


Chu Yanran stopped Xiao Die, paused for a moment, and then with a hint of shyness, said, "Go tell my father that I am getting married, and this time it's serious."

Xiao Die fell silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, Miss."


In a silent corner, Yu Xian, playing the role of an audience member, watched Duan Hong's performance with satisfaction.

This kid was still as ruthless as ever.

But the Great Unity Society needed talents like him.

Those old timers on the verge of death were just pawns, but people like Duan Hong were the future of the Great Unity Society.

Even if he couldn't reach an agreement with Lord Chu this time, it would still be worth it to have such a talent.

Chu Yanran was just a stepping stone and opportunity for him to meet Lord Chu.

Otherwise, if he went to him directly, he would have lost thirty percent of his sincerity. But with Chu Yanran as the intermediary, Lord Chu would probably be willing to sit down and have a good chat with him.

As for how to chat, he hadn't figured it out yet.

After all, his understanding of Lord Chu was still superficial, and he had no idea about his true needs, so there was no way to start a conversation.

But no matter what, using spirit stones to smash... was impossible.

His spirit stones had to be used on the blade.

Yu Xian's gaze fell on Chu Miss, who was silently shedding tears.

Perhaps he could obtain some information about Lord Chu from her and find the right direction to approach him.

The next chapter will have to wait until next month for more updates, but it will definitely be there. Today, I was busy moving all day, and I'm really tired. My body is really weak. But there is good news too, I actually lost weight! I suddenly had the idea to weigh myself and found that I lost a whole twenty kilograms! Hahaha!! But I still have one hundred and seventy to go.

(End of this chapter)

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