Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

234. Chapter 232 We Talked Happily, And The Blood Puppet Appeared!

The night grew darker, but the Yan Garden was still brightly lit, as bright as daylight.

In the banquet hall.

Chu Mansion's host and Yu Xian sat at a table, drinking together.

A group of dancers bowed to the crowd, then gracefully retreated, leaving behind a fragrant breeze.

Yu Xian's eyes showed appreciation as he held a cup of wine and took a sip.

Since Chu Yanran broke through the Gold Core Realm two years ago, completely resolving her body's abnormality, her mental state gradually recovered, and she no longer easily pushed herself to the limit.

Before, the women in Yan Garden, except for Xiaodie, were mostly middle-aged women with ordinary looks, and some were even ugly.

Otherwise, who knows when this young lady would have another episode.

But now Chu Yanran no longer minds these things. Not only did she replace the servants in Yan Garden with a batch of high-quality ones, she also started a theater troupe.

During leisure time, she would play the zither and compose operas with Duan Hong, and these female singers would use them as accompaniment to create songs and dances, enjoying themselves.

If it weren't for Yu Xian, who came today, these dancers kept in the garden would rarely be seen by anyone.

Seeing Yu Xian's attitude, Chu Mansion's host smiled and said, "If President Bai likes it, why not stay for the night and let them go to President Bai's room for a better appreciation?"

But Yu Xian waved his hand and said, "A gentleman does not take advantage of others' preferences. Everyone knows that these are Miss Chu's favorites. Being able to appreciate them is already satisfying. I won't be the one to ruin their beauty."

His threshold for ordinary women has become very high. He is no longer like the inexperienced young man who would get nervous and perform poorly when sleeping with a maid in a prince's mansion.

Now, the woman who can make him not talk about feelings and directly feel impulsive must have both looks and figure, as well as status and temperament.

Otherwise, who knows who will sleep with whom.

"Haha, it seems that they have a shallow blessing and are not fortunate enough to receive President Bai's favor."

Chu Mansion's host laughed it off and suddenly talked about what he saw when he returned a few days ago.

"Speaking of which, the changes in the capital in recent years have been more rapid and drastic than in the past hundred years. If it weren't for Yanran's painting hanging at the city gate, I would have had some trouble recognizing it when I came back. These changes are all thanks to President Bai's efforts."

Yu Xian smiled faintly, "All of this is thanks to the support of Mansion's host. I have only done some insignificant work."


Chu Mansion's host pondered for a moment, his face showing a worried expression.

"Now that the beast tide is coming to an end, the Great Unity Society will lose the business of Demonic Beasts. According to the current expenses, I'm afraid it won't last a few years. At that time, how will those cultivators who are part of the Great Unity Society cope? After all, when the Great Unity Society was established, I personally vouched for you all. Now I still know nothing about the Great Unity Society, and I'm really worried."

In Chu Mansion's host's eyes, the fact that the Great Unity Society has been able to persist until now is undoubtedly thanks to his army of demon hunters. After all, the bodies of those Demonic Beasts were bought at a low price by the Great Unity Society.

Although he doesn't know what the Great Unity Society did with these Demonic Beasts, it must be profitable, otherwise, a loss-making business wouldn't have lasted so long.

Now that the demon hunting army is facing disbandment, the Great Unity Society has lost a major source of income and has to spend a large amount of money every year, which is truly worrying.

He also has a share in it.

He invited Yu Xian to the banquet tonight, not only to announce his return, but also to test the Great Unity Society.

Although the Great Unity Society has not disclosed specific accounts to him in recent years, he is not just sitting around. He has long sent people to join the Great Unity Society or monitor it from the outside.

As long as he wants to, he can always deduce something.

For example, the accumulated savings of the Great Unity Society since its establishment.

According to the calculations of his accountants based on the flow of people in the Great Unity Society and the number of false pill cultivators who have broken through in recent years, the overall deposit is no less than 500 million Spirit Stones.

Adding the various fundraising projects carried out by the Great Unity Society in recent years, this number is even higher.

Of course, the expenses of the Great Unity Society are also a terrifying number.

But the Great Unity Society has been calm and composed until now, and Chu Mansion's host suspects that there must be other sources of wealth behind it.

Just the thought of the Da Tong Society having at least a billion Spirit Stones made Chu Fuzhu unable to resist the temptation.

He had cultivated his whole life, and his assets, including various properties, amounted to less than fifty million Spirit Stones.

Moreover, most of these properties were still being held by the Chu family.

These properties were the cultivation resources allocated to him by the family after he broke through to the Gold Core stage and became a preparatory disciple of the Sect. After his death, he would have to return them to the family.

What really made him wealthy was his cooperation with the Da Tong Society in recent years.

Not only did he receive millions of dividends from the Da Tong Society every year, but he also profited from the business with Demonic Beasts, easily earning one to two million Spirit Stones a year.

With the recent wave of beasts, combined with his previous savings, he theoretically had enough to barely afford a Nascent Infant Pill.

However, his assets were only low-grade Spirit Stones.

The Nascent Infant Pill required high-grade Spirit Stones for purchase, and they had to be marked up by thirty to forty percent. He also needed to rely on the favor of his Master to establish a relationship with the Wan Bao Chamber of Commerce.

So, instead of letting the Da Tong Society waste Spirit Stones on cultivators with no future, it would be better to lend them to him and make the most of them.

After all, he was the one who received dividends from the Da Tong Society every year.

Chu Fuzhu stared intently at Yu Xian, but he hadn't thought about breaking ties with the Da Tong Society.

After all, the tiger skin that the Da Tong Society had pulled out was quite intimidating.

Even though, so far, apart from completing the "Guanghan Spectrum" for his daughter, the Da Tong Society had not shown the strength and foundation that a Divine Transformation-level force should have.

But caution was necessary.

He didn't want to take any risks now that he could safely receive dividends.

Hearing Chu Fuzhu's concerns, Yu Xian remained composed and said, "Chu Fuzhu, the Da Tong Society is doing well now, and I am confident that it will continue to thrive. Of course, this still requires the cooperation of the Lord."

As he spoke, Yu Xian changed the subject.

"I wonder what the Lord thinks of the current model of the Da Tong Society? If we were to establish branches of the Da Tong Society in other prefectural cities, do you think there would be any development prospects?"

Although Yu Xian guessed that Chu Fuzhu would eventually turn against him, it didn't hinder their cooperation for now.

If he could leverage Chu Fuzhu's connections to exploit other places, his path to Nascent Soul would be even smoother.

Chu Fuzhu instinctively wanted to refuse when he heard this.

He already felt a bit overwhelmed by the current Da Tong Society, so how could he handle expanding it further?

And he didn't want to share this good opportunity with others.

If this President Bai found a better partner and kicked him out, who would he reason with?

But before he could refuse, he stopped and changed his mind.

"President Bai, I am naturally willing to help you with this matter. However, others don't know President Bai like I do, and they are not as friendly as I am. If you want them to agree to the Da Tong Society's development in their territories, you have to show your strength and give them a good slap in the face."

"When the Wan Bao Chamber of Commerce wanted to establish branches in the Xuan Yang Realm, a Nascent Soul late-stage cultivator from the Wan Bao Chamber of Commerce personally came to the Xuan Yang Sect's gate to have a detailed discussion with our Sect Leader."

"Afterwards, in just a few years, the Wan Bao Chamber of Commerce established branches in the major prefectural cities of the Xuan Yang Realm without encountering much trouble."

Seeing that Yu Xian wanted to explain, Chu Fuzhu continued, "Of course, I remember President Bai saying that this time, the Da Tong Society's establishment of branches in the Xuan Yang Realm is a test for you."

"But if you can't use the power of the society, don't you still have personal connections? In the past, you were able to use your teacher's relationship to invite a Venerable to repair the 'Guanghan Spectrum.' Now, if you have the audacity, you can invite a Nascent Soul True Monarch to help with the situation. It shouldn't be difficult."

"Even if you don't want to achieve everything at once, just let the True Monarch of your society negotiate with the True Monarch of the Bright Moon Heavenly City. Then, all the nine major prefectural cities under the Bright Moon Heavenly City will open their doors to the Da Tong Society."

After saying that, Chu Fuzhu smiled and asked, "President Bai, what do you think of my proposal?"

Yu Xian's smile froze on his face for a moment, but quickly returned to normal.

"Lord Chu, I have already been severely reprimanded by my Master for repairing the 'Guanghan Spectrum' for your daughter last time. He said it wouldn't happen again. If I can't withstand this test, how can I complete the tasks of the society and compete with those true geniuses in the future?"

"If I go to ask again, my Master should help me once more, but my evaluation in his heart will be greatly reduced."

I won't hide it from the Lord, although I have poor aptitude, I still have the desire to catch a glimpse of the scene of the Divine Transformation. Without the support of my Master, this path would undoubtedly be a hundred times more difficult to walk.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Lord Chu may consider me as just an ordinary Gold Core cultivator.

Lord Chu believed that he had seen something from Yu Xian's expression, but Yu Xian's seemingly modest words still stung him deeply.

His mouth twitched, and he forced a smile, saying, "According to President Bai's opinion, the Nascent Soul Realm is already within your grasp?"

Yu Xian spoke as if he was talking about something ordinary and unworthy of praise.

"The Nascent Soul Realm is just the bottom line."

For a moment, Lord Chu couldn't tell if Yu Xian was truly confident or just pretending to be.

He pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said, "If President Bai doesn't have the help of esteemed cultivators from your association, this matter will be difficult to handle. Although I had some reputation in the sect in the past and have helped in demon-slaying in recent years, personal relationships are personal relationships. It would be difficult for them to trust President Bai as they trust me, at least not in the short term.


Lord Chu hesitated and glanced at Yu Xian, feeling a bit embarrassed, "If President Bai could help me with a small favor, then this matter would be easy to handle."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Lord Chu, please speak."

Lord Chu pretended to be hesitant, squirmed for a while, and then said, "Actually, all of this is a matter of strength and influence. If I can successfully break through, I believe others would be willing to give me face. In the past few years, I have fought against several demon kings and believe that my condition is quite good. I have some insights into the Nascent Soul Realm. If I can obtain a Divine Infant Pill, I would have a thirty percent chance of breaking through. However, I am still lacking some Spirit Stones. I wonder if your association can provide some assistance? Of course, I consider this as a loan from me, and I can include interest. I heard that the Great Unity Association once planned to launch a project called 'Great Love Treasure,' which provided paid loans of Spirit Stones to assist cultivators in their breakthroughs. However, it was soon stopped by you. I will calculate the maximum interest rate from that project, which is 24% per year."

Yu Xian looked deeply at Lord Chu.

The Great Love Treasure, as the name suggests, was a high-interest loan project that he came up with when he was desperate one day. However, after careful consideration, he gave up on it. There was no way around it. Cultivators were all high-risk individuals, and if he could recover half of the money lent to them, it would be considered a success. The financial cost was too high. Moreover, this thing was not like the Great Love project, which had zero risks. When cultivators deposited Spirit Stones into the Great Unity Association, they couldn't take them back. There was no risk for them. But once Spirit Stones were lent out, the risk would be transferred to him. Different projects required different approaches, and he couldn't rigidly apply the same template.

But this Great Love Treasure was something he discussed internally with several core members of the Great Unity Association, and it had never leaked out.

By mentioning this, Lord Chu was telling him that he had connections within the Great Unity Association and knew how many Spirit Stones they currently had.

Yu Xian felt helpless.

The core members who could enter the Great Unity Association were all cultivators who had planted Blood Soul Seeds, even if their aptitude was slightly worse. But the Blood Soul Seeds only controlled life and death, not their mouths. It was possible that they unintentionally leaked the information to their subordinates, or even personally betrayed it.

He couldn't let them investigate and prove themselves just for this matter, causing panic among the members.

With so many things happening in the Great Unity Association now, he couldn't handle it alone without their help.

This matter was destined to be left unresolved, leaving a thorn in his and his subordinates' hearts.

"Lord Chu, how much do you want?"

Lord Chu's mouth curled up, feeling superior, and he stretched out his hand, asking for a huge amount, "Fifty million Spirit Stones."

Yu Xian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"The Lord is really not polite, but 50 million Spirit Stones is just too much.

How about this, Chu Lord doesn't have to borrow these 50 million Spirit Stones.

If the Lord can help the Dàtóng Association open branches in other cities, for each additional branch, the Lord will receive an extra 2 million Spirit Stones per year.

As long as the Dàtóng Association opens five branches, the Lord will receive a profit of 13 million Spirit Stones per year, which is just four years for the mere 50 million Spirit Stones.

And as long as the Dàtóng Association doesn't collapse, the Lord will receive millions of Spirit Stones every year."

Since Chu Lord was so impolite to him, he decided not to pretend anymore.

Freeloading is something that can never be freeloaded.

Not to mention that Chu Lord only has a 30% chance of breaking through, even if it's a 90% chance, he still wouldn't be able to borrow.

If he wants Spirit Stones, he has to work for it.

Chu Lord's smile froze instantly.

"President Bai, are you joking with me?"

"Do you know how much business the Dàtóng Association has taken away in recent years, how many people it has angered? It's the city lord's mansion that helped you suppress it."

Yu Xian shrugged and said, "It was the Lord who joked with me first, and besides, the Lord also took a share of the money."

Chu Lord took a deep breath and said again,

"30 million, this is the Lord's final bottom line, consider it as the Lord's advance payment for the next ten years of dividends from the Dàtóng Association.

During this period, the Lord will not interfere with any activities of the Dàtóng Association."

Yu Xian said meaningfully, "Chu Lord can't wait for even ten years?"

Chu Lord looked helpless, "Chu is getting old, the opportunity to break through to Nascent Soul is right in front of me, I can't wait even for a moment. Please fulfill my wish, President Bai."

Yu Xian fell silent for a moment, picked up a glass of wine, and drank it all.

"I hope Chu Lord can keep his promise, the ten-year dividends will be delivered to Chu Lord in three days."

Chu Lord was overjoyed, "President Bai is straightforward. If I successfully break through, I will definitely help you promote the Dàtóng Association."

Yu Xian didn't answer, got up, nodded at Chu Lord, and turned to leave.

Also leaving together was the news that the Dàtóng Association and Chu Lord were happily discussing, which greatly disappointed many interested observers.

They had hoped that Chu Lord would uphold justice, but now it seems that Chu Lord and the Dàtóng Association are in cahoots, and there is no hope for them to come forward.

Now their only plan is to report to the Sect and let the Sect's supervising cultivators deal with this dirty collusion between officials and merchants in Wàngshū City.

They have been offering sacrifices all the time, just for this moment.


Half an hour after the end of the banquet.

Two hundred miles away, on Medicine King Mountain, in the Snake King Cave.

On the surface of the cold pool, a blood ball slowly rose, and a sturdy arm tore through the blood ball, revealing a tall bald man.

His eyes were bloodshot, his hands raised high, and he howled to the sky, like a roaring dragon echoing through the cave.


Dark clouds rolled in, instantly drawn towards him, shrouding the two hundred miles of Medicine King Mountain.

A thunderbolt struck down.

An anomaly descended from the sky, a monster has appeared!

After eighteen thunderbolts, the oppressive aura that pervaded Medicine King Mountain gradually dissipated.

Bold disciples of Medicine King Mountain, who dared to come and check, saw that the once deep and bottomless Snake King Cave had been completely destroyed by the thunder, completely blocked, leaving only a huge deep pit filled with scorching heat.

"Mountain Lord, the spirit beast guarding the mountain was struck by lightning and killed!"

A disciple who cared about the Sect cried out.

The newly appointed Mountain Lord of Medicine King Mountain, a False Dan True Immortal, stared at the residual aura of the Snake King Cave, shivering involuntarily.

Only he could feel what had just happened here.

What kind of monster did he raise in the meeting? (End of this chapter)

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