Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

243. Chapter 241 When The Plan Is In Progress (Part 1)

With the final calamity thunder resolved.

Fei Yi's body was charred black, half kneeling on the ground, blood stains congealed into scabs on his skin, behind him was a broken skeleton frame, standing proudly, with threads of electric arcs entwined around the bones.

It was precisely this false pill-level puppet that allowed him to successfully overcome the Gold Core tribulation.

Although both Fei Yi and the puppet looked miserable at the moment, Fei Yi's face was full of smiles.

"In this battle, I still won the bet."

He looked up, his gaze fixed on the strands of heavenly spiritual energy descending from the sky. By absorbing this spiritual energy, his injuries would heal by more than half, and he might even make further progress.


A fair hand reached out and firmly caught the heavenly spiritual energy.

"Good disciple, how could you forget to inform your master about such an important matter as transcending tribulation?"

In mid-air, Yu Xian smiled elegantly at Fei Yi, his gaze profound.

Fei Yi's pupils contracted, and it took him a while to suppress his resentment and force a somewhat strained smile.

"Disciple felt that the breakthrough opportunity had come and didn't have time to inform Master. I hope Master will forgive me."

"It's alright, I am very happy with your progress, and what's more, you were able to break through on your own without using my unorthodox Gold Core method. How could I bear to punish you?"

Yu Xian's eyes were gentle, and with a flick of his finger, a blood-colored bead fell in front of Fei Yi.

"This is a Spirit Blood Bead, made from the essence blood of ten thousand cultivators. Use it to heal your injuries. I still have an important task to entrust to you."

This Spirit Blood Bead was condensed from the essence blood of ten thousand cultivators and was a supreme medicine for cultivation and healing for demonic cultivators who practiced blood demon techniques.

But compared to heavenly spiritual energy, it was insignificant.

But Fei Yi knew he still had no choice.

His strength was still far from enough.

He concealed his deep-seated resentment and respectfully accepted the Spirit Blood Bead, thanking Yu Xian.

Yu Xian nodded slightly and disappeared with the wind.


Fei Yi punched the ground, leaving a large fist imprint on the ground, with a shallow crack spreading several meters away.

"I must endure!"

He formed a hand seal, grabbed the Spirit Blood Bead, and retreated into the Cave Mansion, with the broken blood puppet limping behind him.


The blood puppet that obtained the heavenly spiritual energy and Yu Xian, who rushed back from the Mo Ya Fang Market, met on a desolate mountain.

Without any hesitation, Yu Xian absorbed the heavenly spiritual energy.

Heavenly spiritual energy could not last long. If it was any later, the residual aura of the heavenly path inside would dissipate and turn into a more pure spiritual energy.

But in just a moment, Yu Xian opened his eyes in surprise, looking at the skyrocketing cultivation points on the panel in front of him, his gaze sinking into contemplation.

"The power contained in the self-breakthrough heavenly spiritual energy is so abundant, providing me with two hundred thousand cultivation points, more than double that of a false pill cultivator.

Fei Yi's talent is not too bad, but he is by no means a genius. Most of the credit for his breakthrough to the Foundation Building realm should be attributed to the demonic cultivation techniques he practiced before, which greatly reduced the requirements for talent.

In that case...

Is the heavenly tribulation determined by the potential and strength of the person undergoing the tribulation?

The heavenly spiritual energy that Li Liangyu obtained after transcending tribulation was half higher than that of other false pill cultivators, because he had a high-grade earth spirit body. Even as a false pill cultivator, the enhancement from his physique made his strength higher than that of ordinary false pill cultivators."

"But this experience seems to be of no use to me. Where can I find so many geniuses to be my cannon fodder?

And breaking through the tribulation is not always successful, so being a false pill cultivator is more stable.

The most important thing is not having to worry about these potential protagonist-like characters.

If I don't have a good eye for one of them, they might obtain a great opportunity and turn the tables on me, the mountain pressing down on their heads.

Fei Yi is a potential hidden danger."

However, his cultivation of the Blood Demon Technique has been modified. Naturally, he is restrained by me, and I have control over his Blood Soul. There is no need to worry too much for now.

Yu Xian thought for a moment and decided to allocate some of his energy to focus on Fei Yi in the future.

If used well, the benefits this person brings to him will far exceed those of other fake pill cultivators.

After all, he has dreams and wants to rise to power.

For the sake of his dreams, he must hide all his thoughts in front of himself.

At the same time, he must complete the tasks he has been given diligently, so as not to make any mistakes that would render his forbearance meaningless.

If the fake pill cultivators under him all unite and act recklessly, he might not have a way to deal with them.

He can't just kill one every time they act recklessly.

As long as they are alive, even if they act recklessly, they can still provide value to him, just a little less.

Of course, it would be best if they could be controlled.


Another two months passed.

Fei Yi, who had refined the Ten Thousand Spirit Blood Bead, healed all his injuries and restored his youthful appearance, walked out of the Blood Demon Secret Realm and looked back at the scenery behind him, which was now a wilderness.

He remembered the task his master had entrusted to him - how to subtly and convincingly tell everyone about the benefits of the Blood Demon Order.

Fei Yi had long understood that the Blood Demon Order was nothing more than a complete scam.

Those cultivators who went to great lengths to obtain the Blood Demon Order thought they could join the ranks of the true immortals and soar to the sky.

Joining the ranks was true, soaring to the sky was also true.

But they forgot that demons are inherently selfish. There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

Everything they obtained had already come at a hidden cost.

However, as he thought about it, Fei Yi suddenly chuckled to himself.

"When I was destitute in my early years, someone gave me ten spirit stones, and I would kill for them. At that time, my life was worth ten spirit stones.

When I was humiliated and desperate, I secretly swore to the heavens that whoever could give me power, I would sell my soul to them.

In order to break through the Foundation Building stage, I practiced demonic techniques and lived a savage life covered in blood.

But I have never regretted it.

Now, my master has bestowed power upon me, making me a Gold Core cultivator. All he wants is to control my life and take away my Heavenly Dao spiritual energy.

What do I have to resent?

But I am a demonic cultivator."

Fei Yi's eyes turned cold, he raised his head, looked ahead, and firmly held onto his belief.

"Master, the first lesson you taught me was that demons are inherently selfish, so I won't be grateful to you. I will only silently cultivate and work hard until the day I have enough capital to betray you."

Of course, before that, he had to complete the task assigned by his master.

Otherwise, he probably wouldn't last until the day of betrayal.

And he already had a mature plan in mind.


Golden Armor Manor.

This is a Foundation Building-level force located within the Linzi Prefecture.

It is roughly equivalent to the strength of the first preparatory member of the Great Unity Society before Qi Chunshen broke through.

The manor has a clan leader at the peak of Foundation Building, one cultivator at the mid-stage of Foundation Building, one at the early stage of Foundation Building, and several Qi Refining cultivators, ruling over a population of tens of thousands.

Linzi Prefecture is one of the nine major prefectures under the Moonlight Heavenly City, and the Moyafa Market is technically within the jurisdiction of Linzi Prefecture.

On this day, an unexpected guest arrived, and a powerful pressure swept through the entire Golden Armor Manor without any courtesy.

"Jin Renjie, come out and die!"

A young cultivator with a rugged face and a strong physique stopped in the air above the manor and shouted without any politeness.

The person who came was none other than Fei Yi, who was responsible for making the Blood Demon Order famous and was the senior disciple of the Blood Demon Patriarch in name.

Having cultivated advanced demonic techniques, he no longer needed to disguise himself as a savage, using the stench of beast blood to conceal the demonic energy on his body.

As long as he doesn't actively use magic techniques, his appearance is no different from an ordinary cultivator.

To see through his true identity, either one must cultivate a special divine eye technique, or their cultivation level must be far higher than his, at least at the level of late Gold Core.

At this moment, inside the Golden Armor Manor,

The head of the Jin family, Jin Dongliang, was raging.

"Jin Renjie!! Where the fuck did you provoke a Gold Core cultivator? I'm not in the mood to clean up after you.

Now! Immediately! Go out and appease the anger of that Gold Core senior, otherwise don't blame me for not recognizing the bond of our clan!"

Jin Dongliang appeared to be in his forties, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and big eyes, giving off a righteous and resolute appearance.

Having just celebrated his hundredth birthday a few years ago, he was in the prime of his life and had a good chance of breaking through to the Gold Core realm, leading the Golden Armor Manor to a higher level.

Therefore, in recent years, the Golden Armor Manor has been low-key and avoided unnecessary trouble.

Everything had to wait until he broke through to the Gold Core realm.

Others also understood the significance of a Gold Core cultivator to the manor.

They all voluntarily tightened their belts and saved up enough spirit stones to buy Foundation Building pills or Gold Core pills for the clan leader.

Jin Renjie appeared to be in his twenties, with a handsome appearance and a hint of wickedness in his eyes.

In reality, he was already in his eighties and was one of the only three Foundation Building cultivators in the Golden Armor Manor, at the early Foundation Building stage.

It was said that when he broke through to the Foundation Building stage, he almost failed and had to reluctantly use forbidden techniques to break through, so his cultivation had been stagnant ever since.

He simply gave up on his cultivation and focused on enjoying himself, not sparing any women over the years.

Because the forbidden technique he used to break through was a method of replenishing energy, it left behind this root of illness.

As long as he didn't replenish his virgin Yin energy for a period of time, the fire in his body would rage, affecting his sanity and making him extremely emotional.

Of course, he enjoyed it.

At this moment, when he saw a Gold Core cultivator coming to cause trouble, Jin Renjie's legs went weak and he was at a loss.

As a Foundation Building cultivator who showed off his power in his own territory, he had hardly experienced any battles at his level, let alone the courage to face the anger of a Gold Core cultivator.

"Big brother, you can't just ignore me! You promised my mother that you would take care of me and not let others bully me."

Jin Renjie's pleading gaze swept over the cultivators from the clan who had gathered due to the presence of the Gold Core cultivator.

But no one was willing to make eye contact with him and they all avoided him.

Hearing this, Jin Dongliang thought of the sinful fate between Jin Renjie's mother and himself, and couldn't help but sigh.

He softened his tone.

"Don't panic, come with me to meet that senior, maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

"Big brother, why don't you go instead?"

Jin Renjie took a step back.

Jin Dongliang stared, "You go with me, or I'll tie you up and take you there!"

Jin Renjie quickly agreed, "I'll go, I'll go."

As he spoke, he followed his big brother with a dejected look on his face, silently recalling where he had offended a Gold Core cultivator.


Fei Yi stood in the air, quietly watching the chaos below, his gaze somewhat intoxicated.

Never did he imagine that because of a few words he said, this behemoth family in his eyes would become chaotic and clueless all day long.

"This is power! The power I will pursue for the rest of my life!"

Jin Dongliang flew cautiously into the sky with Jin Renjie, landing a few positions below Fei Yi, just within the range of their clan's protective mountain formation.

"Junior Jin Dongliang, the head of the Jin family, specially brings his younger brother Jin Renjie to apologize to the senior!"

Jin Dongliang bowed with a respectful expression.

"I don't know what offense my younger brother has committed against the senior. I am willing to apologize for it. I only hope that the senior can be magnanimous and spare the Jin family."

Fei Yi's mouth curled up, and he looked at Jin Renjie, who had been bowing his head and not daring to look up, with a hint of mockery.

"Young Master Renjie, do you still remember me?"

Jin Renjie looked up with a bewildered expression on his face, looking at the somewhat familiar faces in front of him, and couldn't help but fall into memories.

Soon, the excellent memory of the Foundation Building cultivator reminded him of who the person was.

He couldn't help but take a step back, his mana almost unstable, and he almost fell from the air.

"It's you?!"

He hid behind Jin Dongliang in panic, his voice becoming particularly sharp due to excessive fright.

"Big brother, protect me quickly, he's back! He's back!"

Seeing this scene, Jin Dongliang knew that there was no way to resolve the situation today.

He first held Jin Renjie back, and then the formation in front suddenly lit up, blocking Fei Yi.

"Elder, there may be some misunderstanding here. I have some acquaintance with the local county magistrate. Why don't we wait for him to arrive and sit down together to discuss?"

Fei Yi laughed heartily, his eyes filled with madness.

"Do you think you can scare me with the county magistrate? Rest assured, I won't kill you today. I want you to live in fear, and then slowly kill each and every one of you. I just don't know if the county magistrate will have the leisure to stay here for the sake of a Golden Armor Manor."

Jin Dongliang's face changed.

"Elder, I don't know how my younger brother has offended you. If there is any compensation that can be made, please feel free to speak."

"Jin Renjie, why don't you tell your good big brother what happened?"

Fei Yi's gaze stared mockingly at Jin Renjie hiding behind Jin Dongliang.

Jin Renjie's gaze evaded, afraid to answer.

"Alright, since you won't speak, then let me speak for you."

Fei Yi's face suddenly turned cold, with an indifferent attitude as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Ninety years ago, a couple fled through Golden Armor Mountain during their escape, but unfortunately encountered a Rogue Cultivator who robbed them of all their belongings. In order to survive, they had to seek refuge in Golden Armor Manor and became servants of the manor.

Ten years later, they gave birth to a boy. This boy, from the moment he was born, was destined to be a servant of Golden Armor Manor.

As the boy grew up, he became a teenager and began to understand some things.

He was very unwilling. He didn't want to be trampled underfoot for his whole life, to be someone's servant forever.

So he seized every opportunity to learn, to strive, to use his fists and teeth to tell those who bullied him that he wasn't easy to mess with.

Soon, his opportunity came.

A young master named Jin Renjie took notice of his ruthlessness and gave him ten spirit stones to kill another child from a different family.

Because that child, as a child from a different family, had better aptitude than him, the young master. He didn't want to see that person anymore.

The teenager agreed and bought a fireball talisman with one spirit stone. When that person wasn't paying attention, he killed him, and the fireball talisman turned his body into ashes.

Why was the teenager able to kill him? Because they were best friends.

Hehe, the teenager actually didn't want to kill him.

But Young Master Renjie said, ten spirit stones, if he didn't buy that person's life, he would buy the teenager's life.

The teenager was a coward, he was scared.

Later, the teenager gained the favor of Young Master Renjie and became his dog. The teenager's fate began to change.

The teenager started cultivating techniques and gradually made progress in his cultivation.

The teenager became a young man, and he did many dirty things for Young Master Renjie, just to get a little bit of resources that slipped through his fingers.

The young man actually didn't care if others called him Young Master Renjie's dog.

He was very clear about his background. Besides being a dog, he had no chance to turn things around.

He worked so hard as a dog because he didn't want his descendants to be dogs.

Because the young man had someone he loved very much, and that person loved him too.

On the day of their wedding, Young Master Renjie also came, but he was drunk.

That night, the young man was trampled on the ground, watching his bride being insulted and abused by Young Master Renjie until she died.

Because Young Master Renjie had obtained a very powerful secret technique, and he wanted to try it out.

Haha, the young man's bride died on the night of their wedding..."

PS: I know that ending it here is not fair, so there will be another chapter. It should be updated in one and a half to two hours. Why not read it in the morning? (End of this chapter)

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