Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

265. Chapter 263 Authorities Are Obsessed, But Bystanders Are Clear

"Ghost Ji? What is your relationship with September True Monarch?"

Facing the sudden appearance of Ghost Ji, Yu Xian seemed to have expected it. After September True Monarch left, this power suddenly appeared.

Otherwise, he would have gone to be intimate with his wives.

After all, he was just sucked fiercely by September True Monarch earlier, and he urgently needed to replenish his blue bars.

Although this Ghost Ji was just a trace of residual power, its essence was extremely high, making him feel a faint threat.

And it must be said that Ghost Ji's figure and appearance were both top-notch.

Especially the intoxicating scent on her body, like a cellar of fine wine, made him unable to help but take a few more glances.

Ghost Ji showed herself openly in front of Yu Xian without any concealment.

When Yu Xian felt a little embarrassed from looking at her, she covered her mouth and smiled, throwing a charming and seductive look at Yu Xian.

"This humble one is intimate with that September Little Sister. This time, appearing before True Monarch, there is actually a good thing to discuss with True Monarch."

Yu Xian completely forgot that he had just taken advantage of her with his eyes. Now, he smiled and directly refused.

"As the saying goes, no work, no pay. I appreciate your kindness, but there is no need for any good things."

If he didn't know that this Ghost Ji was just a thought incarnation, killing her would have no consequences.

Maybe by now, he would have invited her into the Blood Sea Banner and offered her a comfortable seat to stay.

As a mature scammer, he firmly believed that there were no free lunches in the world.

The first rule to avoid risks was to not be greedy.

By not being greedy, one could avoid 99% of the traps and scams in the world.

"True Monarch doesn't want to hear what the good thing is?"

Ghost Ji's expression remained unchanged, but her voice was irresistibly seductive, reminding Yu Xian of the female ghosts in ghost stories who liked to chat with scholars at midnight.

Unfortunately, it seemed that this female ghost's strength was stronger than his. Otherwise, the two of them could have a friendly match and experience each other's exotic styles.

After all, it wasn't the first time he had been an undead knight.

"I don't want to."

Facing Ghost Ji's advances, Yu Xian decisively shook his head and refused to stay.

"If you have nothing else, please leave."

But Ghost Ji acted as if she hadn't heard him and stated her conditions.

"I can help True Monarch obtain September Little Sister, and she will willingly submit to you."

Yu Xian's footsteps paused, and his tone was somewhat annoyed.

"Ghost Ji fellow daoist has misunderstood. I am not that kind of person."

A hint of mockery flashed in Ghost Ji's eyes, but she smiled and said,

"The ancients said that a graceful lady is a gentleman's preference. Love between men and women is the ultimate principle of Yin & Yang. True Monarch, why be so hesitant?"

"My September Little Sister has been alone all this time, guarding her chamber. As her elder sister, I have been concerned. It just so happens that True Monarch and September Little Sister have a pleasant meeting, which is a heaven-sent fate."

"On my journey, I have learned that True Monarch is establishing the Great Unity Society and has great ambitions. It is precisely the time when September Little Sister, the Lord of the Heavenly City, can assist you."

"At that time, True Monarch will not need to stay in such a small place. You will surely rise to greater heights."

"I see. What else does Ghost Ji fellow daoist want?"

Yu Xian turned his back to Ghost Ji, his tone low.

"I, Bai, have not yet possessed such luck to have a female True Monarch willingly offer herself to me."

Ghost Ji said, "It's simple. I have obtained a secret technique by chance, and I want True Monarch to use it while practicing with my September Little Sister, ensuring that my Little Sister's heart secretly agrees, and you can freely take her."

"Oh, I wonder where this secret technique is?"

Yu Xian almost laughed out loud.

The Great Love Domain already had a charm aura, so what else did he need a secret technique for?

He thought Ghost Ji would say something constructive, but it turned out to be nothing special.

But that didn't stop him from pretending.

After all, this was a prop for him to get closer to September True Monarch.

The Great Love Domain indeed had the ability to influence people's will, but if the person already had a favorable impression of him, the influence would be even greater.

On the other hand, if the cultivator in his domain harbored resistance or even resentment, the influence would be slow.

In addition, he also wanted to know what this bewitching and evil secret technique looked like, so he could provide an objective critique.

Ghost Ji smiled, "Such a secret technique cannot be easily revealed. I ask True Monarch to make a Hearts Demon vow not to leak a single word about this matter, and I will offer it with both hands."

"In that case, we have nothing more to discuss."

Yu Xian turned around, his eyes sincere, and spoke with righteous words:

"Ghost Ji fellow daoist has misunderstood me. My relationship with September True Monarch is based on admiration, not anything more."

"I do have the idea of seeking help from September True Monarch to develop the Great Unity Society, but that can only happen after September True Monarch recognizes the beliefs of the Great Unity Society."

"As for now, we are just ordinary clients."

This Ghost Ji is difficult to determine as friend or foe. She wants to cause trouble right from the start. In a situation where the information is unclear, he naturally cannot go along with her intentions.

But it cannot be denied that Ghost Ji's idea is very tempting.

However, he is not even sure if September True Monarch is real or fake at the moment, so he would be foolish to conspire with someone without thinking.

Besides, who can be sure that Ghost Ji is not intentionally testing him on behalf of September True Monarch.

Of course, this possibility is very slim.

After all, September True Monarch doesn't seem like a narcissist who would give himself away right from the start.

After saying that, Yu Xian seemed to be angered as if his noble character had been doubted by someone.

"I will pretend that I haven't heard what Ghost Ji fellow daoist said today, and I hope you won't disturb me again in the future."

He turned around and left without any intention of staying.

Ghost Ji, on the other hand, was not in a hurry. She didn't expect to establish a relationship of trust on the first meeting.

After all, September True Monarch wants to completely suppress her, and that will take a long time.

She has confidence in her own intuition.

This seemingly upright and righteous September True Monarch is not straightforward behind the scenes.

His hesitation just now has proven her speculation.

She appeared today just to sow a seed of doubt between September True Monarch and the Great Love True Monarch.

Because she is very clear that September True Monarch will never easily reveal her existence.

Then the foundation of trust between the two will have cracks.

The hesitation of this Great Love True Monarch just now shows that he was indeed tempted, but he was wary of the risks and consequences.

Once he determines that the risks are within a controllable range, it is only a matter of time before his ugly true face is revealed.

At that time, both of them will be trapped in her web, unable to escape.

"Just another hypocrite."

Ghost Ji sneered and her body burst like a bubble.

As the side with the upper hand, how could she put herself in a prisoner-like situation.

She has obtained the power of September True Monarch to replenish herself, and she has long had the ability to leave her body. It's just that she is greedy for the physical body of September True Monarch, which is why she is reluctant to leave.

Even if September True Monarch really uses the unique domain power of the Great Love True Monarch to suppress her, the worst result for her is to abandon a part of her power and escape like a cicada shedding its shell.

At most, she will return to the Extreme Yin Ghost Vein and start over after three hundred years.

In short, the advantage is on her side.


Shortly after.

Yu Xian's subordinates who were sent to Mingyue Heavenly City to inquire about information sent back intelligence to him.

September True Monarch has been in closed-door training for more than five years and has not appeared in public. It is said that all cultivators who want to see September True Monarch have been stopped by her personal maidservant and not allowed to meet.

This is reasonable.

It is difficult for an Nascent Soul True Monarch to hide her whereabouts from ordinary people.

But September True Monarch is the lord of Tiancheng, and there are some occasions where she must attend, which gives people the possibility to glimpse her whereabouts.

But in these years, September True Monarch has declined all affairs, which is obviously unusual.

Thinking about the fact that September True Monarch came to him to heal using his domain power, her behavior can be explained.

Of course, these are just supporting evidence.

The true verification of her identity depends on September True Monarch's domain power.

Cultivation Technique is the foundation of a cultivator. Just like when he revealed the Great Love domain in front of Chu Fuzhu, he quickly cleared himself of suspicion as a Devil Cultivator.

Just seeing September True Monarch's domain power will reveal her true identity.

On this day.

At the peak of the Great Love Mountain.

The two of them were playing chess and drinking tea, and an invisible contest came to an end.

Yu Xian looked admiringly and said, "Fellow daoist Yue, as a woman, cultivating the top-tier Cultivation Technique 'Profound Yang Domineering' of the Profound Yang Sect, going against the norm of Yin and Yang, truly remarkable."

"The Profound Yang domain you exerted almost suffocated me."

"Profound Yang Domineering" is a top-tier Cultivation Technique that the founder of the Profound Yang Sect comprehended based on his special physique, the Profound Yang Body. It has already evolved into different versions with the development of the Profound Yang Sect.

It can be said that Wanfa is a law that is born.

For example, after Chu Mansion Lord's master, True Monarch Sanyang, broke through the Nascent Soul stage, he gained a deeper understanding of the "Xuanyang Overbearing" technique and found it more suitable for his own "Sanyang Scripture". The name of the Sanyang Law Domain became well-known as a result.

The "Sanyang Scripture" may not be of a higher grade than the "Xuanyang Overbearing" technique, but for True Monarch Sanyang, it is the most suitable Cultivation Technique for him.

As the Lord of Tiancheng, True Monarch Jiuyue has made several public appearances and has spread knowledge about her cultivation technique and its characteristics.

Although True Monarch Jiuyue also practices the "Xuanyang Overbearing" technique, as a woman, she possesses the power of extreme yang, which conflicts greatly with the technique. Therefore, she has taken a different path and cultivated yin to generate yang.

The seemingly fierce and overbearing Xuanyang Law Domain actually contains extreme yin power.

Once she breaks through to the late stage of Nascent Soul, she may be able to comprehend a top-tier Cultivation Technique unique to her, just like True Monarch Sanyang did with the "Xuanyang Overbearing" technique, and establish her own lineage.

Therefore, the characteristics of her Cultivation Technique are quite obvious.

In this exchange using the True Monarch Law Domain, it is not surprising that Yu Xian was defeated.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, there is no need to underestimate yourself. Your Law Domain contains great potential. It's just that your realm is slightly inferior, which is why I won with a single move.

If we were at the same realm, perhaps I would not be as good as you."

True Monarch Jiuyue still dressed neutrally, with a delicate appearance that could even be considered ordinary if looked at for a long time, which clearly does not match the legendary beauty of True Monarch Jiuyue.

But Yu Xian knew that True Monarch Jiuyue deliberately presented herself this way, using a secret technique to conceal her charm.

That ghostly woman seemed to see through his true nature and tried to seduce him several times without any pretense.

Once she even transformed into the appearance of True Monarch Jiuyue, almost making him unable to control himself.

This made him believe that the reputation of True Monarch Jiuyue was well-deserved.

If the fake one looks this good, then the real one must be even more extraordinary.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Yue, your high regard for me truly surprises me.

During these days of discussing the Dao with Fellow Daoist Yue, I have been greatly inspired. Fellow Daoist Yue is indeed from a prestigious background. With just a few words, you have surpassed me in understanding."

Yu Xian poured a cup of tea for True Monarch Jiuyue, then suddenly hesitated and showed a troubled expression.

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yue has heard of a person named Guiji?"

True Monarch Jiuyue's palm trembled slightly, but she remained calm and asked, "Where did Fellow Daoist Bai hear this name?"

Yu Xian sighed and said, "Ever since Fellow Daoist Yue came to Da'ai Peak, that woman who calls herself Guiji has met me several times. She claims to be a close friend of Fellow Daoist Yue and has repeatedly tried to matchmake us."

Out of respect for fellow daoist Yue, I originally did not want to disturb fellow daoist Yue, so as not to make fellow daoist Yue think too much.

Who would have thought that a few days ago she would actually transform into the appearance of fellow daoist Yue to find me, almost causing me...

Yu Xian shook her head, feeling somewhat ashamed, and said:

"I never expected fellow daoist Yue's true appearance to be so stunning. At that time, I almost... Fortunately, I woke up in time and didn't make a big mistake.

This matter has been weighing on my mind and has been quite bothersome. I need to get it off my chest.

After seeing fellow daoist Yue today, I wanted to ask fellow daoist Yue to relay a message to that ghost girl fellow daoist, asking her not to come looking for me and disturb my Dao heart.

I am fully devoted to my cultivation and already have a dao companion. She has been accompanying me in my cultivation since the early days, and she is the person I trust the most."

True Monarch Jiuyue was originally a person with a firm Dao heart, having cultivated for hundreds of years, and she believed that worldly desires would never affect her.

After all, her youthful years of infatuation had long passed.

However, in order to quickly get rid of the threat from the ghost girl, she had been practicing in Yu Xian's domain almost every day, inevitably causing her pure Dao heart to be tainted.

Unfortunately, this influence was extremely subtle, and she herself had not noticed it.

She only occasionally felt that her emotions were more turbulent than usual, but she thought it was just a means used by the ghost girl to disturb her.

At this moment, she heard that the ghost girl had actually acted as a matchmaker behind her back, and she had even been rejected!

A sense of embarrassment rose in her heart, and her cheeks turned slightly pink.

In her mind, the suppressed roar of True Monarch Jiuyue sounded.

"Ghost girl! What exactly do you want to do?! Do you really want to die together with me?!"

The lazy voice of the ghost girl appeared.

"Jiuyue, now that you have found a way to suppress this emperor, are you willing to die? Or should you stop using such words to scare me? It will only reveal your true colors.

Where is your usual tranquility? This kid's few words have caused such great fluctuations in your emotions. Haven't you noticed anything?"

In her heart, she raised two middle fingers at Yu Xian.

That damn bastard!

Clearly, she was happy when she touched him, but now he's denying it.

If it weren't for the fact that most of her power was being drawn by True Monarch Jiuyue, and that she wasn't at her peak, she would have to fight him.

Since she started cultivating as a ghost girl, there have been almost no Nascent Soul cultivators who died directly or indirectly by her hands, or at least not many.

Yet, a mere Nascent Soul Preceding Entry Stage junior actually dares to play with her like this.

Then don't blame her for sabotaging the situation.

This so-called Great Love Law definitely contains other power rules, otherwise the changes in September True Monarch wouldn't be so significant.

She has been with September True Monarch for quite some time and knows that this person is determined, introverted, and cold-hearted, with a courageous spirit that is willing to sacrifice everything.

However, after spending only a few months in this Great Love Law domain, her character has become somewhat weaker.

As the saying goes, onlookers see clearly. Although she is also in the law domain, she has the protection of September True Monarch's body and a powerful soul close to the level of Divine Transformation, which allows her to observe with a calm perspective.

Since this Great Love True Monarch has betrayed her, then don't blame her for flipping the table.

Upon hearing this, September True Monarch's heart sank as she carefully sensed her own situation.

However, apart from her sea of consciousness, heart, and Dantian, where a cluster of Ghost Qi lingered, there was nothing else unusual.

In addition, the Great Love Law domain has integrated the Supernatural Power domain of cheating the heavens, leaving no trace to be found.

With a single thought, she realized the truth.

She sneered in her heart, "Ghost Ji, do you think you can come between me and Fellow Daoist Bai like this?

Yes, I have indeed changed a bit these days, but these changes were not caused by Fellow Daoist Bai, but by you!

You think that by immediately taking advantage of Fellow Daoist Bai's law domain power to completely suppress me, you can secretly influence me and make me wary of Fellow Daoist Bai, giving you a chance to breathe.

But you underestimate me.

The more you do this, the more I see your fear."

September True Monarch suddenly looked at Yu Xian.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, if that Ghost Ji comes to find you again, just go ahead and deal with her. I won't hide it from you, this person is a great enemy of mine.

If we can kill her, I'll be more than happy."

Yu Xian, seeing September True Monarch's strong reaction, nodded dumbly.

"I understand."

Indeed, best friends are the ones who love and kill each other.

If Ghost Ji comes to find him again next time, she will probably reveal something and won't use the same old tricks to tempt him.

She doesn't give any substantial benefits, just wants to freeload off him with her face, as if he has never seen a woman before.

September True Monarch let out a sigh of relief and even smiled lightly at Yu Xian.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, please help me in my cultivation."

After speaking, without waiting for Yu Xian to respond, she closed her eyes and immersed herself in deep-level cultivation.

Just as Gui Ji said, they had only been together for a few months, yet she dared to enter a deep-level cultivation state within Yu Xian's domain.

However, she was blinded by her own perspective, thinking that they had similar interests and being confident that she hadn't misjudged him, her guard against Yu Xian had already dropped to its lowest.

After all, Yu Xian had always been well-behaved towards her.

Of course, Yu Xian was well-behaved. It was not excessive to be patient with a canary that had fallen into his palm.

He stared at Jiuyue True Monarch's delicate face for a while, as if he could see the alluring face beneath the mask.

He smiled slightly and activated the Cultivation Technique using the Spirit Gathering Formation set up on Da'ai Peak, providing a stable cultivation environment for Jiuyue True Monarch.

Then, he multitasked and continued to study the unique Dao Formation of the Datong Society.

He didn't have any formation inheritance above Rank Three, so he had to thank his uncle for the time he spent as a specimen for him to comprehend the basics of Dao Formation.

During the discussions with Jiuyue True Monarch these days, they had also talked about the topic of Dao Formation.

Unfortunately, Jiuyue True Monarch was focused on cultivation, and with her high status and abundant resources, she only dabbled in various cultivation professions and didn't spend too much effort on them.

Unless she had a special talent for certain professions, most cultivators took on various secondary professions because of poverty or because their cultivation had reached a bottleneck, which led them to delve deeper into those secondary professions.

After all, human time is limited. If one focuses on cultivation, there is no time to study secondary professions, and if one focuses on secondary professions, it is easy to neglect cultivation. It may be regrettable to miss out on a breakthrough by a few years of cultivation, which is why regrets are hard to bear.

But according to Jiuyue True Monarch, the Dao Formation inheritance within the sect is extremely confidential and is on the same level as the core inheritance of the sect, "Profound Yang Tyrant".

Only those formation masters who have been verified by the sect to be extremely loyal are allowed to be taught.

After all, the Dao Formation excels at defeating the strong with the weak. If it truly becomes influential, even the Profound Yang Sect would find it troublesome.

However, over the years, some incomplete Dao Formation inheritances have been passed down outside the sect, but their power is not very strong and far from reaching the level of a Rank Four Nascent Soul.

This reminded Yu Xian of the technique of cultivating monsters he had obtained from the Jiang family in Shangyang City. Using monster blood to cultivate low-level Qi Refining cultivators was low-cost and could be considered a low-level Dao Formation.

Under normal circumstances, even with his extraordinary talent in formation mastery, it would take him several hundred years to research and develop his own Dao Formation system from scratch, which would require him to neglect his cultivation.

However, he was not in a normal situation.

Once he encountered a problem he couldn't solve, he would decisively bring in a strong Transcend Tribulation member from the Datong Society and then call upon the Heavenly Dao to request guidance and enlightenment.

As a result, his research on Dao Formation progressed rapidly.

This is also why he dared to add the benefit of hiring Dao Formation experts to the Jade Card membership, even though the Dao Formation system of the Datong Society had not yet taken shape and there was no sign of a Rank Four Dao Formation.

After all, the future is promising. (End of this chapter)

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