Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

272. Chapter 270 Backstage Of True Monarch In September

One day later.

The gate of the Profound Yang Sect was in sight from afar.

Hundreds of towering peaks could be seen, surrounded by clouds and mist, with cranes dancing in the air, resembling a fairyland in the clouds.

Below the peaks was a vast basin, relatively flat, covering an area of tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Lush spiritual fields and medicine mountains were scattered throughout.

Countless disciples were working in them.

From time to time, one could see disciples wearing the uniform of the Profound Yang Sect or riding spirit beasts, rising into the air from the fields and mountains, leaving behind streaks of light.

Even ordinary disciples would take ten days or half a month to travel from one end of the sect to the other.

It is said that there is a Rank Five spiritual vein beneath the Profound Yang Sect.

Therefore, the entire gate of the mountain is bathed in the pure spiritual qi of the Rank Five spiritual vein, and the effect of cultivation is far superior to the outside world.

Because even the quota of a miscellaneous disciple is precious to ordinary people.

In front of the gate, True Monarch Jiuyue suddenly stopped.

After pausing for a moment, he entered the Profound Yang Sect.

Xuanyang Peak.

The peak where the True Monarch, the head teacher, passed down his teachings, is one of the most important places in the entire Profound Yang Sect.

There is the Xuanyang Hall on Xuanyang Peak, responsible for handling all the affairs, big and small, of the Profound Yang Sect. Hundreds of command tokens are issued from the Xuanyang Hall every day.

These command tokens reach various departments of the sect, and then gradually refine down, making the entire Profound Yang Sect operate smoothly.

However, the head teacher, True Monarch, usually does not work here, but is represented by the head of the mundane affairs.

The head teacher, True Monarch, is like a chairman, only responsible for the overall direction of the sect, and only appears when it involves the interests of the entire sect.

The head of the mundane affairs is like a professional manager, responsible for handling specific matters.

The current head of the mundane affairs is named Wen Buyu, at the Gold Core late stage of cultivation base, with an ordinary background, just a cultivator from a small city.

His life can be described as legendary, from an outer sect disciple of the Profound Yang Sect, to an inner disciple, county magistrate, prefecture master, inner sect deacon, step by step, until he became the head of the mundane affairs of the Profound Yang Sect.

It is already the ceiling achievement for an ordinary disciple of the Profound Yang Sect.

After all, whether one can achieve the Nascent Soul True Monarch depends on one's own aptitude and opportunities. Without that aptitude, no matter how hard one works, it is almost impossible to overcome the insurmountable obstacle.

As the head of the mundane affairs of the Profound Yang Sect, Wen Buyu's status and position cannot be compared to even an ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarch in the sect, and even dare not easily offend him.

Because as the head of the mundane affairs, Wen Buyu is highly trusted by the head teacher, True Monarch. He holds the power of finance and personnel. Even Nascent Soul True Monarchs need resources for cultivation and have disciples who need arrangements and connections.

Offending Wen Buyu doesn't require any specific targeting. Just following the rules is enough to give many people a headache.

On this day, Wen Buyu was handling sect affairs as usual in the Xuanyang Hall.

He was holding a jade pen in his hand, with a jade book placed in front of him.

When he opened the book, the clouds and mist dispersed, and the scenery of the gate of the Profound Yang Sect changed, and then there were messages appearing one by one.

This is the Langya Jade Book, which relies on the formations spread throughout the sect and has the function of long-distance communication within the gate.

He read and commented on each one.

Then the messages disappeared.

In just a moment, a jade token flew out of the Great Hall with a swoosh.

A crane from the hovering group of cranes on the peak caught it in its mouth and flew towards the designated location indicated on the token.

The information in the token had already appeared in the relevant department's Langya Jade Book.

This jade token was just for record-keeping, to avoid disputes in the future.

Suddenly, a command token flew towards Wen Buyu from the front. He took a look and stopped his actions, walking towards a side hall.

Sure enough, there was a beautiful woman standing in the side hall.

Wen Buyu suddenly felt a headache.

He was most afraid of dealing with these Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

Although his position was high, he couldn't easily offend Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

But regardless of their positions, if a Nascent Soul True Monarch stood there, even if they had no identity, he had to give them face.

If he really offended them and thought he could easily control Nascent Soul True Monarchs, his position as the head would have been gone long ago.

And without the position of the head, his grave would probably be quite high.

Not to mention that the person in front of him was also a high-ranking official.

"Lord Yue, as the head, I remember that the sect did not summon the city lord to join the sect. I don't know why Lord Yue suddenly visited. What is the matter?" Wen Buyu said coldly.

But the more so, the more he had to show a cold attitude.

Otherwise, if the head teacher, True Monarch, knew about his close relationship with the True Monarchs in the sect, he might be dismissed from his position at any time.

He was able to sit in the position of the head of the general affairs because, on one hand, his political abilities were outstanding, and on the other hand, he came from a commoner background and had little connection with the aristocratic families within the sect. This allowed him to remain impartial.

"Head Sect Leader Wen, the reason I have come is to handle a murder case within our jurisdiction."

"I wonder if the Sect Leader has already received the case of the annihilation of the Lan family, reported by the former Outer Sect Elder, Lan Kui, from the Changning Prefecture?"

The True Monarch of September had put on a veil on her face at some point, wearing a moon-white immortal dress, emitting a cold and unapproachable aura.

This was her usual attire within the sect, which helped her avoid many troubles.

She knew that the sect had spies and independent departments in all major heavenly cities.

Just like the Demon-Slaying Group, which was officially under the jurisdiction of the heavenly city but directly controlled by the sect, it had considerable power and could be directly mobilized by the Nascent Soul True Monarch during special occasions.

It had always been one of the best departments for the children of the sect's aristocratic families to gain experience.

So she didn't plan to directly suppress this matter, but chose to extinguish the possible turmoil at its source.

"Please wait, Lord Yue. The Sect Leader has not yet heard of this matter."

Wen Yuyu took out a jade book and used his divine sense to explore it, constantly flipping through it. Finally, he found an urgent letter from the sect's intelligence department, "Tingfeng Hall," in a corner.

He quickly read through it and, thinking of the arrival of the True Monarch of September, he became somewhat certain about the description in the letter, causing him to take a sharp breath.

"Lord Yue, did Elder Lan really shout about the formation of a large army when he was killed?"

The True Monarch of September nodded lightly. "That is precisely the reason why I, as the Sect Leader, have personally returned. This matter is of great importance. I ask that Sect Leader Wen not spread this information to the outside. Also, please inform the Head Teacher True Monarch and tell him that I want to see him."

The Head Teacher True Monarch was the strongest person in the Profound Yang Sect.

Each generation's Head Teacher True Monarch would inherit the title of the original Profound Yang True Monarch. It was said that the current Head Teacher True Monarch had already reached the stage of Nascent Soul Returned to Origin and news of his intention to undergo Divine Transformation had spread several years ago.

Now, the Head Teacher True Monarch had entered a semi-closed-door training stage, and except for a few close people, it was difficult for others to see him.

And Head Sect Leader Wen was one of the few who could see him.

Wen Yuyu remained silent for a moment and smiled bitterly. "Lord Yue, you should know the current situation of the Head Teacher True Monarch. It is really not easy for me, as the Sect Leader, to disturb him."

"How about convening a meeting of the True Monarchs and making a collective decision?"

The True Monarch of September's eyes turned cold.

"Why do you think I, as the Sect Leader, want to meet the Head Teacher True Monarch alone? You can go and inform the Head Teacher True Monarch. If there are any consequences, I will take full responsibility!"

As a mature sect, the Profound Yang Sect naturally couldn't rely solely on one leadership system.

Otherwise, if the Head Teacher True Monarch was unable to take charge of the sect in a timely manner due to unforeseen circumstances, the entire sect would be paralyzed.

After all, without an absolute authority to suppress the entire sect, the other Nascent Soul True Monarchs would never submit to each other, let alone bow down to one another.

So at this time, the Sect will activate the Elder Council system, using a voting system to decide on major issues.

The minority must obey the majority, even if they have objections in their hearts.

And the Elders who are qualified to participate in the Elder Council are all True Monarchs of the Sect, so it is also called the True Monarch Assembly.

After all, the Nascent Soul True Monarch is the true ruler of the Sect.

But unfortunately, she has poor popularity within the Sect. Going to the True Monarch Assembly not only won't gain favor, but she will also be subjected to ridicule and sarcasm.

They don't care whether this matter is beneficial to the Sect or not, they just want to vent their anger first.

Wen Buyu secretly complained.

The Lord of Yue City is a Nascent Soul True Monarch. Even if he disturbs the Head Teacher True Monarch, he will only lightly punish him.

And there are several successors below his position waiting.

"Lord of Yue City, before the Head Teacher's Closed Door Training, he specifically instructed me that unless it is a matter of life and death for the Sect and it is extremely urgent, I must not disturb him.

It's not that I don't want to help you, but it's just a piece of news about a Daoist Formation. I dare not."

Wen Buyu looked bitter and played the emotional card.

Is it really not the right time for me to come? Or is it that fellow daoist should have a calamity?

True Monarch Jiuyue sighed inwardly, but remained calm and said:

"In that case, you should suppress this matter. The Daoist Formation and the case of Elder Lan's extermination will be handled by me, the Lord of Yue City.

When the Head Teacher True Monarch comes out of seclusion, I will personally meet with him.

If this matter leaks out and someone takes credit for it, then after you pass away, the Wen family can wait for my revenge."

"Lord of Yue City, you have to be reasonable. Tingfeng Hall is not solely controlled by me. The news will eventually be known by others.

Can you really blame me for this?"

This is what Wen Buyu fears the most.

He sits in the position of the Sect's leader, and the Wen family behind him is well taken care of within the Sect. They receive treatment similar to that of some True Monarch disciples.

But he is only at the Gold Core stage, with a lifespan of only five hundred years. Sooner or later, he will pass away.

By then, unless the Wen family can produce a Nascent Soul True Monarch, all the benefits they have gained over the years will have to be returned tenfold or even a hundredfold.

This is also why he dares not easily conflict with the Nascent Soul True Monarch.

Even if the other party is temporarily inferior, they can't withstand the fact that the other party will live longer. At most, they will have to wait a few hundred years before they can dance and celebrate on his grave.

True Monarch Jiuyue coldly snorted:

"Then go and inform Head Teacher True Monarch. The City Lord said that I will bear the consequences alone!"

Wen Buyu secretly gritted his teeth, feeling that this September True Monarch was indeed as heartless as the rumors suggested, no wonder he didn't have many friends within the sect.

But the strength of September True Monarch was also recognized as the top among Nascent Soul cultivators.

In recent years, in the dangerous special missions of the sect, there were records of September True Monarch taking the lead, and she was able to come back unscathed every time.

She was also one of the Nascent Soul True Monarchs with the most hope of breaking through to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

"Alright, since City Lord Yue insists, then as City Lord Yue wishes, I will go and inform Head Teacher True Monarch. Please wait a moment, City Lord Yue."

Wen Buyu cupped his hands in a salute, then turned around heavily.

September True Monarch saw Wen Buyu's attitude and knew that she had greatly offended him.

But she didn't care.

She had offended many people, and adding one more didn't matter to her.

Instead, her promise to her fellow daoist was more important.

After about an hour.

Wen Buyu walked into a side hall with a blackened face, presumably having been reprimanded.

"City Lord Yue, Head Teacher True Monarch has agreed to see you. I hope the news you bring won't disappoint him."

"Thank you."

September True Monarch nodded lightly and turned to leave.

Wen Buyu secretly pinched his thigh, letting the pain dispel the frustration in his heart, and finally let out a bitter laugh.

"Who made me just a mundane affairs sect leader? What's the use of a good reputation? When encountering such an important official from outside the sect, how much can my methods really affect?"

In the end, it's all about strength!"

"My Wen family must produce a Nascent Soul True Monarch!"


Chunyang Peak.

This is where the Closed Door Training of Xuanyang True Monarch takes place.

Chunyang Peak is centered around a Rank Five spiritual material - a piece of pure and yang-like Great Sun Essence. It absorbs the Eastern Purple Qi every day and has been refined for several hundred years, forming the Pure Yang Formation, which can automatically convert all absorbed spiritual qi into pure yang qi.

The current Xuanyang True Monarch is said to have a natural Nine Yang pulse, with excessive yang qi in his body. He was originally unable to live past the age of eighteen.

But due to his extraordinary family background, he invited a Nascent Soul True Monarch to personally comb his meridians with magic power when he was young. By the time he turned eighteen, his Nine Yang pulse had become the Nine Yang Profound Pulse, and his physique was comparable to a high-grade profound body.

From then on, his cultivation went smoothly.

He also comprehended the Pure Yang Scripture from "Xuanyang Tyrant Fierce" as his own cultivation technique, following the path of utmost purity and perfection.

Now, by using the Closed Door Training of Chunyang Peak, he wants to break through to the extreme of pure yang and ascend to the God Transformation Realm.

However, the Profound Yang Sect has never produced a true Divine Transformation Venerable. There are only a few insights left by the predecessors after their failed breakthroughs.

Without the inheritance of the predecessors, the path of breakthrough for later generations is naturally extremely difficult.

If those stunning Head Teacher True Monarchs in the history of the Profound Yang Sect were born in sects like the Jiuyang Immortal Sect, they might have become Divine Transformation Venerables.

Perhaps Xuanyang True Monarch had already left seclusion, and the formation of Chunyang Peak had not been activated, so September True Monarch had a smooth journey.

She saw a middle-aged man with a three-foot-long beautiful beard and a Taoist robe standing with his hands behind his back under a tree that seemed to be carved from golden crystal.

"Little Yue'er, it seems like this is the first time you have taken the initiative to come find me, your uncle.

Your Master specifically asked me to take care of you before he passed away, but you are so stubborn and insist on going outside.

And you would rather go on the most dangerous special missions every time than come to see me once.

I am now the Head Teacher, can't I help you?

Or do you think that I, as the Head Teacher, have no credibility and won't help you?"

The middle-aged man turned around and showed a gentle smile to September True Monarch.

September True Monarch almost gritted her teeth and said, "Head Teacher, don't forget, you are only two years older than me, so don't call me Little Yue'er.

Back then, you refused to be with my Master, so why bother raising your seniority now?

I came to find you through the official channel and for official business!"

Xuanyang True Monarch stroked his long beard and sighed, "Since that's the case, this Head Teacher doesn't want to talk about official business. You can leave, I want to delve into the mystery of Insight Divine Transformation during my Closed Door Training."

September True Monarch was furious, "You are going too far!"

Xuanyang True Monarch flicked his beard and said shamelessly, "I am the Head Teacher of a sect, and now the strongest person in the Profound Yang Sect. Who can control me?"

"As long as you call me uncle, no matter what you come to me for, I will help you. Will you change your mind?"

September True Monarch coldly snorted, "You are too much!"

Then she turned and left.

"Hey, don't go, don't go. With your temper, it's no wonder you haven't been able to break through to the late stage of Nascent Soul after three hundred years outside. Your talent was only slightly worse than mine back then, you should have broken through long ago.

Alright, alright, come back. After all, I didn't get together with your Master, if you don't want to call me, then don't."

Xuanyang True Monarch looked helpless.

"Let's talk about business. It's about that formation, right?"

September True Monarch thought about his promise to someone and hesitated for a moment before turning back and saying with a serious face,

"Yes, Lord of the City came to find Head Teacher for the matter of that formation. This formation was created by a Nascent Soul Rogue Cultivator under the jurisdiction of Mingyue Tiancheng.

He has agreed to offer the formation inheritance to the Sect and intends to join the Sect as a guest Elder.

Lord of the City has already promised him sufficient compensation. What do you think, Head Teacher?"

Xuanyang True Monarch looked at September True Monarch with a skeptical expression.

"Although the formation is important to the Sect, it's not necessary for you to come and see me in person for such matters. You've never been interested in worldly affairs.

And you're even specially pleading for a Rogue Cultivator.

Let me guess... that person is a man, right?"

September True Monarch: "..."

Since it was referred to as "that person," it could only be a man, not a woman.

"Since you're not saying anything, that means you're admitting it."

Xuanyang True Monarch chuckled and looked at September True Monarch with surprise.

"I didn't expect the iceberg to have a day of blooming. Indeed, the word 'love' can cause great harm. It has been three hundred years, and now you can experience what I went through back then."

"Don't change the subject!"

September True Monarch said with a cold face.

Xuanyang True Monarch waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "As long as the formation inheritance can be handed over and a solemn vow is made to ensure that the inheritance will not be leaked, he can be a guest Elder.

As for compensation, you can help him choose. Anyway, that kid Wen Buyu won't let you have much say.

But I have a condition."

"What is it?"

September True Monarch asked.

Xuanyang True Monarch's eyes lit up and he said, "Please let that person come to Profound Yang Sect and meet me. I want to see who has the ability to tame this iceberg of yours."

September True Monarch's face turned dark. "No! If he comes to Profound Yang Sect, you will have complete control over him. I don't want to put him in danger."

"It seems that you really care about him."

Xuanyang True Monarch sighed, "But do I have no credibility in your heart?"

September True Monarch coldly snorted, "Who was the one who said he wanted to marry my Master during my self-initiation, but didn't dare to say it even when my Master passed away?

Do you know that my Master was actually waiting for you?"

Xuanyang True Monarch scratched his head and said, "When I first opened my eyes and saw your Master, I swore to marry your Master.

After I broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, I was originally going to propose to your Master and even invited my Master to be the matchmaker.

But that old man, your Master, insisted on stopping me, saying that my pure yang body couldn't be defiled, otherwise I would lose the opportunity to break through to the Divine Transformation stage.

I can only choose between the Dao and your Master."

September True Monarch's Master was the Nascent Soul True Monarch who had nurtured Xuanyang True Monarch's body and helped him refine the Jiuyang Profound Veins.

During their time together, Xuanyang True Monarch unknowingly developed deep feelings for this girl who was eight hundred years younger than him.


In response, September True Monarch only sneered.

"If we don't meet, we won't meet."

Xuanyang True Monarch sighed with regret.

"It's a pity that I have already merged with the Pure Yang Peak and can't leave the Sect. Otherwise, I would definitely go and meet him."

September True Monarch's expression changed.

"Aren't you afraid that I will reveal this secret?"

Xuanyang True Monarch laughed, "If you want to reveal it, go ahead. If I fail this time, I won't be able to survive. When those guys find out, I should be almost done for."


September True Monarch's gaze became complicated.

Xuanyang True Monarch pulled his beard, as if pulling off his face along with it, revealing a young and handsome face with rosy lips and white teeth.

"Hehe, I thought that if I became more mature, you would be willing to call me uncle."

"I am like the rising sun now. If I can't break through at this moment, I won't have any chance in the future.

I have already lost your Master, I can't lose the Dao as well."

"I will instruct Wen Buyu to let him act freely in the Sect for your sake. So, enjoy your time while I can still take care of you.

Power that is not used will expire."

"Alright, we've finished discussing official and personal matters. Now, I really need to go and explore the mystery of Insight Divine Transformation."

September True Monarch wanted to say something more, but she suddenly felt as if the void was like a bubble, enveloping her body. She had no resistance at all and was expelled from the Pure Yang Peak.

She stood in front of the Pure Yang Peak, paused for a moment, and felt a hint of sadness for some reason. (End of this chapter)

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