Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

261. Chapter 259 Spread Love

Great love for True Monarch Mansion.

In the front hall of the mansion.

Yu Xian, with disheveled hair and a lazy demeanor, slowly drags his robe and lies down on a rocking chair. Behind him, a gentle breeze rustles, and countless peach blossom petals dance in the air.

Gui Shou respectfully stands by and says, "President, you called for me."

Yu Xian, half-asleep, softly asks, "Have you felt it?"

Gui Shou hasn't even had time to react when a heavy pressure descends. The sky turns blood-red, as if the heavens and earth have been seized, and the color of blood fills the eyes.

This is the True Monarch domain of a Nascent Soul cultivator!

What does the president mean by this?

Is he trying to assert his dominance or give a warning?

But he has always been well-behaved. In the two years since the president returned, he hasn't dared to be greedy for a single Spirit Stone. At most, he helps out occasionally and earns some resources for his own cultivation.

Is this not allowed either?

In an instant, Gui Shou recalls all the mistakes he has made in his lifetime.

But soon, he feels something different.

Within this True Monarch domain, although there is a heavy pressure, upon careful sensing, he feels a subtle warm current flowing through his body, giving him a pleasant sensation from the depths of his soul.

As a result, the pressure gradually becomes imperceptible.

He instinctively wants more.

The gentle stream from earlier turns into a mighty river.

His body starts to heat up, and then his pores open all over, allowing a blood-red aura to penetrate his bones.

His flesh becomes solid, his bones turn into jade, and he becomes light and graceful.

At the same time, Gui Shou realizes that his sensitivity to Spiritual Qi has become more acute, and his control over it has become more effortless.

In short, his aptitude has been improved.

"President, what... what is this?!!"

Gui Shou is filled with disbelief.

When he struggled in his cultivation in the past, he had also thought about improving his damn aptitude.

But in the Immortal World, the pills and medicines that could change one's aptitude were all very valuable.

He had to go through Foundation Establishment three times before finally succeeding.

However, after Foundation Establishment, he found himself unable to make any progress, as if the Foundation Establishment Preceding Entry Stage was his limit.

He was unwilling to waste another twenty years of luck and go through life and death trials just to finally achieve success and obtain a Rank Three inferior-grade Marrow Cleansing Pill, which allowed him to continue cultivating in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

But even with the Rank Three Marrow Cleansing Pill, he was only on par with an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Only the legendary Rank Four Mysterious Core, which could completely transform his body, would give him a chance to glimpse the Gold Core realm.

But such Mysterious Cores were as precious as Infant Transformation Pills, far beyond the reach of a mere Foundation Establishment cultivator like him.

He almost lost his life for a Rank Three pill back then.

If he wanted a chance at a Rank Four Mysterious Core, it would take him at least a hundred or eighty unlucky years, and he might not even get a glimpse of it.

But by then, he would have turned to dust.

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have thought of joining the Great Unity Society and becoming a pseudo-Dan Immortal.

It's not that he didn't make an effort, but his efforts only made him more desperate.

But at this moment, he unexpectedly felt a sense of taking the Marrow Cleansing Pill of the Book of Changes.

He had a premonition that if he could be continuously transformed by this warm current for a period of time, he would have the potential to break through the Gold Core Realm on his own.

Yu Xian said lightly, "As you can see, this is the True Monarch domain where I cultivate. It is also the embodiment of the principle of the Great Unity Society, where everyone is for me and I am for everyone.

When I am a True Monarch, everyone can be a true person.

Can you feel it? As long as you can stay in my True Monarch domain, your aptitude will eventually improve to the level of an ordinary Spirit Communication body."

"That's right."

There was a hint of regret on Gui Shou's face, as well as a sense of reverence that even he himself did not notice.

"I just regret not meeting the President earlier."

Although he had a spiritual cultivation method to break through the shackles of the False Core, it was still not as convenient as orthodox cultivation, and he had to explore it on his own.

Yu Xian said, "There is a way. I have heard that there is a poison called Flowing Gold Venom in the Immortal World, which can dissolve the Gold Core of a Gold Core cultivator, causing their realm to regress and their lifespan to dry up and die. It is very vicious.

If you want to start over, you can consult the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, this thing should be very expensive."

Gui Shou did not expect that the President had actually secretly considered it for him, and couldn't help but feel even more moved.

But he shook his head and said,

"I am already over a hundred years old. Even if I can start over, how many years do I have left? Besides, I need to focus on spiritual cultivation, and I don't have any more time."

"Then it's up to you. I called you here this time to prepare. I plan to put the concept of the Great Unity Society into practice in this domain of great love."

Yu Xian had just said "everyone is for me" and in the blink of an eye, it became "everyone is for me."

"So I'm going to hold an auction!"


Gui Shou was stunned, and his mind couldn't keep up with the sudden turn of events.

Yu Xian sighed, "Even the landlord's family has no surplus food. As the treasurer of the Great Unity Society, you should know that we are out of money.

Those poor cultivators would rather give their lives to us than pay back Spirit Stones.

So I have to take matters into my own hands."

Gui Shou thought for a moment and nodded,

"The President is wise! With the President's abilities, directly holding an auction to promote the ideals of the Great Unity Society and let those who are destined take what they need is the most appropriate."

"But I'm worried that the President will be too exhausted and shake the foundation of the Great Unity Society."

"Don't worry, for a Gold Core cultivator like you, handling three to five people in a day is no problem."

Yu Xian rubbed his chin and casually mentioned a number.

Although the Magic power of a Nascent Soul cultivator was as vast as the sea, it was not easy to recover, but he had a dao companion to help him, so it was not a problem at all.

Every time he cultivated with his dao companion, it was as if a void dimension opened up, constantly replenishing his Magic power.

He had no idea how much pure Spiritual Qi he had mooched off.

This was also one of the important reasons why he could break through without being limited by the environment.

Seeing that the President had already considered it, Gui Shou no longer said anything and directly took his leave to prepare.

For some reason, he suddenly felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart, wanting to give his all for the President's cause of the Great Unity Society, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

It was as if he had truly found the belief he would strive for all his life today, and his passion was overwhelming.

Yu Xian nodded slightly at Gui Shou's departing figure.

"It seems that the effect of the Will Influence is quite good. Gui Shou is a spiritual cultivator, and his Spirit Power is the most sensitive. He didn't notice anything wrong, and other cultivators would be even less likely to react."

"Now I'm even more confident."


Lanshan Prefecture, one of the nine major prefectural cities under the jurisdiction of Mingyue Tiancheng, is adjacent to Wangshu Prefecture.

The Cao family is a newly rising Gold Core family in Lanshan Prefecture. The head of the family, Cao Fei, broke through to the Gold Core stage when he was nearly 108 years old. He was considered a legendary figure in Lanshan Prefecture at that time.

After all, it is extremely rare for a cultivator to successfully break through to the Gold Core stage at such an age.

However, Cao Zhenren's late breakthrough to the Gold Core Realm indicates that his aptitude is not outstanding. After reaching the Gold Core Realm, he completely faded into obscurity.

At the age of 420, he is still lingering at the Gold Core Preceding Entry Stage. Even if he pays attention to health preservation, he only has about thirty to forty years left to live.

A Gold Core cultivator's lifespan is five hundred years, under ideal conditions.

Most Gold Core cultivators pass away around the age of four hundred and sixty or seventy.

Realizing this, Cao Zhenren chose to continue his bloodline since he couldn't seek immortality, leaving his mark in the world.

However, it was difficult for a Gold Core cultivator to have offspring.

Cao Zhenren had many daughters over the years, but unfortunately, he wanted a son.

So he continued to work hard and finally had a son at the age of four hundred. This son became his most beloved.

Speaking of which, Cao Zhenren had high hopes for his youngest son since he was the legitimate son of a cultivator. After all, he should have inherited some talent.

But what he inherited was his mother's talent.

His mother was just one of Cao Zhenren's many concubines, an ordinary mortal. She became the main wife by virtue of her son's status.

So even though this youngest son had been refining his foundation with precious medicinal herbs since he was young and had a cultivator father to guide him one-on-one, he was still hovering on the edge of the Qi Refining late stage at the age of twenty.

This cultivation base may be considered good in the eyes of ordinary people, but compared to the effort and wealth Cao Zhenren put in, it was all in vain.

Cao Zhenren did not give up and wanted to continue his efforts, but he was already at such an age. Even if he miraculously had another child, how many years could he cultivate them for?

Just as Cao Zhenren was lamenting the lack of an heir to his family business, a true or false piece of news reached his ears.

In the neighboring prefectural city, a force called the Great Unity Society's leader recently broke through to the Nascent Soul Cultivation Base and proclaimed himself the Great Love True Monarch. The Profound Yang Sect even bestowed the former Wangshu Prefecture as the territory of the True Monarch.

And the Great Love True Monarch, with a heart full of love, helped everyone after his breakthrough, practicing the belief that everyone is for me and I am for everyone.

Now he has cultivated a domain called the Great Love Domain, which is said to be able to turn mediocrity into genius. It is said that this domain contains the Great Love True Monarch's compassion and love for the world, and it can help people temper their bodies, change their aptitude, and improve their foundations. Even ordinary mortals can transform into spiritual beings.

Several ordinary mortals in the Great Love City have already been helped by the Great Love True Monarch and successfully joined the Profound Yang Sect.

It should be noted that as the ruler of the Xuan Yang Realm, the Profound Yang Sect has very strict disciple requirements, and having a spiritual body is the standard. Even if one does not have a spiritual body, they must have a special physique.

Being able to join the Profound Yang Sect means that one foot has stepped into the Gold Core realm.

Now, under the orders of the Great Love True Monarch, the Great Unity Society is preparing to hold a special auction to spread the love of the True Monarch to the world.

Upon hearing this news, Cao Zhenren was moved and spent the night contemplating in his study.

The next day.

Cao Zhenren, accompanied by his youngest son and all the cash flow of the Cao family, hurried to the former Wangshu Prefecture, now the Great Love City.


"Dad, this is the Great Love City. Isn't it supposed to be the territory of the True Monarch? I feel like it's not much different from our place, and the Spiritual Qi environment here is even worse than in Lanshan Prefecture."

Cao Zhenren's youngest son entered the city with his father and complained.

He had been favored by Cao Zhenren since he was young, and his character inevitably became a bit arrogant.

"Don't talk nonsense. This is the territory of the True Monarch. If you say something that offends the True Monarch, your father will suffer with you."

Cao Zhenren, however, was perceptive and knew that someone had set up a formation to intercept the Spiritual Qi of the spiritual veins.

Such a thing would never happen in Lanshan Prefecture.

Even the Lord of the Prefecture would not be able to have such absolute power and enjoy the Spiritual Qi alone, otherwise it would definitely cause backlash from the subordinates.

Moreover, the Lord of the Prefecture is only at the Gold Core Realm, so he doesn't need that much Spiritual Qi.

But this is the territory of True Monarch, enough to suppress any dissenting voices.

Cao Zhenren shook his head secretly.

Although for a Nascent Soul cultivator, occupying a large portion of the Spiritual Qi share is necessary to satisfy personal cultivation, but by doing so, how can others believe in the so-called great love of True Monarch? Why wouldn't he even share a little bit of Spiritual Qi with the subordinates?

You claim to have love, but where is your love?

Just a person who seeks fame and reputation.

But since he has come...

He must experience the so-called realm of great love.

In this way, Cao Zhenren and his son stayed in a hotel in the city of great love, waiting for the auction of the Great Unity Society.

During the wait, Cao Zhenren noticed that many cultivators who had heard rumors about True Monarch had come, just like him.

Obviously, the weight of a True Monarch is enough to make many people tempted.

Two months later.

The auction was held as scheduled in the newly built Great Unity Society auction house.

Cao Zhenren frequently raised his paddle at the venue, but still underestimated the power of True Monarch. All three spots were auctioned off at a high price of one million Spirit Stones.

This was because the person who was said to be the financial manager of the Great Unity Society, Gui Zhenren, announced at the auction that he could guarantee the cultivation of the spiritual body.

Cao Zhenren was just an ordinary Gold Core cultivator. Most of the assets in his family were shops, fields, and mines. Even if he brought all his cash, it would only be five or six hundred thousand Spirit Stones.

"Dad, are cultivators so rich now? I didn't even see any trace of the spiritual body," said his son, still showing surprise on his face after leaving the auction.

He considered himself one of the prominent young masters in Lanshan Prefecture under his father's favor, but he had never seen scenes where tens of thousands of Spirit Stones were thrown away without blinking an eye.

Cao Zhenren shook his head and said, "That's a True Monarch after all. One million Spirit Stones to buy a promise from a True Monarch. Even if he can't fulfill it, the True Monarch will compensate elsewhere.

I regret it a bit now. I should have prepared more Spirit Stones."

He had been at the Gold Core cultivation base for many years. If he sold his properties, he could afford one million Spirit Stones.

If it could really transform his son's physique, he could pay this price.

But the next auction would have to wait for another year.

In a year's time, his son's chances of breaking through in the future might decrease, and this year everyone was still skeptical.

Those Gold Core cultivators who bid high prices, in his opinion, might not necessarily believe, they were just trying to get on good terms with a Nascent Soul True Monarch.

But what if it's true?

Then the next auction will definitely be a fierce competition.

After all, a Mysterious Core that can transform a person into a spiritual body, that's a Rank Four Mysterious Core, comparable to the Infant Transformation Pill, worth billions of Spirit Stones.

"Senior, are you regretful for not being able to secure a spot?"

A young cultivator with a shrewd look and a low cultivation base at the Qi Refining Realm approached.

Cao Zhenren glanced at him, his heart moved, and he stopped his son who wanted to drive him away, and asked the newcomer, "Oh, do you have any way to make up for my regret?"

The young cultivator put on a cautious smile on his face.

"Junior doesn't have such great ability, but I have someone above me who can help senior." (End of this chapter)

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