Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

271. Chapter 269 Murder And Arson Are Recruited


After September True Monarch left, Yu Xian stood up and personally poured a cup of tea for Lu Changqing, saying so.

Lu Changqing sat in front of Yu Xian, his eyes bright and shining, devoid of the silence he had in front of September True Monarch. Instead, there was a sense of indifference to life and death.

"There is no need for the President to apologize. The President has avenged Changqing, and Changqing is grateful. How could Changqing resent the President?"

Lu Changqing held the tea that Yu Xian poured for him and smiled freely.

"Speaking of which, Changqing still feels like it's a dream. I thought I would never be able to avenge my enemies in this lifetime, but unexpectedly, there is now an opportunity to fulfill my wish."

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "In the end, I used you. It's only right for me to apologize. Besides that, there is nothing else I can do to help you."

Lu Changqing finished drinking the tea and remained calm.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. After that person found me, I was mentally prepared for today."

Changqing should have died with his parents that night, but he survived only because he had unfinished revenge.

However, for Changqing, living was also a daily torment, no better than death.

"Changqing knows that he is about to die. I wonder if the President is willing to listen to a story from Changqing?"

Yu Xian poured tea for Lu Changqing and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Lu Changqing stared at the golden tea swirling in the cup and shook his head with a smile.

"There's really nothing much to say. It's just an ordinary story that happens every moment on this land."

A young man offended the young master of a powerful family, bringing disaster to his own family. As a result, his sister was abducted, his parents were killed, and he could only live like a dog on the outside.

He tried every means, exhausted his own life, and risked everything, but he couldn't see even a glimmer of hope for revenge.

No, he did see it once.

Five million Spirit Stones, someone had promised him that with five million Spirit Stones, he could get his revenge.

But he was useless. Although he had already reached a breakthrough and had the ability to bully the weak, he couldn't bring himself to do it because of his ridiculous sense of morality.

He didn't want to become like his enemies.

So he could never take revenge.

But perhaps that's why he was able to keep his life.

Because he should have died, just like those senior brothers and sisters of his, becoming sacrifices at the end of a grand play.

Lu Changqing raised his head and called out softly.

"Is that so? President, or should I say, Master."

Yu Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his plain face.

"Changqing, you're talking nonsense."

Lu Changqing let out a sigh of relief and shook his head. "It doesn't matter anymore. Changqing is about to die anyway.

I know the President is a good person, otherwise, he wouldn't have spared Changqing's life, let alone help Changqing seek revenge.

So no matter what the President wants me to do, Changqing is willing."

Yu Xian fell silent for a moment and said, "You are easily content."

Lu Changqing said, "Changqing was just talking nonsense earlier. It's just that Changqing feels that the President has been too good to him, which reminds Changqing of his former Master.

He was a demon, but he never harmed ordinary people. He also had great tolerance for disciples like me who had ulterior motives.

It's strange to say, but my Master liked to help disciples break through the False Core stage, just like the current Great Unity Society.

I guess that's one of the reasons why all of Changqing's fellow disciples were killed.

But he deliberately spared Changqing's life, so Changqing is very grateful to him."

A complex and indistinct smile appeared on Yu Xian's face.

"Your Master would be quite pleased to hear you speak like this behind his back."

Lu Changqing suddenly burst into laughter.

"If that's the case, then Changqing has no regrets."

"By the way, if the President has a chance to meet Changqing's Master, please tell him on behalf of Changqing that if something like this happens again, he shouldn't spare Changqing's life.

Otherwise, it might ruin his plans.

People like me are capable of doing anything for revenge."

He got up from his seat and knelt on the ground again, bowing to Yu Xian.

"If Changqing has a next life, he will repay the President's great kindness!"


There was a strange sound coming from Lu Changqing's Dantian, followed by a burst of colorful light emanating from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. It was the result of him shattering his own Gold Core.

Under the chaotic impact of a massive amount of magic power, his internal organs and meridians throughout his body suffered unimaginable damage.

"I can finally sleep well."

Pain struck, and Lu Changqing gently closed his eyes, feeling an unprecedented sense of relief.

The couple from the Lu family were both Foundation Establishment cultivators, considered a pair of immortal lovers. They settled in the Changning Prefecture and gave birth to a pair of children.

Lu Changqing, since childhood, had been influenced by his parents and developed a strong backbone and a kind heart.

When he was young, he entered the mansion to study cultivation. Unable to tolerate a member of the Lan family bullying his classmate, he stepped forward and saved them.

This member of the Lan family was just a child of the Lan family, naturally inferior to Lu Changqing, who had parents with a double Foundation Establishment. Lu Changqing gained the upper hand for a while.

Later, Lu Changqing's sister, Lu Pingping, came to the mansion to visit him and was secretly noticed by this child of the Lan family.

Coincidentally, it was the birthday of the Lan Patriarch, and the Lan family was searching for beautiful women.

Soon after, a cultivator from the Lan family came to propose marriage, using the banner of the Lan Patriarch.

Although the Lu couple were Foundation Establishment cultivators, they were originally from the Rogue Cultivators and were no match for the three characters "Lan Patriarch".

In order to protect their parents and younger brother, Lu Pingping sacrificed herself and entered the Hundred Beauties Garden.

Originally, everything was peaceful, but unfortunately, the Lan Patriarch saw Lu Pingping's sorrowful gaze under the flowers and became interested in her. After that, he favored her every day.

The Lan family cultivator who sent Lu Pingping to the garden panicked upon hearing the news.

He thought that Lu Pingping would be treated like the other women favored by the Patriarch, casually thrown into the back courtyard and kept in seclusion every day.

Who knew that the Lan Patriarch would change his mind.

So this Lan family cultivator decided to take drastic measures and sent cultivators to annihilate the Lu family, then passed the news to Lu Pingping.

Sure enough, Lu Pingping, who had a gentle and weak nature, only pretended to be obedient to the Patriarch for the sake of her family. Now that she had lost her concerns, she developed a desire for death and followed her family, never having the chance for revenge.

But little did she know that there was still one soul of the Lu family left.

And that's how the story continued.

Yu Xian looked at Lu Changqing, who had just committed suicide in front of him, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, leaving only a sigh.

Lu Changqing was indeed his flaw, as his tendency to collect Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi was too obvious.

But Lu Changqing didn't know that he had long been influenced by the Great Love Law Domain.

Even though he had countless times wanted to use this secret as a bargaining chip for revenge, he always found reasons to convince himself not to.

That's the horror of the Great Love Law Domain.

Even at the moment of his death, he didn't harbor any resentment in his heart and still regarded him as his great benefactor.

After a moment.

September True Monarch received a message and walked over. Seeing Lu Changqing's lifeless body on the ground, she sighed.

"He was also a pitiful person."

Yu Xian said, "People like him, who live in hatred, might be happier dead than alive."


September True Monarch pointed her finger, and ice crystals appeared in the air, freezing Lu Changqing's body, then she put it into her storage ring.

This was her arrangement for the sect.

"Lu Changqing is the sect's face-saving measure. With him, I have confidence in suppressing the matter with the Lan family.

But your Dao weapon is too dazzling, and there are many witnesses. I think it won't be long before the elders in the sect come to investigate."

September True Monarch shook her head. "This matter cannot be handled by me alone."

Yu Xian, on the other hand, was not at all nervous and smiled, "Haven't you already thought of a solution?"

September True Monarch gave Yu Xian a glance. "Yes, my solution is to capture you and make you a prisoner under Profound Yang Sect. Then I will extract your inheritance and force you to create Dao weapons day and night for Profound Yang Sect. Do you think this solution is feasible?"

Yu Xian crossed his arms and trembled, pretending to be scared. "What? It's that serious? Fellow Daoist September, please save me! We have fought side by side as comrades."

Seeing Yu Xian's pretentious behavior, September True Monarch couldn't help but laugh.

She was getting more and more used to the days spent with Yu Xian, and she could genuinely feel a peaceful power in her heart.

"Alright, I'm just a mere woman. How can I capture President Bai? But I have to personally negotiate with the sect about this matter before I can give you a specific answer.

But rest assured, our Profound Yang Sect is a prestigious sect, and we must have a reputable way of doing things.

So the worst outcome of this matter is that you have to hand over your Dao weapon inheritance. You should be mentally prepared.

But I will definitely fight for enough compensation for you."

Yu Xian had already anticipated this.

However, even if he were to give away the Misty Shadow Dao weapon inheritance, others would still have to be able to replicate it.

"It's alright. Since I have exposed it, I never intended to keep it to myself. If this inheritance can help you solidify your position in the sect and bring you some benefits, then it's only appropriate.

I originally intended to give it to you."

Yu Xian paused for a moment, then flipped his palm and took out a Jade Slip.

"This is the complete inheritance of the Mist Shadow Dao Soldiers."

September True Monarch was taken aback and looked at the Jade Slip, asking, "This is the inheritance of a high-ranking Dao Soldier, even more precious than a top-tier Cultivation Technique. If it were to be auctioned at the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, it could fetch billions of Spirit Stones. Are you just giving it to me so easily? Aren't you afraid that I will burn bridges and turn against you?"

What is this? It's so valuable?

One word awakened the dreamer.

Yu Xian realized that he seemed to have overlooked a huge source of wealth all this time.

He could make up for those incomplete top-tier Cultivation Technique inheritances with Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi. If he sold these inheritances at a high-level auction, wouldn't he make a fortune?

As long as it was a knowledge-based inheritance, he could make a small investment for a big return.

Of course, this kind of thing could only be considered as incidental supplementary income and not a main source of income.

After all, those high-end auctions only happened once every sixty or seventy years.

Furthermore, rare things are valuable. Cultivators who can afford to buy inheritances are not lacking in inheritances themselves. At most, they would buy them as supplements and references.

The actual market is not as good as imagined.

Lastly, the innocent person carries the guilt of the jade.

He couldn't even protect a Dao Soldier inheritance, so what qualifications does he have to be a supplier of top-tier Cultivation Techniques?

When he has the qualifications, he won't even bother to sell inheritances for money.

After a while, Yu Xian snapped out of his beautiful fantasy and became more practical.

At this moment, he seemed to have gone through countless contemplations and considerations. He stared at September True Monarch's eyes and replied very seriously, "If it were you, then it's worth it."

September True Monarch felt as if Yu Xian's eyes were like an abyss, giving her an indescribable feeling.

She even felt a little scared and avoided his gaze, as if looking at him for too long would make her fall into it and unable to extricate herself.

"You, wait for my message."

She grabbed the Jade Slip and replied in a somewhat flustered manner.

"Okay, I'll wait for your message. But you also have to be careful. The Ghost Consort hasn't caused any trouble in the past two years. She might be brewing some conspiracy. Take care of yourself after returning to the sect."

"This is a Divine Sense attack technique that I refined using a communication Spiritual Treasure. It can be used three times and can be used to suppress the Ghost Consort if necessary."

Yu Xian took out another carefully prepared gift.

It was an oval jade stone with a milky white color. There were faint golden lights flickering inside, vaguely resembling an eye.

As a Divine Sense attack technique, the effort and resources required to refine it were no less than that of a major battle. It also required the use of treasures like the communication Spiritual Treasure jade to carry its power.

The communication Spiritual Treasure jade was a material used to refine Rank Four Spiritual Treasures.

Yu Xian obtained it from a previous auction at the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce when he accompanied September True Monarch in the Mingyue City. It cost him a whopping eight million Spirit Stones.

All for the sake of refining the Divine Sense attack technique.

"So, you bought it last time for me."

September True Monarch didn't care about the eight million Spirit Stones, but she cared about Yu Xian's thoughtfulness.

She took the communication Spiritual Treasure jade and felt even more confused in her heart.

"As long as you like it."

Yu Xian smiled gently. He gained much more than eight million Spirit Stones from September True Monarch.

September True Monarch seemed to see a glimmer of hope.


September True Monarch left with complex thoughts.

Even if she personally handled the aftermath of this matter, it would still require a lot of effort.

First of all, as a former Outer Sect Elder of the Profound Yang Sect, Lan Kui's identity was a big taboo. Even if a Nascent Soul True Monarch killed him, they would still face retaliation from the Profound Yang Sect.

Otherwise, where would the dignity of the Profound Yang Sect be?

It was similar to how the secular government would become furious and list certain heroes as extremely dangerous wanted criminals, even though they knew that these heroes were eliminating evil for the people.

Eliminating evil was one thing, but killing officials was another.

Officials were their own people, even if they were corrupt officials. The matter of judgment belonged to themselves, so how could they let others handle it?

If they lost their law enforcement power, wouldn't anyone be able to pass judgment in the future? Then they would be useless as officials.

This was what they called "punishment does not reach the scholar-officials."

Wasn't a retired Elder still an Elder? It was clear that they didn't regard the Profound Yang Sect highly.

If this matter didn't have September True Monarch's help to suppress it, it would be enough to alarm the high-level nerves of the Profound Yang Sect. They might even initiate a large-scale cleansing in the area.

Even if Yu Xian, a suspect involved in the matter, didn't die, he would still be skinned alive.

As a cultivator who had just entered the Nascent Soul stage, the Profound Yang Sect would give him face, but it didn't mean that he could trample on the face of the Profound Yang Sect.

Speaking of which, Yu Xian also knew that what he was doing was a bit risky.

But advertising, you know.

If you don't do something big, how can the advertisement spread?

The more eye-catching things are, the easier they are to spread, and the wider the range of dissemination.

Moreover, he has someone backing him now.

His relationship with True Monarch September is getting closer, and he is confident that True Monarch September will stand on his side once he knows about it.

After all, Blue Leader is ultimately an outsider, and a wicked one at that.

And he, almost had a showdown with True Monarch September.

In addition, Yu Xian is more certain that once the Profound Yang Sect knows about the Dao Weapon, they probably won't care about the old grudges of a retired Elder.

A high-rank Dao Weapon is different from a Nascent Soul Rogue Cultivator.

A high-rank Dao Weapon is the foundation of a powerful force, enough to be passed down for thousands of years, while a Nascent Soul Rogue Cultivator can only last for six or seven hundred years at most, and then become nothing but dust.

Most importantly, it is much simpler to create a Dao Weapon than to achieve a Nascent Soul.

If this inheritance were to spread, it would be like a mass destruction weapon being controlled by ordinary people, enough to shake the foundation of the Profound Yang Sect's rule.

The Profound Yang Sect cannot sit idly by and let such a thing happen.

Originally, Yu Xian should have been accumulating resources quietly, biding his time, and not letting the Profound Yang Sect notice him.

But True Monarch September's proactive offer made him see another possibility.

That is the path he had in mind when he first entered the Profound Yang Realm - to kill, set fires, and seek amnesty.

He won't talk nonsense about the mysterious background of the Great Unity Society.

He can't transform into a Divine Transformation Venerable, and he can't even find a Nascent Soul late-stage cultivator. He has no chance of deceiving the Profound Yang Sect.

Not to mention the Profound Yang Sect, even Chu Feng, the Lord of the Chu Clan, still has doubts about him.

If he were to pull off this trick, he would be treating others as fools.

So, pulling off this tiger skin trick must wait until he and the Profound Yang Sect are on equal footing, so that the tiger skin he pulls off will have some credibility.

For now, it's better to follow True Monarch September's path and become one with the Profound Yang Sect.

After all, he is not just a Nascent Soul True Monarch now, but also a Rank Four Dao Formation Master who can create Dao Weapons.

With his relationship with True Monarch September, the position of a guest Elder should be enough.

As for why he, the chairman of the Great Unity Society, doesn't want to be in that position and instead wants to become a lackey of the Profound Yang Sect, there are two reasons.

First, the Dao Weapon needs the endorsement of the Profound Yang Sect to be openly displayed in front of the world, otherwise the Profound Yang Sect will come looking for trouble at any moment.

Second, the development of the Great Unity Society requires the small help of the Profound Yang Sect.

As the tentacles of the Great Unity Society continue to extend outward, the cost of expanding the customer base also increases.

In the past, when they advertised, hundreds or even thousands of cultivators would flock to them.

But when the potential of the surrounding customers is exhausted, with each increase in distance, his Great Unity Society has to pay more costs.

If he has the help of the Profound Yang Sect, not only will his credibility increase, but his costs will also be greatly reduced, and the reputation of the Great Unity Society will quickly spread throughout the Profound Yang Realm.

His approach is similar to that of some small and medium-sized companies that are doing well, have sufficient cash flow in their accounts, but still accept financing from large companies and give away shares.

It's because their own development has reached a bottleneck and they need the channels and connections of large companies to break through the bottleneck and move to a higher level.

Of course, his Great Unity Society is not healthy, still operating with excessive debt, which means there is no regulatory authority above him, otherwise he would be hanging from a lamppost in no time.

He has always wanted to find a sustainable development path for the Great Unity Society.

He still has some bottom line.

He has to give an account to those cultivators who have deposited Spirit Stones into the Great Unity Society. It's not that the Spirit Stones they deposited have become his Spirit Stones.

He has always firmly believed that he is only temporarily borrowing their Spirit Stones.

If you borrow, you have to repay.

As for how to repay, he has to wait until the Great Unity Society is profitable.

And the Dao Weapon is a hope.

For this hope, he doesn't mind taking a little risk.

After all, the worst-case scenario is just abandoning everything and running away again.

With his trickery, he is not afraid of anyone's pursuit.

But when that time comes, he won't talk about any bottom line anymore. He will become the nightmare of the Profound Yang Sect and rise on the bones of the Profound Yang Sect to claim his throne.

Now he already has the capital to overturn the table.

On the peak of Great Love Mountain.

Yu Xian looked in the direction where True Monarch September had left and secretly said,

"Let's see if you want a brother-in-law or an opponent?" (End of this chapter)

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