Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

269. Chapter 267 Performance Moment

Chapter 267: The Moment of Performance

Upon seeing September True Monarch being provoked by Ghost Ji, even using himself as a bargaining chip, assuming a posture of dedicating oneself to the Dao, Yu Xian couldn't help but feel emotional.

Comrade Ghost Ji is a good teammate. If she is willing to be his dog in the future, he will spare her life.

As for September True Monarch, he is truly clueless.

In this situation, Yu Xian felt that he hadn't even exerted any effort yet, and his opponent had already fallen.

However, when he saw the exceptionally firm gaze of September True Monarch, devoid of any desire, Yu Xian instantly calmed down, realizing that he had been too happy too soon.

According to the original plan, September True Monarch would spend time with him day and night, influenced by the Great Love Law Domain. Even if she didn't fall in love with him, she would still regard him as a close friend.

By employing some means, it would be easy for a close friend to upgrade to a lover.

The plan was a bit lengthy, but it was secure and had a very high success rate.

But now, with the unexpected assistance of his good teammate Ghost Ji, the situation has been pushed into an unpredictable stage.

Does September True Monarch really like him and is willing to be his dao companion?

The answer is uncertain.

No matter how powerful the Great Love Law Domain is, it is impossible to completely drive a Nascent Soul True Monarch to lose their rationality and become a love-deprived young woman in such a short period of time.

This is a genius of the Upper Sect, the Lord of the Heavenly City, a Nascent Soul True Monarch, a seeker aspiring for Divine Transformation. She is proud, self-absorbed, like a snow lotus on an iceberg.

How could such a person, like Sect Leader Liu, completely surrender themselves for a trivial amount of love?

Yu Xian never underestimates any opponent.

In his heart, September True Monarch is first his opponent, and secondly a woman.

He has woven a large net in the dark, step by step, closing in on September True Monarch.

Now that September True Monarch has taken the initiative to jump into the net, he is not only happy but also more cautious.

Because this large net is not strong enough and not dense enough, it is still possible to struggle free.

September True Monarch's surrender is more like her instinctive self-rescue.

Ghost Ji's words are indeed provoking, but they also serve as a warning.

Perhaps September True Monarch may not believe Ghost Ji, but her subconscious knows that she has fallen into some kind of predicament.

She doesn't want to sink step by step, become a prisoner of love, and let herself be completely changed because of a word "love".

So she decided to confront herself.

This is also a display of great determination and wisdom.

From this perspective, Yu Xian has once again become a tool for September True Monarch.

September True Monarch has noticed the flaw in her own soul and is unable to sever the ties of love with her sword. Therefore, she took the initiative to enter the game, using him as her own object of enlightenment, attempting to transcend the realm of love and return to her original Dao heart.

Of course, the Great Love Law Domain still played a certain role.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have the qualification to be a tool.

After all, not just anyone can sleep with September True Monarch.

Yu Xian naturally doesn't want to be a tool. He only wants to be a great husband and enjoy the blessings of all.

So he is not too eager to agree to September True Monarch now.

Because his influence on September True Monarch is not deep enough, not enough for her to accept him as a member of his harem without any ripples, and even consider him lower than other women in his heart.

With September True Monarch's pride, it is inevitable that there will be a rift between them.

Unless he is willing to bow down to her.

But back then, as a mere Gold Core cultivator, he didn't even compromise when facing Chen Yi. How could he abandon his principles for September True Monarch, who only partially entered the path?

But he cannot refuse either.

Because he cannot guarantee that after being rejected, September True Monarch, with her pride, would still be willing to stay by his side and accept his "help".

Clearly, it was a situation of great victory, but it has put him in a dilemma.

But Yu Xian wasn't too discouraged.

In this world, there aren't that many smooth sailing situations. Even if he's a man with a plan, his running away skills are equally proficient and heart-wrenching.

And if he wants to play at a high level, he has to put in a little more effort.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Xian nodded earnestly at September True Monarch.

"Fellow daoist September, to be able to become your dao companion is a great fortune for me, Bai Gu. Even if I were to die here, it would not be in vain for this life."


Yu Xian shook his head again. "I'm sorry, I can't agree right now."

Upon hearing the first half of the sentence, September True Monarch still showed a hint of shyness, but the "but" made her face turn cold.



Yu Xian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the first half of the sentence, September True Monarch probably wouldn't have even said "why".

But since she asked, she fell into his rhythm.

"Because I know that you don't really love me."

Yu Xian smiled bitterly. "I don't want you to make a regretful decision in a moment of impulse. I hope that one day in the future, you will leave me without any warning.

Just because you feel that you don't actually love me.

If I never had you, then there would be nothing to lose, no regrets, no sadness.

But if I had you, and then lost you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to accept that kind of situation. I think I would go crazy."

Yu Xian felt that his current gaze must be deep and melancholic.

This is his long-lost ten percent power!

Sure enough, under Yu Xian's passionate confession, September True Monarch's expression softened little by little, and there was a hint of guilt in her eyes when she looked at Yu Xian.

Yes, how could she be so selfish?

She was willing to become Bai Fellow Daoist's dao companion because she loved him, of course not.

Her feelings for Bai Fellow Daoist were still only at the stage of liking.

She just wanted to taste the flavor of love through Bai Fellow Daoist, and she never intended to spend her life with a man.

She would see through the word "love" one day, and then quietly leave without taking away a trace of cloud.

But she had never considered Bai Fellow Daoist's feelings.

Just now, she had despicably used Bai Fellow Daoist's fondness for her to force him to make a painful decision.

"I should be the one to apologize."

September True Monarch shook her head, her brows furrowed slightly.

"I feel like I've been acting foolishly lately, doing things I never used to do. I think I need to calm down."

Yu Xian comforted her. "It's not your fault. It's that ghost girl who disturbed you. When the ghost girl leaves your body, you will return to your old self.

By then..."

Yu Xian's eyes were filled with tenderness.

"Please give me a chance to make a choice again."

September True Monarch's heart trembled, feeling a kind of emotion she had never felt before rising in her heart.

She suppressed the strange emotion and playfully blinked at Yu Xian, smiling enchantingly.

"Sorry, Bai Fellow Daoist. Since we won't have this opportunity again, whether or not I can fall in love with you depends on whether you can make me."

As you said, if there is no love, it's better to have never had it."

Yu Xian helplessly said, "Am I shooting myself in the foot? Can I still change my mind now?"

September True Monarch smirked and asked, "What do you think?"

Yu Xian sighed, but September True Monarch found it amusing and laughed more than before.

During their struggle, Gui Ji unusually fell into silence.

At this moment, Gui Ji could clearly feel the pleasure of September True Monarch's physical body, which made her somewhat uncomfortable.

It was as if this physical body had gained some spirituality and instinctively rejected her as a foreign object.

"What a terrifying man."

Seeing September True Monarch's emotions being easily manipulated by a man, Gui Ji began to take Yu Xian, this junior, seriously for the first time, and even felt a bit of awe.

His strength may not be that powerful, but his ability to manipulate emotions is even stronger than the power of the top-level spiritual arts.

Fortunately, they were still temporary allies.

But she had to prepare early.

In the days to come.

September True Monarch did not show any abnormalities, nor did he let Yu Xian use his shocking gaze on her again, causing both Gui Ji and him to be injured.

She even hid her true appearance again and returned to her previous neutral and beautiful appearance, maintaining the distance that friends should have with Yu Xian.

Yu Xian did not react much to this.

However, during his cultivation, he would occasionally stop and look at September True Monarch.

Sometimes, he would stare at her during her cultivation for a while, and when September True Monarch woke up from her self-cultivation, he would quickly turn away.

Yu Xian knew that September True Monarch would definitely notice these small actions of his.

Acting requires a full set.

If he didn't take the initiative and secretly make some small moves, how could this affection ferment? He couldn't always rely on Gui Ji to assist him, and then September True Monarch would give it to him for free.

He was still used to controlling the progress of his emotions himself.


Time passed like flowing water.

Since September True Monarch boldly gave herself to him and Yu Xian responded with a deep confession, a year had passed in a leisurely manner.

On this day.

The Great Love True Monarch's residence.

Cultivation chamber.

Yu Xian placed a mid-rank talisman paper made of Rank Two beast skin on the table. This talisman paper was specially made, three feet long and wide, belonging to the giant-sized talisman paper.

Beside it was vermilion spiritual ink and a carving knife.

He held a carving knife that resembled a willow leaf, but was only as wide as a finger, dipped it in the spiritual ink, and started carving on the talisman paper.

The extremely sharp carving knife lightly scratched the surface of the talisman paper, allowing the ink to penetrate, and one ghostly character after another quickly formed, followed by a layer of spiritual light shining through.

Yu Xian was fully focused, as if he was holding an embroidery needle to carve on tofu. However, his own magic power was consumed extremely quickly, causing the spiritual qi in the air to form a small vortex, but it still couldn't replenish his lost magic power.

After about half an hour.

The surface of the giant talisman paper was already filled with symbols, and the vermilion ink penetrated the talisman paper, originally turning it blood red, but with the appearance of Yu Xian's Supernatural Power domain under his feet, a white light flashed, and all the traces on the surface of the talisman paper disappeared.

Only strands of spiritual qi continued to seep into the talisman paper.

If one were to stare at the talisman paper, they would notice that a invisible vortex seemed to appear in the middle, devouring the existence of anyone attempting to spy on it.

Obviously, this blank talisman paper had undergone some unknown changes.

"It's done!"

Yu Xian's face lit up.

"The miniaturization and structuring of the formation array can finally be used practically. Now, the Great Love Sect can truly have its own foundation.

Dammit, it's really not easy. Finally, I don't have to keep those money-losing goods anymore."

What he had just carved on the talisman paper was one of the fragments of the formation diagram for the Mist Shadow Dao Soldier that he had deduced before.

The so-called Dao Soldier Formation refers to treating Dao soldiers as movable formation flags, relying on the core of the formation array to quickly form a formation, merging into one, and exerting the effect of outnumbering and overpowering the enemy.

However, the power of the Rank Four Dao Soldier Formation he pursued was too strong. Fake Dan cultivators simply couldn't withstand the power of the formation.

After all, the flags of high-rank formations are usually made of special materials with extremely strong endurance. Even if a Nascent Soul True Monarch made a move, it might not be able to destroy the flags immediately.

Only materials like these can withstand the power of a Rank Four formation.

Previously, Yu Xian had been stuck here until he received a little help and guidance from Heavenly Dao Lord. Only then did he finally find the correct path of miniaturizing and fragmenting the formation.

The former is a further refinement of the formation disk, which can shrink the formation while retaining its power.

The latter involves splitting a complete formation into several relatively complete fragments, somewhat similar to the previous composite formations, but with differences. It's more like a jigsaw puzzle.

Because these formation fragments are interconnected, each additional fragment strengthens the power until all the fragments are complete and a complete formation is constructed, enabling the full power of the formation to be unleashed.

Since a formation fragment is relatively incomplete, its rank is not as high as that of a complete formation. Therefore, even if a Dao soldier engraves a fragment on their body, they don't have to worry about their body exploding.

Yu Xian has split the Mist Prison Formation into twelve fragments.

By combining twelve Mist Shadow Dao soldiers and refining a core formation flag, they can instantly form a Rank Four formation.

Even a single Mist Shadow Dao soldier, without the assistance of the flag, can still unleash some of the formation's power and easily deal with an ordinary Gold Core cultivator.

The most important thing is that the cost of the Mist Shadow Dao soldiers is extremely cheap, emphasizing cost-effectiveness.

For example, his eldest uncle's Profound Yin Battle Soldier Body requires a Profound Yin Jade and a soldier's soul as the core materials for the Dao soldier.

The former is a specialty of a secret realm of the Profound Yin Sect, a high-rank material with limited production.

The latter requires the utmost Blood Qi, courage, and dominance, cultivated in a battle involving millions of people.

In addition, the formation requires a matching flag, which requires even more special and precious materials.

Therefore, the cost of Dao soldiers is extremely expensive, and even a sect like the Profound Yin Sect cannot produce too many.

It is said that the Profound Yin Sect's Dao Soldier Legion had only about a hundred members at its peak.

But the core material of Yu Xian's Mist Shadow Dao soldiers is none other than the imprint of power left by his Supernatural Power Domain.

The Mist Prison Formation was originally designed based on his Gold Core Supernatural Power, and it is reasonable to use the Supernatural Power Domain as the core of the Dao soldier.

Of course, this imprint of power is not given casually.

Once he gives the imprint of power, his own Supernatural Power Domain will weaken for a period of time.

This is something that no Nascent Soul True Monarch would be willing to do.

To create a high-rank Dao soldier comparable to a Gold Core, one must weaken their own combat power. Moreover, it must be a high-end combat power that has cultivated a first-rank Gold Core Supernatural Power. Anyone would feel that it's a loss.

But he has the assistance of his Dao companion and a recovery ability that is different from ordinary people.

Roughly speaking, it means that he hasn't paid anything and has obtained a high-rank Dao soldier for free.

It's truly a profit.

Unfortunately, whenever he has some spare money, he won't use himself as a material for the Dao soldier.

But this also means that the Mist Shadow Dao soldiers can only be his trump card.

Others who receive his inheritance won't be able to imitate it. They can only find alternative materials.

"Now that I'm acting as the core material, the cost of the remaining Dao soldiers is not much, at most some high-rank spiritual ink, matching elixirs, and the refining of the core flag.

On average, the cost of a Dao soldier is at most two to three hundred thousand Spirit Stones.

In other words, twelve fake Dan cultivators, plus three million Spirit Stones, is roughly equivalent to a pseudo Nascent Soul combat power.

Although this pseudo Nascent Soul combat power is advantageous in terms of concealment and not strong in direct combat, it is still at the Nascent Soul level and can resist the suppression of a Nascent Soul Domain.

And now I have accumulated over a hundred fake Dan cultivators. Once they are all successfully refined into Dao soldiers, it will be equivalent to ten pseudo Nascent Soul combat powers.

Moreover, new fake Dan cultivators are produced every year, and most of them will sign contracts with the Great Unity Society due to debts. This means that I won't lack materials for my Dao soldiers.

What currently limits the production capacity of Dao soldiers is the need for special materials to refine the flag, as well as my own recovery ability and the subsequent maintenance of the Dao soldiers."

"In short, the future looks promising."

Yu Xian put away the talisman paper on the table as a memento. This can be considered as the first key to the launch of the Mist Shadow Legion of the Great Unity Society in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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