Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

220.Chapter 219 Entering The Game (65K, 400 Monthly Tickets Plus Changes Last Month)

Half a year later.

In the city of Wangshu, Yan Garden.

Duan Hong knelt in front of the Lord of the Chu Mansion, his face pale as paper, his eyes filled with despair.

"Father, give me a little more time. Perhaps there has been a slight delay on the side of the Datong Society, and there will soon be results."

The Lord of the Chu Mansion sneered, "Duan Hong, I have already given you two extra months. I have run out of patience. If there hadn't been a six-month deadline from the beginning, I could wait. But since a deadline was given, the promise must be kept. Since you have staked your life, today you shall pay with your life."

His aura was like a knife pressed against Duan Hong's heart, slowly piercing in, killing without shedding blood.

Duan Hong stubbornly did not beg for mercy.

He knew very well that his resistance was meaningless. In front of the powerful Lord of the Chu Mansion, it was better to die with some dignity.

Perhaps, for the sake of his own daughter, the Lord of the Chu Mansion might spare his life.

"Do you think I dare not kill you?"

Seeing Duan Hong bowing his head in resignation, the Lord of the Chu Mansion couldn't help but laugh.

Duan Hong felt as if he was carrying a mountain on his shoulders, even his voice was somewhat distorted.

"Father, if I am wrong, I will admit it. If you want to take my life, I have nothing to say, but can you wait a little longer? Even if I die, I want to die with clarity, to get an explanation from the Datong Society."

The Lord of the Chu Mansion snorted coldly, and his aura instantly receded.

"In consideration of the fact that you did not tell Yanran about this matter, I will give you some more time. You can investigate the Datong Society, and I want an explanation. Otherwise, no matter who they are, behind this Lord of the Chu Mansion is the Xuan Yang Sect, and not just anyone can bully us."

Duan Hong's heart trembled, feeling fortunate that he didn't ask Chu Yanran to come and save him.

Since two months ago, as the deadline of six months approached, he had been filled with fear, even considering revealing this matter to Chu Yanran.

After they got married, although they had not had any substantial relationship, their feelings had progressed greatly.

Especially on the day of their marriage, when he embraced Xiaodie without hesitation, it left a deep impression on Chu Yanran.

So if Chu Yanran was willing to help him, perhaps the Lord of the Chu Mansion wouldn't really take his life.

But after careful consideration, he realized that this would be his way to die.

The Lord of the Chu Mansion had made it clear that he couldn't cause any more harm to Chu Yanran. If he involved her, it would only make the Lord of the Chu Mansion even more displeased with him.

Duan Hong escaped death and quickly thanked, "Father, I will definitely handle this matter well."

Just at this moment...

"Why is the Lord of the Chu Mansion so angry? It's just a delay of two months. Can't a respected elder like the Lord of the Chu Mansion wait for two more months?"

A clear voice came from not far away.

The main expression on the face of the Lord of the Chu Mansion changed slightly, his divine consciousness stirred, causing ripples in the air, but he couldn't find the whereabouts of the person speaking.

A figure slowly appeared in the air, and it was none other than Yu Xian, who intentionally arrived late.

With his three-grade divine ability, even if he faced a Nascent Soul True Immortal, he might not be able to see through his whereabouts, let alone the Lord of the Chu Mansion, who was only in the later stage of the Gold Core.

It was precisely this ability that allowed him to interrupt the anger of the Lord of the Chu Mansion.

After all, if the performance went wrong, he would really be shooting himself in the foot.

But if he came too early, it would appear that he was rushing and begging.

"Senior member of the Great Unity Society, President Bai Gu of the Xuan Yang Realm Branch, I have seen the Lord of the Chu Mansion."

Yu Xian slightly bowed.

But the Lord of the Chu Mansion did not think that the visitor was polite; his uninvited arrival was already that of an unwelcome guest.

Instead, an infinite sense of fear rose in his heart. The other party was only ten zhang away from him, but he had no sense of it beforehand.

"You are the president of the recently famous Great Unity Society. The Lord of the Mansion thought it was a formidable expert, but did not expect it to be an untrustworthy person."

Yu Xian did not get angry, but smiled slightly.

"Lord of the Chu Mansion, it was indeed my miscalculation in this matter.

The senior member I am familiar with happened to be out, so my master contacted another senior for me, and that completed the part of the technique for the Lord.

As for being late for a few days, the compensation the Lord of the Mansion will give me will be twenty thousand spirit stones less, which can be considered as my apology."

The Lord of the Chu Mansion remained calm, but waves of shock and fear had already surged within him.

According to what Yu Xian had just said, not only did the Great Unity Society have Nascent Soul seniors, but there were also more than one.

Of course, it could also be an intentional exaggeration to deceive him. Everything would have to wait until he saw the completed "Guanghan Spectrum".

"Now that you have come, I presume the things the Lord of the Mansion wants have already been brought."

Yu Xian pushed his palm, and a crescent-shaped moonstone flew out and landed in front of the Lord of the Chu Mansion.

"A thousand words are not as good as the fact being presented. The Lord of the Mansion can inspect the goods first, and as for what happens afterwards, it can be discussed after the Lord has confirmed."

Speaking of which, this "Guanghan Spectrum" has a profound meaning. It is truly a top-tier technique. Even the senior members of the society have praised it a few times.

If it weren't for the deadline being over, I would really want to keep it and study it for a while."

In fact, he had spent half a year trying out the women around him. Not to mention the compatibility of their physique, even their cultivation couldn't achieve it.

Yulan's aptitude relied entirely on drugs, and her innate talent was extremely poor. There was still a gap between her and the spiritual bodies in the sky, and this gap was not in her physique, but in her comprehension.

So after three months of contemplating the Guanghan Spectrum, she gained almost nothing except for sleeping more soundly.

As for Luo Han, she only contemplated it briefly and put the technique aside.

The cultivation method she practiced, the One Mind, One Pill Technique, emphasized focusing on one thing with single-mindedness. She had long been accustomed to the cultivation method that was in harmony with alchemy. Changing it rashly would only distract her attention and reduce her efficiency.

What suited oneself was the most important, even if it was a top-tier technique, it couldn't shake her determination.

Of course, the main issue is still the inability to comprehend.

But this decisive temperament also made Yu Xian admire.

There is also a Zhao Shiwen, whose aptitude is considered good among ordinary people, but she is still in the realm of mortals, not to mention anything else.

In the end, Yu Xian had no choice but to arrange even his own tiger.

The difference between humans and demons is still quite significant.

Even though Ah Miao has been familiar with the cultural heritage of the human race since childhood and can be said to understand the human heart, he still cannot enter the door.

So Yu Xian had to give up the idea of taking advantage.

"Oh, you trust me so much, not afraid that I will take advantage and go back on my word?"

Chu Fuzhu rubbed the crescent moon stone that carried the inheritance of the "Guanghan Spectrum" with his fingers. The familiar touch allowed him to confirm immediately that this was the original.

Yu Xian remained calm, with a faint self-confidence, and a hint of unquestionable dominance.

"I believe that Chu Fuzhu is a smart person and will not make mistakes that bring disaster to himself and the sect."

After speaking, Yu Xian disappeared in front of Chu Fuzhu, without leaving any trace, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

Chu Fuzhu was on high alert, but was surprised to find that not only could he not detect when President Bai arrived, he didn't even know how he left.

"Such methods are admirable and terrifying."

Although he had not fought against Yu Xian, he had just used all means in secret and still couldn't see through his true strength, knowing that his strength was definitely not inferior to his own.

Even surpassing him.

The President of the Xuan Yang Realm Branch, this title is not small.

"Could it be that the Great Unity Society is actually real?"

Chu Fuzhu fell into contemplation, his temples throbbing faintly, indicating that his mind was working at an extremely fast pace.

"Whether it is or not, let me first see if this technique is complete."

"Duan Hong."

"Dad, I'm here."

Duan Hong survived a near-death experience and seeing President Bai personally appear, most of the fear and uneasiness that had accumulated for a long time disappeared.

He didn't know why President Bai, whom he had only known for a few days, would trust him so much.

He thought about it carefully, probably because President Bai had seen his true self, so there was no need to hide in front of him.

There was also a sense of willingness to die for a friend.

Not everyone can take out a Gold Core worth millions of spirit stones as an investment when facing a Qi Refining cultivator.

Chu Fuzhu threw the crescent moon stone to Duan Hong.

"Take the technique to Yanran. Whether it is effective or not, it's not up to me to decide. She is the most qualified person to speak."


Duan Hong tightly held the Crescent Moon Stone, his gaze determined, as if he held his own future.


Another three months.

Yan Garden.

The main screen of Chu Mansion retreated, and a private banquet was arranged to entertain distinguished guests.

"President Bai, I apologize for any offense in my previous words. I hope you can forgive me and not take offense."

With that, the master of Chu Mansion raised his glass and toasted Yu Xian.

Yu Xian raised his glass in return and said, "No pain, no gain. I am new here, and I hope the master of Chu Mansion will take care of me in the future."

"Haha, President Bai has done me a great favor. Whatever you need in the future, just ask. Yanran, why don't you toast to your benefactor?"

The master of Chu Mansion instructed his daughter, who was sitting on the side.

Chu Yanran, with the demeanor of a noble lady, had regained her graceful appearance at some point. There was no sign of the pain she had experienced when using secret techniques, as if she were no different from an ordinary person.

"President Bai, Yanran will never forget your kindness. If you need Yanran's help in the future, she will not refuse."

Chu Yanran, who had returned to her original appearance, spoke politely and her voice was gentle, without a trace of her previous cruelty.

But Yu Xian, who had witnessed Chu Yanran's ugly side, was not moved by the beauty of his subordinate's wife. He simply smiled faintly and said, "I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. If you really want to thank someone, you should thank your husband. If he hadn't guaranteed with his life, my cooperation with the master of Chu Mansion wouldn't have been so pleasant."

Chu Yanran smiled sweetly and under the table, her hand was tightly clasped with Duan Hong's.

"Duan Lang treats me deeply, and Yanran will never forget it. No matter what happens in the future, Yanran will only belong to Duan Lang in this lifetime."

She had been practicing the "Guanghan Spectrum" to complete the overall outline for three months. The cold moon power accumulated in her body began to harmonize the yin and yang, no longer storing in her physical body, but refining into her dantian to enhance her cultivation.

Not only could her cultivation continue to improve, but she could also transform into her current appearance for half of the day, just like when she first transformed.

But she no longer felt the despair she had felt before. After all, she used to get worse day by day, but now she was getting better every day, with new hope every day.

Not to mention that she was now practicing a top-level technique, with limitless prospects for the future. The Gold Core realm was no longer a shackle for her, and she could even attempt the Nascent Soul realm.

Duan Hong looked at her affectionately.

"As long as you are happy and content, I will love you no matter what you look like."

Chu Yanran blinked mischievously and said, "Then should I change back to my previous appearance to accompany you?"

Duan Hong's face stiffened, and he forced a bitter smile, "I still prefer your current appearance."

Chu Yanran chuckled and leaned on Duan Hong's shoulder.

"When I break through to the Gold Core realm, I will be able to fully recover, and then we will never be apart."

Chu Mansion's master on the side watched with great satisfaction.

It had been a long time since he had seen his daughter's smile since her body underwent a transformation, and joking with others was out of the question.

His gaze couldn't help but look at Yu Xian, who was pouring and drinking by himself.

"President Bai, I won't say much about my gratitude, but I am truly grateful for your efforts in contacting and even inviting such a prestigious figure. Please don't refuse this small token of appreciation."

As he spoke, he personally stood up and walked in front of Yu Xian, handing over an ordinary-looking ring.

Yu Xian's eyes flickered.

What Chu Mansion's master took out was not a storage bag, a common product, but a storage ring.

A storage ring was an upgraded version of a storage bag.

Not only did it have a larger storage capacity, but it also had a spiritual sense lock. Compared to a storage bag, it was like the difference between a safe and an ordinary suitcase.

Some storage rings even had a few spiritual arts imprinted on them. Their power might not be too great, but they could be instantly activated, just like spiritual symbols.

However, storage rings were already considered high-end luxury items, with prices three to five times higher than storage bags for the same amount of space.

Not only were they rarely seen on the market, but only the VIPs of those big trading companies were eligible to purchase them.

So any cultivator who wore a storage ring would have a higher status and background.

Yu Xian, who had seen many Elder Yu's storage bags, casually took the storage ring and scanned it with his spiritual sense.

Since Chu Mansion's master intended it as a gift, he had naturally erased the spiritual sense imprint on the storage ring, so it was easy for Yu Xian to probe into it.


Yu Xian put down the storage ring and smiled ambiguously.

"Master Chu, did you make a mistake? There are a lot more things in here than I wanted."

The contents of the storage ring were very monotonous, just spirit stones.

But they weren't individual ones, they were piles of spirit stones, like small mountains. Although they were all low-grade spirit stones, the quantity was overwhelming.

There were about one million spirit stones in a pile, and there were five piles in total.

That was a total of five million spirit stones.

This number was not a small sum for Chu Mansion's master either.

It should be noted that the inheritance of a late Gold Core stage True Person of the Ten Thousand Beasts was only a few hundred thousand spirit stones, plus a few third-grade demon pills.

Those were all obtained later by hunting in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range, and it even brought disaster upon himself.

For cultivators, having too many spirit stones was actually not very useful. It was more about exchanging them for various cultivation resources, and the real cash flow wouldn't be too large.

So when Yu Xian proposed compensation earlier, it was also a fair price, only asking for three million, which was exactly the price of three third-grade demon pills.

Seeing Yu Xian's indifferent appearance, Chu Mansion's master smiled faintly.

"No mistake was made. President Bai has helped me tremendously, even using his personal connections for this. If I am not compensated more, it would be me who is not being reasonable. If President Bai truly wants to be friends with me, please do not refuse."

As for spirit stones, Lord Chu doesn't care much about them. He hasn't made any progress in his cultivation over the years, hasn't taken any disciples, and only has Chu Yanran as his daughter. Moreover, Chu Yanran was unable to continue cultivating before, so it can be said that even if she had money, she couldn't spend it. But as the lord of the mansion, even if he doesn't embezzle, a portion of the tax revenue flows into his pocket every year. Not to mention the spiritual fields and mines under his name, as well as the resources allocated to him by the Chu family, the accumulated wealth of a hundred years, how can it be ordinary? Let alone five million spirit stones, he could grit his teeth and come up with tens of millions. But if it's a little more, he would have to sell his properties.

Yu Xian shook his head and sighed, "Lord Chu is so polite. If I don't accept it, it would make things difficult for you, and I would feel guilty."


Lord Chu laughed heartily and raised his cup again.

"President Bai, you're so generous. Let's have another drink."

"Cheers." Yu Xian raised his cup.

After a few rounds of toasting, Lord Chu casually mentioned, "President Bai, within just half a year, you were able to deliver the original technique of the 'Guanghan Spectrum' to the venerable and bring it back. Could it be that the headquarters of the Datong Society is not far from the Xuan Yang Realm?"

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "The Datong Society spans across various domains, and its headquarters is even more mysterious. Even I have no way of knowing. As for how to deliver the technique to the venerable and bring it back, I have my own methods."

Lord Chu nodded with a smile.

"I understand, I understand. Haha, I should have asked Meng Lang about this."

"What do you understand? If you don't say it, how am I supposed to continue the story? Riddle man, you're so annoying!"

Yu Xian complained in his heart, but on the surface, he had a look of "as long as you know" and a smile that was ambiguous and mysterious.

"I have heard that the Datong Society has the fine tradition of 'I am for everyone, and everyone is for me.' I wonder what President Bai's plans are for the future of the Datong Society. If there is anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to ask."

Lord Chu brought up the main topic.

Although Yu Xian had helped him greatly, he now had interests tied to the Datong Society. But if the Datong Society wanted to cause trouble under the jurisdiction of the Xuan Yang Sect, he would have to separate his public and private affairs.

Yu Xian paused for a moment and said, "Even if Lord Chu does not ask, I still have to bring up this matter. In fact, the Great Unity Society is not a tightly organized group, but more like a platform, a hope for cultivators who have no way out in the world.

The founder of our Great Unity Society once said that people are amazed by the brilliance of the sun and moon, but no one pays attention to the flickering fireflies in the night. Though he may not be talented, he is willing to light a lamp for the people of the world, to let the fireflies bloom and the night stay bright. And so, the Great Unity Society was born.

I don't know if Lord Chu has noticed, but most of the cultivators who have contact with our Great Unity Society are old cultivators who are nearing the end of their lives. We give them hope, hoping that they can shine even brighter."

Lord Chu said, "I found this matter strange before. Recently, most of the Gold Core cultivators involved with the Great Unity Society were old cultivators nearing the end of their lives. However, I am still puzzled. These old cultivators have basically exhausted their potential and are unable to break through. I wonder what methods the Great Unity Society has to greatly increase their chances of breaking through to Gold Core.

If this matter involves the secrets of the Great Unity Society, consider it as me speaking nonsense."

Yu Xian smiled mysteriously and said, "There are only a few ways in this world to increase the chances of breakthrough for cultivators. Can't Lord Chu guess?"

Lord Chu nodded in understanding and made an unrelated comment, "No wonder the high-level demon pills of the Wanbao Trading Company have become somewhat scarce in recent years."

The method of the External Path's Gold Core is naturally known by the Xuan Yang Sect. The main material is also almost certain, either the human race's Gold Core or the demon race's demon pill. Of course, there are also other exotic inner cores, but ultimately, the human and demon races are the mainstream, and other methods of the External Path's Gold Core are niche, with few researchers.

"But there is still one thing I don't understand, please enlighten me, President Bai."

"Please speak."

"The Great Unity Society has lofty ambitions and is willing to support cultivators nearing the end of their lives to break through, which is naturally a good thing. However, have you considered the impact of so many Gold Core cultivators appearing on the local order? If the Great Unity Society cannot control its members and the local order becomes chaotic, it will attract the attention of higher-level powers. At that time, conflicts between higher-level powers will be more likely, and it will inevitably lead to suffering. Does this not go against the original intention of the Great Unity Society?"

Yu Xian knew that the crucial moment had come.

The conflict between the Great Unity Society and Lord Chu would become a threat if it got out of control, and it could easily implicate him. So, if he wanted to deal with Lord Chu, a temporary transaction based on gratitude would not be sustainable. Only by making Lord Chu feel no threat, and even delivering benefits to him, could he actively support the development of the Great Unity Society.

"Lord Chu, you worry too much. The development of the Great Unity Society will never come at the expense of the local area, but by plundering other races to strengthen ourselves. That's why the first stop on my journey to the Xuan Yang Region was the Wangshu Prefecture, because it borders the Wan Yao Mountain Range.

The boundless Wan Yao Mountain Range is the granary of the Great Unity Society."

So Lord Chu doesn't need to worry about any problems that may arise.

Of course, if someone violates the rules of the Datong Society and causes trouble locally, we will take the initiative to deal with them without Lord Chu having to speak up.

The purpose of the Datong Society is to make friends, not enemies.

It is precisely because of this belief that the Datong Society can continue to grow and even attract many esteemed individuals to join voluntarily.

Time will verify everything, and then Lord Chu will realize how correct today's decision is."

Yu Xian looked proud, as if there really was a noble Datong Society with such a belief.

After all, if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself.

Lord Chu was truly moved. He pondered for a moment and suddenly asked:

"I heard that the Datong Society emphasizes equal exchange. If I, Chu, want to seek the opportunity for Nascent Soul, what price do I need to pay?"

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "In the world, we have only heard of the Outer Path Gold Core, not the Outer Path Nascent Soul.

If you want the opportunity for Nascent Soul, Lord Chu doesn't need to go far. Although Xuan Yang Sect does not have esteemed individuals presiding, it has a long heritage. Can it not satisfy Lord Chu?"

Lord Chu smiled bitterly, "Although Xuan Yang Sect is large, there are more cultivators like me than just a few. I, Chu, do not have any extraordinary talent, so how can I expect the sect to treat me well?"

Back then, he was only a preparatory true disciple, one step away from the true transmission.

This one step represented the sect's preparation of Infant Transformation spiritual objects and the opportunity to condense Infant. They were beyond his reach.

Nascent Soul True Immortals were the true upper echelons of the sect, representing the future direction of the sect's destiny. They were always in short supply.

Apart from the deserving true disciples, anyone else who wants an opportunity for Nascent Soul needs to overcome countless competitors.

He was undoubtedly sent to Wangshu Prefecture City because he failed to compete.

Yu Xian didn't expect Lord Chu to be old in age but still thinking about breaking through to Infant Transformation.

Hmm, it seems reasonable to think about it. At this age, if he doesn't break through, he will only have a few decades left to live.

But it's good that he has a request.

Without any demands, how can he keep him hanging?

Just give him a few decades of stable development, and maybe he will break through to Nascent Soul, and then he won't care about Lord Chu and Xuan Yang Sect's attitude.

So Yu Xian remained silent for a moment and nodded slowly, saying:

"I understand what Lord Chu is asking for, but the opportunity for Nascent Soul is too precious, and I cannot guarantee it.

However, if Lord Chu is willing to trust me, within fifty years at most, when the Datong Society has established itself in the Xuan Yang Realm, I will be able to find an opportunity for Lord Chu to obtain the chance for Nascent Soul."

Seeing that Yu Xian didn't take on too much responsibility and even subtly made a condition, Lord Chu believed him even more.

After all, he didn't rely solely on the Datong Society. It was just an additional option for him.

Of course, the premise is that the Datong Society really develops quietly, without causing any major disturbances.

Otherwise, he would have to turn his heart towards the sect.

The two individuals, each with their own ulterior motives, continued to drink and talk, as if they were old friends of many years. (End of this chapter)

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