Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

242. Chapter 240 The Program To Become A Leek

Chapter 240: Program Turned into Leek


A heavenly thunderbolt descended.

A colorful Gold Core rose into the sky, dissipating most of the thunder's power, and then fell onto the person on the ground, its power greatly diminished.

A Gold Core tribulation was successfully overcome.

A stern-faced young cultivator knelt before Yu Xian.

"Disciple Lu Changqing pays respects to Master!"

Yu Xian satisfactorily collected the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao and casually threw it into the nearby pill furnace.

In a short while, it turned into 102,364 cultivation points.

Because he didn't need to comprehend the laws of the Heavenly Dao, his absorption speed was extremely fast.

Knowing that the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao after his Transcending Tribulation would turn into a medicinal pill, Lu Changqing did not show any surprise.

As someone who had become a false pill cultivator, he had a natural restriction on his cultivation level, so whether he had one less strand of the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao or not made little difference.

Instead, becoming a true demon lord's disciple was more important to him.

Even though he hadn't cultivated demonic techniques.

But that didn't matter.

Because the things he wanted to do couldn't be helped by the righteous path.

"Just one more step."

Yu Xian indifferently threw out a jade token.

"Offer your soul power, and I can accept you as my disciple with peace of mind."

He didn't change the process just because Lu Changqing wasn't a demonic cultivator.

Since he had taken the initiative to step into this muddy water, he had to be prepared to disregard life and death.

As for the cultivators who fell into his trap by obtaining the Blood Demon Order, they would go through different processes depending on their cultivation level.

Cultivators who hadn't reached the Foundation Building stage would generally die directly in the illusion of the Blood Sea and then have their Blood Demon Order retrieved.

Cultivators who had reached the Foundation Building stage but hadn't reached the peak of Foundation Building would first have to offer their soul power.

Those who were willing would be directly accepted as named disciples and then receive treatment based on their contributions.

Those who were unwilling would be killed directly, and their Blood Demon Order would be retrieved.

As for cultivators who had reached the late stage of Foundation Building, regardless of their aptitude, they would all be directly given an unorthodox Gold Core to forcefully break through.

If the breakthrough failed, then everything would be in vain.

Those who were willing to offer their soul power after a successful breakthrough would be spared and used as cattle and horses.

Those who were unwilling would be used as cultivation resources, and their Blood Demon Order would be retrieved.

As for demonic cultivators at the Gold Core stage, they would be directly subdued and used as cattle and horses.

Those who were unwilling to submit would also be used as cultivation resources, and their Blood Demon Order would be retrieved.

From the Qi Refining stage to the Gold Core stage, everything was arranged clearly.

As for the unlikely event of a Nascent Soul true lord or above appearing, he would first run away out of respect. If he couldn't escape, he would leave behind a blood puppet and make a note in his little book.

Lu Changqing almost didn't hesitate when faced with Yu Xian's request to take his life. He quickly divided and offered his soul power, without a trace of change on his face.

The importance of soul power to cultivators was self-evident. Even if only a strand was divided, it was equivalent to tearing the soul apart in pain.

Seeing this, Yu Xian calmly turned the jade token into a Blood Soul Talisman and sensed the close connection between the two before nodding to himself.

He thought that Lu Changqing was acting so relaxed because he had some secret method to deceive him, thinking that he was very patient.

"Good disciple, for me to release so many Blood Demon Orders, you are the one who satisfies me the most."

Yu Xian looked at the respectful Lu Changqing, exuding the aura of a mentor.

This Lu Changqing was the one he had recently sold the Blood Demon Order to. He wasn't a demonic cultivator, but he turned out to be one of the most enthusiastic cultivators after obtaining the Blood Demon Order.

He bought the Blood Demon Order on his front foot and immediately left the Moyafang market, following the mysterious guidance of the Blood Demon Order, rushing in without stopping.

There's no need to say what happened next.

Taking pills, breaking through, extracting souls, and finding a master, all-in-one service.

"Master's great kindness and virtue, helping the disciple break through the Gold Core realm, the disciple is just offering a bit of soul power, it's nothing to be proud of."

Lu Changqing's tone remained respectful.

But Yu Xian would rather hear some resentment in his tone.

Someone with such hidden patience is definitely not an insignificant character. Coupled with the secret technique of overusing life force in cultivation, there's a high chance he has some deep grudge.

He just wanted to harvest some demonic cultivators, not get involved in any grudges or conflicts.

But since the other person is so respectful and even offered up their soul power, it wouldn't be in line with his principles to kill him on the spot.

Although he doesn't really have any principles.

Yu Xian's heart stirred, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

"Good disciple, now that you have joined my sect, offerings to the sect cannot be neglected. I won't make it difficult for you, ten thousand spirit stones per year should be enough."

"If the offerings are insufficient, I will have to enforce the sect rules."

"Of course, as my disciple, if you want to borrow my reputation or even ask for my help, as long as your offerings are sufficient, even if it's against the Xuan Yang Sect, I will help you."

Lu Changqing's expression showed a hint of surprise. He slightly opened his mouth and struggled with his gaze for a moment before asking suddenly,

"May I ask, Master, how much offering is needed to ask for your help?"

Yu Xian's lips curled up, and he leisurely said,

"It depends on what you want me to do. If you want me to deal with a mere late-stage Gold Core cultivator, a few million spirit stones will suffice."

"But if it's to deal with a Nascent Soul True Immortal at the same level as me, there are different offerings for the early stage, middle stage, and late stage."

"Who do you want me to deal with?"

Lu Changqing's face brightened, "Just a late-stage Gold Core cultivator."

Yu Xian casually said, "Considering your obedience, when you gather five million spirit stones, I will help you once."

A glimmer of hope appeared in Lu Changqing's eyes.

"From now on, I will be your loyal follower, even in death!"

Yu Xian nodded slightly, waved his hand, and let him leave.

"Now that you have broken through, I won't keep you. Just remember to come and offer your sect's tribute every November 11th."

Lu Changqing only saw his master's sleeves wave, and he felt the world spinning. When he regained consciousness, he was already standing in the desolate wilderness.

"It feels like a dream."

He clenched his fist, feeling the real and powerful energy in his body, the Gold Core slowly rotating in his dantian, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably.

"Father, mother, I will avenge you. Sister, I will save you."

His gloomy and desperate life suddenly welcomed the light of hope.

And the prerequisite for achieving all this was to earn five million spirit stones!


"It seems like another tragic tale of deep hatred. Child, work hard to earn money."

Yu Xian, who witnessed everything, withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention.

To be able to hire a Nascent Soul True Immortal and buy the life of a late-stage Gold Core cultivator for a mere five million spirit stones, this price is quite a bargain.

Only demonic cultivators would dare to take on such a job.

Under normal circumstances, even a Nascent Soul True Immortal wouldn't bother dealing with a Gold Core cultivator for a few million spirit stones.

Unless there was already some grudge between them.

After all, a Nascent Soul True Immortal doesn't lack a few spirit stones, and dealing with a Gold Core cultivator would bring unnecessary trouble.

In this day and age, any cultivator who can reach the Gold Core realm must have some connections.

At worst, they will recognize the local magistrate, the master of the mansion.

These are all legitimate disciples of the Xuanyang Sect, with connections that can reach the heavens.

If it's because of old grudges, even if there's a bloodbath, no one will casually intervene, at most they will just remind not to harm the innocent.

But if they randomly hunt down low-level cultivators, it's equivalent to labeling themselves as demonic cultivators.

And the living conditions for demonic cultivators in the Xuanyang Realm can be imagined.

Of course, Yu Xian doesn't have high hopes for Lu Changqing. The so-called five million spirit stones are just to give Lu Changqing a hope, so that he can strive to be a good servant.

For a fake pill cultivator, it is an extremely distant dream to earn five million spirit stones by fighting alone.

Even if they can save two hundred thousand spirit stones every year, theoretically it would still take twenty-five years.

But in reality, out of the two hundred thousand, one hundred thousand spirit stones must be offered to the sect on time, so twenty-five years becomes fifty years.

During these fifty years, they also have to ensure that no accidents happen to them.

Otherwise, if they casually fight and get injured, it would take a year or more to heal, not only increasing expenses but also reducing income.

Not to mention other unexpected occurrences.

Even if they diligently practice a cultivation profession that allows them to stay at home and not fight, such as alchemy, refining, talisman making, etc.

But high-level professions are always scarce, and even an Independent Cultivator at the highest level can only obtain a third-level inheritance.

And these high-end professions also require a certain level of talent.

Even someone like Yu Xian, who is rich and leisurely, is still stuck at the second-level in all professions except formations.

Even if they luckily obtain a high-level inheritance and happen to have talent, can they just sit at home and make money?

The answer is naturally impossible.

Because high-level professions not only make money but also burn money.

Take alchemists for example, the cost price of a furnace of Gold Core pills reaches over one million spirit stones.

And the cost of ordinary third-level spirit pills ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of spirit stones per furnace. Once the refining fails, those spirit stones will be wasted.

The higher the level of the pill, the longer the refining time.

If they fail to refine a furnace of pills, not only will they lose a large amount of cost, but they will also waste a lot of time.

Unless they keep refining the same kind of pill, even a grandmaster alchemist cannot guarantee that every furnace of pills will be successful.

And when they finally manage to get a certain kind of spirit pill and can guarantee profits, those hounds sniffing the scent of spirit stones will come knocking on their door.

At this time, if they don't have the strength to protect themselves, even high-level professionals will become money-making machines for others.

Other professions also have similar difficulties.

To be precise, these are the difficulties faced by Independent Cultivators.

Life is full of obstacles, and with one small mistake, they could end up in a life or death situation.

Lu Changqing's goal of saving five million spirit stones is indeed a long and arduous journey without any other assistance.

And these demonic cultivators are considered expendable in Yu Xian's eyes, so naturally they won't receive the same treatment as the preparatory members of the Great Unity Society.

Even if it weren't for Lu Changqing not cultivating demonic techniques, he wouldn't even be able to leave the secret realm.


After Lu Changqing successfully became a disciple, within half a year, seven demonic cultivators gradually arrived at the semi-secret realm arranged by Yu Xian.

Among them, there was one in the Qi Refining stage who has already died.

One in the Foundation Building early stage, and one in the Foundation Building mid-stage, both offered their divine souls, became disciples, and practiced the Blood Demon Technique with the senior disciple Fei Yi, using the Burning Spirit to damage their lives.

Two in the Foundation Building later stage, after taking the external Gold Core, one died and the other submitted.

It has to be said that the speed of cultivation for demonic cultivators is too fast, and their foundation is really not solid. They actually failed to break through even with the help of an external Gold Core.

This kind of situation has only happened once before among the more than one hundred cases that Yu Xian has helped with breakthroughs.

But having an unstable foundation is a common phenomenon among demonic cultivators, which unnecessarily increases the cost for them.

One in the early stage of Gold Core, one in the later stage of Gold Core.

The former refuses to submit, their physical body sinking into the Ten Thousand Beasts Soul Banner, transforming into excellent material to enhance the power of the Soul Banner.

For this Gold Core cultivator who broke through on their own, the Ten Thousand Beasts Soul Banner can be considered a great supplement.

The latter, on the other hand, chooses to submit.

After leaving the secret realm, no matter who asks, they remain tight-lipped about it.

They soon disappear without a trace.

But according to someone close to the latter, they obtained a secret opportunity similar to a Nascent Soul from Blood Sea Ancestor's hands and have gone to pursue it.

As a result, the Blood Demon Order, which has fallen to eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight spirit stones, has seen a surge in the market.

However, Yu Xian did not take the opportunity to sell and attract the "leeks," but continued to wait.

Soon, the time came.

On this day.

In a dimly lit Cave Mansion.

With gray hair and an aged face, Fei Yi sat cross-legged on a cushion, smiling at a fellow cultivator who was also sitting, resembling a bag of bones.

Despite the sunny smile, in this setting, it appeared particularly eerie and terrifying.

"Senior, thanks to your help, I have achieved my current cultivation level. Today, I ask for your assistance one last time."

With a flip of his hand, a radiant Five Elements Yuan Dan appeared in the air, brightening the Cave Mansion.

For the past half year, he used the fake pill cultivator in front of him as a source of cultivation resources, extracting their blood day and night to cultivate the Blood Demon Technique.

With the help of the Burning Spirit Sacrifice Technique, his power has grown by leaps and bounds.

Of course, the price is that his lifespan is nearing its end, with less than ten years remaining, and the fake pill cultivator has been refined to the point of exhaustion.

Even if the restrictions on him were lifted at this moment, he would probably have little strength left.

The skeletal cultivator opened his mouth, making a sound like bones colliding. His voice was weak but firm.

"Fei Yi, your master is only using you. If he truly wanted to accept you as his disciple, why would he let you cultivate this technique that consumes potential and lifespan?

Even if you successfully break through, your lifespan in the future will not exceed three hundred years.

And you will be bound by the fake pill for your entire life, unable to make any progress.

Your final fate will be the same as mine."

Fei Yi smiled, his expression inexplicably filled with a sense of desolation.

"That's why I choose to gamble once again."

He actually put away the Five Elements Yuan Dan and placed his hand on the cultivator's heavenly spirit cover, allowing his blood to flow back into the skeletal cultivator's body.

"Senior, if you want revenge, lend me a hand and let me refine you into a Blood Demon Puppet. Help me truly break through to the Gold Core realm and continue moving forward.

One day, I will make my master pay the price!"

Upon hearing these words, the resistance within the skeletal cultivator instantly weakened. He took a deep look at Fei Yi and closed his eyes completely.

"Remember what you said today."

Blood flowed like a river, and the skeletal cultivator's skin swelled as if filled with air, but his aura completely disappeared.

Fei Yi's face grew paler, but his eyes became increasingly crazed.

"With my blood, the true form of the Blood Demon, refine!"


The flesh of the skeletal cultivator fell off, revealing the skeleton inside, as well as the attached blood.

As Fei Yi's blood infiltrated the bone marrow bit by bit, the corpse of the fake pill cultivator was gradually refined by him, becoming a puppet under his control.

One month later.

The sky changed dramatically, with thunderclouds gathering.

(End of this chapter)

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