Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

247. Chapter 245 People Are Forced To Do Anything!

After a moment.

Yu Xian waved his hand, and countless blood threads climbed up along the blood cocoon, wrapping up Ruan Linlin's exposed head, never to see the light of day again.

This time, Ruan Linlin was more cooperative, and her reasons were not far off from what he had guessed.

It was because the Blood Demon Order had caused too much commotion and caught the attention of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Coincidentally, Ruan Linlin had a disagreement with her senior brother regarding this matter.

Her senior brother took a conservative stance, believing that it was best not to directly confront a Nascent Soul True Immortal over a baseless suspicion until the Blood Demon Ancestor caused a major demonic disaster.

The Demon Slayer Squad was nominally responsible for slaying demons, but they only targeted demonic cultivators who caused significant calamities or had low cultivation levels.

For those demonic cultivators who kept a low profile and didn't cause trouble, unless they coincidentally encountered them, the Demon Slayer Squad couldn't be bothered with them.

However, Ruan Linlin believed that the Blood Demon Order had caused widespread panic.

The Blood Demon Ancestor behind the scenes must have grand ambitions. If they didn't investigate and understand their intentions in advance, there could be significant hidden dangers in the future.

So she insisted on investigating thoroughly.

But her senior brother clearly didn't want to take risks.

The beast tide had already ended, and the demonic calamity had eased as well.

Before long, those demonic cultivators would hide like rats in the sewers, waiting for the next opportunity.

And their merits had accumulated enough, especially hers, to participate in the sect's selection of true disciples.

So the two of them parted ways.

But afterwards, the more Ruan Linlin thought about it, the angrier she became. Based on a woman's intuition, she believed that the Blood Demon Ancestor must be brewing a huge conspiracy.

So she relied on the treasure her master had given her and the secret techniques she had cultivated to infiltrate the demonic lair alone, intending to undercover and investigate the truth, and then invite a true immortal from the sect to eradicate these demonic cultivators in one fell swoop.

Who would have expected that the old demon was cunning and had already prepared, causing her to be imprisoned and almost losing her innocence, suffering for the rest of her life.

Hmm, all of this was Yu Xian's speculation based on Ruan Linlin's account.

Anyway, it was almost certain.

He didn't actually search her soul.

After all, searching someone's soul could easily harm their spiritual soul and turn them into a fool.

Even though he had practiced on these unlucky demonic cultivators who fell into his trap recently, he didn't have full confidence in searching someone's soul without harming their spiritual soul.

Especially as one's cultivation level increased, their spiritual soul's resistance became stronger.

And Yu Xian wasn't sure if there were any restrictions set in Ruan Linlin's spiritual soul as a beloved disciple of a true immortal.

After all, these high-level disciples of the sect knew many of the sect's secrets. If they were captured without precautions, how could they not be on guard?

If he rashly searched her soul and caused a backlash, it would easily alert others, and the situation he had worked so hard to create would be ruined.

Just like when Chu Fuzhu's master, True Immortal Sanyang, arrived, he would have to make a quick escape.

Although he already had the ability to protect himself, he wasn't afraid even when facing a Nascent Soul True Immortal.

But the other party had a whole sect behind them, while he only had himself.

In the end, both sides would suffer losses. The other party would return to the sect unscathed, while he would have to abandon his assets and run away like a stray dog.

It was better to make a graceful exit in advance and plan for the future.

It's not easy to start from scratch.

In any case, this woman has become a hot potato in his hands.

He can't kill her, but he can scare her and barely maintain the dignity of an old demon.

But, he must let her go.

Otherwise, if it drags on for too long, killing or not killing would make no difference.

Her senior brother is not a fool. If his junior sister goes missing for three to five days, he might think she's gone to blow off some steam.

But if she goes missing for three to five weeks, her senior brother will definitely come looking for her.

If it drags on for another three to five months, her senior brother will have to anxiously report to the sect, saying that he lost a beloved disciple of a true immortal.

But the problem is how to let her go.

And it would be best if we can ensure that after releasing her, she won't seek revenge, and even actively provide cover for his demon-slaying career, winning valuable development time.

Thinking about this, Yu Xian couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Every time like this, I start to miss my ex-girlfriend. Otherwise, I would be surrounded by people everywhere."

He glanced at Ruan Linlin, who was already unconscious and wrapped in blood calluses, and gradually made up his mind.


Mingyue Tiancheng.

One of the 361 Cave Mansions.

Zhan Hong woke up from his meditation with some uneasiness, thinking of his junior sister who left in anger that day.

"Junior sister Ruan hasn't shown up for half a month. When I went to her Cave Mansion, only the attendants received me, and there was no response to the message talisman.

Could she really be angry? She should also understand the difficulties I'm facing."

Zhan Hong had a favorable impression of this naive junior sister.

She had been practicing in the sect for hundreds of years and had not experienced any dirty tricks.

It wasn't until the true disciple selection came that her master, who had raised her like his own daughter, had to let go and let his disciple go out and experience the world.

Their masters also intentionally arranged for them to be in the same demon-slaying team under the same heavenly city. Otherwise, how could they coincidentally be assigned to the same heavenly city?

In the cultivation world, there is no completely independent individual.

On the path to enlightenment, they support each other and achieve together, perhaps able to go further.

Even if they don't reach the Nascent Soul stage in the future, their union represents the closeness of the two lineages in the sect, a kind of alliance.

But this naive junior sister occasionally gave him a headache.

In her eyes, there is only right and wrong, and demons are demons, so it is only natural for them, as members of the demon-slaying team, to slay demons.

But how could she understand the desperation of a trapped beast?

Demons cannot be completely eradicated, otherwise those demon realms would blatantly exist on this land, and there would be no one to eliminate demons and uphold justice.

In a situation like now, when a demon appears, they strike together.

Other demons would only mock the deceased demon for not being skilled enough, for not being able to hide properly, and then applaud, instead of feeling resentful and seeking revenge.

If all the demonic cultivators were pushed to a dead end, wouldn't they unite and perish together with the Xuan Yang Sect?

By then, the demonic calamity within the Xuan Yang realm would only increase day by day, and the sect's cultivators would be busy extinguishing fires everywhere.

After all, the cultivation methods of demonic cultivators are simple and do not require high aptitude.

As long as the demonic cultivators are willing, they cannot afford high-level demonic techniques, but they can print as many low-level demonic techniques as they want.

But now, such a situation has not occurred within the Xuan Yang realm because those demonic cultivators know that anyone who dares to spread demonic techniques at will will become the target of the demon-slaying team.

Of course, it is inevitable that scattered inheritances will spread, but they are also maintained within an unspoken agreement.

Those old demon heads are also afraid of spreading too many demonic techniques. If ignorant low-level demonic cultivators expose themselves relying on their strength, it would attract the investigation of the demon-slaying team and implicate themselves.

And if all the demon heads are wiped out, what is the meaning of the existence of their demon-slaying team?

Zhan Hong rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"Junior sister, even if it's a joke, there should be a limit. If you don't show up again, I will have to consider reporting to your master."

Just at this moment.

His expression changed.

Outside the Cave Mansion, a servant triggered a restriction.

"What's the matter?"

Zhan Hong casually lifted the restriction.

The servant walked in, holding a token and a jade slip in his hands.

"Master, someone just left these two things outside the Cave Mansion. It seems to be Senior Ruan's token."

Zhan Hong beckoned, and the token and jade slip were sucked over.

The token is the standard token of the Xuan Yang Sect, with unique marks and restrictions that are difficult for outsiders to replicate, and this is true.

And the jade slip also has the restrictions of the Xuan Yang Sect.

He casually opened it, and a piece of information flowed into his mind.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So it's tracking the demonic cultivator, and it's in such a hurry. I almost got discovered by the demonic cultivator. That demonic cultivator is not weak, and he's asking for my help."

Zhan Hong's face showed a smile.

"Junior Sister Ruan, now that you know how difficult it is outside without your senior brother's help, right?"

He didn't have much doubt, put on a robe, and left the Cave Mansion, flying towards the location recorded in the jade slip.

With his strength and trump cards, as long as the Nascent Soul True Immortal doesn't appear, he and Junior Sister can easily handle a mere Gold Core demonic cultivator.


After flying hundreds of miles, Zhan Hong arrived at the designated location with Junior Sister Ruan—a plain little forest.

But he didn't show himself immediately, instead hiding in the dark and waiting.

After about an hour, it was exactly the time agreed upon in the jade slip.

A familiar figure descended from the sky—it was none other than his junior sister, Ruan Linlin.

"Senior Brother."

Ruan Linlin landed on the ground, scanning around, not seeing anyone, and couldn't help but call out softly.

Zhan Hong didn't answer, but silently observed.

Ruan Linlin waited for a while, then looked up at the sky, in the direction of Mingyue Tiancheng.

"We agreed to meet at this time. Could it be that she didn't receive my message? Ah, how annoying. I finally managed to come out for a while during the demonic cultivator's cultivation, and this senior brother of mine is so unreliable. What if the demonic cultivator runs away?"

Ruan Linlin paced back and forth, seeming a bit impatient.

She thought for a moment, took out a jade slip and imprinted it on her forehead, recording what she wanted to say, then made a mark under a tree and buried the jade slip.

After doing all this, she flew away anxiously.

When Ruan Linlin left, Zhan Hong finally came out, watching Ruan Linlin's figure in the distance, and couldn't help but frown.

He went to the tree with the mark and took out the jade slip. Inside was Ruan Linlin's message, with the same tone and aura as Ruan Linlin herself.

"Could it be that I'm overthinking?"

He flew after her.


Outside a peaceful little village.

Ruan Linlin was carefully standing behind a big tree, using her unique secret technique—the Yin-Yang Reversal Art. It could easily simulate demonic energy and was also a technique to conceal her presence. She had used this secret technique many times to hide in demonic cultivator groups.

Seeing this familiar secret technique, Zhan Hong had no more doubts and revealed his figure.

"Junior Sister."

Zhan Hong smiled and spoke.

Ruan Linlin turned around and, seeing Zhan Hong finally show up, couldn't help but reveal a somewhat eerie smile.

"Senior Brother, you finally came."

Zhan Hong thought that his junior sister was happy to see him and didn't think much of it. He walked a few steps closer and asked,

"Junior Sister, you were so anxious to urge me to come. That demonic cultivator is so powerful that even you can't defeat him."

Although his junior sister was relatively naive in worldly matters, her strength should not be underestimated. Otherwise, she wouldn't have the confidence to participate in the selection of the sect's true transmission position.

Ruan Linlin shook her head and said, "That demonic cultivator's methods are somewhat strange. Just to be safe, we still need senior brother's help."

Zhan Hong looked confident. "No matter how powerful the demonic cultivator is, as long as he hasn't reached the Nascent Soul stage, he won't be our opponent when we join forces, Junior Sister."

He approached again and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ruan Linlin.

"Let me see the true strength of this demonic cultivator."

A hint of blue spiritual light flickered in his eyes, the result of years of cultivation of the Shangqing Law Eyes. It required washing the eyes with thirty-three high-grade spiritual springs and absorbing the essence of the springs with secret techniques in order to have this pair of eyes capable of tracking the traces of void aura.

Suddenly, he felt his junior sister's hand climbing up his arm, and their bodies were pressed closely together.

He couldn't help but feel a wave of emotions. Previously, his interactions with his junior sister were limited to holding hands.

He had expressed his affection several times, but his junior sister always rejected him with the excuse of having no official status.

Could it be?

"Be careful, senior brother!"

Just as Zhang Hong was indulging in his fantasies, he heard his junior sister's exclamation.

In his spiritual awareness, a deep and sinister aura suddenly appeared, emanating from an old monster filled with demonic energy.

He was about to respond when he suddenly felt his whole body stiffen, a slight tingling sensation coming from his dantian, and his entire cultivation freezing.

A golden light suddenly appeared on his forehead, revealing the illusion of a golden bell.

This was actually a rare Primordial Spirit Law Weapon!

"Senior brother, let me help you."

Zhang Hong heard his junior sister's voice with a hint of wickedness, and then saw a pair of indifferent and merciless eyes.

Although he remained somewhat conscious under the protection of the golden bell, it was only to a limited extent.

He felt his eyelids growing heavier and heavier, and the golden bell suppressing his sea of consciousness emitted a resounding sound, trying to wake him up.

But under those eyes, he couldn't hold on any longer and fell into a deep sleep.

In his last moments of consciousness, he saw his junior sister smiling as she squatted down, a slender and fair hand reaching towards his forehead.

My Primordial Spirit Law Weapon!

His forehead throbbed with pain, and then he lost consciousness.


Ruan Linlin took off her dress, revealing a strong and slender body underneath. Looking at her current appearance, she was no longer Ruan Linlin, but clearly Yu Xian!

"When Little Ma was starting his business, he also pretended to be a girl online. This time, I'm just wearing women's clothing for the sake of my career. I'm not being wronged."


Yu Xian stared at the unconscious Zhang Hong on the ground. Although she knew he didn't know anything at the moment, she almost couldn't resist the urge to kill him to keep him quiet.

If it weren't for the Primordial Spirit Law Weapon in his sea of consciousness, suppressing his soul, she wouldn't have had to go through the trouble of pretending to be Ruan Linlin and getting close to him for a surprise attack.

Otherwise, as soon as he appeared, the Mist Prison Formation would seal him off, the Astonishing Spirit Gaze would suppress him, and the Blood Puppets would attack.

Based on what had just happened, his concerns were justified.

Under the Astonishing Spirit Gaze, Zhang Hong, with the protection of the Primordial Spirit Law Weapon, was actually able to temporarily resist this fourth-level secret technique of spiritual awareness.

It should be noted that even an ordinary Nascent Soul True Immortal would suffer soul damage and a great loss if they were caught off guard by this secret technique.

Previously, Ruan Linlin had no power to resist at all.

"It's not in vain that I spent a Dao Heavenly Spiritual Qi to cultivate Ruan Linlin's Reversal Yin-Yang Technique to a small success. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to deceive you."

Unable to deal with the hot potato that was Ruan Linlin, Yu Xian had no choice but to start with her senior brother.

The Divine Ability of a First-Rank, the Deception Technique, changing faces and simulating various auras, allowed him to assume a thousand different identities.

In the past, he had only used it to create more aliases and had never thought of taking over someone else's identity.

But as it turned out, when a person is pushed to the limit, they are fearless even when pretending to be a woman.

Yu Xian wanted to let Ruan Linlin go, but also needed to ensure that she wouldn't cause trouble, so he had to find someone to keep an eye on her.

This person needed to have enough weight and make Ruan Linlin obedient.

After thinking it over, Yu Xian had no choice but to target Zhang Hong, the unlucky guy.

And the trump card of Zhang Hong possessing the Primordial Spirit Law Weapon was discovered by Yu Xian from the communication between Ruan Linlin and her master.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to such lengths to target him.

Once again, it proved the disadvantages of keeping a diary.

Yu Xian took out a drop of Zhang Hong's blood without hesitation, silently sensing and assimilating it. Before long, his appearance began to change.

"Junior sister Ruan, don't be afraid, senior brother is coming to save you." (End of this chapter)

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