Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

276. Chapter 274 Spirit Rice Pill, Manual Money Printing Machine

Chapter 274: Spirit Rice Pill, Manual Money Printing Machine

The flowers on Da Ai Peak bloomed and withered again.

Yue Jiu left and returned again.

She had once said to herself that she would accompany Yu Xian for ten years before returning to Mingyue Tiancheng to seclude herself and break through the Soul Formation Realm, thus fulfilling her feelings.

Love and affection were ultimately trivial matters to her, how could they compare to her five hundred years of persistence?

She was Yue Jiu, the True Monarch of September, the ruler of Mingyue Tiancheng, the master of these three thousand miles of rivers and mountains!

How could her life depend on a man?

But she found herself wrong.

She couldn't resist the tenderness of this man.

Sometimes, she felt like her first half of life was a dream. It seemed like her lonely soul had been waiting for this man to appear.

She forgot about her identity, forgot about the Great Dao she still had to pursue.

Or perhaps, at this moment, she had found something more important than cultivation, something more important than the Great Dao.

"You are truly terrifying."

Yue Jiu had said this to Yu Xian more than once after the passion had subsided.

Every time, Yu Xian would laugh heartily and give her the most powerful response, and then she would forget everything, feeling like she was flying.

She knew it was not good, but she couldn't stop herself.

She also knew that if the Ghost Consort appeared again, she would definitely lose. She had become even more powerful, but her mind had become more fragile.

The flaws in her Dao heart were getting bigger and bigger.

But she didn't care.

If she could spend hundreds of years with Yu Xian like this, take another glimpse of the scenery of the Soul Formation Realm before her time came, it seemed like there would be no regrets for her.

Winning or losing didn't matter anymore.

Under the constant influence of Yu Xian, she had changed herself, willingly indulging in love.

No one would have thought that the esteemed True Monarch of September would fly thousands of miles every once in a while, just to meet her lover.

Of course, for a Nascent Soul cultivator, a distance of one or two thousand miles would take less than half an hour.

It took longer to stroll through a city.

So Yue Jiu left Da Ai Peak, but she didn't completely leave.

Yu Xian was like a demon playing with people's hearts. He sent away Yue Jiu, but left her heart, tempting her to return and find him.

But it had to be said, it was quite exciting.

This occasional meeting pattern made Yu Xian feel like he was having an affair, making cultivation even more interesting.


In the 5,765th year of the Jiuyang Calendar, on the fourth day of the fourth month.

Yue Jiu had been in Da Ai City for twenty-three years, and it was the thirteenth year since she and Yu Xian had confirmed their relationship.

On this day.

Yue Jiu descended gracefully from the clouds, like a fairy coming to the mortal world. Her feet lightly touched the ground, her skirt fluttering, and a faint fragrance filled the air.

On the peak of the mountain, in front of the love nest of the True Monarch of September, Yu Xian, a cauldron gently swayed. The cauldron was enveloped in a green flame, and strands of pill energy escaped through the cracks.

Above the cauldron, a group of small birds the size of palms chased after the pill energy.

Yue Jiu didn't disturb Yu Xian, she just stood quietly on the side, waiting.

After about half an hour.

As Yu Xian manipulated his fingers, the cauldron began to shake violently, the lid flew off, and layers of white light spots scattered like stars.


With a gentle touch from Yu Xian, a jade gourd floated in mid-air, with its mouth upside down. The white light spots disappeared, revealing numerous grayish-white pills the size of mung beans, floating in the air, and were collected into the jade gourd.

There were over a thousand of them.

"Not bad, not bad."

Yu Xian nodded in satisfaction.

"It's not in vain that I specially used this newly acquired Qingmu Linghuo to refine pills. The success rate has indeed greatly increased."

Qingmu Linghuo is a wood-type spiritual fire that has the effect of promoting the vitality of plants. It has a good bonus for refining herbal pills.

Although Yu Xian hasn't spent much time studying alchemy, as a Nascent Soul True Monarch with a foundation as a Rank Two alchemist in the past, it didn't take long for him to successfully become a Rank Three alchemist.

But that's about it.

To become a Rank Four alchemist, not only does one need extraordinary talent, but also needs to put in a lot of effort.

Otherwise, one can only rely on time and waste a lot of materials.

However, Yue Ji looked confused.

"Husband, I see that the grade of your pill is not particularly high. Why are you so happy?"

Yu Xian smiled proudly and threw a jade gourd over.

"This is a new pill formula that I have researched for a long time. You will understand once you taste it."

Yue Ji poured out a pill and took it, savoring it carefully, but still didn't understand its significance.

"This pill is just an ordinary Qi-boosting pill, it seems to be a low-grade Rank One pill. What's so special about it?"

Yu Xian said, "This pill is my improved version of the Spirit Rice pill. It is made from low-grade Spirit Rice and some common non-grade spiritual herbs found in the fields."

"This pill is easy to refine, takes less time, and has a large yield. It can be easily refined by alchemists of the same rank."

"And the Spirit Rice pill is easy to store, it can be preserved for hundreds of years with just a common jade pill bottle."

"Most importantly, this pill contains very little pill toxicity. Even if cultivators take a large amount, they don't need to worry about pill toxicity."

"What do you think?"

Yue Ji shook her head, still puzzled.

"Husband, you are becoming more and more good at playing riddles. I still don't see anything special about this pill. How can a mere Rank One pill make you value it so much?"

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Little Yue, do you think if I use this pill to exchange for spiritual stones with cultivators, would they agree?"

"Most likely they would agree. Spiritual stones are used for cultivation by cultivators. If this Spirit Rice pill can be taken in large quantities, it might even be better than using spiritual stones for cultivation."

"Husband, are you planning to do business with this Spirit Rice pill?"

"But for Foundation Building cultivators, Rank One pills don't have much effect. They can barely accept a large amount, but the price should not exceed the amount they would spend on using spiritual stones, otherwise they won't buy it."

"So the main market for this Spirit Rice pill can only be Qi Refining cultivators and ordinary people who work hard."

Yu Xian said, "I didn't say that the Spirit Rice pill can only be made from low-grade Spirit Rice. If it is made from middle-grade Spirit Rice, high-grade Spirit Rice, or even supreme-grade Spirit Rice, it will have a certain effect even for Gold Core cultivators."

"Of course, the main ones I sell are still the low-grade Spirit Rice pills."

"I plan to use the Spirit Rice pill instead of spiritual stones to pay the low-level cultivators of the Great Unity Society."

"How do you want to do it, husband? Although I don't understand, if you need my help, just tell me."

Yue Ji smiled and said.

"I won't be polite."

Yu Xian had a look of someone who would take advantage of others, but in his heart, he was full of emotion.

After all, Yue Ji is not a professional, so she doesn't know the horror of controlling the power to print money.

Once the Spirit Rice pill is implemented within the Great Unity Society, it will eventually become popular in the areas controlled by the Great Unity Society.

By then, he won't have to worry about not having enough spiritual stones.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for the large amount of spiritual stones and cash earned by the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce over the years, as well as the large amount of Spirit Fields and mines acquired from bankrupt debtors, causing a downward trend in cash, he probably wouldn't have set his sights on the Spirit Rice piled up in the warehouse.

Spirit Rice is known as the spiritual stone mine grown in the ground, and in some places, it can even be used as currency instead of spiritual stones for trading.

But Spirit Rice is not easy to carry, and there are storage costs, so it is far less convenient than spiritual stones.

So if the Great Unity Society doesn't do something soon, although the assets are growing in name, the cash will become less and less, and the ability to withstand risks will decrease.

After much thought, Yu Xian decided to start from the source.

Since there is a shortage of spiritual stones, he will dig more spiritual stones on one side and make his own spiritual stones on the other side.

This Spirit Rice pill is the spiritual stone mine he has researched.

The cost of one Spirit Rice pill is about one-tenth of a spiritual stone, but its effect is equivalent to one-third of a spiritual stone's cultivation effect.

For cultivators below the Foundation Building stage, the cultivation effect of using Spirit Rice pills is significantly better than that of spirit stones.

And he only needs to price one Spirit Rice pill as one-fourth of a spirit stone, which is enough to make most low-level cultivators accept the existence of Spirit Rice pills.

By doing this, he can continuously turn the Spirit Rice in the Datong Society's warehouse into pills, turning each acre of Spirit Field that belongs to the Datong Society into a spirit stone mine.

Just to research this pill formula, he has consumed more than ten strands of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy.

But it's all worth it.

This is not just an ordinary pill formula, but also a money-printing machine in the Immortal Cultivation World, and also the living Bodhisattva of the Immortal Cultivation World.

Only a kind-hearted and benevolent person like him would sincerely research such affordable and practical pill formulas for low-level cultivators.

Those so-called alchemy masters and grandmasters only think about how to refine higher-level pills and break through higher realms. They would never lower their heads and bend their bodies to look at the weeds in the fields and study them.

"Damn it, it's a pity that there is no concept of merit in this world. Otherwise, just by researching this pill formula today, I should have become an immortal through merit."

Yu Xian put away the pill furnace with a sense of satisfaction. Fortunately, he didn't have a beard, otherwise he would have to stroke it for a while.

Although his original intention was to make money, as a low-level tenant farmer who used to earn no more than three spirit stones a year, he knew very well what it meant for ordinary cultivators to save one-twelfth of a spirit stone with one Spirit Rice pill.

That could mean an extra hope for cultivation for a family.

Yue Ji noticed that Yu Xian was very happy, but she didn't know why he was happy. She just wanted to accompany him and laugh together.

After laughing, Yue Ji thought of something and said to Yu Xian,

"Husband, I have something to discuss with you."

Yu Xian, in a good mood, asked, "What is it?"

Yue Ji said, "Yesterday, I received a message from the Sect Master True Monarch, and he wants me to go back."

"Of course you have to go back. You are a member of the Profound Yang Sect. If the Sect Master True Monarch summons you, there is no reason not to go back."

Yu Xian remembered that besides Yue Ji, the great cultivator, the secret care from the Profound Yang Sect's True Monarch was also very important for him to be so successful all these years.

Otherwise, with all the trouble he caused, the Profound Yang Sect, not being fools, would have sent someone to investigate and inquire long ago, but he had always been safe.

It was probably the effort of that quasi-master.

As for Yue Ji, since he heard about her relationships within the Profound Yang Sect, he didn't expect to rely on this wife to establish connections within the Profound Yang Sect's circle.

Yue Ji smiled bitterly, "Husband, you don't know. Our Sect Master True Monarch has been in seclusion all these years, planning to break through the Soul Formation Realm. This sudden summons is probably because his breakthrough date is approaching."

"If he succeeds in breaking through, that's good. But if he fails, then my return this time will be getting involved in the disputes of the sect."

Yu Xian looked surprised, "Why didn't you mention this to me before?"

Although he had already heard it from Yue Ji, he couldn't admit it face to face.

Yue Ji said, "This is the Sect Master True Monarch's private matter. How can I casually spread it around? But this time, the Sect Master True Monarch took the initiative to send a message, so it must be impossible to hide it. Otherwise, with his temperament, he probably wouldn't have bothered me."

As she spoke, she voluntarily revealed the story of the entanglement between the Profound Yang True Monarch and her master.

There was no longer much meaning in hiding these things.

Although Yu Xian already knew that the Profound Yang True Monarch was his quasi-master, the bits and pieces he heard from Yue Ji were not as clear as what the person involved said.

After listening to this story of a woman who had a mountain of gold and a story of a dead white moonlight, he inexplicably felt a sense of camaraderie with the Profound Yang True Monarch.

In terms of age, Yue Ji was four hundred years older than him.

Unfortunately, the Profound Yang True Monarch ultimately chose his own Great Dao.

No one understood the destructive power of white moonlight better than him, especially the white moonlight that had died.

It should be noted that even at the age of twenty-eight, the white moonlight couldn't defeat himself at the age of eighteen. That was the most beautiful dream of a young man.

The Profound Yang True Monarch was nearing a breakthrough and suddenly started taking care of Yue Ji. Obviously, there was a flaw in his heart.

Letting Yue Ji return to the sect was most likely to make up for this flaw.

In a sense, Yue Ji was the continuation of her master.

Yu Xian fell into deep thought.

There was a ninety-eight percent chance that Yue Ji returning to the sect was the Profound Yang True Monarch's way of compensating her.

This actually fit a man's psychology. When he feels guilty towards his ex-girlfriend, he will treat the children left behind by his ex-girlfriend even better, and even take care of the parents of his ex-girlfriend.

Because he felt it was his responsibility.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Xuan Yang True Monarch has gone to extremes, cutting off all attachments and proving the Great Dao.

However, for a cultivator from a prestigious family, this possibility is very small. Moreover, Yue Jiu is not a weak woman without any power.

She received the gift from the Ghost Consort, and even though she recently broke through to the Nascent Soul Late Stage, and has been playing around with him for many years without much cultivation, her foundation is too solid. Among the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivators, she is definitely not weak.

Why would Xuan Yang True Monarch, who is about to break through, do something that harms his own vitality?


Yu Xian looked at Yue Jiu and said, "What do you think?"

Yue Jiu paused and said, "I have no intention of getting involved in the disputes within the sect, but I want to go see Xuan Yang True Monarch.

Regardless of anything, he took care of me many years ago, and these years I actually know that if he hadn't spoken up for me behind the scenes, I wouldn't have been able to sit so securely as the Lord of Tiancheng."

She's not a fool.

Based on her foundation within the sect, the position of the Lord of Tiancheng is not something she can secure no matter how many special tasks she completes.

People who only work and don't speak generally don't fare well.

But she is an exception.

So someone must have spoken for her.

This is also the reason why she was willing to go see Xuan Yang True Monarch before. It's not just for Yu Xian's sake, but also to give herself a way out.

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Then let's go."

After a pause, he added, "I'll accompany you."


Yue Jiu's eyes lit up.

If she had Yu Xian accompanying her on this trip, she would feel like she had support and a way out. Even if there were hidden currents within the sect, they wouldn't be able to shake her even a bit.

And she knows very well that Yu Xian doesn't like to move around, and he's not even willing to accompany her back to Tiancheng.

But this time, he's willing to make a change for her, and she feels somewhat touched.

"I have never gone back on a promise."

Yu Xian sighed helplessly and said, "And I'm afraid that you will offend people with your words. In the future, you might become the True Monarch in charge, so you should unite the upper and lower levels."

Yue Jiu stared at Yu Xian for a while before hesitating, "Are you accompanying me back to the sect because you really want to push me to the top?"

"I'm telling you, I can't become the True Monarch in charge."

Yu Xian shrugged and said, "Whether you can or not depends on Xuan Yang True Monarch's intentions. But rest assured, even if you want to become me right now, I won't let you. Otherwise, with just the two of us, how can we withstand the dozens of True Monarchs in the Profound Yang Sect?"

But in a few decades, it might be a different story.

Yue Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you know."

When they were having fun together, Yu Xian often talked to her about their future plans.

He even said that he wanted to push her to the top and become the True Monarch in charge, and then he would be the husband of the True Monarch, above everyone else, and then they could try out different positions.

She was really afraid that Yu Xian would act foolishly when he got too excited.

The key is that she can't be sure if she would follow him foolishly.

Her resistance to this man in front of her is getting weaker and weaker.

"By the way, you'll have to wait for me for a few days. After I arrange the matter with the Spirit Rice Pill, I'll accompany you back to the sect."

Yu Xian shook the jade gourd in his hand.

Yue Jiu nodded and said, "No rush, the time given by the True Monarch in charge is sufficient."

"That's good, it seems the risk is even lower."


"Nothing, why do I feel like you've become more beautiful again? Come here, let your husband examine you carefully."

"Don't be silly, it tickles..."

(End of this chapter)

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