Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

275. Chapter 273 Ten Years

The next day.

On the peak of Da Ai.

The two sat facing each other.

Moon Ji awkwardly turned her head, afraid to look into Yu Xian's eyes filled with sorrow.

Until she felt a chill all over her body, she helplessly said:

"I know you practice both dual cultivation techniques. Perhaps my Primordial Yin power can help you break through the mid-stage of Nascent Soul. Don't waste this opportunity for temporary pleasure."

Yu Xian was taken aback, thinking that Moon Ji was being too conservative.

Or perhaps there was some kind of ceremonial feeling needed before taking the final step, like sending wedding invitations to her sect, holding a dual cultivation ceremony, paying respects to her master and parents, and so on.

So he pretended to be sorrowful, increasing her guilt and reducing her resistance.

But it turned out that she was actually considering him.

However, this consideration was unnecessary.

His expression was warm and gentle, his whole being leaned in, and his big hands unknowingly climbed onto Moon Ji's soft body.

"You considering me in your heart moves me, but you have misunderstood me. In my heart, there is nothing more important than having you."

"But when you are stuck at a bottleneck in the future and unable to make progress for a long time, will you regret being too impatient today?"

"For you and me, a hundred years is not too long."

This time, Moon Ji did not dodge or resist Yu Xian's closeness, allowing their bodies to be intimately close.

This was a new and strange feeling she had never experienced before.

Her body, tempered by mana for hundreds of years, could withstand Law Treasures head-on, but at this moment, it felt particularly weak.

Clearly, Yu Xian's palm was warm and gentle, like soft jade, and he didn't exert any force. But the moment it lightly touched her skin, she felt a sense of defeat as if her armor had been stripped away.

A fire seemed to ignite in her heart, slowly devouring her rationality.

This was a flame of desire born out of love, intangible and immaterial, but more intense than any charm technique.

She didn't know if she could still hold onto her original intention if things continued like this.

"So this is the taste of love. It's truly powerful. I have no resistance at all, and I even have some anticipation, wanting to sink into it."

Moon Ji's rationality and desire intertwined.

But her gaze towards Yu Xian unconsciously became more teasing.

Watching the icy fairy in his arms warm up and gradually melt, watching the wonderful scent of her slightly parted red lips, like orchids and musk, wafting out from her mouth, even the air became ambiguous and gentle.

Yu Xian felt his soul come alive in an instant, a long-lost, pure impulse surged up in his heart.

He lowered his head and savored the beauty.

Just like when he comprehended the Red Peach Blossom Sutra, he realized his true nature. He was a person who loved flowers and beauty.

His Great Dao was not as enduring as a stone, but it was like a blooming flower that never withered. He loved all beautiful things.

If he were to abandon the beauty in his arms for ten or a hundred years just for the sake of a breakthrough, it would be an unforgivable sin for him.

"If such a day really comes, I won't regret it. No one knows what will happen a hundred years later. I just want to have the present moment."

"Especially you at this moment."

Yu Xian's thoughts fluctuated in the air, demonstrating his firmness and no regrets at this moment.

Moon Ji gently closed her eyes, letting go of all her defenses.

A pink aura permeated the mountaintop.

A low groan.

Powerful mana erupted within Yu Xian.

The Primordial Yin power of a Nascent Soul cultivator was truly satisfying. This was the first time Yu Xian felt so full.


Da Ai Peak was closed for a full half month.

This was a rare occasion for Yu Xian to go all out.

Moon Ji, as a Nascent Soul cultivator, was two small realms higher in cultivation level than him. Even if he exerted all his strength, he didn't have to worry about hurting her.

On the contrary, he was the one who was exhausted.

But with such diligent cultivation, he gained a lot. When converted into cultivation points, he had over a million.

For half a month, he spent most of his time digesting these gains.

Their actual cultivation only occupied a small portion of the time.

For normal cultivators, a million cultivation points were enough to break through a small realm bottleneck.

But for Yu Xian, he enjoyed the moment of pleasure more.

A million cultivation points were just eight or nine Heavenly Dao spiritual energies.

To make him give up sleeping with Moon Ji for several decades or even a hundred years for just this amount of cultivation points, that was a joke.

"Come back with me to the True Monarch Mansion of Da Ai."

On a cloud that resembled a pink cotton candy, Yu Xian held Moon Jiuyu's smooth and tight body and said so.

Moon Jiuyu, who had just experienced the world, became even more beautiful, especially the charm between her eyebrows, which added another layer to her charm.

Upon hearing this, she sat up from Yu Xian's embrace, her three thousand strands of black hair brushing against his chest. She walked barefoot down the cloud and dressed herself in a plain white dress.

"No need," Moon Jiuyu looked at the familiar plants and trees on the peak of Da'ai Mountain and said, "I want to build a house here."

Yu Xian remained silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright, as long as you like it."

He did not distort Moon Jiuyu's thoughts, so she still followed her own will and did not compromise herself because of their romantic relationship.

He had never hidden from Moon Jiuyu about the other women in the True Monarch's mansion.

And Moon Jiuyu seemed to have never mentioned or cared about it.

But when he tried to establish a harmonious harem, Moon Jiuyu decisively refused.

Building another house was her attitude.

She wouldn't let him abandon those fellow cultivators, but she couldn't sit peacefully with other women and call them sisters either.

She was the True Monarch of September, and she had her own pride.

At this moment, Moon Jiuyu turned around and stared at Yu Xian with a strong tone, saying, "Da'ai Mountain can only belong to you and me. No one else is allowed to come up."

Yu Xian smiled helplessly and said, "Alright, I'll follow your lead."

Good fortune is not so easy to enjoy.

Just like Chen Yi back then, even though she knew what kind of person he was, she still wanted to forcefully change his will.

So Moon Jiuyu was considered good, and he admired her independence.

Of course, it was limited independence.


In this way, Yu Xian began his life of odd and even numbers.

On the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth days, he stayed in the True Monarch's mansion and easily overwhelmed the others, relying on his strength.

On the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth days, he stayed on Da'ai Mountain and had a fair competition with Moon Jiuyu.

Time passed by gently.

Ten years went by.

On this day.

On Da'ai Mountain.

Yu Xian and Moon Jiuyu, who had completely transformed into her own form, finished their cultivation.

They saw his body tremble slightly, breaking through a realm.

In front of their eyes, the green panel remained pleasing.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Mid Nascent Soul Stage (123/2.6e)]

[Partners: Yulan, Luo Han, Moon Jiuyu (3/4)]

"Tsk tsk, it really is 2.6 billion, equivalent to a hundred times the improvement of the Gold Core realm. Fortunately, it's not too difficult for me now," Yu Xian glanced at it and put away the panel.

During these ten years, with the title of Honorary Elder of the Profound Yang Sect, as well as relying on Moon Jiuyu's support and the enthusiastic support of many members, he successfully established branches of the Great Unity Society in the nine major cities.

At the same time, with the opening of the branches, the Great Love Project proceeded in an orderly manner, attracting countless investors who eagerly joined every year.

Of course, investors never considered themselves as such.

They were just adventurers seeking great rewards.

So now, Yu Xian could obtain an average of four to five million cultivation points per year solely from the land of Mingyue City.

And this number would steadily increase in the future.

In other words, the Great Unity Society now sponsored more than forty pseudo-Dan stage cultivators to successfully break through each year.

It seemed like a lot, but it really wasn't.

In the past, the city of Wangshu, which was eight hundred miles away, could provide him with ten or so pseudo-Dan stage cultivators' resources each year.

And Mingyue City spanned three thousand miles, more than ten times the size of the entire Wangshu City.

Now, even with a fourfold increase, it was already Yu Xian's best effort to pursue a balanced income and expenditure.

Yu Xian's goal was to build a long-lasting enterprise, not to make a quick profit and leave.

Those unlucky ones who invested in the Great Unity Society in the first batch but were never chosen could now withdraw their spiritual stones.

This was a new measure implemented by Yu Xian after he had surplus funds.

Any cultivator who had enough spiritual stones stored in the Great Unity Society for twenty years could withdraw their spiritual stones with the deposit certificate from that year.

Only about half of the deposit cultivators among them have already passed away, and only less than half of the cultivators who can personally come to collect the spirit stones.

After all, it has been nearly forty years since the Dàtóng Association was established in the Wàngshū Mansion. Those old cultivators who were already close to their limit couldn't wait for such a long time.

Moreover, the path of cultivation is extremely dangerous.

Cultivators who dare to store spirit stones in the Dàtóng Association already possess a certain adventurous spirit. It is impossible for them to obediently wait for the association's lottery.

Therefore, their mortality rate is much higher than that of ordinary cultivators.

However, with just this new measure, the fundraising speed of the struggling Dà'ài Project has started to surpass that of the Hòuxīang Project.

The reason why the Dàtóng Association can make a profit is not due to the power of the Dàobīng Legion.

The Dàobīng Legion is indeed powerful, but it is ultimately a strategic weapon that not many people can afford. Most of the time, it serves as a deterrent.

In fact, because Yu Xian increases the number of Dàobīng every year, the Dàobīng Legion has been operating at a small loss.

The Dàobīng Legion is also a formation that needs to be maintained every year.

The more Dàobīng there are, the higher the maintenance cost.

Moreover, Yu Xian has also added a new rule to the Dàobīng Legion, greatly reducing its income.

That is, although the Dàobīng Legion of the Dàtóng Association can be hired, they cannot easily intervene in local conflicts, let alone take the initiative to destroy local forces. They can only defend passively.

In other words, others can hire the Dàobīng Legion to help defend their homes, but they cannot hire the Dàobīng Legion to wipe out other factions.

Otherwise, if the Dàobīng Legion is mobilized at every opportunity and wipes out a clan in one fell swoop, it will cause panic among the people, and how can they continue to farm and pay taxes properly in the area?

With the reduction in local agricultural taxes, the tax revenue handed over by various prefectures will be insufficient, and it will be his current wife who will suffer.

As the Lord of the Míngyuè Heavenly City, Jiǔyuè True Monarch also has assessment tasks.

That is to hand over the tax revenue to the sect every year.

If the assessment does not pass for consecutive years, even though Jiǔyuè is now a Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator, the Profound Yang Sect still has the power to remove her as the Lord of the Heavenly City and select someone capable.

Therefore, Yu Xian cares more about her position than Jiǔyuè.

Without official cooperation, how could his Dàtóng Association develop so smoothly?

Moreover, the main source of profit for the Dàtóng Association now comes from cooperation with the government.

For example, various exclusive licenses and government lending projects.

The former provides job security for the professional cultivators of the Dàtóng Association to ensure that they can repay their debts smoothly.

The latter allows the funds accumulated by the Dà'ài Project and the Hòuxīang Project to truly circulate.

Previously, local lending was mostly limited to private lending.

For example, if a certain cultivator wants to purchase a breakthrough pill, they would have to sell their own property, often facing price suppression, even the former Chu Mansion Lord was no exception.

But now, with Mingyue Tiancheng as the official guarantee, this cultivator can use their property as collateral in the Great Unity Meeting and obtain a loan without interest.

They only need to repay it within the specified time, and no interest will be generated.

But once the deadline is exceeded, interest will start to accrue, although not high, only ten percent per year.

It is precisely this seemingly inconspicuous lending business that turns the idle funds of the Great Unity Meeting into a golden goose.

This is also the banking business that Yu Xian envisioned from the beginning.

But due to insufficient strength, there has never been an opportunity to implement it.

Now that his Daoist Army Legion has been on the rise, the foundation of the Great Unity Meeting has steadily improved, and there is also the Lord of Mingyue Tiancheng, a Nascent Soul cultivator, as a backer.

It can be said that they have both black and white under their control.

While others dare not guarantee, the words spoken by Yu Xian still carry a certain amount of power within the three thousand miles of Mingyue Tiancheng.

The most important thing is that the funds of the Great Unity Meeting have always been opaque, and after being dispersed to the nine major prefectural cities, they are even less noticeable.

Others only think that having several hundred million spirit stones in the account of the Great Unity Meeting is already impressive, but they don't know how terrifying of a cash monster it is.

In addition to the well-known Great Love Project, which spends a large amount of spirit stones every year to support cultivators' breakthroughs, the funds of the local branches are pitifully small.

This amount of spirit stones is not enough to make other Nascent Soul cultivators take the risk of offending the Great Unity Meeting and the True Monarchs of September to take on a part-time job as a Rogue Cultivator.

Naturally, the tragedy of the True Monarch Wan You from back then will not be repeated.

That True Monarch Wan You thought he had a wide circle of friends and strong strength, so he actually announced his savings, which naturally attracted disaster.

Having learned this lesson, Yu Xian is very cautious in this regard.

The amount of money the Great Unity Meeting has received from these two projects has always been kept secret.

Instead, they spend a lot of effort every year to publicize their expenditures, and take the opportunity to cry about poverty in public and discuss the ideals of the Great Unity Meeting.

It is said that the reputation of the Great Love True Monarch as a scapegoat elsewhere is even louder than that of the Great Unity Meeting.

Many people still think that the Great Love True Monarch himself subsidizes the operation of the Great Love Project with spirit stones every year, so they admire him on the surface but curse him in private.

"Although it has only been ten years, most of the debt-ridden cultivators have not reached the point of insolvency, but sooner or later, the entire Spirit Field of Mingyue Tiancheng will be mine.

Then I will truly become the provider of the means of production."

Yu Xian is very optimistic about the lending project of the Great Unity Meeting.

This is different from supporting cultivators' breakthroughs.

For these fake pill cultivators, in the increasingly fierce competition today, the hope of repaying their debts is extremely slim, and their ultimate fate will only be to become the thugs of the Great Unity Meeting.

So this capital is pure investment.

But private lending is different, all of them are backed by industries, and most of these industries are Spirit Fields, mines, and the like.

As for shops, Law Treasures and similar items have very low mortgage value, and most cultivators would not choose to use them as collateral.

So once the debt is not repaid, the Datong Society has the power to reclaim and auction off the industries.

As for others resisting violently.

This is when the Daoist Army Corps comes into action. They are supported by annual losses, just to bully people at critical moments.

Anyway, no matter where this matter goes, the Datong Society is in the right.

To owe a debt and repay it is only natural.

Of course, if the interest is repaid on time, the Datong Society will not suffer losses.

A yearly return rate of ten percent is explosive in any financial investment.

"Thriving and promising for the future."

Yu Xian lay satisfied on Yue Jiuyue's thigh, feeling that her future was bright.

Yue Jiuyue, on the other hand, looked incredulous.

"Just now, you... made a breakthrough?"

As someone who had just had intimate contact with Yu Xian, no one could perceive Yu Xian's breakthrough process more clearly than her.

It was smooth and fast, almost catching her off guard.

"How long have you been cultivating?"

Yu Xian turned her head, looked into Yue Jiuyue's eyes, and sincerely said,

"I have to thank you for your help, which gave me the opportunity to practice the Dao of Datong. This is the reason why my cultivation has advanced so rapidly.

You are the greatest contributor."

Yue Jiuyue was stunned for a moment before smiling bitterly,

"In the past, I took a different path, cultivating the Yin and Yang Dao. It took me a hundred years to break through to the mid-Nascent Soul stage, and I stayed in the mid-Nascent Soul stage for hundreds of years.

Now, you have broken through to the mid-Nascent Soul stage in less than thirty years.

It turns out that you are the true genius."

Her expression was somewhat complicated, but more of it was happiness.

With the help of the Ghost Lady, she had a certain chance of advancing to the Soul Formation Realm, but she would have to face a battle with the Ghost Lady when the time came.

However, she had experienced numerous battles and tribulations in her cultivation journey, and she believed that if there was only one person who could survive in the end, it would be herself.

If she didn't even have this confidence, she wouldn't have reached her current state of cultivation.

So she had been quite worried.

Once she truly broke through to the Soul Formation stage, would Yu Xian still be able to accompany her?

How long could pure love last?

But now, she realized that she might be the one left behind in the end.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian sat up straight and looked Yue Jiuyue in the eye, saying, "So you have to promise me to break through later, to give me a chance to help you.

That is the meaning of my efforts in cultivation and breakthrough."

Even though they had been a married couple for ten years, Yue Jiuyue still couldn't resist the intense and direct affection from Yu Xian.

"You're doing this for me..."

Yue Jiuyue turned her head slightly and whispered,

"You know?"

Yu Xian snorted coldly, "I'm not a fool. The Lord of Tiancheng has been accompanying me, an unknown person, in a place with scarce spiritual energy for ten years.

I guess it won't be long before you leave me without saying a word. You will work hard for your Soul Formation and your dreams.

But have you ever thought about me?

I just got you, and you want me to lose you?"

Yue Jiuyue lacked confidence as she said, "I'm not not coming back, and you can come back with me.

You also said that once you have had something, it becomes a lifelong memory."

Yu Xian naturally said, "So now I'm changing my mind.

I won't oppose your dream, but please remember.

You are not alone now, I am your husband, your partner, and the person closest to you.

So no matter what you want to do, please let me know.

You still have me, and I can help you. You are not fighting alone."

Yue Jiuyue remained silent for a long time, with indescribable emotions surging in her heart.

Until Yu Xian lifted her legs.


But her resistance was too weak. (End of this chapter)

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