Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

218. Chapter 217 Chu Tianxing's Attitude

When Duan Hong woke up, he learned that Chu Yanran had already accepted his proposal without his knowledge and even helped him propose to her father.

They only needed to choose an auspicious day for the wedding.

So Duan Hong stayed in Yan Garden and truly began to spend time with Chu Yanran.

As their relationship grew closer, Chu Yanran no longer revealed her true self in front of him, always chatting through a thin veil.

From their ambitious youth to the bitter past after parting ways in their sect, it seemed as if they were accompanying each other through their respective missing pieces of life.

Of course, Duan Hong did not forget about the main matter.

He obtained a lot of information about the Chu family's master from Chu Yanran.

Naturally, he used the excuse of knowing oneself and the enemy, knowing more so that he could better please his future father-in-law.

Chu Yanran was probably lacking love for too long, sensitive and lonely, longing to be loved yet afraid of being deceived.

But when she decided to trust again, it was like a desperate gamble, trusting that he would not betray her, and revealed her father's information in detail.

Duan Hong silently took note of it and then relayed every word to his superior, Lord Bai Gu.

Little did he know that Lord Bai Gu was watching live dramas every day and secretly taking notes to study.

Time passed slowly under such "lover's affection".

Soon, their wedding arrived as scheduled.

Yan Garden.

Inner courtyard.

"Yanran, why haven't you come out yet? The guests are waiting!" Duan Hong, dressed in a bright red wedding gown, had also specially groomed himself, looking even more handsome than before.

Chu Yanran was still trapped in her own cage, looking at Duan Hong's joyful face through the thin veil, a smile of happiness appeared on her face.

"Duan Lang, do you really not mind my current appearance?" Chu Yanran asked.

Duan Hong was probably used to it by now. Even without acting, he spoke with genuine emotion.

"Yanran, haven't I proven my feelings to you by now? If you want to hear it again, then I'll say it once more. I don't mind, I love Chu Yanran, not just her physical body."

He reached out towards the curtain and said, "Give me your hand, I want everyone to witness our happiness."

A slender, pure white hand reached out from behind the curtain and gently rested on Duan Hong's hand.

Duan Hong trembled all over, somewhat incredulous, "Yanran, is it you?"

The curtain was lifted, revealing a face as pale as snow, with three thousand strands of emotions cascading down like a waterfall, dressed in a red dress symbolizing a bride.

This person was none other than Chu Yanran.

"Duan Lang, am I beautiful now?"

The previously swollen and ugly Chu Yanran had somehow regained her beauty, but she seemed to be in pain, trembling with every word she spoke.

In just a few words, a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Duan Hong's gaze couldn't help but become dazed.

How could he describe his feelings at this moment? It was probably like going three years without tasting meat, and then suddenly being served a feast fit for a king.

He had already silently accepted that he would marry an old, ugly, and fat woman. Even if she only returned to being an ordinary person, he would still feel pleasantly surprised.

Not to mention that Chu Yanran's appearance was already extremely beautiful.

The intense contrast between extreme beauty and extreme ugliness elevated this sense of beauty to another level.

But Duan Hong quickly snapped out of it.

"Yanran, are you okay?"

He tightly held Chu Yanran's hand, concernedly asking, "Your hand is so cold, I can feel it, you're in pain."

Chu Yanran walked into her own cage, standing side by side with Duan Hong, a sorrowful smile on her face.

"I'm in pain, but I'm also very happy. I will marry you in the most beautiful way, but it's a pity that this secret technique cannot last, so I can't always be with you like this."

"Let's go, don't keep the guests waiting too long."

Duan Hong fell silent.

At this moment, he couldn't describe his emotions.

When faced with a hideous monster, he could deceive and use her without any burden, because the price he paid was far beyond what an ordinary person could bear.

Not to mention that this hideous monster was ruthless, capricious, and often harmed others, making him feel even less guilty.

But when faced with this beautiful woman who loved him with all her heart, he suddenly felt a sense of pity.

People's perception of beauty and ugliness is completely different.

A woman with a stunning appearance, even if she committed great evil, would still be met with great tolerance. At most, people would say she was a calamity or a seductive beauty, and even criticism would be accompanied by her beauty.

But if this woman was ugly, the same actions would be met with comments like "beauty comes from within" and "she's extremely wicked."

Duan Hong was a bit overwhelmed when he saw Chu Yanran, who had regained her beauty, and even became so tongue-tied that he couldn't speak.

Of course, in Chu Yanran's eyes, such behavior undoubtedly earned him extra points.

Duan Hong followed Chu Yanran dumbfoundedly and participated in this not-so-grand double cultivation ceremony.

After all, this was Chu Yanran's fourth marriage.

Everything was kept simple. Instead of a wedding banquet, it was more like a family dinner for the bride's side.

Naturally, there was no notification to the Duan family.

Chu Yanran, who knew about Duan Hong's past, had no intention of inviting them either.

If it weren't for wanting to leave the opportunity for revenge to Duan Hong, she would have wiped out the Duan family by now.

Having experienced the pain of falling from heaven to hell, as well as subsequent deceptions, Chu Yanran's mentality had long been twisted. It was just that her temporary happiness suppressed the cruelty in her heart.

Once this happiness couldn't last, the pain in her heart would multiply and burst out.

After the ceremony, night fell.

Duan Hong stood at the door of the bridal chamber, took a deep breath, and prepared to enter.

Just a while ago, Chu Yanran informed him that her secret technique was about to end, so she hurriedly returned to the bridal chamber.

In other words, when he pushed open the door now, he would see Chu Yanran restored to her original appearance. But after working so hard, how could he fall at this final step?

He pushed the door hard and walked in with slightly heavy steps, only to see an unexpected person.

"Xiao Die?"

Sitting on the wedding bed was Chu Yanran's personal maid, Xiao Die.

Xiao Die, dressed in a bride's gown, lowered her head shyly. When she saw Duan Hong enter, she raised her head and softly called out to him.

"Master Duan."

"Where is Yanran? How did my bride become you? Where is my Yanran?"

Duan Hong's expression changed.

Xiao Die's eyes dimmed. She didn't know why Master Duan had such deep affection for the demon-like Miss, but she preferred Master Duan even more in her heart.

After all, which girl didn't like a handsome and affectionate man? Of course, the handsome condition was a necessary prerequisite for the formula to work.

"Miss asked me to accompany you, Master."

Xiao Die forced a smile.

Duan Hong didn't know whether Chu Yanran didn't want to defile him with her current ugly body, so she used Xiao Die to replace her in the bridal chamber, or if it was her final test for him.

But no matter how affectionate Chu Yanran appeared to him, he couldn't forget the magical power that almost killed him that day.

If he hadn't made a breakthrough at that time, he would undoubtedly be dead.

That was why he didn't indulge in Chu Yanran's beauty and could quickly adjust his state.

In his heart, all of this was still a dangerous game.

So, faced with Xiao Die's embrace, Duan Hong continued with his affectionate and devoted persona.

"No matter what, there is only Yanran in my heart. If she doesn't want it now, it's okay. I can continue to wait.

Even if I can just talk to her every day, I will be satisfied.

Xiao Die, you are a good girl. I will speak for you to Yanran. I won't let you become a sacrifice between me and Yanran."

After saying that, Duan Hong left the room, closed the door, walked to the courtyard, and looked up at the half-moon hidden in the clouds.

Just like his current mood, sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

At this moment...

"It seems that Yanran really likes you."

A clear voice came.

Duan Hong turned his head and saw a suave middle-aged man walking towards him with his hands behind his back. It was Chu Tianxing, the master of the Wangshu Manor.

Although this double cultivation ceremony was simple, it was still the wedding of his only daughter, so Chu Tianxing naturally came.

"Dad, Yanran and I truly love each other."

Duan Hong's words flowed smoothly.

Chu Tianxing was first stunned, then smiled helplessly.

"I didn't mean to separate you two. Today, at the wedding, I saw Yanran smile so happily for the first time since she became like this."

He sighed softly.

"In the previous few weddings, she chose a man at random just to fulfill my task. At that time, her condition wasn't as severe as it is now, and she could still suppress her physical abnormalities for half of the day.

So those men were all willing, even if it meant becoming a son-in-law.

But this child is too stubborn. She insists on letting others accept her transformed appearance, so she refuses to enter the bridal chamber in her normal state."

Said to give them a test.

You see, when the groom entered the bridal chamber and saw her appearance, how could he bear it?

But at that time, Yanran was already crazy, saying that she didn't care about what others said about her before, but she despised her current appearance, even calling her a monster and even wanting to kill her.

Two times in a row, both fell at the last step of the bridal chamber.

The Lord of the Chu Family recalled his daughter's three marriages.

The third time, I got angry with her and asked her to be honest.

According to her test, out of a hundred men, ninety-nine would die, and the one who survived would be blind.

How could my daughter's marriage be a farce?

The boy in the third marriage didn't mind Yanran's appearance and vowed to take care of her for a lifetime.

But after less than two years of marriage, Yanran caught him keeping a mistress outside and secretly sold her dowry.

I don't know what happened that day, I only know that Yanran used the killing move I left for her.

Later, I didn't see her third husband.

Since then, Yanran has been unable to suppress her transformation, her personality has become even stranger, and her body's abnormalities can no longer be suppressed. She often meets with men who covet her reputation under the guise of blind dates, but kills anyone who talks about her.

The Lord of the Chu Family shook his head.

"In these years, she has caused me a lot of trouble. But this time, when I came here, I found that she has changed."

The Lord of the Chu Family looked at Duan Hong seriously and said:

"Do you know how much pain Yanran has to endure to suppress her body's abnormalities and restore her original appearance? But I can't see any pain on her face, only happiness.

Especially when she willingly let her maid accompany you in the bridal chamber for your sake.

I know that she really has feelings for you.

Only when you love someone, will you be willing to give up your principles and hide your ugliness for them."

Duan Hong opened his mouth, looking at the Lord of the Chu Family's penetrating eyes, but didn't know what to say.

He had a feeling that the Lord of the Chu Family seemed to have seen through his intentions.

Sure enough, he heard the Lord of the Chu Family say the next sentence:

"I'm telling you all this because I want you to know that my daughter Yanran can no longer bear another deception.

Back then, she was manipulated because of my old grudge as a father, and her cultivation technique went awry and turned into her current appearance.

So whether you are sincere or not, don't let Yanran find out."

Otherwise, I will make you understand that living is pain."

Lord Chu struck Duan Hong with a stick, causing him to faint, but he didn't forget to give him a sweet date.

"Of course, if you can make Yanran happy in the future, then you will truly be my son-in-law, the only son-in-law of Chu Tianxing."

Duan Hong smiled bitterly, "Father, whether you believe it or not, my feelings for Yanran have always been genuine. Time will prove it."

"But can't Yanran's condition be restored? Since there is a secret method to suppress it, there should be a way to restore it."

Lord Chu shook his head, "Yanran has a rare Cold Moon Spirit Body. In order to match her physique, she cultivated the ancient and incomplete book called 'Guanghan Spectrum'. This method is flawless, and Yanran progressed quickly, but the person who told her to choose this method didn't tell her that it was missing a section of the overall outline, which caused the Cold Moon power she cultivated after Foundation Building to be unable to harmonize Yin and Yang, accumulating in her physical body."

Later, even if she wanted to disperse the power and start over, she couldn't do it.

I have made a lot of connections over the years, and even begged my master, the True Immortal of the Three Yangs, for help.

But after my master finished reading it, he said that unless a Nascent Soul True Immortal expends their essence to reshape Yanran's foundation, she cannot recover.

Even so, Yanran's Cold Moon Spirit Body will definitely be damaged, and her aptitude will greatly decline in the future, no different from an ordinary person.

And how could I dare to let my master expend his essence for Yanran? So this matter came to an end.

But my master also said that if we can complete the missing section of the overall outline and let Yanran continue to cultivate, when she breaks through to the Gold Core realm, she can recover without the need for medicine.

However, the 'Guanghan Spectrum' is a top-tier ancient method. The creators of such methods are all peak Nascent Soul cultivators, even Nascent Soul venerables and even Deity Transformation experts.

I have spent a huge amount of resources over the years to obtain the qualification to comprehend the 'Guanghan Spectrum', but I can only comprehend a secret method that temporarily suppresses Yanran's physical condition."

Duan Hong listened silently, but a bold idea came to his mind.

"If a Deity Transformation expert completes the overall outline, Yanran will definitely recover. Father, I want to give it a try."

According to the introduction given to him by Mr. Bai Gu, the Great Unity Society adheres to the principle of mutual assistance and equivalent exchange.

Even if he is just an ordinary mortal, as long as he can afford the price, he can also make a Deity Transformation expert take action.

Mr. Bai Gu's task for him was to marry Chu Yanran and then test Lord Chu's attitude, gradually binding Chu Yanran to the Great Unity Society, so that Lord Chu cannot escape from it.

But now he wants to achieve it all at once.

He may not be able to make a Deity Transformation expert take action, but repairing a set of techniques should not require such a high price, and the Great Unity Society can also obtain a damaged top-tier technique for free.

Moreover, this technique is from the Xuan Yang Sect. Even if Lord Chu has such a status, he can only exchange for the right to comprehend it. If he is willing to give up the technique, it is equivalent to handing over a handle.

Of course, even if he can't afford the price, Lord Chu can't afford it either.

But Lord Chu obviously cares a lot about his daughter. For the sake of his daughter's future, it is inevitable that he will have to pretend to cooperate with the Great Unity Society for a while.

Under the melon vines and beside the plum trees, who dares to say that Lord Chu and the Great Unity Society have no connection?

Perhaps even Lord Chu himself cannot explain it clearly.

Then his mission can be considered complete.

Lord Chu couldn't help but laugh: "You? Asking the Honorable Divine Transformation to take action?"

"Alright, alright, Duan Hong, I believe in your feelings for Yanran now. You even said such foolish things."

But Duan Hong was serious: "Father, have you heard of the Great Unity Society?"

Perhaps it was ignorance that made him fearless. Even though Duan Hong had an extraordinary mind, he couldn't break free from his limited perspective and understand what kind of existence the Honorable Divine Transformation was.

So when Yu Xian boasted and packaged the fledgling Great Unity Society as one of the top 500 in the world, he actually believed it!

After all, when they first met, Senior Bai Gu had given him a Foundation Building Pill and an unorthodox Gold Core as a Qi Refining cultivator.

At the time, in order to make it easier for him to understand, Senior Bai Gu had thoughtfully referred to it as a "Gold Core".

But he only found out later that the unorthodox Gold Core was even more precious compared to a regular Gold Core.

With such wealth and power, how could he not believe it?

Even a Qi Refining cultivator could give him millions of spirit stones. If the Great Unity Society didn't have some confidence, he wouldn't believe it himself.

Lord Chu frowned and asked, "How do you know about the Great Unity Society?"

Although he was neglectful of political affairs, he still had some knowledge about the organization that had risen under his rule.

In his impression, the Great Unity Society was like a small white rabbit that had suddenly turned into an elephant.

In just a few years, there were dozens of marked members, all newly breakthrough Gold Core cultivators.

Although the Great Unity Society had yet to reveal a Nascent Soul True Immortal, he was not willing to provoke this supposedly ancient organization.

It was probably fake, but what if it was true?

So his attitude was quite ambiguous. Although he had sent undercover agents to contact the Great Unity Society, he hadn't made any extreme reactions.

As for what happened by his side, not allowing others to sleep soundly...

As a retiring Gold Core cultivator, why should he care about so much? As long as the Great Unity Society didn't cause trouble during his tenure and the news reached the Heavenly City, he would pretend not to know anything.

Unless the True Immortal of September personally ordered him, he would at most compile the information from these days and report it, then take leave and retire.

He had people above him.

At this moment, when he heard Duan Hong suddenly mention the Great Unity Society, Lord Chu realized that the organization had infiltrated even deeper than he had expected.

Just because he didn't handle affairs didn't mean he was easy to bully.

Without enough muscle, the Great Unity Society, with only a dozen Gold Core cultivators who had recently broken through, was not enough to make him truly fear.

Duan Hong didn't know that Lord Chu's attitude had become more resistant because he mentioned the Great Unity Society. He just suddenly felt the pressure from his father-in-law increase.

He swallowed his saliva and his voice trembled slightly.

"It was by chance that I learned about this organization. They are said to promote mutual assistance, equal exchange, and the noble tradition of 'everyone for me, me for everyone'.

The most important thing is that they have a Honorable Divine Transformation sitting in their organization. As long as it meets the principle of equal exchange, it is not impossible to ask the Honorable Divine Transformation for help.

I thought, if I could join this organization, maybe I could find a glimmer of hope for Yanran."

"I see."

Lord Chu didn't know about this rule of the Great Unity Society. Hearing that Duan Hong was still thinking about his daughter, his attitude softened slightly, but he didn't think it was a good idea.

"What kind of person is the Honorable Divine Transformation? Even our entire Xuan Yang Sect is insignificant in their eyes.

You, a mere Foundation Building cultivator, want to ask them for help. It's ridiculous."

Duan Hong, upon hearing this, also felt a little panicked, wondering if he had overestimated himself.

But since the words had already been spoken, he had to ask Senior Bai Gu first.

"Father, I still want to give it a try."

Seeing Duan Hong's serious expression, Lord Chu pondered for a moment and nodded.

"In consideration of your deep love for Yanran, go ahead and try. If you need my support, just ask."

A glimmer of hope rose in his heart.

What if it really works?

And if the Great Unity Society can truly complete the overall outline of the "Guanghan Spectrum" cultivation technique, it means that there really is a Honorable Divine Transformation in the Great Unity Society.

Even if it's not a Honorable Divine Transformation, it's at least a Nascent Soul peak cultivator close to the Divine Transformation realm.

Then he would have a basis for his future attitude towards the Great Unity Society.

"Thank you, Father." Duan Hong bowed, "I will help Yanran restore her original appearance."

Even if it's for his own future happiness. (End of this chapter)

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