Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

262. Chapter 260 Membership System

Chapter 260: Membership System

Half an hour later.

Datong Club headquarters, Finance Department, Group Three office.

Master Cao sat upright, surveying the simple and unadorned surroundings with his peripheral vision. It didn't look at all like the legendary Nascent Soul-level power.

The organizational structure of Group Three's finance department was also baffling to him.

But he had indeed just walked in through the door of the Datong Club.

Thinking of his own purpose, a question arose in Master Cao's mind.

Could it be that the benevolent True Monarch secretly engaged in the business of selling membership spots?

But why go through all this trouble? Auctioning off a few more spots would suffice.

He only had so many Spirit Stones in his pocket, no matter how many different forms they took, he couldn't conjure up any more Spirit Stones.

However, he still had some desire for that spiritual body spot, so he reluctantly followed the young cultivator here.

"May I ask for the surname of this fellow daoist?"

The one who received him was a young cultivator at the Gold Core level, with a polite and enthusiastic attitude.

"My surname is Cao, I wonder what position you hold in the Datong Club, and what methods can help me obtain a spiritual body spot?"

"So it's Fellow Daoist Cao. My name is Yi Fei, currently the director of the Finance Department, Group Three of the Datong Club. You can call me Director Yi."

The young cultivator poured a cup of tea for Master Cao, his voice gentle.

Originally named Fei Yi, he had been baptized by Yu Xian's Cultivation Technique and transformed into a mentally numb fanatic.

But later, as Yu Xian's Cultivation Technique advanced and his domain transformed, Fei Yi gradually regained his own thoughts and consciousness.

However, his mind had already been firmly imprinted with the mark of ideology, causing some damage to his own spirituality.

But following Yu Xian's principle of making use of waste, he was still more than capable of serving as the director of the office for the time being.

This position mainly relied on one's brain and eloquence.

And Fei Yi thought that True Monarch Yu was his savior, rescuing him from the hands of two demons and retrieving his Blood Soul Talisman, returning his freedom to him.

In order to repay True Monarch's kindness, he decided to stay and promote the ideology of the Datong Club.

Moreover, the Devil Dao aura on his body had already been purified by True Monarch's benevolent domain. As long as he didn't actively leak the aura of his Cultivation Technique, no one could tell that he was a Devil Dao cultivator.

As for the previously deeply demonic Fei Yi, he had long become a thing of the past.

Now, only Yi Fei was alive, a person willing to devote his life to the cause of the Datong Club.

"This Transcendent Spirit Transformation requires a large amount of True Monarch's magic power. True Monarch, in his compassion for the world, is willing to sacrifice himself, but he can't take care of everyone.

Therefore, he can only auction off these limited spots. The Spirit Stones obtained from the auction will not be used by True Monarch himself, but will be used to develop the Datong Club and spread love to more people..."

Master Cao, even if he didn't believe it, he still listened patiently, nodding frequently and giving face, as if he finally understood.

The person in front of him was not only a Gold Core cultivator from the same realm as him, but also a high-ranking member of the Great Unity Society.

Fortunately, the Great Unity Society had just advanced to the Nascent Soul stage, and there was much work to be done.

If it continued to develop for another hundred or eighty years, he would have no chance to meet someone like this without offering a generous gift.

Therefore, even if what he said was nonsense, he wouldn't interrupt and ruin the other person's face.

When you're away from home, you have to give face to each other. If you give me some face, I'll give you some face.

If he started fighting at the slightest disagreement, he wouldn't live to this age.

Yi Fei was very satisfied with Master Cao's attitude. After sincerely praising the benevolent actions of True Monarch, according to the usual practice, he finally got to the point.

"...What Master Cao wants is spiritual bodies, but I can't guarantee it for you. I can only say that the chances are high."

"I wonder if Master Cao has heard of our Great Unity Society's Great Love Project?"

Master Cao nodded slightly, "I have heard a little. The Great Unity Society provides free assistance to those old cultivators with no future and young cultivators with potential to break through realms."

During the beast tide, Chu Mansion's Lord formed the Demon-Slaying Army, thanks in large part to the help of the Great Unity Society.

Speaking of which, when the Demon-Slaying Army came to our Blue Mountain Mansion, I also had a chance encounter with Lord Chu.

The interest that the Great Unity Society helped with was almost the same as doing it for free in Master Cao's eyes.

Even a biological father and son might not be able to produce a demonic Gold Core.

After all, there was a great risk of bad debts.

A demonic Gold Core was worth two million Spirit Stones. Who could afford to lose so much?

As a Gold Core cultivator, after hundreds of years of hard work, he had only accumulated two or three million Spirit Stones, most of which were fixed assets.

Yi Fei laughed heartily, seemingly excited by the mention, and said, "The opportunity I want to talk to Master Cao about is similar to the Great Love Project. This project is called Hope, which represents the beautiful expectations we all have for the future."

"As long as everyone contributes a little love, then each of us will have hope."

Master Cao finally sensed that something was wrong and pointed at himself, saying, "Are you asking me to donate money?"

"Ah, talking about money is vulgar. It's about love. Master Cao, you can entrust your love to our Great Unity Society, and we will use your love to help more people. In return, this love will also benefit you."

Yi Fei explained earnestly.

Master Cao's smile gradually faded from his face. He felt like he was talking nonsense and wanted to leave. But considering that he had offended the Great Unity Society, whether he could leave the City of Great Love, after much thought, he felt a chill behind him and decided to spend money to avoid disaster.

"Director Yi, you don't need to say anything else. I am willing to contribute 100,000 Spirit Stones of love, only hoping that the Great Unity Society can let me go."

Yi Fei frowned, his tone somewhat resentful.

"Fellow Daoist Cao, what kind of person do you think our Da Tong Society is? We are not a den of bandits and thieves. There is no reason for blackmail.

I apologize for not explaining clearly. Over the years, the Da Tong Society has spent a lot of money to help cultivators who are struggling to break through. We have reached a point where our expenses exceed our income.

But our president cannot bear to stop the Great Love Project, so we have introduced the Hope Project. As long as you participate in the Hope Project and become a member of our Da Tong Society, you can enjoy a baptism in the realm of law once a year, for one day each time, and improve your innate aptitude."

Cao Zhenren secretly rolled his eyes.

So it's just paying for a service. After all that explanation, it's so vague and unprofessional.

He continued the conversation with Yi Fei.

"Director Yi, what are the conditions for becoming a member of the Da Tong Society?"

Yi Fei smiled and said, "It's simple. Just deposit one hundred thousand Spirit Stones under the name of our financial department, and you will automatically become a member of the society.

If Fellow Daoist urgently needs Spirit Stones, you can simply apply to our financial department, and you can withdraw the Spirit Stones the next day without any delay.

Of course, once the Spirit Stones are withdrawn, your membership will be automatically revoked, and you will not be able to join again."

Cao Zhenren's heart suddenly stirred.

"Only one hundred thousand Spirit Stones?"

At the auction, a spot cost one million Spirit Stones. How come it's so cheap in private?

He had thought of donating one hundred thousand Spirit Stones for free.

After saying that, he felt that something was not right and quickly explained, "It's not that I don't trust Director Yi, it's just... it's just too cheap."

Yi Fei continued to maintain a polite smile. "Fellow Daoist Cao, everyone's constitution is different. Some people have excellent aptitude and only need a little push from True Monarch to become a spiritual body.

But there are also people with dull aptitude who may need years of baptism before they can make progress.

So one hundred thousand Spirit Stones is only the price for a bronze membership. If you want more baptism time, you need to upgrade your membership level."

Cao Zhenren thought for a moment and decided to give it a try.

One hundred thousand Spirit Stones, it's not a big loss, it's not a scam.

What if it works?

"Director Yi, I want to become a member."

Cao Zhenren directly took out a storage bag.

He had brought all the cash from home, and one hundred thousand Spirit Stones was only one-fifth of it.

Yi Fei accepted the storage bag with a smile and took out two bronze tokens.

"A wise choice, Fellow Daoist Cao. These are your membership tokens, two of them. Leave a Divine Sense imprint in both tokens.

Keep one for yourself and leave one behind. In the future, you can enjoy member services in our Da Tong Society with these tokens."

After Cao Zhenren left a Divine Sense imprint in the tokens, Yi Fei stood up and proactively opened the door.

"Fellow Daoist Cao, someone will escort you outside. Please feel free to go. I still have other guests to attend to."

Cao Zhenren walked through the corridor and glanced at the rooms on the side. He saw several cultivators he had seen at the auction drinking tea inside.

He hurriedly walked past, but his mood suddenly calmed down.


Half a month later.

After seeing that the Junior of a cultivator living next door had safely returned, Cao Zhenren finally sent his youngest son to the Da Tong Society.

A day and a night of waiting.

Cao Yi, his youngest son, returned to the inn.

"How do you feel?"

Cao Zhenren felt his son's body up and down, scanning it with his Divine Sense, afraid that something might have gone wrong.

His son let his father fumble with his body, with a face full of joy, and said, "Dad, I'm feeling great. I feel a surge of power in my body. My blood and qi have increased by at least thirty percent. And I have a premonition that my cultivation will be smooth sailing until the peak of Qi Refining."

"True Monarch deserves the name of Great Love. With such great love in his heart, he is willing to use his power to baptize the bodies of us Qi Refining cultivators."

He then shook his head with regret and said, "Unfortunately, it's only for one day."

"If I could continue to cultivate in True Monarch's realm, I'm afraid I wouldn't even need to use a Foundation Establishment Pill."

"Those three guys are really lucky to be able to stay there."

Speaking of the three guys who won the auction spots, Cao Yi's eyes were full of envy.

Only those who have experienced the pain and pleasure, the ethereal feeling, can understand how wonderful evolution is.

Cao Zhenren was also amazed by the changes in his son's body. The originally solid foundation seemed to have a hint of agility.

"By the way, Dad, I heard that True Monarch's realm not only changes and improves innate aptitude, but also repairs old injuries and prolongs life.

If you could give it a try, maybe you could live a few more years."

His son knew exactly what kind of situation his father was in.

An old age Gold Core, nearing the end of his lifespan.

After all, whenever his father scolded him, he would often say, 'How many more years can Daddy live? If you don't work hard in your cultivation now, you'll cry later.'


A flash of inspiration seemed to pass through Cao Zhenren's mind, giving him a clear sense of awakening.

Yes, no matter how well his son described it, it couldn't compare to experiencing it himself.

But it's once a year, and the one-time membership service has been used up.


The next day, Master Cao arrived at Datong Club early in the morning.

He saw people coming and going, obviously livelier than when he came half a month ago, and the Cultivation Base had clearly improved.

Occasionally, there were words like "membership," "upgrade," and "expensive" coming from the crowd.

This time, he didn't see Director Yi right away.

Instead, he had to line up and get a number, and after waiting for two incense sticks, he finally saw Director Yi, who had a friendly conversation with him a few days ago.

Director Yi still had that smile that made people feel refreshed, but Master Cao somehow sensed a hint of nobility and aloofness belonging to the Nascent Soul faction.

Clearly, half a month ago, in order to recruit him as a member, Director Yi had to send someone to block people at the auction house entrance.

But now, Director Yi obviously didn't lack customers.

Perhaps next time, he won't even be able to see Director Yi, the host.

"Director Yi."

With this thought, Master Cao's smile suddenly became more affectionate.

"I want to upgrade my membership level. I don't know what I need to do?"

"Haha, I knew that Fellow Daoist Cao wouldn't come here for no reason. So you want to upgrade your membership. I guess you have already experienced the power of True Monarch's domain," Director Yi chuckled.

Director Yi smiled and said, "Upgrading from a bronze membership to a silver membership is simple. You just need to add another 900,000 Spirit Stones, and you can upgrade your membership benefits from once a year to three times a year, with three days each time.

Of course, you can also use them continuously."

"But it's a bit difficult to upgrade from a silver membership to a gold membership. Not only do you need to deposit five million Spirit Stones, but you also need to contribute to the club.

The benefits of being a gold member are even more extraordinary.

Not only can you stay in True Monarch's domain for up to two months a year, but you can also secure a spiritual body quota every hundred years."

"If a gold member wants to upgrade to a jade member, hehe, that's something Fellow Daoist Cao can't achieve."

Master Cao curiously asked, "Director Yi, please explain in detail."

Director Yi said, "Fellow Daoist Cao, let's not talk about other things. The most basic requirement for a jade membership is the Nascent Soul Realm, which you don't have.

As for the benefits, to be honest, even I am not qualified to inquire. You need to have a face-to-face conversation with our True Monarch."

Master Cao sighed, "Indeed, I don't have the qualifications. Even for this silver membership, I have to go through some difficulties.

But I heard that True Monarch's domain has the effect of prolonging life. May I ask Director Yi if it's true?"

Director Yi fell silent for a moment and replied, "True Monarch's domain can indeed regulate the body, so it's not impossible to live a few more years. But to truly be like the Life Extending Pill, it's probably not possible.

Perhaps we have to wait for True Monarch to make another breakthrough."

Master Cao, however, was already satisfied.

"That's enough, that's enough. Director Yi, please wait for a moment while I go home and gather enough Spirit Stones. I will immediately come back to upgrade my membership."

"Director Yi, I won't disturb you any longer. Goodbye."

"Fellow Daoist Cao, have a safe journey."

Yi Fei stood up and cupped his hands, but this time he didn't accompany him to the door.


Two months later.

Cao Zhenren hurriedly sold some of his belongings to gather one million Spirit Stones and came to Datong Club to upgrade his membership level. He couldn't wait to experience the charm of the Great Love Domain.

During the months he was raising money, the reputation of Great Love True Monarch spread further and further.

Especially the astonishing effect of the Great Love Domain, it was praised by countless people. They couldn't believe that there was such a wonderful True Monarch Domain in this world.

Some people said that the Great Love True Monarch's True Monarch Domain was qualified to be listed on the Secret Technique Ranking of the Immortal World.

Although many people questioned these rumors as self-promotion by the Datong Club, more cultivators who had experienced it just wanted to stay in the Domain a little longer.

Many bold cultivators even started to engage in the business of freeloaders.

On the first day, they paid Spirit Stones to experience the effects of the Domain, and on the second day, they canceled their membership and got their Spirit Stones back. Surprisingly, the Datong Club complied without any investigation.

So more people came for a one-day tour of the Domain.

But they didn't know that it wasn't so easy to take advantage of the cheapness.

Any cultivator who had experienced the Great Love Domain had already planted a seed in their hearts.


Cao Zhenren's premonition was correct.

On his third visit to the Datong Club, he no longer had the chance to see Director Yi. He was only received by a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

He had an indescribable feeling, but he still obediently paid the Spirit Stones, upgraded his membership level, became a silver medal member, and applied for the qualification to enter the Domain the next day.

It was a neatly arranged mountain peak.

From top to bottom, many platforms resembling steps were built.

Cao Zhenren sat on a platform halfway up the mountain and had been staying there for nine days.

The blood-colored Domain enveloped the entire mountain peak.

He felt his body gradually enhancing, and his stagnant Cultivation Base unexpectedly showed signs of improvement.

He carefully sensed it, and a fresh and lively life force burst forth from deep within his body, even sweeping away some of the gloom on him.

"What a miraculous and great power!"

Cao Zhenren was completely convinced.

He looked up and saw a hazy and mysterious figure.

He knew that was the True Monarch of Great Love.

Even though he had never seen him before, a feeling of admiration uncontrollably rose in his heart.

A True Monarch who was willing to use his own power to help cultivators like them, how selfless, how full of love.

The name True Monarch of Great Love is well-deserved!

He felt ashamed for the criticism he had once held in his heart.

Cao Zhenren felt that the person sitting on the mountaintop emitted a sacred light, making him feel ashamed.

On the mountaintop.

"A Qiu!"

Yu Xian yawned and lay on the soft thigh of Yu Lan, with his calf resting on a fluffy cushion, which was none other than White Tiger Ah Miao.

"Another pleasant day has passed."

"The fish are increasing, I don't even need to actively fish. I just don't know when it will attract Nascent Soul cultivators."

"Without the support of wealthy sponsors, when will I be able to achieve the great Hundred Year Divine Transformation in my Hundred Year plan?"

"Yu Lan, I've calculated it for you. The fifth day of next month is a good day. Get ready to transcend the tribulation and break through."

Yu Xian kicked the cushion under his feet.

"Ah Miao, you too. After eating so many monster cores from me, you still haven't broken through. I'll beat your mother."


Ah Miao called out in grievance, even though it hadn't made a sound.

"Husband, stop bullying Ah Miao. It's about to break through and transform soon. It's already a big girl. You can't keep stepping on a girl's face all the time."

Yu Lan playfully rubbed her hair against Yu Xian's face, not worried about when she would break through the Transcend Tribulation.

Because her husband would help her make the best choice.


Ah Miao nodded repeatedly.

"Tsk tsk, beast-eared girl."

Yu Xian looked at Ah Miao with ill intentions, then shook his head and said,

"Forget it, I'm not very interested in the Tiger Knight for now."


At the same time.

Mingyue Heavenly City.

A streak of light flashed and landed on Mingyue Mountain.


A beautiful maid hurriedly flew over and saw September True Monarch standing in place with her palace dress stained with blood, her eyes closed, and her aura alternating between hot and cold.

When it was hot, even the air was distorted by the heat waves.

When it was cold, everything froze, as if it were the Underworld.

After several hours, the fluctuating aura of September True Monarch finally calmed down.

She reached out her hand, and a tea leaf fell from the moon dew tea tree and was captured in her hand. She put it in her mouth.

Her tense face gradually relaxed, and then she spat it out.

The originally silver tea leaf turned black, as if it had been dyed with ink, with small holes that looked like insect bites appearing in the veins, as if corroded by something.

Only then did the maid dare to approach.

"Miss, what happened to you?"

September True Monarch shook her cold face and said,

"I'm fine, just injured while exterminating the Extreme Yin Ghost Emperor. I need some time to recuperate.

During this time, you handle all the visitors and affairs for me."

"Yes, Miss."

The maid retreated with worry.

September True Monarch spat out another mouthful of black blood, which landed on the ground and made a sizzling sound like hot oil being poured.

"What a great Ghost Emperor. Just being hit by half a move caused my Yin & Yang balance, which I had just adjusted, to lose balance again.

This time, I don't know when I will have another chance to break through to the Nascent Soul late stage."

September True Monarch's face was solemn, but also helpless.

On the path of cultivation, there are always three calamities and nine tribulations. No one has an easy journey.

She was nurtured by the sect and naturally had to repay the sect.

This time, the sect mobilized more than ten Nascent Soul True Monarchs to besiege the Extreme Yin Ghost Vein, but unexpectedly made a wrong prediction and two Great Ghost Emperors appeared at once.

It should be noted that a Great Ghost Emperor is equivalent to a cultivator in the Nascent Soul late stage, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Even though she was only one step away from the Nascent Soul late stage, the difference between the two stages was like heaven and earth.

If it weren't for the timely reinforcement from the sect, she would have probably been buried in the Ghost Vein. Compared to those fellow True Monarchs who had their thousand years of cultivation destroyed in an instant, her outcome was much better.

"The more this time, the more I can't let others see my weakness. Otherwise, there are quite a few people in Mingyue Heavenly City waiting for my position as the city lord."

September True Monarch contemplated, slowly took off her blood-stained long dress, revealing a flawless body, and then stepped into the cold pool she usually used for cultivation. The faint strands of Ghost Qi in her body were forced out.

But in the end, they condensed into a smiling ghost face on her smooth back.

(End of this chapter)

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