Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

221. Chapter 220 Frustrated

Yu Xian bid farewell to the Lord of Chu Mansion and once again retreated behind the scenes.

In a short period of time, the development of the Great Unity Society will be smooth sailing, and Yu Xian naturally will not miss such a good opportunity.

In addition, he had just received compensation from the Lord of Chu Mansion, so he immediately invested again, estimating that the number of new members recruited this year will reach ten.

In the year 5713 of the Jiuyang calendar, on the fifth day of the fifth month, the weather was clear.

Autumn Wind Mountain, in front of Peach Blossom Cave.

In the three-mile peach blossom forest, the peach blossoms were in full bloom, and the pink petals danced in the air, showing the elegance of the owner of this place.

In the pavilion in the forest, Yu Xian tried to sing a song while drinking, but could only plagiarize some poems from his past life to make up the numbers.

"In front of Peach Blossom Cave, there is a peach blossom forest. In the peach blossom forest, there is a peach blossom fairy. The peach blossom fairy plants peach trees and picks peach blossoms to sell for wine money.

To wake up from wine, sit in front of the flowers. To get drunk, lie down under the flowers. Half awake, half drunk, day after day, flowers bloom and fall, year after year."

"Sir, you're really amazing!"

Yulan clapped her hands and praised, her eyes full of admiration like a little woman, greatly satisfying the vanity of a man.

Especially Yulan's gaze was extremely sincere.

As if everything was taken for granted, as if it were the truth of the world.

On the side, Luo Han was savoring the peach blossom wine buried under the peach tree by Yu Xian before the New Year. Drinking poetry, it had a unique taste.

She looked at the carefree and unrestrained man at this moment, her eyes shimmering like moonlight on a lake, divided into enchanting.

Her personality was both reserved and unrestrained.

With just a smile exchanged between Yu Xian and Luo Han, they knew that they would have a little opportunity to show their strength tonight.

Luo Han seemed conservative, but in fact, she would always make some entertaining gadgets while refining pills in private. It can only be said that she was professional and had many tricks up her sleeve.

Moreover, these pills did not harm the body and could even enhance cultivation. It can only be said that having a wife who was an alchemist was very convenient.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Yu Xian lay on Yulan's lap, watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the pavilion, enjoying a leisurely and elegant moment.

"After all the hustle and bustle, isn't it just for the sake of prolonging such days?"

He reached out his hand, and the wind came from afar, causing the peach forest to sway, countless flower petals flew up into the air, and then fell down like a shower of flowers.

"I hope we can have a peaceful time for a while."

He had dealt with the Lord of Chu Mansion, but things with the Golden Peng Demon Emperor would not go as he wished. Sooner or later, something would happen again.

With more and more prospective members joining the Great Unity Society and seizing the territory of the Golden Peng Demon Clan, it was only a matter of time before they completely wiped out the third-grade inferior Demon King.

This can be seen from the gradually rising casualty rate in the Great Unity Society.

After all, those fake pill cultivators repeatedly fell into the trap of the Demon Kings because they already knew that the hunting targets of the Great Unity Society were all third-grade inferior Demon Kings.

As the number of low-grade demon kings decreased, they only needed to set up ambushes near the remaining demon kings to lure the enemy into a trap.

"Perhaps we can shift from hunting demon kings to plundering resources..."

"But collecting bit by bit is not as fast as directly snatching it. Killing a demon king and taking away its accumulated wealth of hundreds or even thousands of years can bring in a windfall."

Unless I voluntarily reduce my merits, they will eventually take risks in order to accumulate enough merits as soon as possible.

However, the current casualty rate is still within my tolerance. If it gets higher, I will have to arrange for everyone to relocate."

Yu Xian pondered the future strategic direction of the Great Unity Society, feeling a wave of drowsiness slowly washing over him. His eyelids grew heavy, and he fell asleep just like that.

Yulan looked down at Yu Xian's sleeping face, gently smoothing away the worries between his eyebrows, sighing,

"I feel like my husband has more and more on his mind, but I can't help him at all."

She silently added in her heart,

If only Xiao Yi were here.

She always felt that she had received too much and given too little, which made her feel guilty.

Especially seeing Yu Xian going out every few days and returning dusty and tired, it made her feel even more useless.

The previous husband was so good, lazy to the point where he didn't want to get out of bed unless necessary.

She was happy to serve such a husband, making her feel needed.

But why is it that now that his cultivation has grown and his realm has advanced, the days are not as happy as they were at the beginning?

Luo Han sighed softly at her words.

She was no different.

She preferred the previous Yu Xian who would sneak a glance at her chest and pretend to be serious. The current Yu Xian feels more mature, but not as cute as before.

And all she could do was help her husband refine batch after batch of pills.

"Perhaps when my husband becomes stronger, we can return to the days of the past."


One year later.

Golden Peng Demon Vein.

A demon king's cave.


The air buzzed loudly, and array discs burst out of the void, but they couldn't withstand the heavy pressure and shattered into pieces flying everywhere.

The fog lock that was just fierce a moment ago seemed to lose its power, turning into a mist and dispersing.

Using the formation to suppress a low-grade demon king that resembles a wild boar, the four fake pill stage cultivators suddenly felt a buzzing in their ears, and the spell they were casting was instantly interrupted.

They looked up in horror and saw a golden feather piercing through the formation.

The golden feather was like a divine sword, instantly sweeping through the surrounding void and cutting off all their escape routes.

"What is this?"

One of the fake pill stage cultivators groaned in anguish.

Just a feather, yet it made them unable to muster any resistance.

"This is not the demon king's method, it's the demon emperor! The Golden Peng Demon Emperor has made a move!"

Another fake pill stage cultivator's face turned pale, and he bit his tongue, forcing out a mouthful of blood, then ignited his spiritual power.

His body turned into a rainbow light, directly using a life-saving secret technique.

However, a cold laughter came from the air.

"You think you can escape in front of this emperor?"

A golden claw, as if cast from gold, ruthlessly tore through the air, grabbing the escaping fake pill stage cultivator in its grasp.


Bloody flowers bloomed, and the fake pill stage cultivator, who could be called an ancestor from the outside, exploded into a mist of blood, leaving behind not even a last word.

A middle-aged man wearing a golden robe and a hooked nose appeared in front of the remaining three fake pill stage cultivators.

With a flick of his finger, a drop of blood flew out and hit a nearby weed, only bending its leaves.

Then, it dripped onto the ground, splattering tiny blood stains.

With just one move, it was evident that he wielded strength and control over his power and physical body.

"This emperor has a human name, bestowed by the Phoenix Demon Venerable. It is Yue Shan. Of course, you can also call me by a more familiar title, the Golden Peng Demon Emperor!"

The wild boar demon king, freed from the suppression of the formation, rolled on the ground and transformed into a fat man with black skin, crying to the middle-aged man, "Lord Demon Emperor, please help this little demon! This little demon was living peacefully in its own cave, but these human cultivators came and wanted to kill the little demon and take its pill!"

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor looked at the fat man with disdain and waved his sleeve.

"You filthy fool, get lost."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, then obediently turned into a large black ball and rolled away.

"Tell this emperor, what is the Great Unity Sect behind you?"

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor looked at the three surviving fake pill stage cultivators.

The large-scale hunting of demon kings by the demon veins had long alerted him.

Under his command, the demonic veins occupy an area of only five thousand li, with an average of three hundred li per demonic king, totaling just over two hundred.

Suddenly, there is a decrease of one-tenth, and if he still doesn't know what's going on, he would be too negligent.

At first, he thought that there were cultivators from the Xuanyang Sect who were not content and secretly came to hunt demons.

Such things have happened in his nearly thousand-year career as the Demon Emperor, and it can even be said to happen frequently.

After all, for the human race, the entire demon race is a treasure, and it is difficult for them to resist taking action when they have the advantage.

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor usually tolerates it.

After all, the Vermilion Phoenix Demon Ancestor has repeatedly emphasized that his subordinates should not have conflicts with human sects.

So as long as the human cultivators don't go too far and aren't too conspicuous, he would pretend not to see and keep a vague record.

Without evidence, how can it be proven that it was the work of human cultivators?

But now, he can no longer pretend not to see.

Previously, the true disciples of the Xuanyang Sect had only killed three demonic kings on his territory because they revealed their human identity, so he had to hold the Xuanyang Sect accountable.

Of course, at first, he picked a soft persimmon, which was the Shangyang City, and even sent his own half-demonic daughter, who leaned towards the human race, to command there.

As a result, he encountered a tough opponent and had to reluctantly approach the Xuanyang Sect.

Although he returned in defeat, he had displayed his momentum.

The Demon King below also accepted it after understanding, knowing that there was no reason for war. After all, their Demon Emperor was weak, while the Xuan Yang Sect on the other side had several Nascent Soul True Immortals.

Now that dozens of Demon Kings have gone missing, it has been exposed that it was done by human cultivators.

Even if he wanted to pretend to be blind, he couldn't do it.

But this time, he learned his lesson and didn't dare to cause trouble at the Xuan Yang Sect's mountain gate. Instead, he attacked the Mingyue Heavenly City, which bordered his territory, demanding an explanation from them.

There was only one Nascent Soul True Immortal sitting there, but he was not worried because he had extreme speed.

Sure enough, after harassing the September True Immortal a few times, he couldn't take it anymore and agreed to give him an explanation.

And then he waited.

What else could he do?

If he really led his Demon Kings to attack, he might gain an advantage at first.

But it wouldn't take long for the Xuan Yang Sect, which would find an excuse to counterattack, to take over his Golden Peng Demon Vein that stretched for five thousand miles.

There was no way around it. Who in the Demon Clan didn't know that the Qinghuang Demon Lord betrayed his own bloodline and forgot the deep hatred between the Demon Clan and the human race, actually getting along well with the human race.

Not only did he vigorously promote peaceful coexistence between humans and demons, but he also sent outstanding bloodlines from various demon clans to the Jiuyang Immortal Sect for exchange and learning.

If he found out that he was foolishly pushing for a decisive battle between the beast tide and the human race, not only would he not help him, but he would also tie him up and make him apologize to the human race.

So he waited and waited.

Not only did he not receive any instructions from the September True Lord, but he also discovered that the activity of hunting and killing demon kings in the demon veins was increasing.

This is unbearable.

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor became serious and soon discovered the existence of the Great Unity Society.

Although the Great Unity Society used the soul power of every prospective member to refine the Blood Soul Charm, the Blood Soul Charm can only control life and death, not words and actions.

Faced with the terror between life and death, even if they could live for a moment longer, many people were willing to bow down and survive.

Then the Golden Peng Demon Emperor was shocked by the origin of the Great Unity Society.

Crossing many domains, with a Divine Transformation expert presiding over it, a heritage of over ten thousand years...

Of course, the testimonies of a group of fake pill cultivators were not enough to convince him. He had to further verify before making a judgment.

"Lord Demon Emperor, the Great Unity Society is..."

A fake pill cultivator immediately betrayed the Great Unity Society without hesitation.

These fake pill cultivators were all threatened to join the society. Although they achieved the fake pill realm through the power of the demonic core, most of them held grudges and did not remember favors.

Not to mention that if they could be threatened to offer their soul power, they could naturally betray the Great Unity Society for their own lives.

After all, one meant immediate death, while the other might not necessarily lead to death.

Listening to the similar description of the Great Unity Society, the Golden Peng Demon Emperor impatiently waved his hand.

"Do you only know these things?"

"Lord Demon Emperor, we are just prospective members. We usually learn about the society from a formal member."

The cultivator who just spoke replied cautiously.

After pondering for a moment, the Golden Peng Demon Emperor said, "Regardless of whether you are a prospective member or a formal member, you have hunted the demon kings under my command. This matter must be explained to me. Let the person in charge of your society come and see me. Otherwise, starting from today, every cultivator from the Great Unity Society who appears in the Golden Peng Demon Vein will not be tolerated!"

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor looked at the first cultivator who surrendered just now.

"You have done well. Take my words back and tell the Great Unity Society that if they don't come to see me, I still have seven or eight fake pill cultivators from your society, which are the prospective members you just mentioned. Let them think it over."

"Yes, yes."

The cultivator who escaped death couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

While nodding and bowing, he cautiously retreated, then soared into the sky and turned into a streak of light in an instant.

The remaining two cultivators felt regretful for hesitating just now and missing the opportunity to save their lives.

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor's eyes flashed with a hint of mockery.

Once you become a traitor, there is no turning back.

Even if that cultivator can go back, his fate won't be too good.


On a cliff of an unnamed small mountain.

"You can leave now."

Summoned and having repeated the encounter with the Golden Peng Demon Emperor, a certain cultivator, who was handsome and fair-skinned, smiled slightly to the person standing at the edge of the cliff. Then he bowed and took his leave.

"Young master, he must have surrendered to the Demon Emperor in order to survive. Why spare his life?"

Wan Tianchou, who resided on the outskirts of the Golden Peng Demon Vein, was the contact person for these prospective members who entered the demon vein to hunt demons.

And with the increase of fake pill cultivators in the society, he no longer accepted employment.

Otherwise, with his strength, he might have fallen into the sudden attack of the Golden Peng Demon Emperor this time.

"Do you have any evidence?"

Yu Xian smiled and spoke reasonably, "Without evidence, we shouldn't make unfounded accusations, so as not to hurt the hearts of other members."

Wan Tianchou smiled bitterly.


Then he heard Yu Xian continue, "Take note of his name and assign him a dangerous task. It's not easy to cultivate a fake pill cultivator, so killing him would be a waste."

Wan Tianchou burst into laughter.

This was the young master he was familiar with.

Yu Xian didn't pay attention to these trivial matters, but looked into the distance at the rolling green waves, sighing softly.

"Even though I knew that such a day would come, I always felt that there was still time, that I could be a little greedy again.

As a result, this time I lost a total of nine fake pill cultivators!

The esteemed Demon Emperor actually made a move against a group of fake pill cultivators, and even launched a surprise attack. Damn, he really has the nerve!"

Cultivating a fake pill cultivator first required the cost of selecting individuals.

For example, if a member of the society recommended a prospective member, they would receive ten merits, which was equivalent to one hundred thousand spirit stones. In addition to various other background checks, thousands or even tens of thousands of spirit stones had to be spent.

Then there was the most crucial external Dao Gold Core.

The material cost alone is one million four hundred and fifty thousand, not to mention the labor cost.

On average, it costs at least one million five hundred thousand spirit stones for a fake pill true person.

Nine fake pill true people would theoretically result in a loss of thirteen million five hundred thousand spirit stones.

Of course, in reality, most of the materials are obtained from the Wan Yao Mountain Range without cost.

Wan Tianchou asked in confusion, "But they haven't died yet. Why doesn't the young master find a way to rescue them from the Golden Peng Demon Emperor?"

Yu Xian sneered, "What can I use to save them? The background of the legendary Great Unity Society? I won't risk my life for a group of outsiders who are unworthy, just because they took my Five Elements Yuan Pill and joined the Great Unity Society. They should be prepared for it."

He seemed somewhat frustrated and angry.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and calculations appeared pale and powerless.

He could confidently talk in front of Chu Fuzhu, who was in the later stage of the Gold Core, but he couldn't face a Demon Emperor calmly.

Cultivators from prestigious sects and families could call for reinforcements or ask their elders for help if they couldn't win a fight.

But he had come from the bottom, relying only on himself.

The Great Unity Society he fabricated was ultimately just an illusion.

Wan Tianchou smiled helplessly, "It seems they can only rely on their own luck."

Yu Xian continued, "Since the Golden Peng Demon Emperor personally took action, it means that what we did in the Golden Peng Demon Vein has touched his bottom line. So, I can only trouble you. Take the remaining fake pill true people to a more distant demon vein to continue hunting demons. This time, learn from the lesson and collect only ten third-grade demon cores before coming back."

Acquiring demon cores definitely cannot rely solely on purchasing, as the cost would be too high and he couldn't afford it.

But his demand for Heavenly Dao spiritual energy was endless.

Wan Tianchou hesitated, "Young master, I can't do it."

He was just a fake pill cultivator. He could handle running errands and recruiting people, but he couldn't imagine leading a group of fake pill true people on a long journey to hunt demons.

Yu Xian said lightly, "How would you know if you don't try? Don't you want freedom?"

Wan Tianchou was taken aback, "Are you saying that I can also gain freedom?"

He thought he would never have a chance.

After all, he and Yu Xian came from the same place, and he knew the biggest secret of the Great Unity Society. He believed that if he were Yu Xian, he would never have a chance to gain freedom.

Yu Xian said, "Although the Great Unity Society is fake, the principle of equivalent exchange is real. As long as you show enough value, what does it matter if I give you your freedom back? So, among the remaining fake pill cultivators, you take ten with you. When you hunt fifty third-grade demon cores, I will fulfill my promise."

Wan Tianchou swallowed hard, his Adam's apple sliding, like an emotionally inexperienced person facing a beloved woman, his face filled with excitement and nervousness.

"Young master, I will never let you down. But even if I gain freedom, I will never betray you in the future. I will follow you for the rest of my life!"

Yu Xian smiled, seemingly pleased.

"In consideration of your last words, you can also take the Ape King with you. You have been cooperating for so long, so you should be familiar with each other."

Wan Tianchou half-knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice,

"Thank you, young master."


Half a month later.

On the outskirts of the Golden Peng Demon Vein, on the agreed mountaintop.

As the sky darkened, the Golden Peng Demon Emperor breathed a sigh of relief when no one showed up for the appointment.

If the Great Unity Society really had a background, why would they hide and not show up? It seems they were exaggerating.

He looked at the group of fake pill true people imprisoned and sneered,

"It seems that the Great Unity Society you mentioned is all talk. You don't even dare to meet the invitation of a mere Demon Emperor."

"Remember, it's not that I want to kill you, but because your master is a coward, which brought disaster upon you."

The Golden Peng Demon Emperor raised his hand.

The air suddenly became stagnant, and countless wind blades gathered, revealing their sharp edges.


The bone-chilling wind blew, like torture.

The group of fake pill true people either screamed in pain, begged for mercy in high-pitched voices, or laughed heroically.

"My hand is ruined, I can't see anymore!"

"It hurts, it hurts so much!"

"Great Demon Emperor, I don't know anything, spare me!"

"Great Demon Emperor, I'm willing to defect, I know other members of the Great Unity Society, I'll help you lure them here!"

"Spit, you useless thing! As a wandering cultivator, born ordinary, being able to die by the hands of the Demon Emperor today is not in vain!"

"That's right, the Great Unity Society gave me an external Gold Core, allowing me to catch a glimpse of the scenery of the Gold Core. Today, I die for it, it's just cause and effect. What do I have to fear?"


The laughter abruptly stopped, leaving behind a strong smell of blood.


The Golden Peng Demon Emperor didn't even spare a glance as he turned into a golden light and left, leaving only the sound of the wind sobbing. (End of this chapter)

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