Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

268. Chapter 266 SchröDinger's Conscience (51K)

Chapter 266: Schrödinger's Conscience (5.1k)

Two days later.

Just after a thunderstorm, there was a light rain outside, and the air became moist, carrying a hint of coolness with each breath.


In the True Monarch Mansion of Great Love, there was a quiet room.

A wisp of smoke drifted through the hall, transforming into a graceful woman. Her features were picturesque, her figure slender, but her eyes still held a hint of confusion.

When she woke up and saw the person in front of her, her expression suddenly became lively, her eyes filled with deep affection.

"Senior, you're looking for me," said the Sect Master Liu, throwing herself into Yu Xian's arms, greedily sniffing his scent.

As the ancients said, a short separation is better than a honeymoon.

For Sect Master Liu, every time she fell asleep was a parting, so she cherished the time she spent with Yu Xian even more.

Because to her, Senior Yu was her everything, the meaning of her existence. But to Senior Yu, she was just an insignificant part.

So she never complained about herself, feeling like a dispensable accessory.

As long as Senior Yu occasionally remembered her and was willing to see her, she would be extremely satisfied.

Yu Xian looked at Sect Master Liu, gently caressing her face with his palm, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"Sect Master Liu, it's been a long time."

The titles of Sect Master Liu and Senior were the names they used when they first met, reminders to themselves that this was just a transaction.

But obviously, Sect Master Liu's love-stricken mind was beyond cure.

Or perhaps Sect Master Liu's temperament was simply not suitable for being a sect master.

Others gave her a little bit of attention, and she thought she had the whole world, and then she started giving without complaint or regret.

So now these two titles had become unique memories for the two of them. They didn't seem unfamiliar at all, but rather particularly intimate.

Sect Master Liu clung to Yu Xian, smiling happily, "I've always been with you, even though I couldn't feel it when I was asleep. But I knew Senior would come to see me often."

Yu Xian paused for a moment and smiled, "You don't look as good as you do when you're asleep."

"This time, you don't have to keep falling asleep," he said, pointing his finger, and the inheritance of the Ghost King's True Body was sent into Sect Master Liu's body.

He had deliberately spent Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi to deduce the hidden secrets of this cultivation technique. He found that the Ghost Concubine hadn't set any traps, so he awakened Sect Master Liu.

Otherwise, if Sect Master Liu had finished practicing and the Ghost Concubine had turned the tables on her, he would have truly failed.

Sect Master Liu's expression froze, and her willpower began to be impacted by the content of this high-rank cultivation technique.

After a while, Sect Master Liu slowly came back to her senses, tears already swirling in her eyes, her face filled with gratitude.

"Senior, this cultivation technique is so precious, you... you're too good to me, I don't deserve it."

She knew that Senior Yu had been searching for this cultivation technique for so many years for her, but he hadn't even found a basic cultivation technique.

Now he suddenly produced a high-rank cultivation technique, and she couldn't imagine how much Senior Yu had sacrificed for her while she was asleep.

Senior Yu was always so good to her.

Clearly, all she wanted was a glowing firefly to brighten her bleak life, but he always plucked a moon for her, making her whole life bright because of it.

Seeing Sect Master Liu's sincere gaze, Yu Xian felt a little guilty and gently patted her back, wiping away her tears.

"Why are you crying? This is something to be happy about. Don't you want to be with me all the time?"

Sect Master Liu became a ghost due to her obsession, but without the supplement of Yin Spirit Qi, she couldn't exist in the world for long and had to enter his sea of consciousness to sleep at intervals.

This was also why there were very few ghosts in the Immortal World.

Most of the ghost clans gathered near the Ghost Vein, and only the Yin Spirit Ghost Vein could produce a large amount of Yin Spirit Qi.

Yin Spirit Qi was like their food. It was okay to not eat for a while, but if they didn't eat for a long time, they would starve to death.

If there was no Yin Spirit Qi, they only had two choices.

One was to cultivate the ghost clan's cultivation technique and convert the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth into Yin Spirit Qi in a special way. This method was less efficient than cultivating in the Ghost Vein and could only meet their own needs.

Unless they cultivated to the Ghost King Realm and refined a true body, this true body was like a Human Cultivator's Gold Core, also a Spiritual Qi conversion furnace that could convert Spiritual Qi on a large scale.

When they reached the Ghost Emperor Realm and possessed a domain, the heavens and earth became the source of their own power, and the distinction between Spiritual Qi and Ghost Qi was not so clear.

Of course, the combat power of Ghost Emperor powerhouses near the Ghost Vein was still enhanced.

In addition to these, ordinary ghost clans had no cultivation technique inheritance, only instinctual needs. They had to engage in bloody slaughter to replenish themselves with Blood Qi and resentment, enhancing their cultivation base.

However, doing so often leads to being eroded by resentment, eventually turning into a vengeful ghost and causing trouble, and then being slain by demon hunters.

This is also the origin of the name "ghost race".

The initial batch of ghost race beings were born with Yin spirit energy and can be considered a type of spiritual beings in the world, favored by Luck.

Later, they encountered the human race and discovered that the flesh and resentment generated after death by the human race were beneficial to their cultivation.

The human race paid a heavy price for this.

As a result, the term "ghost" was placed upon them.

Master Liu is slightly better than the average ghost race being because she is the companion ghost spirit of Yu Xian. Even without the supplement of Yin spirit energy, she can feed on Yu Xian's Mental Energy.

But doing so undoubtedly burdens Yu Xian's cultivation.

At first, it was fine, but after Master Liu broke through to the Ghost General realm, her demands became quite burdensome for Yu Xian, who was only at the Gold Core Realm at the time.

Master Liu deeply felt guilty about this, feeling that she not only couldn't help Senior, but also burdened Senior.

So she took the initiative to enter a deep sleep, which would minimize the burden on Yu Xian.

Yu Xian was deeply moved by this and readily agreed.

This was Master Liu's heartfelt intention, and how could he refuse?

Furthermore, Master Liu's deep sleep didn't actually harm him. After all, it was best if fewer people knew about the secret things he did behind the scenes.

Didn't you see how even the Ten Thousand Beast True Immortal was almost driven insane by him?

Master Liu, being awake, couldn't be separated from him for long periods of time, and he would have to ruin his glorious image if she were to be awakened.

Later, he focused on his career and neglected many things, not even remembering that there was a Master Liu living in his sea of consciousness.

Later on, when he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, he could have awakened Master Liu.

After all, at this point, the burden on Master Liu was not much.

But he chose to selectively forget.

He thought that he would awaken her when he found a ghost race cultivation technique for her, so as not to burden her psychologically.

And at that time, he was still Blood Sea Patriarch.

Later on, he became the Great Love True Monarch, and occasionally awakened Master Liu to accompany him.

But most of the time, it was for his own pleasure.

When it came to talking about love and romance, it was rare.

He could actually derive a ghost race cultivation technique by relying on Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi, but he needed a considerable amount of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi.

After all, the human race's cultivation technique and the ghost race's cultivation technique were two completely different paths.

To derive a cultivation technique from scratch, even if it was just a basic one, it would consume a significant amount of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi.

And so, this matter was naturally continued to be postponed.

If it weren't for the fortuitous encounter with the Ghost Consort, he wouldn't have known when he would have gotten a cultivation technique for Master Liu.

In the end, this matter was a reflection of his lack of value for Master Liu.

If he truly wholeheartedly planned for Master Liu, not to mention anything else, just the connections he had with Chu Manor would be enough for him to obtain several basic cultivation techniques.

But in his heart, it was clear that Master Liu was not worth him owing another favor.

He considered himself to be so indifferent.

Master Liu held a small place in his heart, but this place was mostly due to the fact that she became a ghost for him out of love.

Without this special bond, Master Liu would have long become a memory like many other women in his life, unable to cause even the slightest ripple in him.

Now, he took advantage of the situation and didn't even have to put in any effort, yet he obtained a cultivation technique for free. This made this foolish woman so moved that she couldn't control herself.

He inexplicably felt a sense of guilt, feeling that he had tarnished this beautiful love.

He knew that perhaps his conscience, which had been absent for many years, had come back to visit.

Yu Xian looked at Master Liu's teary-eyed appearance and couldn't help but lower his head and give her a kiss.

"Master Liu, you are truly beautiful."

He couldn't respond sincerely, but actions were all he could give to Master Liu.

Master Liu let out a soft whimper, shyly lowered her head, and began to anticipate what would happen next.


Three days later.

The selfless True Monarch Yu, with a satisfied expression, left the Great Love True Monarch's residence.

As for Master Liu, as the companion ghost spirit of the esteemed Nascent Soul True Monarch, with the help of True Monarch Yu, she quickly initiated the "Ghost King True Body" and was able to exist independently in the outside world. She was currently staying in the residence, catching up with Yu Lan and the others.

She and Yu Lan had a previous relationship, and now they were battle partners, so they quickly became affectionate like sisters.

On the peak of Da'ai Mountain, True Monarch September, who had been guarding the place for three days, was filled with resentment, especially when she saw Yu Xian, with a radiant face, gracefully descending from the sky. This resentment had reached its peak.

She didn't know why she had such emotions in her heart, thinking it was a residual effect of the Ghost Lady's infatuation curse, so she became even more dissatisfied with the Ghost Lady.

"President Bai, you haven't appeared for three days," True Monarch September Yin & Yang said in a resentful tone.

Hearing True Monarch September's questioning tone, Yu Xian couldn't help but pause, then quickly showed an apologetic smile on his face.

"Sorry, Fellow Daoist September, I had an important matter to attend to these past few days. I remember I sent you a message before."

True Monarch September's accusatory tone softened instantly, and her face was covered in a rosy glow, making her look like a celestial fairy who had suddenly descended to the mortal world.

"I...," she did receive a voice transmission talisman from Yu Xian, but the message was unclear, and she thought Yu Xian would give her an explanation.

But then she suddenly realized that she had no position, no reason to ask Yu Xian for an explanation.

She cursed the Ghost Lady in her heart once again.

If it weren't for her secretly plotting and framing her, she wouldn't have ended up in this awkward situation.

Seeing this, Yu Xian slapped his forehead and said somewhat embarrassedly, "It seems there was a problem with the voice transmission talisman. I'm really sorry, Fellow Daoist September, for making you wait for these few days."

True Monarch September softened her expression when Yu Xian gave her an excuse, and her tone became much gentler.

"It's okay, I was just worried that something happened to Fellow Daoist Bai. If Fellow Daoist Bai has any problems, maybe I can help."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "It's already resolved. Now it's more important to help Fellow Daoist September solve your own problem."

As he spoke, his True Monarch domain had already expanded, immediately enveloping the entire Da'ai Mountain.

Soon, the many members who had already been notified at the foot of the mountain began to enter in an orderly manner, enjoying the benefits bestowed upon them by True Monarch Da'ai.

Nowadays, the members of the Hope Project are growing stronger day by day, with almost constant queues waiting to bathe in the brilliance of True Monarch's domain.

True Monarch September took a deep breath and cleared her mind of distractions.

"Fellow Daoist Bai."

"Fellow Daoist September, please speak," Yu Xian said with a gentle demeanor.

True Monarch September said, "These past few days, I feel like I've recovered most of my strength. I ask Fellow Daoist to lend me a hand and use the secret technique you used last time to attack the Ghost Lady's Divine Sense within me."

Yu Xian frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist September, I only did that last time because I had no other choice. My secret technique causes great damage to the divine soul, and if I want to attack the Ghost Lady, I will definitely hurt you."

"And it's only been a few days, how could Fellow Daoist September recover so quickly? Don't let the urgency to deal with the Ghost Lady delay your own recovery. It will only give her an opportunity to counterattack."

"Now that we have the advantage, I think it's better to take it slowly," Yu Xian advised.

He had just received benefits from the Ghost Lady and had no reason to turn his back on her.

Moreover, it was more beneficial for him to keep the Ghost Lady inside True Monarch September for now.

But True Monarch September was determined and said, "It's precisely because we have the upper hand that we should seize the opportunity. The last time the Ghost Lady fought me for my physical body, she voluntarily exposed her Primordial Spirit, suffering more injuries than me."

"And I have my physical body to nourish me, while she can only rely on secretly intercepting a portion of my body's energy to recover, which is much slower than me."

"Now is the best time."

Seeing that Yu Xian still wanted to advise her, True Monarch September showed the demeanor of a ruler.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, I know what I'm doing."

Yu Xian could only nod helplessly and said, "Fellow Daoist September, I can only offend you."

A golden brilliance flashed in his eyes, and a shocking attack was launched towards True Monarch September. Even though she was prepared, she still felt as if her head had been struck by a heavy hammer, accompanied by a piercing pain like needles.


At this moment, the Ghost Lady, who was waiting inside True Monarch September, was furious, cursing Yu Xian for being heartless. Just a few days ago, he had accepted her benefits, and now he was turning his back on her.

To show her sincerity, she hadn't left any loopholes in her Cultivation Technique.

Although a Ghost King Grade Cultivation Technique was nothing to her, she was still annoyed at being tricked by someone.

But she also knew that September True Monarch had become paranoid, and no matter what she said, he would think it was her accusation.

Ghost Ji secretly felt angry.

If it weren't for her Primordial Spirit being entangled with September True Monarch, she wouldn't have just taken the beating without fighting back.

Once she made a move against Yu Xian, September True Monarch would take the opportunity to block all the loopholes she had previously exploited, making it difficult for her to enter again.

So at this moment, she didn't have the intention to curse loudly, she was just thinking about how to minimize her own losses.

However, when she saw those soul-frightening golden eyes again, she didn't feel much pain, just a faint burning sensation.


Ghost Ji was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

She snorted, quickly shrinking her aura, and began to curse loudly through September True Monarch's physical body.

"September, have you gone mad? Do you really want to drag this emperor down with you? Do you think soul damage is so easy to heal?

Even if you drive this emperor away, your soul will still suffer permanent damage. Do you still want to break through to Nascent Soul late stage, to Divine Transformation Venerable?


Yu Xian secretly praised Ghost Ji.

Well done, very in sync.

He was really afraid that Ghost Ji wouldn't cooperate, and then he would have to obediently help September True Monarch.

Now it seems that Ghost Ji is even smarter than he imagined.

Not only did she cooperate with his act, but she also revealed important information to him. It seems that Ghost Ji is gradually recognizing him as a partner.


Yu Xian was shocked and immediately stopped.

"September fellow daoist, is what she said true?"

September True Monarch frowned, "White fellow daoist, don't listen to her misleading words. The more fierce she is, the more it proves that our method is effective.

As for the slight soul damage, as long as we can find a spiritual medicine to heal the soul, it's not a problem.

And why is your secret technique not as powerful as it was that day? If it's just like this, when can I drive Ghost Ji out of my body?"

Yu Xian firmly shook his head, "I believe there are other ways, and besides, didn't September fellow daoist say that my method can help you?

Why do we have to be so impatient and damage your foundation for this?"

"Of course it's because..."

September True Monarch's tone became anxious, but she suddenly stopped.

Because she had noticed that something was wrong with herself.

Although she thought it was a calculation by Ghost Ji, she was afraid that if this continued, she would really be moved.

Afraid that she would really sink down, and then her hundreds of years of cultivation would be ruined.

That's why she wanted to resolve the threat of Ghost Ji quickly and return to the Bright Moon Heavenly City.

"White fellow daoist, I can't explain it to you right now, but please believe me. I have been cultivating for hundreds of years, and I won't fight for a momentary impulse."

"Hehe, September, why do you have to say it so self-righteously? Your Dao heart has already shown a flaw, aren't you just afraid of falling in love with the man in front of you?

Can't your hundreds of years of cultivation withstand this small affectionate heart? If you don't face your own flaws, how can you make up for them, and how can you aspire to a higher realm?"

Ghost Ji's mockery came unexpectedly.

Yu Xian once again admired his good teammate, his face showing a perfect mix of shock, delight, hesitation, and finally anticipation.

"September fellow daoist, is what Ghost Ji said true?"

"Shut up!"

September True Monarch was both angry and embarrassed, her emotions that had just been sorted out were disrupted again.

Yu Xian closed his mouth in a pitiful manner.

September True Monarch glared at Yu Xian and said coquettishly, "I wasn't talking to you."

Yu Xian then smiled happily, the rapid change in his expression made September True Monarch both angry and amused.

She said coldly, "Ghost Ji, fine, I'll let you see. I, September, have cultivated for five hundred years. If I can't even overcome a small emotional obstacle, how can I ascend to Divine Transformation in the future?"

She looked at Yu Xian with a determined gaze.

"White Ancient fellow daoist, I, September, am willing to be your dao companion. Are you willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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