Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

248. Chapter 246 Undercover Anti-Undercover (53K)

Chapter 246: Undercover Counter-Undercover (5.3k)


The blood cocoon broke open, and Ruan Linlin covered her eyes with her hand, seemingly still adjusting to the light. The figure in front of her gradually became clear.

Surprisingly, it was Fei Yi, the senior disciple under Blood Demon Patriarch, who had guided her into the demonic cave that day.

"It's you?"

After spending over two months soaking in the Blood Demon Pool, re-cultivating the Blood Demon Divine Ability to a small success, Fei Yi smiled politely but unfamiliarly at Ruan Linlin.

"Senior Ruan, you can leave now."


Ruan Linlin was a bit confused.

Could that despicable demon actually be so kind-hearted?

Fei Yi said, "Does Senior Ruan like living here?"

"If you dare to let me go, why wouldn't I dare to leave?"

Ruan Linlin was quite stubborn.

She cautiously took a step forward, but nothing unusual happened.

Until she firmly stepped on the ground, feeling a bit light-footed yet grounded, she had an urge to burst into tears.

She thought she would be trapped here forever, becoming the trophy of that old demon, or a hostage to be extorted by her sect and her master.

Why did that old demon suddenly let her go?

Ruan Linlin couldn't figure it out.

Did he not know that once she was free, she would immediately summon the elders of her sect? How could an old demon withstand the power of a dominant sect in the realm?

With doubts in her heart, Ruan Linlin once again saw the Blood Demon Patriarch who always smiled with ill intentions.

And then, the answer to her question immediately became clear.

"Senior Brother!"

Ruan Linlin saw the Blood Demon Patriarch standing on a high platform from afar, his figure towering like a demon king.

He gently pressed his palm down, and blood sea illusions overflowed in the void, then heavily descended.

And the person standing below the platform, directly facing the Blood Demon Patriarch's spiritual technique, was none other than her senior brother, Zhan Hong.


The sound of the blood sea waves was incessant, and a golden bell illusion appeared on Zhan Hong's forehead, but it still couldn't protect him.

The waves kept crashing against him, but there was no trace of injury.

Although her mana was sealed by restrictions, Ruan Linlin's eyesight was still intact. She understood that this spiritual technique was not an ordinary attack, but a secret technique of spiritual attack.

She had been caught in a similar trick before, which led to her falling into the hands of the demon.

Seeing that the demon actually used the same trick to deal with her senior brother, her heart rose to her throat.

"It's alright, Senior Brother had a fortuitous encounter in his youth and obtained a rare Primordial Spirit Law Weapon to protect his divine soul. No matter how powerful this spiritual attack is, Senior Brother still has a chance of survival."

As expected, wave after wave of blood surged, and her senior brother seemed like a reef on the shore, standing firm against the crashing waves.

Finally, calm returned.

The golden bell illusion on Zhan Hong's forehead dissipated, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out, forming a beautiful blood lotus on the ground.

Then his aura quickly withered, his face as pale as gold paper.

"Senior Brother!"

Ruan Linlin rushed over and supported Zhan Hong's body, preventing him from falling.

"Junior Sister."

Yu Xian, who was currently Zhan Hong, had blood tears at the corners of his mouth. He smiled gently at Ruan Linlin, his voice weak.

"Junior Sister, don't be afraid. Senior Brother has come to take you home."

Yu Xian didn't have much information about Zhan Hong.

This guy didn't have the habit of writing a diary, so he could only imitate his appearance but couldn't truly understand his essence.

Moreover, just like Ruan Linlin, he faced the same problem with Zhan Hong, which was the inability to search his soul.

As elite disciples of Xuan Yang Sect, Zhan Hong's divine soul probably had countermeasures against such probing.

Therefore, the person he was currently impersonating was not the real Zhan Hong.

But rather, the impression of Zhan Hong in Ruan Linlin's mind.

Once again, he thanked her and her master for their communication. The jade slip contained many sensory impressions Ruan Linlin had of Zhan Hong, like a daughter describing the feeling of her future husband to her mother.

After all, unless something unexpected happened, the two of them were most likely going to become Dao companions.

In Ruan Linlin's eyes, Zhan Hong had a mature and steady personality, like her big brother. He treated her with gentleness and care, but was overly cautious and somewhat conservative.

But overall, he fulfilled her imagination of a future Dao companion, giving her a subtle sense of reliance that her master, as a fellow woman, couldn't provide.

Seeing her senior brother injured, Ruan Linlin's expression changed slightly, her tone anxious, and her eyes were slightly red.

"Senior brother, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

Yu Xian looked up at Blood Demon Ancestor on the steps, standing tall and said loudly,

"Elder, please keep your promise and let me and junior sister leave."

Blood Demon Ancestor chuckled and patted his own rainbow-colored buttocks without blushing.

"What an outstanding disciple of Xuan Yang Sect, what a devoted person. You dare to enter my secret realm for the sake of your junior sister, and you can even withstand my deadly attack."

"I keep my word, and I will give face to Xuan Yang Sect. But don't forget the promise you made to me."

"Little girl, your senior brother made a great vow for you."

"I have no intention of conflicting with Xuan Yang Sect. Since I have promised your senior brother, I won't hold you accountable for trespassing into the Blood Demon Secret Realm."

"I just hope that you won't continue to pester me. Otherwise, I can easily leave, and your senior brother's path will be destroyed, with no hope of immortality."

"So when you want to seek revenge against me, I hope you will think twice before acting."

After speaking, he waved his sleeve, and a gentle force struck Ruan Linlin.

Ruan Linlin felt her stagnant spiritual power in her dantian slowly circulating again, and the oppressive feeling in her sea of consciousness disappeared.

Blood Demon Ancestor lifted the restrictions on her.

"Senior brother, you..."

Ruan Linlin regained her strength, and the weariness on her face instantly diminished. She was about to ask a question but was interrupted by Yu Xian's wave of hand.

"Don't ask too much, follow me."

Ruan Linlin looked at her senior brother's appearance and knew that it was not the time for reminiscing, especially since they were in a dangerous place.

Although she had many doubts in her heart, she obediently followed behind.


A transparent portal opened.

Ruan Linlin supported Yu Xian as they walked out together. When she turned around, the Blood Demon Secret Realm behind them had disappeared without a trace.

"Senior brother, I'm sorry, I've caused trouble for you."

Ruan Linlin's expression was dim.

Although she was the one who caused the trouble, her senior brother ended up paying the price for her and taking the damage.

"It's okay, this injury will only take a year or two to heal. In my heart, the most important thing is that you're safe."

Seeing Yu Xian's actions, Ruan Linlin remembered several times when her senior brother hinted at her, but she rejected him. A surge of impulse rose in her heart, and she took the initiative to press her cheek against his.

Her senior brother's hand was large and warm, like a piece of warm jade.

In that instant, Ruan Linlin felt a tremor in her spirit, and goosebumps spread all over her body. Then, a strong sense of security enveloped her.

She couldn't help but hug her senior brother.

"Senior brother, you're so good to me."

Yu Xian's body stiffened.

"Oh no, don't tempt me, I can't resist."

Yu Xian remembered that Ruan Linlin had complained to her master several times in their communication about her senior brother trying to cross the line with her.

But after she got angry a few times, her senior brother became more restrained.

He was clearly following the script, but the female lead changed the plot.

He liked women he could conquer with power, force with authority, buy with money, and deceive with words, but he never thought of secretly stealing someone else's feelings.

Even in front of his ex-girlfriend, he was always straightforward and honest.

And he changed his appearance for the sake of his own career. Using words to provoke Ruan Linlin was also to deepen their bond, so that she wouldn't go after Blood Demon Ancestor and risk her good senior brother's life.

It wasn't about seducing women.

Therefore, even though he could easily judge that if he pushed a little harder at this moment, he could easily sleep with the woman in front of him during her vulnerable period, he stopped himself in time.

He just gently hugged Ruan Linlin and then let go on his own initiative.

"Let's go back first, I'll explain it to you slowly."

Ruan Linlin held onto Yu Xian's arm and nodded gently.


Seeing this, Yu Xian was speechless and tears flowed.

What a tragedy!


Two days later.

Moyafang Market.

In a high-level Cave Mansion.

Yu Xian pretended to eat the healing medicine, his complexion regained some color, and his spirits improved significantly.

Only then did Ruan Linlin come to disturb him.

The two of them were lying on the bed, one half-lying and the other sitting on the edge of the bed, very close to each other.

After Ruan Linlin fed Yu Xian the healing elixir, she asked with some confusion, "Senior Brother, why don't we go back to Mingyue Tiancheng? There, we have Jiuyue Zhenjun and the fourth-level spiritual vein for healing."

"Of course, it's because Mingyue Tiancheng is more than three hundred miles away from the Blood Demon Secret Realm. I can't control the Blood Puppets, and it's not convenient for me to come and go to absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens. But on the surface, Yu Xian shook his head seriously and said, "The true transmission selection is about to take place soon, and there are countless pairs of eyes watching our Cave Mansion. It's absolutely forbidden to reveal that you were captured and imprisoned by the Blood Demon Ancestor. Otherwise, rumors can be terrifying, and it will have a great impact on your competition for the true transmission. Moreover, I am seriously injured now, and I absolutely cannot let people see my weakness. Otherwise, I'm afraid something bad will happen. And Moyafang Market already has a contact point set up by the Demon Slayer Squad. If we stay here for a while, it won't raise any suspicions."

Ruan Linlin thought of the threats the Blood Demon Ancestor had made to her before, and her face couldn't help but turn pale.

"Senior Brother, aren't you worried that I will really be... by the Blood Demon Ancestor?" Her voice paused, and she couldn't help but tremble.

And thinking about how she was threatened by the Blood Demon Ancestor and obediently disclosed all the information, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and hatred towards the Blood Demon Ancestor.

Yu Xian smiled and held Ruan Linlin's cold hand.

"Even if you haven't been harmed by the Blood Demon Ancestor, even if you really have, wouldn't you still be my junior sister? The physical body is just a smelly skin bag. As long as your spirit, your soul is pure, then you will always be the pure and beautiful junior sister in my heart."

With such a broad-minded comfort, Ruan Linlin's worries were easily resolved, and her gaze towards Yu Xian became even more gentle.

"Senior Brother."

With one word, "Senior Brother," a hint of affection suddenly appeared.

The two of them had always had a good impression of each other, and they were only separated by a thin layer of window paper. After going through hardships, everything fell into place naturally.

Yu Xian looked back at Ruan Linlin, his eyes also filled with a hint of electricity.

He had been in the industry for many years, and his pair of captivating eyes had long been perfected to the extreme, reaching the realm of returning to simplicity.

In the midst of plainness, the fullness of affection was revealed without reservation. It was truly unstoppable, not something that Ruan Linlin, an inexperienced young girl, could resist.

Seeing the room temperature rise, it was about to ignite a storm of passion, ready to engage in a fierce battle at any moment.

Yu Xian knew that there was a limit to everything and quickly coughed lightly, forcefully spitting out a mouthful of stagnant blood, interrupting the ambiguous atmosphere.

"Senior brother, is your injury still so severe?"

Ruan Linlin snapped back to reality, the romantic thoughts in her mind fading away, replaced by concern.

Yu Xian sighed and said, "That Blood Demon Ancestor truly lives up to his reputation as a true demon of the demonic path. If it weren't for the golden bell suppressing my sea of consciousness, that attack might have destroyed my soul and will. Now, it's just some minor injuries, which is fortunate in the midst of misfortune."

Thinking of the detestable Blood Demon Ancestor, Ruan Linlin became angry and said, "Senior brother, once your injuries are healed, I will invite our master to come and avenge you against the Blood Demon Ancestor!"

She couldn't reveal the fact that she had been imprisoned by the Blood Demon Ancestor for several months, so she could only seek help from her closest master.

And her master doted on her the most. After learning about her experience, he would definitely agree. By then, she could also invite a few friends. What's a Blood Demon Ancestor compared to that?

She didn't ask her master for help before because she wanted to keep public and private matters separate.

If she always asked her master for help with every little thing, her own growth would lose its meaning, and she would also disappoint her master's expectations.

After all, her master had let her join the Demon-Slaying Squad, hoping for her growth.

But at this moment, even if it would lower her standing in her master's heart, she couldn't care anymore.

Such a great humiliation must be repaid in kind!

"No!" Yu Xian exclaimed in shock.

Damn it!

He had spent so much time writing this script just to avoid alarming the higher powers of the Xuan Yang Sect. With Ruan Linlin's actions, what meaning was there left in his performance?

Ruan Linlin was taken aback. "What's wrong, senior brother?"

Yu Xian had already prepared a reason and pretended to hesitate for a while before smiling bitterly. "Junior sister, do you know why I knew that you were in the Blood Demon Secret Realm, imprisoned by that Blood Demon Ancestor? And how did I make a deal with that Blood Demon Ancestor to rescue you?"

Ruan Linlin was reminded by Yu Xian and remembered the warning the Blood Demon Ancestor had given her when they left.

But at that time, she was worried about her senior brother's injuries and didn't have time to think it through.

Now, all the doubts from before surged in her mind.

She looked at Yu Xian in disbelief.

"Senior brother, have you made some kind of cooperation with that old demon? But he is a demonic cultivator, and we are the Demon-Slaying Squad, sworn enemies of demonic cultivators."

Yu Xian sighed, his expression filled with melancholy and a hint of pain.

"If I didn't do this, how else could I save you?"

"When you left without saying a word that day, I thought you were just being stubborn and would come back in a few days. I waited for you for a long time, but there was no sign of you. I started to have a bad feeling and sent people to inquire about your whereabouts."

"Later, someone sent me your token and a jade slip. That's when I found out that you had secretly entered the Blood Demon Secret Realm and had been imprisoned by the Blood Demon Patriarch."

"You guessed it right, this information was delivered to me by someone sent by the Blood Demon Patriarch."

"The Blood Demon Patriarch said that he had no intention of being enemies with the Xuan Yang Sect, but since you infiltrated the Blood Demon Secret Realm without permission, you must give him an explanation. He invited me to the Blood Demon Secret Realm for a meeting."

"I know this might be a trap, and that I might end up like you, imprisoned by the Blood Demon Patriarch. I dare not tell the sect, and I have to pretend that nothing happened. Because I know that even if the true immortal of the sect comes, the first one to die would be you, junior sister."

"I am willing to take a gamble for you."

"Fortunately, the Blood Demon Patriarch kept his promise, probably because he feared the background of the sect. He didn't attack me and agreed to let you go, on the condition that we give up investigating him and never interfere with his activities again."

"I know your personality, junior sister. If you knew that I compromised with the Blood Demon Patriarch like this, you wouldn't be happy. So I argued with the Blood Demon Patriarch, trying to use the sect's power to persuade him to release you."

"In the end, the Blood Demon Patriarch made a deal with me. He said that only if I could withstand one of his attacks would I have the qualification to negotiate with him."

Yu Xian smiled faintly, "I withstood it."

"So the condition of the Blood Demon Patriarch became that we would not interfere with each other, as long as he didn't cause trouble, I wouldn't take the initiative to attack him. As for his disciples who act in his name, we will follow the previous rules and kill them, and he won't interfere."

"This is the maximum extent that I can do."

However, Ruan Linlin couldn't be easily fooled, after all, the Blood Demon Patriarch gave her an important hint before leaving.

"What is this Heart Demon Vow that the Blood Demon Patriarch mentioned? The destruction of the Dao and the hopelessness of immortality, what does it mean?"

Yu Xian pretended not to care and said, "If you want to escape unscathed, you always have to pay a price. The Blood Demon Patriarch is suspicious by nature, so he made me swear a Heart Demon Vow and sign a blood contract with him. Once we attack him, I will have to fulfill the vow, my cultivation will regress, and I will be plagued by heart demons, unable to have a good ending."

However, don't worry, we didn't suffer any losses. As long as we capture the evidence of Blood Demon Ancestor's mischief and chaos, this oath will no longer hold any weight.

Ruan Linlin didn't expect that in order to save her, her senior brother would sacrifice his own path.

If she were to seek revenge without considering the consequences, she wouldn't have any losses, only her senior brother would pay a painful price for it.

From beginning to end, her senior brother was unwilling to let her get hurt.

How could she not be moved by this friendship?

"Senior brother, I won't let anything happen to you."

Ruan Linlin suppressed the anger in her heart and forced a smile, saying,

"I've learned my lesson from this experience. I won't act impulsively in the future."

"I won't care about whatever conspiracy Blood Demon Ancestor is plotting behind the scenes, but if one day I discover that he is causing demonic disasters, I will definitely not let him go!"

Yu Xian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but said,

"You've been wronged, junior sister."

Ruan Linlin shook her head gently, leaned forward, and rested on Yu Xian's chest, her tone tinged with a hint of shyness.

"Senior brother, when you recover from your injuries, I will... fulfill the promise you made earlier."


Several question marks floated in Yu Xian's mind.

Although he didn't know what Ruan Linlin had promised before, judging from her shy tone and her charming demeanor, it was obviously something delightful to hear.


"Damn it, woman, leave me alone! I want to focus on my career!"

Yu Xian whimpered, feeling helpless.

It seemed that his injuries would take a long time to heal.

However, when it came to the selection of the true transmission in Xuan Yang Sect, he would be almost relieved. By then, Ruan Linlin would return to the sect to participate in the selection, and he would stay behind under the pretext of recuperating.

And he and Ruan Linlin were already the highest leaders of the Moon City Demon Hunting Team.

By then, he would be the demon king and the embodiment of justice, directly soaring in the great cause of demon extermination and upholding righteousness.

When he broke through the Nascent Soul realm and performed the Dragon's Tail, he would finish his business and leave, continuing to be the chairman of his Great Unity Society.

As for Blood Demon Ancestor, who the hell is that little shrimp? He doesn't even know him!

PS: I almost reached the bonus chapter, but since it's not over 6,000 characters, the bonus chapter for the monthly votes will have to wait a bit longer, but it will definitely come.

(End of this chapter)

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