Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

264. Chapter 262 Free September True Monarch

Two years later.

This was an extremely ordinary day.

Yu Xian, as usual, was sunbathing on Da Ai Peak. True Monarch Faye's domain spread out, suppressing the entire mountain from top to bottom. The continuously flowing spiritual qi from the spiritual veins below was constantly extracted and transformed into magic power, supplying the operation of True Monarch Faye's domain.

Within True Monarch Faye's domain, hundreds of members of the Great Unity Society were resisting the pressure of the domain according to their own abilities, while using the unique rules of the domain to temper their own physical bodies.

About sixty percent of these members were young cultivators, with cultivation bases in the Qi Refining Realm, roughly between the ages of twelve and twenty-four, using the domain to improve their aptitude.

Thirty percent were older cultivators, with cultivation bases ranging from Foundation Establishment to Gold Core, with a majority being Gold Core cultivators.

These people came with the purpose of prolonging their lives using the domain.

In fact, the Da Ai domain lived up to its name, having a very good effect on improving physical fitness and healing hidden injuries.

These Gold Core cultivators, who were approaching their lifespan limit, became silver card members and came to the Da Ai Realm for the Nine Heavens Time every year, watching their lifespan approach the limit of five hundred years.

Because of the outstanding effects, some of the older cultivators even had the idea of becoming gold card members. They had already taken the initiative to take on some promotional tasks in the Great Unity Society to accumulate contributions.

The tasks were not difficult.

Basically, they just had to be human billboards or walking loudspeakers.

Since they didn't have many years left to live anyway, it was not appropriate to have them do tasks that required them to work hard.

There were already quite a few older cultivators from other heavenly cities among the members, and many cultivators came from far away to experience the magical power of the Da Ai domain.

With the help of their personal promotion, there was now a rumor spreading in half of the Xuan Yang Realm and three or four heavenly cities that there was a True Monarch of Great Love who liked to help people.

There were countless stories about the True Monarch of Great Love.

The last ten percent were cultivators who came to the Da Ai domain to heal injuries and detoxify.

The injuries of these cultivators were generally not ordinary flesh wounds.

Instead, they had a kind of power in their bodies that couldn't be suppressed, causing a conflict with the magic power in their bodies, constantly consuming their own vitality.

Just like when Yu Xian and Chen Yi were intimate, they were injured by her master's restrictions, and the injury on his arm couldn't heal until he spent half a year removing the residual will of Chen Yi's master from his hand. Only then did his injury slowly heal.

Even if they were to consume the elixir made from the flesh and bones of a living dead person, it could only delay their life force, unable to cure the root cause.

And the basic rule of the domain was to passively repel and suppress all non-self powers.

The Da Ai domain originated from the Blood Sea domain and had extraordinary nourishing effects on cultivators' physical bodies. It could also suppress and consume the foreign powers that cultivators couldn't get rid of.

Many cultivators' long-standing injuries were cleansed in the Da Ai domain, combined with some targeted spiritual medicines, and they were all greatly relieved.

This is the reason why the Great Love Law Domain can heal wounds.


Out of boredom, Yu Xian, who was designing a new formation for the laborers, suddenly made a soft sound of surprise. He felt as if a huge creature had entered his law domain and forcibly tore open a gap in it.

It wasn't intentional on the other party's part.

It was just that the other party was too large in size, and the power of the Great Love Law Domain was dispersed throughout the entire mountain peak, making it unable to effectively suppress it.

Yu Xian focused his gaze.

He saw a fair and delicate young man coming down the mountain, dressed in white with a bun on his head, and a pale blue ribbon tied to his hair.

Although he had a neutral appearance, the bulging chest constantly reminded others of his true gender.

As if sensing something, the young man's gaze met Yu Xian's through the clouds, and he nodded slightly, but his eyes revealed a distant coldness.

Yu Xian smiled faintly, withdrew his gaze, but felt somewhat expectant in his heart.

This was the first Nascent Soul True Monarch who actively entered his law domain.

The Nascent Soul Rogue Cultivators who had previously auctioned off their spots for their descendants only observed from outside the law domain and did not enter.

He did not react to this, but silently stopped his activities and quickly operated his Cultivation Technique, increasing the extraction of Spiritual Qi from the spiritual veins.

This was his first True Monarch guest, and he couldn't let the guest leave disappointed.

As for the identity of the visitor, he wouldn't ask too much.

Because at a certain point, the other party would tell him voluntarily.


As September True Monarch went higher, she felt that the suppression of the law domain on her became stronger.

Obviously, this Great Love True Monarch had completely stabilized his own power and was able to control the law domain skillfully, already able to divide it into different levels.

It was said that he had only broken through less than ten years ago and came from the Rogue Cultivators. With this progress, even among Nascent Soul cultivators, he was not considered mediocre.

September True Monarch recalled the information she had collected about the Great Love True Monarch.

The Great Love True Monarch, originally named Bai Gu, had already reached the Gold Core stage when he first appeared, suspected to be at the peak of the Gold Core stage.

With the help of Chu Tianxing, the former master of the Wangshu Mansion, he established the Datong Society and founded the Great Love project with the slogan of mutual assistance, helping many Foundation Establishment cultivators who had no hope of breaking through to the False Dan realm and becoming False Dan cultivators.

But it also gathered hundreds of millions of Spirit Stones.

Later, it seemed that due to a breakthrough in finding a place, he disappeared for seven years, causing the Great Unity Society to lose its backbone. Coupled with suspected embezzlement of project funds, it was unable to support the operation of the Great Love Project, causing a commotion.

It wasn't until this person returned again, already a Nascent Soul True Monarch, and brought out a large number of Spirit Stones to sustain the operation of the Great Love Project.

And at almost the same time, under the recruitment of Chu Mansion's True Monarch who had broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm, a peaceful coexistence was reached with the Profound Yang Sect. The Wangshu Mansion City was designated as the True Monarch's territory, and shortly after, the Hope Project was launched.

It is said that his method ability is special, able to help people transform their spiritual bodies, and has good effects on physical healing.

"September, it seems like you're grasping at straws. What can a small character who has just entered the Nascent Soul stage do for you?" A mocking voice appeared in True Monarch September's mind.

The Ghost Concubine and True Monarch September were almost merged into one, and their external perception was not much different from True Monarch September's.

True Monarch September remained silent. She also felt that it was somewhat ridiculous to believe in the true and false rumors on the market.

But what else could she do now? No matter what method, she had to try it first.

She silently walked to a platform at the foot of the mountain, found a seat, and slowly dissipated the protection of her own domain.

Although she was injured, she was still a cultivator close to the late stage of Nascent Soul. Even if the other party had ulterior motives, she was confident in confronting them.

Not to mention that this was only the edge of the opponent's domain, and the influence exerted was limited. If something went wrong, she could easily leave the opponent's territory.


True Monarch September felt herself surrounded by a sea of blood, with extremely pure blood energy flowing through her body.

She suppressed her instinct to resist and actively circulated this power throughout her body.

After an hour.

True Monarch September opened her eyes, and the voice of the Ghost Concubine lingered in her mind.

"September, I've already said it's useless. Why don't we both compromise? As long as you are willing to integrate with my Primordial Spirit, you will be me, and I will be you."

"Is that so?"

A smile appeared on True Monarch September's lips, like an iceberg melting, with countless charms, but no one could appreciate it.

She walked towards the top of the Great Love Peak.

Until the topmost platform of the Great Love Peak, this place was only a few hundred meters away from Yu Xian, and just by looking up, one could see the true appearance of True Monarch Great Love, but upon closer inspection, it would be discovered that there was a layer of mist separating them, making it difficult to distinguish reality from illusion.


A tremendous pressure descended like a mountain and sea, but True Monarch September still suppressed the instinct to resist, allowing the power of her domain to flow through her body.

This time, the pressure she endured was a hundred times greater than before, but the special power in her domain became more and more clear to her.

It was a magical power contained in the blood energy, lofty and ancient like the Heavenly Dao, with a high essence.

The moment she came into contact with it, an instinctual desire emerged deep in her soul, as if absorbing it would allow her to evolve.

The main reason why she was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Ghost Concubine was because the Ghost Concubine, as a Soul Body Cultivator refined into the Great Ghost Emperor, had extremely powerful soul power, almost reaching the level of a Divine Transformation Venerable's Primordial Spirit.

It was because of this that she was gradually being turned into the passive party.

If she didn't have a means of mutual destruction, the Ghost Concubine would have already unhesitatingly devoured her soul and occupied her physical body.

Under the desire to regain control of her own life, True Monarch September couldn't help but increase her absorption efficiency.


A sudden gust of wind blew on the usually calm Great Love Peak.

Yu Xian looked at True Monarch September, who was greedily absorbing his domain's power, with an innocent expression.

Happiness came too suddenly, leaving him a bit caught off guard.

This female True Monarch was so bold, daring to casually absorb the power of others without even testing it bit by bit.

But he didn't know that True Monarch September was almost at her wit's end now. Even if she knew there might be some side effects, how could it compare to the severity of being possessed by someone else?

But a True Monarch given for free shouldn't be struck by lightning.

With a thought, Yu Xian released waves of magic power, throwing out the other cultivators who were undergoing tempering and healing in his domain.

At the same time, his Divine Sense spread out, instantly transmitting his voice to hundreds of people.

"Unexpected situation, members, please don't be offended. The domain will be reopened in one day."

This True Monarch was only a bronze member, with only one day of cultivation time.

Even if Yu Xian was willing to let her cultivate until the end of time, her appearance couldn't be too unsightly. He was targeting a willing participant.

Even if she wanted to be affectionate and become good friends, she had to pay first.

This is a matter of principle.

Yu Xian quickly converged the True Monarch's domain to the top of the peak, wholeheartedly supplying the unknown True Monarch with his devouring.

Eat, eat. The more you eat, the deeper the impact of the domain on her.

His mind settled down, and his own will silently influenced the female True Monarch along with the Integrated Union of the True Monarch's domain.


After a day and a night.

Yu Xian decisively withdrew the domain, even though he had the spiritual veins as a backup energy source, his own magic power was depleted by twenty to thirty percent.

It should be noted that as a Nascent Soul True Monarch, with the Dantian transformed into a domain exposed to the outside world, it was almost like using the world as a Dantian, and the magic power within the body was constantly replenishing. Only short bursts of excessive output would deplete his own magic power.

For two Nascent Soul cultivators to fight without dying for ten or twenty days without even panting heavily was a common occurrence.

But this female True Monarch was just too good at absorbing.

He pressed down on a small flag under his sleeve, which was the Blood Sea Banner that had already been washed white by the Great Love domain and had erased the aura of the Blood Devil Dao.

Although he had confidence in his own Great Love domain, this Nascent Soul True Monarch had only been here for a day, so the influence was limited.


The September True Monarch opened her eyes, a little impatient.

Using the special power in the domain, she had temporarily suppressed the Ghost Concubine.

She was confident that as long as she could continue to wear her down like this, within three to five years at most, she would gain the upper hand.

By then, the Ghost Concubine would become an opportunity for her.

"Fellow Daoist, your time is up."

Yu Xian dispersed the formation that concealed his identity and walked over, his face somewhat pale.

The September True Monarch suddenly remembered that she seemed to have only obtained a bronze membership card, which only allowed her one day of cultivation time.

At the same time, she noticed that Yu Xian's complexion was not right. Somehow, she softened in her heart and felt that she had been a bit too harsh in her tone just now.

Maintaining the True Monarch's domain for such a long time must have caused considerable depletion.

"I heard that your club has a jade membership. I wonder how I can become a jade member?"

Yu Xian couldn't help but be stunned.

He had never seen someone so eager to give away something for free.

He had thought about how to make the other party voluntarily upgrade their membership, and had come up with many lines.

But the other party had just skipped all that and saved him a lot of words.

"Cough cough, it's simple for Fellow Daoist to become a jade member. Just pay a membership fee of ten million and do something within your capabilities for the Great Unity Club every hundred years."

Of course, if Fellow Daoist finds it difficult at that time, you can also choose to refuse.

However, after refusing, Fellow Daoist's membership status will automatically be invalidated."

The September True Monarch asked, "I heard that gold members can cultivate in your domain for two months each year. So, what is the price for jade members if I want you to accompany me in cultivation for ten years?"

Yu Xian silently calculated.

If he could have ten years, this female True Monarch would not only listen to him, but they would definitely become inseparable allies.

But he still resolutely refused.

"Jade members can come and cultivate anytime, anywhere, with no time limit, but it is limited to the time when I open the domain each year. There will be about three to four months each year.

At the same time, you can also get a low-interest loan of no less than one hundred million Spirit Stones. As long as you pay enough interest each year, the repayment time is flexible.

By the way, jade members can also hire our club's Dao soldiers and, if necessary, invite other jade members in the club to help.

As for Fellow Daoist wanting my domain to be open for you alone, that is impossible."

Yu Xian said firmly, "I, Bai Gu, am known as the Great Love True Monarch. I practice the method of the Great Unity of the world, and I want to spread the love in my heart to everyone in the world.

It's just because of cost considerations that I have to raise the standards.

But this is already the limit. My domain is destined to be used by the world, not to serve a particular person.

Today, Fellow Daoist occupied the entire domain for cultivation. I will forgive Fellow Daoist for not knowing the rules.

If Fellow Daoist wants to continue cultivating like this, then I can only say that our beliefs are different, and we are destined to be incompatible."

To deceive others, one must first deceive oneself.

Not to mention that turning the esteemed Great Love True Monarch into a private servant would directly damage the reputation of the Great Unity Club's "Everyone for me, I for everyone" motto.

And to have any True Monarch come and want to occupy his personal time, even if he knew that this person would definitely become a good friend in the future and bring many benefits, he was still unwilling.

He cultivated into a True Monarch, seeking freedom and spontaneity. How could he tolerate being restrained?

In short, even if someone wants to take advantage of him, it depends on his mood.

In September, True Monarch was stunned by Yu Xian's words.

But for some reason, she felt a little pleased.

"Don't you want to know who I really am?"

September True Monarch asked.

"Perhaps you will change your mind."

Yu Xian smiled confidently, "Regardless of who fellow daoist is, my beliefs will not change. The Great Unity Sect only welcomes like-minded individuals."

September True Monarch said, "My name is Jiuyue Jiu, everyone calls me September True Monarch."

Yu Xian: "......"

Dammit, she said too much.

If he could win over the leader of the Mingyue Heavenly City, his Great Unity Sect would spread throughout the nine major cities.

It's okay to waste a little time.

But now that the words have been spoken, he can't break character.

He forced a smile and said, "So you are the famous September True Monarch. Indeed, among the female True Monarchs under the Mingyue Heavenly City's jurisdiction, September fellow daoist seems to be the most famous."

"But I still say, even if you are September True Monarch, it is impossible for you to change my beliefs."

September True Monarch's eyes revealed appreciation, but she shook her head and said,

"I know this puts you in a difficult position, but I have no choice. I hope you can help me this one time, consider it a favor owed to you."

She wasn't that foolish to reveal the matter of the Ghost Consort.

This matter can only rot in her stomach, otherwise she would have sought help from the sect long ago.

Yu Xian helplessly said, "Why must September fellow daoist make things difficult for me? Even if I disregard my own cultivation, and am willing to help you once, should I betray the trust of those who have already joined the Great Unity Sect?"

September True Monarch's face showed joy and she said, "I won't hinder the cultivation of others. Fellow daoist's domain has been a great help to me. I only need to stay inside it on ordinary days."

Yu Xian pretended to hesitate and after a moment, put on the appearance of a kind-hearted person.

"In that case, fellow daoist cannot monopolize the domain like today. I am just a small cultivator who has recently entered the Nascent Soul stage, and I cannot supply fellow daoist's cultivation for a long time."

"Furthermore, on ordinary days when I am not cultivating, I still have to go out and find resources to bring funds to the sect."

"If fellow daoist wants me to accompany you in cultivation, fellow daoist must compensate me for the Spirit Stones."

September True Monarch nodded slightly.

"It's only fair. I wonder if ten million Spirit Stones are enough?"


Yu Xian hesitated for a moment.

"One million Spirit Stones per year."

September True Monarch added.

Yu Xian suddenly felt that September True Monarch looked strangely attractive.

"September fellow daoist is so generous, if I don't agree, it would be a bit ungrateful. In the future, True Monarch, please practice with me."

September True Monarch smiled, "Let's discuss the Dao together."

After agreeing to complete the membership upgrade procedure at the Great Unity Sect tomorrow, September True Monarch descended from the Da'ai Peak.

In her mind, the voice of the Ghost Consort was filled with curses and resentment.

"September, don't think you've really found a way to restrain this emperor. This guy's True Monarch domain is not that simple. Be careful not to go from the wolf's den to the tiger's mouth."

As a Primordial Spirit soul body close to the Divine Transformation Venerable, she felt something was wrong with the Da'ai domain, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong for a while.

It's just that September True Monarch's attitude towards this unfamiliar Nascent Soul cultivator was too good.

It should be noted that she had been with September True Monarch for many years and knew that she was always straightforward with people, not close to her fellow disciples, let alone a stranger cultivator she met for the first time.

September True Monarch responded with a cold smile, "Even if it's poison, I will drink it. Now it's your turn to be afraid, Ghost Consort."

The Ghost Consort stopped speaking and fell silent.

September True Monarch, who had been suppressed by the Ghost Consort for many years, had never felt as triumphant as she did today. She couldn't help but have a better impression of Yu Xian, who brought about such a change for her.


At the top of Da'ai Peak.

Yu Xian didn't move, just stared at the place where September True Monarch had been cultivating, until a wisp of black energy rose and transformed into a beautiful and voluptuous woman.

"This humble servant is the Ghost Consort. Greetings, Great Love True Monarch." (End of this chapter)

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