Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

279. Chapter 277 Meeting Xuanyang, The Secret Of Dao Body (83K 600, 800 Monthly Votes Plus More Upda

Chapter 277: Meeting Xuan Yang, the Secret of the Dao Body (8.3k Six Hundred, Eight Hundred Monthly Votes Plus More)


With a crisp sound, Yu Xian bit open a hundred demon fruit that resembled a bull.

Crimson juice flowed from the corners of his mouth, resembling fresh blood, giving off a hint of a bloody smell even in his mouth.

However, the taste was not nauseating. Instead, it carried a hint of sweetness, combining with the bloody smell to create a unique flavor.

"Although it is a Supreme Grade spiritual fruit, its effect is only marginal for Nascent Soul cultivators. Unless you eat it for several hundred or even thousands of years, you may see more obvious benefits.

Why would True Monarch Dari risk planting it on Mingyue Peak?

Although Supreme Grade spiritual fruits require a high growth environment, a Rank Four spiritual vein is enough to meet their growth needs, even with some surplus. Planting them on Mingyue Peak can only accelerate the growth lifespan of the demon fruit.

Merely satisfying one's appetite is not enough to explain it."

After a day of hard work, Yu Xian tasted the fresh demon fruit and felt puzzled.

The biggest risk True Monarch Dari faced yesterday was not infiltrating Fufeng to steal fruit trees or the revenge of a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator.

It was that he had a way to enter other floating peaks.

However, this issue was deliberately downplayed by the two of them.

They had completely torn their faces with True Monarch Dari, which was of no benefit to them. It only added a strong opponent, an act that was harmful and had no benefits.

But just because the parties involved didn't pursue it didn't mean that others didn't care.

When Yue Jiu discovered someone infiltrating Mingyue Peak to steal demon fruits, he asked Yue Jiu about the formation of the floating peaks.

Yue Jiu said that the floating peaks were nodes of the ancestral protection formation, and all formations were part of the ancestral protection formation.

In theory, besides the owner of the floating peak, only the Sect Master True Monarch had temporary authority to control the formation during battles.

Under normal circumstances, the Sect Master True Monarch would not easily use this authority.

Therefore, almost everyone believed that the floating peaks were private territories, sacred and inviolable.

But True Monarch Dari broke this perception.

Since True Monarch Dari could infiltrate Mingyue Peak, he could one day infiltrate other floating peaks.

Without this premise, other True Monarchs would just watch the show.

But with this premise, it involved the self-interest of other True Monarchs. This was also the reason why True Monarch Dari knew he couldn't gain anything and chose to retreat decisively.

If things continued, his opponent would not be just a September True Monarch, but he would have to give an explanation to all the True Monarchs in the sect.

Of course, the hidden dangers had already been left behind.

Even if other True Monarchs didn't pursue it openly, they would definitely investigate secretly, and they would also have some fear and rejection towards Dari Peak.

In summary, True Monarch Dari planting fruit trees on Mingyue Peak was a big mistake.

"Forget it, forget it. There is too little information, and it's useless to think too much. Anyway, I won't stay in the Profound Yang Sect for long.

This time, I just came to gather information on the ground and observe more and speak less.

When Xuan Yang True Monarch's breakthrough journey is over, I will return to my one-acre three-point land and focus on farming and development.

Conspiracies and tricks are useful, but ultimately, strength is king."

Yu Xian's headache grew as he thought about it.

With just a little contact, he wanted to deduce the truth of the incident, but he didn't have the brain for it.

So he decided to relax and let things be.

Yu Xian's mood suddenly relaxed, and his appetite improved a lot. He even ate several demon fruits, enjoying the delicious taste.


On the third day of accompanying Yue Jiu back to the Profound Yang Sect, Xuan Yang True Monarch issued an order to summon Yue Jiu for a meeting, specifically naming Yu Xian to accompany him.

Pure Yang Peak.

Yu Xian had just stepped in and felt a sudden shortness of breath, as an indescribable pressure filled his heart.

In the next moment, some chaotic and dark thoughts in his mind dissipated like a gentle spring rain, disappearing without a trace.

"The power to influence the natural world with one's own strength is somewhat similar to the realm of Great Love Law, but it doesn't target individual will and thoughts like the realm of Great Love Law does. It's just an unconscious influence.

Moreover, this power mostly affects this world.

If one stays here for a long time, they might become completely sincere, without any distractions, which would be very beneficial for cultivation.

No wonder there is an ancient saying that says, 'The mountain is not high, but there are immortals residing there.' Those who have truly attained the Dao can influence the world and turn poor mountains and evil waters into blessed lands like Grotto-Heaven.

It's like becoming a bit of a land immortal, able to turn stones into gold."

As Yu Xian's thoughts turned, he felt a slight awe towards the Xuan Yang True Monarch who had not yet revealed his face.

This was respect for his strength.

Although Xuan Yang True Monarch had not yet reached Soul Formation, he was probably not far from it.

He glanced at Yue Jiu, who was walking beside him, and his eyes immediately softened.

This was a good wife who brought prosperity to her husband. Since meeting Yue Jiu, his development had been getting better and better.

If Xuan Yang True Monarch really broke through, it would be equivalent to clearing all the obstacles before Soul Formation for him, turning it from a slightly difficult mode into an easy mode.

He didn't need Xuan Yang True Monarch to help him with anything. He just needed to borrow his name to make sure no one dared to provoke him, and he would secure his Soul Formation.

Although the two of them were walking instead of flying to show respect, they covered several hundred meters in just a few steps.

Soon, they saw a handsome young man standing under a golden crystal jade tree that was about ten meters tall.

It was the young version of Xuan Yang True Monarch.

He was facing them with a smile on his face, like the sun in winter, radiating warm and gentle light, but also appearing distant and unfathomable.

For a moment, Yu Xian felt a bit ashamed.

Compared to the traditional protagonist-like Xuan Yang True Monarch, he lacked a bit of grandeur and magnanimity, but had a bit more cold calculation.

Coupled with the difference in their strengths, Xuan Yang True Monarch's temperament completely overwhelmed him.

"However, even Xuan Yang True Monarch, who is close to Soul Formation, couldn't detect my Heaven-Defying Technique. From this perspective, I haven't completely lost."

Yu Xian was always lenient with himself and strict with others.

So he quickly regained his confidence and became optimistic.

"I wonder why the Sect Master True Monarch has summoned me?"

Yue Jiu, as direct as ever, even sounded a bit offensive in her tone.

But Xuan Yang True Monarch didn't mind. Instead, he seemed somewhat delighted.

"I have nothing to do, so I invited you to have a heart-to-heart talk with me."

"What does the Sect Master want to talk to me about?"

Yue Jiu replied expressionlessly.

Xuan Yang True Monarch fell silent for a moment before sighing and saying,

"In my life, except for a few hardships during my youth, when I suffered from the Nine Yang Vein, the rest of the time has been extremely smooth, as if blessed by the heavens.

Until this moment, when Soul Formation is within reach for me, I suddenly feel great terror and calamity in my heart.

It seems that if I dare to take another step forward, it would be ten deaths without life.

So I stopped and spent a long time thinking on this Pure Yang Peak alone."

"Do you know what I was thinking?"

Upon hearing this, Yue Jiu's expression softened. She sensed the hesitation, fear, and even some regret in Xuan Yang True Monarch's heart at this moment.

These were emotions that had never appeared in Xuan Yang True Monarch before.

In her impression, Xuan Yang True Monarch had always been confident and composed, as if nothing in the world could trouble him.

Who would believe that a Qi Refining cultivator who has just started would dare to say that he wants to marry a Nascent Soul True Monarch?

What's even more unbelievable is that he almost succeeded in the end.

The reason why he didn't succeed was only because he gave up at the last moment.

The True Monarch of Xuan Yang will only have regrets, not regrets.

"What do you want to say? My master has been dead for almost four hundred years. If you want to regret, it's too late to say these words now."

A burst of anger surged in Yue Jiu's heart.

How could the True Monarch of Xuan Yang regret, and how could he be like a coward, grieving over lost love?

He should always hold his head high, never admit defeat, even if he is wrong, he will continue firmly!

She would rather see the True Monarch of Xuan Yang as a heartless person than see him in his current indecisive state.

"Yes, it's too late."

The True Monarch of Xuan Yang restrained all emotions, with no sadness or joy on his face, nodded slightly, and said in a tone that it had nothing to do with him:

"But in the end, I still want to do something. So I called you back.

If I really fail to break through, if I really die, what should I do before that? What else can I do?"

"Is it to give you power, to pass on the position of the True Monarch to you? Or to give you resources, to make your cultivation path smoother?

You are the only disciple of your master, the only trace left by your master in this world. To make up for you is to make up for your master."

"But is it useful to do so? Once lost, it is lost. No matter how much you do, you cannot recover, cannot make up for it.

So-called making up is just self-deception."

The eyes of the True Monarch of Xuan Yang suddenly brightened, and his spirit soared with it, sweeping away all the gloom, shining like the sun.

"But I will still give you my most precious gift, not for your master, not for you, just to leave my last mark for myself."

"If I fail, I hope someone can uphold my will and continue on the path of Soul Formation.

And you, are my best successor."

With a wave of his hand, a crystal ball the size of a fist appeared out of thin air and flew in front of Yue Jiu.

"Inside is my lifelong insights."

"Originally, I didn't plan to give these to you. Although your aptitude is good, your character defects are too serious.

Seemingly cold and heartless, but actually stubborn and sentimental, prone to extremes.

But after seeing you with this Fellow Daoist Bai, I realized that you have changed, the sharp edges in your heart have melted."

"Do you not have any confidence?"

Yue Jiu's eyes were somewhat complicated.

The True Monarch of Xuan Yang spread his hands, somewhat helpless, but his words revealed a few traces of magnanimity.

"Yes, otherwise why would I be so melancholic? Just thinking that I will no longer have a chance in this beautiful world makes me feel that life is full of darkness.

My life has been too smooth, never regretted, so I dared to break through the Soul Formation Realm in one go, thinking that heaven would once again show mercy to me.

But when I have no confidence at all, I am even more prone to frustration and disappointment than ordinary people.

Fortunately, my life is neither long nor short. I was sad and sad for a while, and then it passed."

Seeing the calm appearance of the True Monarch of Xuan Yang facing death, Yue Jiu couldn't help but advise:

"Knowing that you will die, do you have to sacrifice yourself? I don't think you are such a foolish person."

The True Monarch of Xuan Yang's face showed a trace of embarrassment, and he said helplessly:

"But I can't turn back now. I accidentally obtained a secret technique that allows me to break through the Soul Formation Realm by borrowing the power of Pure Yang Peak.

Now I have merged with Pure Yang Peak, and my power is constantly rising. I can no longer stop as I wish.

Even if I do nothing, I will still break through on my own.

By then, I may really have no confidence at all."

"Nowadays, at the very least, even if I die, I want to die looking handsome."

Yu Xian, who had been silently listening, said, "..."

True Monarch Xuan Yang invited Yue Jiu to attend his funeral, and the powerful aura he had just displayed shattered instantly.

However, Yu Xian couldn't help but feel deeply puzzled.

True Monarch Xuan Yang was already the strongest Nascent Soul cultivator he had encountered, and coupled with the cultivation environment of the Profound Yang Sect, which was not considered poor.

After all, the Profound Yang Sect was a Rank Five spiritual vein, theoretically sufficient for Soul Formation Venerable cultivation.

So, True Monarch Xuan Yang, who had grown up in such an environment, would definitely belong to the top tier among all Nascent Soul cultivators.

But even such a powerful cultivator was filled with such despair.

From this, it could be seen that he probably didn't even have a half-assured chance.

Could it be that the Soul Formation Realm was really so difficult to break through?

Damn it, the thigh that was within reach was unexpectedly broken by himself. He had to dig some pits on the road to give him a chance to cheat.

Yu Xian remained calm on the surface, but in his heart, he wondered if there was any way to salvage the situation.

After all, True Monarch Xuan Yang would be more useful to him alive than dead.

Just at this moment, True Monarch Xuan Yang's gaze turned towards Yu Xian.

"So, you're the man who melted the iceberg. I've been longing to meet you for a long time. If it weren't for Yue Er hiding so well, we would have met long ago."

Yu Xian regained his composure and coughed lightly, speaking neither humbly nor arrogantly,

"Great Master, your words are mistaken. Even if Yue Er is an iceberg, she doesn't need to melt to change herself. I merely planted flowers on the mountain, and naturally, she gained color."

The corners of Yue Jiu's mouth slightly curved upwards.

True Monarch Xuan Yang was momentarily stunned, then raised his thumb in admiration,

"Fellow Daoist Bai, after hearing your words, I understand the vastness of the world. You were able to pursue Yue Er, and it's not without reason. If I had half of your abilities back then, I wouldn't have been so entangled."

Yu Xian modestly replied, "Great Master, you flatter me. I merely spoke from my heart."

"Impressive! With you by Yue Er's side, even if I'm gone, I don't have to worry about her being bullied. She's the type of person who keeps her thoughts to herself. Otherwise, with her looks and charm, just a little bit of attention would guarantee a group of men surrounding her. I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of doing missions myself."

True Monarch Xuan Yang gestured with his fingers, expressing regret.

Yue Jiu was born with a good hand, but unfortunately played it poorly, leaving herself lonely and helpless.

Yu Xian looked at Yue Jiu affectionately and confessed,

"But what I like the most is her true self."

Yue Jiu's face slightly reddened.

She could be certain that this statement was true because Yu Xian had already proven it with his actions yesterday. He really liked her cold and aloof demeanor.

True Monarch Xuan Yang's expression seemed as if he had eaten several sour lemons and didn't feel like talking to Yu Xian anymore.

He had been paying attention to the situation on Mingyue Peak yesterday and knew that Yu Xian had a sharp tongue. Now, experiencing it up close, he finally understood that Yu Xian's ability to win over Yue Jiu was definitely genuine strength.

When he pursued True Monarch Mingyue back then, he relied purely on pestering and shamelessly persisting, never saying such romantic words.

"Alright, save those cheesy love words for the bedroom. Let me remind you, even I didn't know about the planting of the Hundred Demon Fruits on Mingyue Peak by True Monarch Dari.

It's most likely authorized by the Array Spirit. But the Array Spirit has always been in a deep sleep. True Monarch Dari must have used some special treasure or situation to awaken it."

I will most likely fail this breakthrough. After I fail, you should return to Mingyue Tiancheng and not come back to the sect.

Your cultivation has already reached the Nascent Soul Late Stage. As long as there is no Soul Formation Venerable in the sect and you haven't blatantly betrayed the sect, there is no need to worry too much about the sect openly dealing with you.

So there's no need to take on dangerous missions anymore.

Just focus on your own cultivation and with the assistance of Fellow Daoist Bai, I won't worry too much.

Yu Xian asked, "Master, can't you command the Array Spirit? Otherwise, please summon the Array Spirit to ask, and everything will be clear."

And the Array Spirit of a Rank Five formation must already be at the Soul Formation stage. With its guidance, your chances of breaking through will be greater.

Xuanyang True Monarch shook his head and said, "Back then, this Myriad Manifestations Scorching Sun Formation was personally arranged by the Venerable of Jiuyang Immortal Sect.

The Array Spirit also directly obeys Jiuyang Immortal Sect. Although I am the sect's True Monarch, I only have a slightly higher level of authority than other True Monarchs.

Moreover, the Array Spirit is mostly asleep. As long as Profound Yang Sect is not in a life-or-death situation, even I cannot see it."

The Array Master who can arrange a Rank Five formation must also be a Soul Formation Venerable.

Even if it's an Array Master like Yu Xian who takes advantage of the Heavenly Dao, the Array Master's level is limited to their own cultivation.

A Soul Formation Venerable may not necessarily be a Rank Five Array Master, but a Rank Five Array Master will definitely be a Soul Formation Venerable.

It's like giving a weapon design and a complete set of industrial equipment to an ant. It still wouldn't be able to create a weapon that can kill an elephant because it simply cannot comprehend a power level far beyond its own.

"True Monarch Dari actually has such ability?"

Yu Xian immediately became more cautious of True Monarch Dari.

"Among the twelve True Monarchs who followed the first generation Xuanyang True Monarch in battle, only six True Monarchs stayed to establish the sect with him.

These six True Monarchs have been passed down to this day, with only the Dari Peak and the Starry Sky Peak remaining.

These two peaks have always had True Monarchs in power, while the position of the sect's True Monarch has been rotating.

Even I don't know much about some of the sect's hidden inheritances."

Xuanyang True Monarch mentioned it casually without going into detail.

With a history of five thousand years, the factional structure within Profound Yang Sect cannot be explained in just a few words. Not to mention that this True Monarch focuses on cultivation, and his authority mostly comes from the strength of the first generation Xuanyang True Monarch.

When Yu Xian heard the name Starry Sky Peak, his expression changed slightly.

If he remembered correctly, he had a complicated relationship with a disciple from Starry Sky Peak.

He just didn't know if that soft and cute Ruan Shimei had broken through to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Alright, I've said what needs to be said. I don't have any more concerns now. I will go into seclusion for another three months.

After three months, the guests I invited should have arrived, and I will break through then. You can come and witness it."

However, Yu Xian still wanted to ask something, but he felt a force of rejection all over his body. Before he could react, he was pushed out of Pure Yang Peak.

Moon Jiuyu was also pushed out with him.

"With this level of strength, why do I feel like he has already broken through?" Yu Xian clearly felt that his and Xuanyang True Monarch's strength were not on the same level.

There were certainly reasons why he didn't resist.

But with their sizes, even an ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarch would probably not be able to move them, let alone Xuanyang True Monarch, who moved effortlessly without any trace of effort.

Moon Jiuyu also wondered, "His strength has probably reached the limit of Nascent Soul, but why does someone like him still have little confidence in breaking through to Soul Formation?

Could it be that there is another opportunity for breaking through to Soul Formation?"

Yu Xian nodded and said, "They say that true transmission can be summed up in one sentence, while false transmission fills countless books. Perhaps breaking through to Soul Formation requires something else."

As he said that, he held Moon Jiuyu's small hand and squeezed it tightly.

"So you must wait for me. Even if you can't break through, I don't want you to take risks."

Moon Jiuyu wrinkled her nose slightly and said with some dissatisfaction:

"If I can't do it, can you do it yourself?" Yu Xian smiled, seemingly unconcerned about the consequences of a failed breakthrough.

"Let me help you explore the path."

Yue Ji, already feeling uneasy because of the matter with the True Monarch of Profound Yang, couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness upon hearing Yu Xian's words.

"I don't want you to die for me. I can just give up on the breakthrough."

The ghost girl, who had already burned everything and lost all consciousness: "..."

Yu Xian embraced Yue Ji and jokingly spoke the most sincere words.

"Maybe I am the one in a million chosen one, and the Soul Formation Realm is just as easy for me to break through."

Yue Ji's voice was hoarse.

"Stop bragging."

"If you don't like bragging, then play the flute, play it beautifully."

Yu Xian whispered in Yue Ji's ear, causing her to blush and the jade rabbit in her arms to jump around.

How did the True Monarch of Profound Yang end up meeting him?

Even if he failed to break through and died, he would only feel regret, not sadness.

Of course, it would be better if he could successfully break through.


There is no time in the mountains, and the passing of winter is unknown.

Three months passed in an instant.

During this time, Yu Xian took Yue Ji back to Da'ai City and harvested several false Dan leeks that were about to break through.

He thought that the True Monarch of the Great Sun would ambush him, but it seemed that he was overthinking it.

If every little conflict led to a life-and-death grudge with cultivators of the same level, the Great Sun Peak probably wouldn't have survived until now.

To gamble with life and death is the last step when all else fails, using one's own life as the final bargaining chip.

So Yu Xian couldn't understand some of the novels he had read before.

Those old monsters who had cultivated for hundreds or even thousands of years would lose their temper and fight to the death with protagonists who were only one or two realms lower than them.

If they didn't have absolute certainty, they wouldn't dare to bet their lives. Without this level of patience, how could they live for hundreds or thousands of years?

They should have died a long time ago.

Could it be that before encountering the protagonist, all these old monsters were destined to be lucky, always turning bad luck into good luck, always winning in gambling, which is why they developed such a self-centered and arrogant personality?

Of course, it is still necessary to be cautious, so Yu Xian sincerely acted as Yue Ji's personal bodyguard.

The reason why Yu Xian took the time to return to Da'ai City was to find a way for the True Monarch of Profound Yang in terms of the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao.

Although he didn't feel sad about the life and death of the True Monarch of Profound Yang, it was only when the True Monarch of Profound Yang was alive that his own interests could be better protected.

So he first used three strands of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy for the True Monarch of Profound Yang to comprehend the mystery of Soul Formation, but this mystery was as difficult as the method he used to help Zhao Shiwen comprehend the heretical Nascent Soul back then.

Three strands of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy were just a drop in the bucket.

So after wasting one strand of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy, he had to settle for second best and try to comprehend the conditions for breaking through Soul Formation.

This was much simpler, and he only needed two strands of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy to vaguely sense some information.

It turned out that achieving the Soul Formation Realm required something very crucial.

This thing was like a key, without which one could not break through.

As for what this key was, Yu Xian didn't need the heavens to tell him, he already had a guess.

Afterwards, Yu Xian and Yue Ji hurriedly returned to the Profound Yang Sect.

Unfortunately, this time the True Monarch of Profound Yang had already closed himself off, and even Yue Ji couldn't see him again.

Until the three-month period is over.

In the Pure Yang Peak.

Xuan Yang True Monarch seemed to have comprehended life and death, appearing calm and serene, giving people the impression that he was a highly accomplished individual.

But when Yu Xian expressed his speculation through Yue Jiu, Xuan Yang True Monarch let out a bitter laugh, feeling a sense of brokenness as if he had been abandoned by fate.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble you've gone through for me."

Both Yu Xian and Yue Jiu were taken aback.

"Did you already know?" Yu Xian asked.

Xuan Yang True Monarch sighed and said, "The key you mentioned and the speculation about the Dao Body.

In fact, there are records in the sect's secret teachings, but I thought they were too absurd and treated them as mere legends."

"It is true that the Dao Body is born from the cultivation of the Dao. This Dao is actually a type of cultivation method, which is what you referred to as the key.

Only by obtaining this cultivation method can one qualify to break through the Soul Formation Realm.

But as cultivators, we strive against fate. How can we be bound by destiny? Does it mean that without the cultivation method, we cannot achieve enlightenment?

I naturally don't believe that, so I secretly collected ancient books and finally found a record.

In ancient times, when there was no mention of the cultivation method, anyone could achieve enlightenment. The so-called Dao Body and Immortal Physique were merely classifications based on physical constitution and aptitude.

It was not until some unknown time that the cultivation method appeared.

And there seems to be a significant gap between ancient times and our current cultivation era, causing many records to be lost.

To be honest, I have also searched for the Dao Body cultivation method.

But in the five thousand years of the Profound Yang Sect, we have not found a single successor with the Dao Body. Why should I be an exception?

Until I obtained a secret method that allowed me to break through with external objects, I put aside the matter of the cultivation method and focused on the integration of the Pure Yang Peak.

Originally, I wanted to wait until I personally verified it before passing it on to future generations.

But since you already know, I won't hide it anymore."

As he spoke, Xuan Yang True Monarch spat out blood with a "wah" sound, and his aura weakened.

"What's wrong, Sect Master?" Yu Xian's face turned anxious, and Yue Jiu also showed a worried expression.

"It's nothing, just the backlash from the oath I took. These things are all part of the sect's secret teachings, and theoretically, they should not be passed on to outsiders except for the Sect Master.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Since I've said it, I'm going to die anyway."

Xuan Yang True Monarch wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Yu Xian: "..."

Why does it feel like Xuan Yang True Monarch is already lying down and waiting to die? He even had the feeling that he was pushing Xuan Yang True Monarch to hurry up and die.

He had no hope of making a breakthrough in the first place, and now, because of the backlash from the oath, he was even more hopeless.

"Cough, Sect Master, since you're already injured, why not postpone the breakthrough? I think we should wait a little longer, just in case there's still hope."

"By the way, if we find a successor with the Dao Body now, can it help you make a breakthrough? For example, if we snatch their cultivation method and give it to you."

Yu Xian thought of Chen Yi.

He was always willing to speculate about others with the worst intentions.

If the Dao Body could be plundered, then Chen Yi would be in danger. It would be more appropriate for him to make the breakthrough himself rather than supporting his disciple.

Xuan Yang True Monarch shook his head and said, "Although the Dao Body gives birth to the cultivation method, the Dao Body itself needs to grow before the cultivation method can be obtained.

And it is only after the Dao Body breaks through the Soul Formation stage that the cultivation method can be separated.

As for whether the cultivation method can be plundered, it is beyond my knowledge."

After all, these words are just passed down from generation to generation by the heads of the sects. In fact, we have never even seen a true Soul Formation Venerable.

But I heard...


Xuanyang True Monarch spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Obviously, what he just said touched on the secret transmission and oath again.

"What did you hear?"

Yu Xian felt a bit reluctant, but his pursuit of knowledge made him suppress his compassion.

Moon Ji pulled Yu Xian's clothes to signal him to stop asking.

"It's okay, you've already said half of it, it doesn't matter if you say a little more."

Xuanyang True Monarch continued, "According to legend, the first generation Xuanyang True Monarch of our Profound Yang Sect and the Xuanyin True Monarch of the neighboring Profound Yin Sect were Dao companions. One came from the Jiuyang Immortal Sect, the other from the Taiyin Demon Sect, and for some reason, they met and fell in love.

In the end, Xuanyin True Monarch betrayed the Taiyin Demon Sect, and Xuanyang True Monarch was also punished and sent to the front lines from being a promising disciple of Soul Formation.

Both of them were extraordinary figures. Even without the so-called Dao seeds, they couldn't stop their determination to break through Soul Formation.

So the two of them exhausted their efforts and studied a method of dual cultivation, combining yin and yang, heaven and earth, to conceive Dao seeds on their own.

But in the end, for some reason, they failed.

Xuanyin True Monarch also separated from Xuanyang True Monarch and went to the current Xuanyin Realm, where he founded the Profound Yin Sect.

This dual cultivation technique is called "Dao Heart Devil Seed," a semi-secret method. Unfortunately, I have to maintain a pure yang body, so this secret method has always been kept in high regard.

If you want to break through in the future, you might as well think of a way with this."

Pfft! Pfft!

Xuanyang True Monarch spurted out two more mouthfuls of blood. He probably wasn't afraid of death anymore, casually revealing such secretive information about the sect.

"Um, Sect Master, I don't know if that secret method..."

Yu Xian felt quite embarrassed.

He had caused all this mess just because of a piece of news. But such a good opportunity was hard to come by, and he couldn't bear to give it up.

Especially when he heard that "Dao Heart Devil Seed" was still incomplete, he became even more tempted.

The failure of the first generation Xuanyang True Monarch and Xuanyin True Monarch didn't mean that he would fail too.

Although he believed that breaking through Soul Formation was as simple as drinking water and eating, his fellow cultivators around him couldn't do it.

He secretly made up his mind that he would make the tomb of the Sect Master's clothing and crown even bigger and more luxurious in the future, never letting his reputation diminish.

"The secret technique of 'Dao Heart Devil Seed' is kept in the highest level of the sect's secret pavilion. With Xiaoyue's current authority, it's enough for you to go and get it yourselves."

While spitting blood, Xuanyang True Monarch said indifferently.

Oaths have no constraints on this secret technique. On the contrary, he hoped that future generations could complete it, so it has always been kept in the highest level of the secret pavilion.

But the cultivators who can enter the highest level are all Nascent Soul cultivators. Once they have their own cultivation path, how can they easily change it, let alone for an incomplete technique?

"Cough, Sect Master, take good care of your injuries. Breaking through can wait, it's better to stay alive. Good death is better than a bad life."

Yu Xian comforted him and then bid farewell with Moon Ji.

After the two left...

Xuanyang True Monarch wiped the blood from his nose, spread out his limbs, and lay under the crystal jade tree, staring blankly at the clear sky.

After a while...

"Good death is better than a bad life. Damn it, I've spread the news, it's so embarrassing."

PS: If you think it's too mediocre, please leave a comment. I will read it and make corrections next time.

(End of this chapter)

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