Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

235. Chapter 233 Imprisonment

Three days later.

A bald man was welcomed into the Lord's Mansion by the steward, and then invited into the private study of Lord Chu.

"Where is President Bai?"

Lord Chu frowned when he saw the unfamiliar face of the visitor.

This was a huge sum of 30 million Spirit Stones, and it was sent so casually. It seemed that there were still some objections in his heart.

Lord Chu shook his head inwardly.

He didn't want to be so hasty for immediate gains.

But opportunities don't come twice. After the beast tide ends, the Xuan Yang branch of the Wan Bao Trading Association will usually hold a grand auction.

He must gather enough Spirit Stones during this period, and he also needs to pay a visit to the Master to ensure his safety during the process of obtaining the Infant Transformation Pill.

So he had to trouble President Bai.

In fact, they had been getting along quite well over the years.

It's just that he didn't have much confidence in the future of the Da Tong Society, unless they could truly demonstrate the strength expected of a Divine Transformation force.

The expression of the bald man was somewhat stiff as he stared blankly at Lord Chu, seemingly not reacting.

Seeing this, Lord Chu shook his head and said, "Forget it, did you bring the Spirit Stones?"

The bald man seemed to finally come back to his senses, and his expression became lively. Lord Chu, however, felt a chill inexplicably.

"Lord Chu, please don't be anxious. 30 million is not a small amount, and our President is still raising the funds. Please wait a moment, Lord Chu."

Lord Chu stared at the man in front of him, his Magic power surging within him, and the Divine Sense power accumulated in his sea of consciousness churning, with an impulse to burst out.

He felt a great threat.

"Who are you exactly?"

"What does President Bai from the Bai Gu Sect want to do by sending you?!"

Lord Chu restrained himself from taking action with all his might. His spiritual awareness had been warning him all along, as if something irreparable would happen if he made a move.

The bald man stood with his hands behind his back, smiling faintly, and Lord Chu couldn't help but get angry at his nonchalant appearance.

"What are you waiting for?"

Following the gaze of the bald man, Lord Chu looked outside and saw a sudden fog rising at the door, filling the field of vision.

"Where did the fog in the Lord's Mansion come from?"

"This fog is called the Shrouding the Heavens Formation. When activated, it is silent and can conceal all anomalies. From now on, no matter what happens in the Lord's Mansion, the outside world will not notice.

And with the help of the third-grade spiritual vein under the Lord's Mansion, this formation is even more self-sustaining, so there is no need to worry about insufficient Spirit Power."

"So, Lord Chu, please cooperate with me."

The bald man smiled at Lord Chu, and with a casual gesture, he reached out towards him.

"Too much arrogance!"

Lord Chu hadn't figured out why this person could silently set up a third-grade formation under the Lord's Mansion, but he saw the bald man acting as if he were alone, and couldn't help but get angry. His powerful Magic power poured out like waves, and the leaked momentum was enough to destroy the entire courtyard.

At the same time, a Magic Treasure resembling a shuttle suddenly emerged from space and attacked the bald man.

This shuttle-shaped Magic Treasure was called the Six Harmonies Flying Shuttle, a rare Void attribute Magic Treasure that had the ability to travel through space. Once activated, it was unpredictable and impossible to grasp.

Lord Chu had previously used the Six Harmonies Flying Shuttle to ambush two Demon Kings, one of whom was even a third-grade superior. He returned victorious from both encounters.

Coupled with his own cultivation of the high-rank Cultivation Technique "Three Yang Fierce Void Art," derived from the top-tier Cultivation Technique "Xuan Yang Tyrant Fierce" of the Xuan Yang Sect, its power was even greater than that of ordinary high-rank Cultivation Techniques.

At this moment, with his full strength, theoretically, even a small hill could be leveled by him, and the leaked momentum alone was enough to destroy the entire courtyard.

But Lord Chu was horrified to find that in front of the bald man, all his power was frozen within three feet of his body.

The space beyond three feet was like an invisible copper wall and iron barrier. His powerful Magic power was like waves crashing against a reef, no matter how surging it was, it could only return without success.

And his Divine Sense, which could pierce through steel, was like sinking into a swamp, compressed by more than half, and the ability of the Six Harmonies Flying Shuttle to shuttle through space was instantly reduced by more than half.

Even this invisible copper wall and iron barrier were gradually compressing.

"A nice little toy."

The bald man reached out and grabbed the Six Harmonies Shuttle, which struggled in his hand like a wingless bird, but couldn't move at all.

From the center of the bald man's feet, streams of blood-colored magic power continuously flowed towards the floor, climbing up the walls and ceiling of the study.

In an instant, the entire study became an ocean of blood, with a pungent smell of blood and sweetness constantly rushing towards Chu Fuzhu's nose.

He was like a small boat in a storm vortex, mercilessly swallowed by this blood color.

Chu Fuzhu looked at the bald man who controlled everything with despair in his eyes, emitting a helpless groan.

"Blood Devil Dao... True Monarch's domain!"

He understood!

He understood everything!

No wonder the Great Unity Society had always claimed to be the Ten Thousand Year Divine Transformation organization, but acted so cautiously and secretly.

It wasn't just empty talk or bluffing, but because their core figures couldn't easily reveal themselves.

The Great Unity Society was a thorough Devil Dao organization!

Perhaps President Bai wasn't lying. There really was a Divine Transformation Venerable behind him, but it was just a Devil Venerable.

In this situation, how could he invite a Devil Dao True Monarch to stand up, especially the most notorious Blood Devil Dao?

After all, the Xuan Yang Sect had an unpleasant relationship with Devil Dao cultivators, and would not allow a Devil Dao force to settle in the Xuan Yang Realm.

"Chu Fuzhu, since you know who I am, please stop struggling in vain."

The bald man sealed the shuttle in his hand with a wave, grinning ferociously at Chu Fuzhu.

When Yu Xian first entered the Gold Core Realm, the difference in magic power between him and the peak of Foundation Establishment was twenty times.

From this, it could be inferred that the difference between the Nascent Soul Realm and the peak of Gold Core would be even greater.

Not to mention that the Nascent Soul True Monarch possessed a True Monarch's domain, which to some extent replaced the space of heaven and earth, delving into the laws of space. Ordinary teleportation methods could not be used within the domain.

Even though the Blood Puppet was just a puppet, its strength among Nascent Soul True Monarchs was the lowest.

Only a True Monarch could contend with a Nascent Soul True Monarch.

Just like a False Dan cultivator was still a cultivator, it was a crushing dominance over cultivators of lower realms.

It was precisely because of this huge gap that those who fought against higher realms were called heavenly geniuses.

Chu Fuzhu smiled bitterly as the bald man imposed restrictions on him, imprisoning his Dantian and Sea of Consciousness.

Blood Devil Dao cultivators were notorious, but they could also be understood as having a fearsome reputation.

Facing the existence of a Blood Devil Dao Devil Monarch, his struggle and resistance would only bring catastrophic disaster to him and the entire city.

Once their identities were exposed, they would probably not hesitate to sacrifice the entire city.

With the Devil Dao True Monarch here, his True Monarch's domain could instantly envelop the entire city.

He believed that this blood sacrifice would be so fast that even the September True Monarch in Mingyue Tiancheng would not be able to react in time.

For the current situation, the only way was to stabilize them first and make them think they hadn't been exposed.

And he had long known about the secret collusion of the families in the city, planning to go to the sect to file a complaint and request supervision from the sect.

He had been keeping it a secret all along, just wanting to cut ties with the Great Unity Society when the sect's supervision arrived, to make a bold move.

He seemed deeply involved with the Great Unity Society.

But the judgment of this relationship actually depended on what the sect's supervision thought he had done.

Coincidentally, his Master still had some face within the sect.

And the assets accumulated by the Great Unity Society were already very tempting, enough to make his Master help and speak up.

By then, he would be able to transform himself from the accused to the divider of this big cake of interests.

Even if he didn't gain anything in the end, the three million Spirit Stones he received would be enough.

Of course, if Datong Hui can show enough strength to make Sect fear and become the link between Datong Hui and Sect, he will not lose out. But he did consider that Datong Hui might have a shady background, but he didn't expect that its entire foundation is black, and its actions are extremely decisive.


In the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Lord Chu, we meet again."

Yu Xian sat in the seat that should have belonged to Lord Chu, with a warm smile.

Lord Chu, looking weary, saw the bald Devil Monarch standing beside Yu Xian, and a hint of shock flashed in his eyes.

When the bald Devil Monarch appeared, he thought that this Devil Monarch was the one pulling the strings behind the scenes, and President Bai was just a puppet.

But he realized he was wrong again.

This time, it was President Bai who was sitting, and True Monarch was standing.

To be able to make a Devil Dao True Monarch act as a bodyguard, President Bai's identity must be extraordinary.

Even the true disciples of Xuan Yang Sect would not be able to make a Nascent Soul True Monarch act as their bodyguard.

After all, the so-called true disciples were only a few juniors in this generation who had the most opportunity to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Even if they successfully broke through in the end, they would only be on par with the True Monarchs within the Sect. How could they make other True Monarchs willingly act as their bodyguards?

After all, among the Nascent Soul True Monarchs from the Sect, at least eighty percent were true disciples from back then.

Could President Bai really have the appearance of Divine Transformation?

"President Bai, if you don't want to advance my share of the profits, then don't. Why go to such lengths?"

Lord Chu's face was bitter, but he didn't reveal his identity as a Devil Dao practitioner.

"If President Bai had brought this senior out earlier, I wouldn't have dared to act so recklessly."

Yu Xian chuckled, "It's not too late now. Lord Chu, you have led the Demon-Slaying Army to battle for many years, physically and mentally exhausted. Please rest well in the City Lord's Mansion in the days to come. As for the guests, I will take care of them on your behalf."

Yu Xian did not intend to kill Lord Chu immediately.

After all, Lord Chu was once a preparatory true disciple of Xuan Yang Sect and must have some means similar to Soul Jade within the Sect.

Once Lord Chu was killed, Xuan Yang Sect would definitely send someone to investigate. They couldn't let their own disciple disappear without a trace.

At that time, Datong Hui would be completely exposed to the eyes of Xuan Yang Sect.

After all, the relationship between Datong Hui and Lord Chu was so close that it was widely known, thanks to his intentional promotion.

Once Lord Chu died, Datong Hui would inevitably be included in their investigation.

And the assets of Datong Hui were there, with the highest cultivation base being only a Gold Core cultivator.

It was hard to say that they wouldn't have ulterior motives during the investigation. They might accidentally frame him for the murder of Lord Chu and seize the assets of Datong Hui.

At that time, it would be a small matter for him to escape, but the loss of assets for Datong Hui would be significant.

After all, Datong Hui had worked hard for so many years, and its real estate was no small amount.

He was still counting on these assets to help him break through.

Lord Chu asked in surprise, "You're not going to kill me?"

Yu Xian shook his head, "Lord Chu, if I wanted to kill you, why would I bother talking so much? In fact, if you hadn't made such an outrageous demand, I really wanted to continue cooperating with you."

Having received Yu Xian's assurance, Lord Chu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Who would want to die if they could avoid it?

Especially now that he had finally gathered enough Spirit Stones for the Infant Transformation Pill and had the opportunity to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

"By the way."

Yu Xian seemed to remember something and added, "Lord Chu, you need spiritual supplements for your recovery. Ling Wan has taken the liberty to plan on selling the Chu family's assets. She is doing this for the sake of your health, and her filial piety is truly touching. If you meet her, please don't blame her."

Lord Chu's expression changed, "Impossible. Without my permission, she cannot touch the Chu family."

Yu Xian exclaimed in surprise, "Lord Chu, have you forgotten? It was you who ordered the inventory of the family's assets and prepared to purchase the Infant Transformation Pill."

Lord Chu's face turned pale as he recalled his own plan and entrusted the matter to Yanran's mother.

Selling the family's assets, even if it was to break through the Nascent Soul Realm, was still somewhat undignified for him as the lord of the mansion.

He never expected that it would now become a wedding dress for the Great Unity Society.

"Lord Chu, don't be so angry. Without your convenience, I can still find a way to make it convenient for you. But doing so will only add to your pain and damage our relationship."

Yu Xian said calmly, "So when Lady Ling comes to the mansion, I hope Lord Chu will cooperate."

Only then did Lord Chu react.

"What have you done to Yanran?"

"Miss Chu is fine. She is probably taking care of her husband now. After all, in order to make Miss Chu cooperate with me and set up a large formation in the mansion, Brother Duan has suffered a lot."

Yu Xian's words made Lord Chu shudder.

"Now that Lord Chu has unfortunately fallen into my hands, the Chu family can only rely on Miss Chu, a woman, to support it. It's really not easy."

Lord Chu felt as if all the bones in his body had been removed. His momentum weakened, and he slumped in his chair.

"President Bai, I admit defeat."

He needed to show weakness now, to make President Bai believe that everything was under control. Only in this way could he relax his guard.

He just hoped that the actions of the family that he had suppressed before would act quickly and not consider his face as the lord, and quickly report the situation to the sect.

"Now that Lord Chu admits defeat, he should give something in return, such as the Spirit Stones that have been given to Lord Chu over the years by the Great Unity Society."

Yu Xian was like a smiling tiger who devoured people without spitting out bones.

"I know that Lord Chu is frugal. You haven't used many Spirit Stones in these years of warfare, and you must have saved quite a lot."

Lord Chu's eyes widened, and his lips trembled, unable to speak.

Yu Xian continued on his own, "Senior Jiang by my side is somewhat knowledgeable in soul searching. I wonder if Lord Chu is willing to give it a try? Of course, the process may be painful, so I ask Lord Chu to bear with it."

"Evil demon!"

Lord Chu gritted his teeth and roared, "You evil demon!"

At this moment, what Yu Xian wanted to take away was not only his Spirit Stones, but also his hope of breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm.

Compared to the overflowing Devilish Qi and the appearance of a "daddy is a Devil Dao boss" from the bald senior, Lord Chu felt that the smiling Yu Xian at this moment was more like the legendary evil demon.

He had only asked for an additional thirty million, but the revenge on him was so heavy.

But seeing the bald senior approaching him step by step, Lord Chu decided to endure once again.

"Spirit Stones... here you go!"

Yu Xian, seeing that he had drained Lord Chu, got up without any attachment.

"In the future, Senior Jiang will stay behind to accompany you, Lord Chu. I believe you will get along well."

His Divine Sense had long surpassed the limits of the realm and reached the level of Nascent Soul, encompassing an area of three hundred li within his Divine Sense range.

And the entire Wangshu Mansion was only eight hundred li in size.

The current blood puppet was already equivalent to an external incarnation with an extremely long range. (End of this chapter)

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