Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

249. Chapter 247 Hundred Years, Breakthrough

Time flies.

Yu Xian gradually adapted to his identity as a senior brother.

Because he was a patient, he didn't need to take care of the affairs of the Demon Slayer Squad or go out to fight with others.

This is also one of the reasons why he had to get injured in front of Ruan Linlin.

After all, he knew nothing about the cultivation techniques that Zhang Hong practiced. If it was about some unique secret techniques and spiritual arts, he could cheat and quickly comprehend them with the help of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy.

But cultivation techniques are the foundation of cultivators. His deception skills were not sharp enough to imitate someone else's cultivation technique just by taking a glance.

Once there was a need for him to take action, unless he could silence all the witnesses, his identity would be easily exposed.

Ruan Linlin felt sorry for Senior Brother's injuries and took the initiative to take care of daily affairs, instructing him to focus on healing.

Yu Xian naturally complied, eager to not have to move.

And while Ruan Linlin was out handling the Demon Slayer Squad's work, Yu Xian would return to the Blood Demon Secret Realm and arrange for his disciples to break through in an orderly manner.

Following a breakthrough frequency of one to two people per month, he steadily pushed his cultivation towards the realm of Gold Core perfection.

In the blink of an eye.

Another half a year had passed.

On this day.

Yu Xian stood on the terrace of the Cave Mansion, leaning on the railing and looking into the distance. He saw that the mountaintop had turned yellow, indicating that autumn had arrived.

He calculated with his fingers and then smiled.

"Looking back, it's already been a hundred years."

Unconsciously, he had reached the age of one hundred.

For most mortals and Qi Refining cultivators, if they lived to this age without any opportunities, it would already be their limit. Anything more would be considered a blessing.

But his one hundred years were still in his prime and he was still moving forward confidently.

He lightly tapped the railing, his face radiating a bright light, like a young man setting sail, full of spirit and vigor, ready for a journey.

Ruan Linlin, who had entered the range of the Cave Mansion without knowing when, looked up and was captivated by Yu Xian's posture for a moment.

The only thing she was somewhat dissatisfied with about her senior brother was that he was sometimes too conservative, to the point of being old-fashioned, like an elderly person with a heavy sense of twilight, lacking any vitality.

But at this moment, she realized that she still hadn't completely understood her senior brother.

"Senior Brother!"

She smiled brightly and waved at Yu Xian.

"Are you healed from your injuries?"

Before the words even fell, she had already flown up to him.

Yu Xian's face immediately darkened, his lips slightly pale. He covered his chest and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"The Blood Demon Patriarch's divine sense technique is indeed powerful. I thought I would be completely healed after half a year of recuperation.

But now it seems that I still need some time to rest. However, it shouldn't be a problem to make a slight move.

Junior Sister, have you encountered any trouble?"

"I haven't encountered any trouble, but Senior Brother, your injuries haven't fully healed yet. You shouldn't act rashly. I can handle the matters of the Demon Slayer Squad."

Ruan Linlin looked worried as she supported Yu Xian to sit down beside her, and she even carefully felt his pulse, her actions very intimate.

After confirming her feelings, Ruan Linlin already regarded herself as her senior brother's woman, and she no longer paid attention to some of the precautions she had before.

Yu Xian patted Ruan Linlin's hand and said in a gentle voice,

"I still have the ability to take action. If you encounter any trouble, you must discuss it with me. You can't make the same mistakes as before."

Ruan Linlin turned around and sat on Yu Xian's lap, her hands around his neck, with a slightly coquettish tone,

"Senior Brother, I'm not a fool. Can I fall into the same pit twice?"

Yu Xian looked at her with an indulgent gaze and smiled,

"In my heart, I would love for you to always be my little fool."

"Senior Brother, you never used to say these things."

Ruan Linlin pouted, but the smile in her eyes couldn't be stopped.

"Because the previous you wouldn't hear these words like you do now. Actually, I've practiced saying them in my heart countless times."

Yu Xian held Ruan Linlin's soft waist, his attitude somewhat casual.

After all, he was not a gentleman who strictly adhered to etiquette.

Of course, he still maintained his bottom line and didn't do anything to Ruan Linlin. At most, he held her hand, hugged her, and even saved his first kiss for his true senior brother.

A very pure and Platonic spiritual love.

God knows how much he endured the criticism from women who were used to his habits.

For example, they were originally just hugging and chatting, drinking and admiring the moon, but inexplicably his hand almost reached where it shouldn't have.

That kind of torment was almost killing him.

"Well, I still like you the way you are now."

Ruan Linlin didn't know about Yu Xian's internal struggle and smiled.

Since Senior Brother was injured, this past half year has been their most intimate time together.

And it was during this time that Ruan Linlin realized that she didn't really know Senior Brother as well as she thought.

She didn't suspect that Senior Brother had changed.

She just felt that her preconceived notions had been shattered, giving her a sense of discovering a new world.

But she couldn't help but feel an irresistible feeling of freshness.

She lay on Yu Xian's chest, quietly listening to his strong heartbeat, and after a while, she asked:

"Senior Brother, have you really decided to stay?"

Yu Xian nodded slightly, "With my qualifications and age, I no longer have a chance to compete for the true transmission quota. It's better to stay here and continue to lead the Demon-Slaying Squad.

Here, I can accumulate enough merits and perhaps find a way to progress."

Ruan Linlin was not on guard against him, so many pieces of information were inadvertently leaked by her.

He didn't deliberately guide her either, but silently pieced together the fragments of her words, slowly forming a more complete logical chain.

Like Zhan Hong.

He and Ruan Linlin actually had a significant age difference. Ruan Linlin was just over 120 years old and was already in the mid-Gold Core stage.

He was 204 years old, almost twice Ruan Linlin's age.

But they were indeed peers and had reached the stage of discussing marriage.

Zhan Hong had competed for the true transmission quota a hundred years ago but unfortunately failed. After that, he had been serving outside the sect.

It was only when the demonic tide was approaching that he defeated many fellow disciples and won the opportunity to accompany Ruan Linlin to join the Demon-Slaying Squad within the Bright Moon Heavenly City.

In fact, the entire Demon-Slaying Squad consisted of only five people, all of them Gold Core cultivators, not under each other's command, and fighting independently.

But each of the five had disciples and followers, which was equivalent to the combined strength of five Gold Core-level forces, and their power was more formidable and dominant, without too much burden.

Of course, Ruan Linlin was still inexperienced and didn't have many connections and forces. Most of the time, she acted as Zhan Hong's assistant.

Ruan Linlin's purpose in the Demon-Slaying Squad was very simple: to accumulate merits, compete for the true transmission, and incidentally go on blind dates.

Zhan Hong came from the Kuimufeng branch of the Xuan Yang Sect and was a disciple of Kuimuzhenjun. However, since he failed to win the true transmission years ago, he fell out of favor with Kuimuzhenjun.

It wasn't until later, when he broke through to the late Gold Core stage outside the sect and had the potential to reach the Nascent Soul realm, that Kuimuzhenjun began to pay attention to him again and gave him the opportunity to marry Ruan Linlin, who came from the Qunxing Peak.

Qunxing Peak had a single lineage, but every five hundred years or so, a Nascent Soul True Immortal would appear.

Although the population was scarce, it was the most profound lineage in the Xuan Yang Sect. Even at its weakest, it had two True Immortals sitting in the sect.

After learning about Ruan Linlin's background, Yu Xian was even more glad that he didn't act rashly towards her.

Otherwise, he might have brought himself a big trouble.

Now that the demonic calamity was gradually subsiding and Ruan Linlin had completed her cultivation, it was time for her to return to the sect and participate in the selection of the true transmission.

After each wave of the demonic tide, the Wanbao Trading Company would hold an auction, which was also one of the major sources of opportunities for Nascent Soul cultivators in the Xuan Yang Sect.

Approximately every two auctions, the Xuan Yang Sect would hold a true transmission selection, selecting the next generation of true transmission disciples.

This was the most important event in the Xuan Yang Sect.

Because this selection not only represented the inheritance from the past to the future, but the sect would also grant a Nascent Soul opportunity to the qualified previous generation of true transmission disciples.

This was the foundation and strength of the sect.

The Nascent Soul opportunities that so many Gold Core cultivators dreamed of were readily available to the true transmission disciples of the Xuan Yang Sect.

Regardless of whether the previous generation of true transmission disciples could successfully break through, they would lose their status as true transmission disciples.

Ruan Linlin was competing for the status of a true transmission disciple and the opportunity for Nascent Soul cultivation.

According to reason, Yu Xian, who played the role of Zhan Hong, should go back with Ruan Linlin at this time.

But how could he really go back? Once he made a move, everything would be exposed. So he came up with a versatile reason - he was accumulating merits outside and planning for the opportunity of Nascent Soul cultivation.

The Xuan Yang Sect had an extraordinary background. It was said that there were at least eight Nascent Soul opportunities accumulated in the sect's treasury, if not ten.

And these opportunities were prepared for the disciples who contributed to the sect.

However, according to reliable research, on average, there were only two or three disciples who could accumulate enough merits to exchange for a Nascent Soul opportunity in the sect's treasury within a hundred years.

But none of this had anything to do with Yu Xian.

He was not really Zhan Hong, nor did he intend to continue playing the role indefinitely.

Right now, he just wanted to send Ruan Linlin away. Otherwise, if the current situation continued to develop, he would eventually be unable to resist becoming a beast.

Moreover, Ruan Linlin didn't seem like the type to be completely devoted to him, a demonic cultivator who had taken someone else's identity. It was unlikely that she would stay with him after they had been intimate.

At that time, he would probably attract a lot of enemies.

Especially after learning about Ruan Linlin's background, this premonition became even stronger.

Ruan Linlin also understood her senior brother's concerns.

Although their feelings were growing stronger and they were in the midst of a passionate romance, she was not a willful person. She reluctantly nodded and said:

"Then senior brother, take care of yourself. I've secretly released the news to the Demon Slayer Squad. You can stay here and focus on recovering. They all think you're in seclusion practicing secret techniques and would rather you stay in seclusion for as long as possible without being disturbed."

The five members of the Demon Slayer Squad each had their own factions and power struggles within. If they rested, the others would get more credit.

Yu Xian smiled and said, "I'm not a child. Besides, I'm only suffering from a spiritual injury right now. If it comes to a real fight, they might not necessarily be my opponents."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "After you return to the sect, don't worry about me. You should understand the importance of the True Transmission Selection. So during this time, you must eliminate all distractions, even me, should not occupy your thoughts. And until the True Transmission Selection is over, I will refrain from disturbing you."

Ruan Linlin reluctantly said, "But I feel that if senior brother writes to me often, I will be in a better state."

Yu Xian gently stroked Ruan Linlin's head, a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

"Good girl, I don't want to see you regretful like me."

Seeing the worried expression on her senior brother's face, Ruan Linlin knew that not being selected for the True Transmission was his regret in this lifetime.

After hesitating for a while, she nodded heavily and said, "Senior brother, I will definitely become a True Transmission disciple!"


Yu Xian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was not really Zhan Hong and had no interest in continuing to flirt with girls on his behalf.

And if he said something wrong in the letters, it could lead to unforeseen consequences, which he would regret.

The saying goes, if you don't do anything, you won't do anything wrong. That's the principle.


One month later.

Ruan Linlin bid farewell to Yu Xian and returned to the sect.

At this time, according to rumors, Zhan Hong should be in seclusion practicing, so Yu Xian was completely free and this sudden crisis came to an end.

Regardless of whether Ruan Linlin could become a True Transmission disciple, she would not come back.

As a single disciple of the Star Peak, even if Ruan Linlin couldn't become a True Transmission disciple, her master would have a way to prepare a Nascent Soul opportunity for her.

Taking on disciples is like having children. Having one is a great joy, after all, there is no second choice.

But having a group is just about surviving and growing up. Only if they are particularly outstanding will they receive special treatment.

On the other hand.

The business of the Blood Demon Order was on track, not only earning him a lot of spirit stones, but also bringing in a steady stream of demonic cultivators.

Yu Xian silently waited for the moment of breakthrough.

The three hundred million spirit stones in his hand were gradually decreasing.

But at the current rate of earning and spending money, before the three hundred million spirit stones were depleted, he would definitely be able to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

However, before he could break through, there was someone who would break through earlier than him.

On this day.

Mingyue Tiancheng, South City District.

A thundercloud suddenly gathered above a certain courtyard, and nearby cultivators felt it.

"Gold Core Tribulation!"

Some cultivators who were still struggling with cultivation and life stopped in their tracks, looking up at the natural thundercloud with envy.

They wondered when they would have the qualifications to transcend the tribulation.

But most people hurriedly drove their spirit beasts to their destinations.

Mingyue Tiancheng was built on a fourth-grade medium-quality spiritual vein, with abundant spiritual energy. The chances of cultivators here breaking through to the Gold Core stage were much higher than in the outside world.

Even in the southern district, thunder tribulation phenomena of Gold Core breakthroughs could be seen from time to time.

Therefore, many people were not surprised and did not stop their steps because of this.

In the courtyard.

The thunder tribulation identified the target for Transcending Tribulation, crackling and striking randomly.

But these tribulation thunderbolts first weakened by a colorful umbrella-like five-colored canopy, and then the remaining thunder power would be calmly received by a bright yellow-colored pill furnace.

In the pill furnace, the earth-yellow spiritual fire and the thunderbolts would consume each other.

In the end, the thunderbolts became powerless and were enveloped by the spiritual fire, turning into purple thunder pills the size of dragon eyes after a moment.

The thunder pills flew out of the pill furnace and fell into the hands of the alchemist.

Luo Han swallowed these thunder pills one by one as if eating dates.

Electric sparks emerged from her body, face, and even her eyes, but they were ultimately weakened twice and refined by the thunder tribulation power through secret techniques.

She could bear it completely with her current strength.

As the last thunder tribulation fell, she exhaled a hot breath, her eyebrows shining brightly, as if her whole person was glowing.

"Han'er, congratulations. From today onwards, you shall be called Luo Zhenren."

Yu Xian stood by, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

However, Luo Han was very self-aware.

"It's all thanks to my husband for preparing the Gold Core for me, finding the Five-Colored Tianluo Umbrella to weaken the thunder tribulation as my life treasure, and giving me the Yellow Mud Fire as my life spiritual fire. He also completed the One Mind, One Pill technique for me, promoting it to a high-grade cultivation method. Only then could I successfully experiment with the Thunder Pill method speculated by our ancestor. Otherwise, I would have been struck to death by the thunder tribulation long ago."

While Yu Xian was working hard to reach the Nascent Soul stage, his woman did not lag behind.

Of course, the main reason was that Luo Han had to refine the unorthodox Gold Core for him, and she couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

Although her One Mind, One Pill technique was only a medium-grade cultivation method, it was very suitable for cultivating alchemy. Moreover, after Yu Xian supplemented it with the derivation of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy, it had long been promoted to a high-grade cultivation method.

Therefore, every time she refined a pill, it was equivalent to one cultivation session.

It's just that repeating the refinement of the same pill would result in diminishing returns.

But fortunately, the grade of the unorthodox Gold Core was not low, and the materials were precious, allowing her to sense the formation methods of different Gold Cores time and time again, which enabled her to succeed in one fell swoop.

Yu Xian glanced at the foolishly happy Yulan standing by and couldn't help but feel frustrated.

"Some people understand the hardships of their husband, but some people don't appreciate their husband's help at all."

Still lingering in the late Foundation Building stage and unable to see any breakthrough, Yulan's smile froze on her face, and she shrank back guiltily.

"It's not me, it's not me."

Yu Xian waved his hand and said impatiently, "Come here."

Reluctantly, Yulan walked up and softly said, "Husband."

Yu Xian pinched Yulan's cheeks with both hands, pulled them slightly, and then rubbed them hard.

"If it weren't for your beauty and cuteness, I would have beaten your ass to a pulp a long time ago. After eating so many spiritual pills from me and being reborn by your sister Xiaoyi, you can actually see a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough now."

Since he indulged Yulan in her cultivation and allowed her to slack off, she seemed to have returned to her foolish self.

What could he do about it? He could only continue to spoil her.

Yulan's face became distorted, and she mumbled with a muffled voice, "Husband, I'll be good."

"Alright, in honor of today's joyous occasion, I won't hold it against you. Practice well and strive to break through before a hundred years old. Otherwise, you can only take the path of fake pills."

Yu Xian hugged Yulan and pecked her gently.

"Silly girl, you should be more sensible."

Yulan hugged Yu Xian tightly, not saying a word, just smiling foolishly.

She knew that her husband was doing it for her own good, but she preferred the present days. Cultivation had always been a very unfamiliar thing to her.

Even if she couldn't really break through, being able to accompany her husband through this period of time was already the happiest and luckiest thing for her.

Zhao Shiwen, who was watching from the side, was full of envy but didn't make any moves. She just quietly did her own job until Yu Xian beckoned her over.

She then smiled and walked over cautiously, hugging Yu Xian together with Yulan. (End of this chapter)

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