Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

280. Chapter 278 The Succession Ceremony Of The Headmaster

Chapter 278: Succession Ceremony of the Sect Leader

When Yu Xian and Yue Jiu received the news of the succession ceremony of the sect leader, they were studying the recently acquired secret technique, "Dao Heart Devil Seed."

This secret technique combines the Dao and demonic arts, encompassing the heavens and the earth, and harmonizing with yin and yang. It mainly discusses how to utilize the method of dual cultivation to integrate the energies of heaven, earth, yin, and yang within the physical body, simulating the process of nurturing a Dao seed, thus cultivating a unique demonic seed within oneself.

However, due to being an incomplete technique, the process of cultivating the demonic seed was not elaborated upon, greatly diminishing its value.

Without the latter part, no one knew what kind of monster would be cultivated in the end.

Adhering to a rigorous attitude of gaining true knowledge through practice, Yu Xian earnestly practiced the first half of the secret technique with Yue Jiu. They discovered that the technique, developed by the sect's ancestors, had a multitude of postures.

As for the demonic seed, Yu Xian had no intention of delving into it for now.

This matter had to be entrusted to the guidance of the Heavenly Dao Lord. Otherwise, if there were any hidden dangers in the secret technique, one might end up like True Monarch Xuan Yang, who hadn't even had the chance to make a name for himself before being confined to Pure Yang Peak, waiting for death.

Of course, True Monarch Xuan Yang had a way to avoid death.

He only needed to self-inflict a wound, interrupting the breakthrough process. Although it would greatly damage his vitality and he might never have the opportunity to break through to Soul Formation in the future, as the saying goes, it's better to stay alive than to die.

Looking back at the past five thousand years of the Profound Yang Sect, there were not less than a hundred Nascent Soul cultivators, but none of them had made a breakthrough.

From this perspective, the faint hope was almost the same as having none.

When Yu Xian saw True Monarch Xuan Yang's breakthrough failure, he thought he had come to a realization.

However, when he heard the news of the succession ceremony of the sect leader, doubts arose in his heart.

Is True Monarch Xuan Yang dead or not?


Xuan Yang Peak.

Compared to the past, there was a touch of solemnity here.

The succession ceremony of the sect leader was the most important ceremony of the Profound Yang Sect. Generally, it would only occur every five hundred to eight hundred years.

Each time, it was exceptionally grand.

Not only would all the True Monarchs of the sect be summoned back to the mountain gate, but important figures from neighboring sects such as the Beast Taming Sect, Heavenly Sword Sect, and Profound Yin Sect would also be invited to witness the ceremony.

During the ceremony, there would be disciples' martial arts performances and sect sparring activities.

Usually, preparations would begin twenty years in advance, with invitations sent out to guests.

Ever since True Monarch Xuan Yang made up his mind to break through, this work had been ongoing. As the Lord of Tiancheng, whether it was due to personal relationships or official business, Yue Jiu was included in the list of invitations.

Even Yu Xian received an invitation.

Xuan Yang Peak was very large, ranking among the top five in terms of volume among the various floating peaks of the Profound Yang Sect.

Dozens of acres of auspicious clouds floated above it.

These auspicious clouds were not real clouds, but a kind of Law Weapon shaped like clouds, soft and fluffy like a cloud bed.

Each auspicious cloud represented a Nascent Soul True Monarch or someone of equal status in the eyes of the Profound Yang Sect.

The clouds were spaced quite far apart, and overall, there were differences in height. The underground white jade square served as the foundation in a circular structure.

On the square, Wen Buyu, as the head of mundane affairs, down-to-earth and naturally became the host of this ceremony, coordinating everything.

However, even he had a fine layer of sweat on his forehead under the gaze of many Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

When Yu Xian and Yue Jiu arrived hand in hand, disciples of the Profound Yang Sect immediately approached them as guides and flew towards the highest cloud.

No matter what, Yue Jiu was already a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator, and in terms of strength, she was already among the top five in the Profound Yang Sect.

Regardless of her previous poor relationships, strength was strength.

No one would willingly offend a Nascent Soul cultivator for the sake of a ranking.

On the contrary, Yu Xian, who could only sit on the outermost periphery, took advantage of Yue Jiu's presence and stepped into the core circle of power in the Profound Yang Sect.

The guiding disciples did not waste any words.

As welcoming disciples, they had already memorized the identities of all the invited guests and would proactively greet them upon arrival.

However, it was beyond their ability to verify identities.

If someone were to impersonate another person, they would be eating the Ambitious Leopard Pill. Once exposed, their fate would be death.

If someone really did impersonate, a person who could deceive all the True Monarchs present would not be someone that a mere welcoming disciple could see through.

There were cloud-shaped tables made of condensed clouds on the auspicious clouds, and various high-grade spiritual fruits were placed on them. Each fruit was valuable, and casually taking one could be exchanged for several hundred spiritual stones.

Ordinary cultivators would need to store the spiritual energy of the fruit in a jade box and seal it with a spiritual talisman, using the fruit to break through when they encountered a bottleneck.

But for Nascent Soul True Monarchs, it was just a thirst-quencher.

Yu Xian deliberately lagged behind, falling behind Yue Jiu, to show a distinction between primary and secondary, but it didn't attract much attention.

He always had a good grasp of how to conduct himself.

I won't feel like I've grasped the situation and deliberately insult Moon Jiuyue to show off my power.

Look at the iceberg beauty in your hearts, how obedient and submissive she is in front of me, even though she is a Nascent Soul cultivator.

It sounds satisfying, but apart from satisfying his fragile vanity, there is no benefit for him to do so.

But during his last argument with the True Monarch of the Great Sun, the True Monarch of the sect saw a lot and had an impression of him.

However, Moon Jiuyue's poor social circle means that there are not many people who personally come to greet her.

Basically, it's all done through spiritual communication, respectfully offering a cup of water and wine from afar.

In this situation, Moon Jiuyue remains as aloof as ever, ignoring them.

Yu Xian can only feel helpless about this.

With Moon Jiuyue's current strength as a Nascent Soul cultivator, as long as she is willing, it would be easy for her to unite a group of True Monarch cultivators who are willing to get close to her and form her own faction within the Profound Yang Sect.

But if she agrees to do so, the True Monarch of Profound Yang will not have said that she can return to the Mingyue Heavenly City after his breakthrough failure.

He understands that Moon Jiuyue is not interested in such calculations.

So even if she is a Nascent Soul cultivator, her survival in the sect's environment would not be too good, so it's better for her to stay away from the sect.

Just look at the fate of Gui Ji to know.

A Great Ghost Emperor who dared to attack the Soul Formation Realm was defeated and then plotted to take Moon Jiuyue's physical body under the siege of the Profound Yang Sect.

As for the other Great Ghost Emperor, he died without a trace.

But that's the character of the True Monarch of September.

Yu Xian could only return the greetings one by one on behalf of Moon Jiuyue, which caused a wave of surprised responses and lively spiritual communication.

Some even wanted to become his brothers.

Yu Xian's face turned black at that time.

He hadn't said such lines for a long time.

He secretly noted down their names and infiltrated the list of the True Monarch of the Great Sun.


All kinds of spiritual fluctuations in the field suddenly paused.

Yu Xian followed his senses to look.

First, he heard a loud announcement.

"Heavenly Sword Sect's envoy, True Monarch of Tianfu, True Monarch of Huijian, and disciples of the sect have come to observe the ceremony!"

Seven or eight sword cultivators with long swords arrived in mid-air.

The leader was an old man in a linen robe with long eyebrows and long hair, his beard and hair all white, with a calm temperament.

Following him was a bald young man with a scar on his head, wearing a monk's robe, looking somewhat unconventional.

Behind them were elegantly dressed sword cultivators in white robes.

These were cultivators from the Heavenly Sword Sect, all carrying a sword, inseparable day and night, somewhat similar to Yu Xian's experience of blood sacrifice with his Law Weapon.

It is said that the Heavenly Sword Sect has a Sword Pool, and after each cultivator of the Heavenly Sword Sect passes away, they will throw their flying sword into the Sword Pool.

Whether it's a low-level Qi Refining cultivator or a True Monarch sword cultivator, they all do the same.

Over time, the Sword Pool develops spirituality and produces a special product called Sword Bead.

The first thing every disciple who formally enters the Heavenly Sword Sect does is to obtain a Sword Bead from the Sword Pool.

Depending on their aptitude and affinity, the Sword Beads they obtain are different.

Some may even directly obtain the Spiritual Treasure flying sword of their predecessors, achieving instant success.

Their cultivation method is quite unique.

Moreover, although the Heavenly Sword Sect's territory in the Tianjian Realm is not as large as the Profound Yang Sect's, their actual combat power is not much different.

Because the cultivators in their territory are all fierce and ruthless, striving to be stronger.

According to unofficial statistics, the average lifespan of cultivators in the Tianjian Realm is several decades to several hundred years shorter than that of cultivators in the Xuan Yang Realm, depending on their cultivation level.

Such a warlike atmosphere has also created many talented fighters in the Tianjian Realm.

Moon Jiuyue, who has seen and experienced a lot, quietly told Yu Xian about the background of the newcomers.

The person named Tianfu True Monarch is obviously from the Southern Dipper Sword Lineage and has inherited the Tianfu Spirit Sword. This sword is a Rank Four Spiritual Treasure with great spirituality. With his own strength, his combat power is not to be underestimated.

The Heavenly Sword Sect is divided into the Northern Dipper and Southern Dipper Sword Lineages.

Among them, the Southern Dipper has six swords, and the Northern Dipper has seven swords. When combined, they can rival the Soul Formation stage.

However, until now, the Heavenly Sword Sect has not gathered these thirteen spiritual swords.

The True Monarch of Huijian beside him, with a lively vitality, is not too old, obviously the new leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

This is also the tradition of each sect, to let their outstanding disciples go out and see, understand the strength of their peers, and learn from their failures.

Yu Xian remembered reading a travelogue that had a record about the Heavenly Sword Sect.

It even emphasized a sword fight, where the two talented swordsmen died tragically, leaving the author of the travelogue sighing.

However, he didn't bother with the Profound Yang Sect and didn't have any thoughts about the Heavenly Sword Sect. He just paid a little attention and didn't look any further.

The representative of the Heavenly Sword Sect, a messenger, was personally greeted by Wen Buyu and guided to his seat.

Just not far from Yu Xian.

The top layer of Qingyun had only eight clouds, consisting of five great cultivators from the Profound Yang Sect and three representatives from other sects.

No matter how they were arranged, they wouldn't be too far apart.

The announcement was made again.

"The messenger of the Beast Taming Sect, White Dragon Spirit Emperor, and Fan Mountain True Monarch, accompanied by disciples from their sect, have come to observe the ceremony!"

A gentle and beautiful woman led a child who reached her waist, as well as a group of male and female disciples with bulging waists, and walked over with a smile.

Yu Xian's first impression of the beautiful woman was that she was white.

The woman's skin was as white as beautiful jade, with almost no blemishes or discoloration between her face and neck. Moreover, there was a gentle expression between her eyebrows, like a neighbor's young wife. Although she wasn't the most beautiful, she was definitely the gentlest and most attractive.

Seeing Yu Xian staring at the beautiful woman without looking away, Yue Ji pinched his waist secretly.

"This person is the White Dragon Spirit Emperor, the guardian spirit emperor of the Beast Taming Sect. It is said that she was the partner of the former sect master of the Beast Taming Sect and originally a giant ice crystal python. Her strength is unfathomable, and she was already at the peak of the Monster Emperor realm a thousand years ago."

Yu Xian withdrew his gaze and sighed, saying, "After seeing her, I realized that race is not a problem at all. The former sect master of the Beast Taming Sect is truly an exemplary figure."

Yue Ji lightly hummed and didn't say anything.

Finally, it was the turn of the Profound Yin Sect.

"The messenger of the Profound Yin Sect, Yunyu True Monarch, and Wanmiao True Monarch, accompanied by disciples from their sect, have come to observe the ceremony!"

Yu Xian had long felt that the relationship between the Profound Yin Sect and the Profound Yang Sect was not shallow.

After hearing the secrets of the Profound Yang Sect from Xuan Yang True Monarch, he was even more certain of this idea.

Especially since this sect had some connection with him.

Even now, there was still a Rank Four residual spirit symbol sealed in his storage ring, containing the power of Xuan Yin True Monarch's strike.

This spirit symbol had given him a lot of confidence and, in a sense, was an important foundation item for the establishment of the Great Unity Society.

But now, there probably wouldn't be much opportunity to use it.

Lost in his thoughts, he saw a group of veiled women with graceful figures coming from the sky.

Yu Xian's body suddenly stiffened, but it only lasted for an instant before he relaxed again.

Only Yue Ji, who had always been in close contact with Yu Xian, sensed something and looked at him strangely.

"Does my husband know them?"

In just one-tenth of a second, Yu Xian decided to tell a kind lie.

Otherwise, with Yue Ji's temperament, she would be a time bomb.

"The Profound Yin Sect is tens of thousands of miles away from us. I do want to get to know them. You haven't introduced me to Yunyu True Monarch yet."

Yue Ji shook her head and said, "The Southern Dipper's Six Swords have a well-ordered inheritance. The fame of the White Dragon Spirit Emperor and the former sect master of the Beast Taming Sect once resounded throughout the world. I only heard about them recently. This Yunyu True Monarch is probably an important figure in the Profound Yin Sect, but in our Profound Yang Sect, she is relatively unknown."

"I see."

Yu Xian glanced again and decisively withdrew his gaze, but he sighed inwardly.

"It's no wonder she is the Dao Body with the most potential in the Profound Yang Sect in 5,000 years. She has already broken through to the Nascent Soul realm so quickly."

The so-called Wanmiao True Monarch was Chen Yi.

But now that he had the ability to deceive the heavens, even if he faced Chen Yi, it would be difficult to recognize each other.

He didn't have much affection for Chen Yi anymore, to be honest.

The feelings they had briefly developed during their time in Yue Country had long been diluted by time.

After meeting in Shangyang City, they were under constant pressure. Although they took advantage of each other, it was mostly a playacting. Later on, he even actively sought a breakup.

If it weren't for the fact that the breakup gift she gave him would appear from time to time during his cultivation, he might have long forgotten his lofty promises back then.

He was not a person with strong willpower.

Now that he had various beauties accompanying him, what was Chen Yi to him?

Perhaps when he broke through to the Soul Formation realm, he would think of her and go to the Profound Yin Sect to make a scene and try to win her back.

But when he heard Xuan Yang True Monarch talk about the Dao Seed, he felt that his true love for Chen Yi had returned.

Time couldn't dilute his longing, and he believed that Chen Yi felt the same way.

But they couldn't recognize each other yet.

If he were to take Chen Yi away, it would be a great enmity against Xuan Yin True Monarch, and it was very likely that the entire Profound Yin Sect would seek revenge.

After all, they had cultivated the Dao Body for a hundred years. Only when Chen Yi broke through would the others have hope of breaking through to the Soul Formation realm.

So it was best for Chen Yi to stay in the Profound Yin Sect for cultivation.

Besides, he would definitely break through to the Soul Formation realm faster than Chen Yi.

When the time comes, with enough strength, we can even use Chen Yi to subdue the entire Profound Yin Sect - have you asked him about breaking through?

"Husband, you look so disgusting when you smile," Yue Ji said with disgust.

Yu Xian wiped away the nonexistent saliva and sighed, "This is a sad smile. Whenever I think that the Sect Master is going to leave us, I feel... hmm? What's that guy's name?"

On the seat of the Profound Yin Sect, a young cultivator with a smile on his face leaned over.

Yue Ji casually glanced at him and had some impression of this person.

"That's the disciple of the Sect Master, True Monarch. His name is Zhang Yan, a disciple of the previous generation's true transmission. Although he only cultivates the Third Grade Gold Core Divine Ability, he has good luck. The sect obtained a thousand-year-old Seven-Leaf Holy Heart Lotus at the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce auction, and as a true transmission disciple, he obtained a lotus seed and luckily passed the Nascent Soul tribulation. However, with his potential, unless he has a great opportunity, the early Nascent Soul stage will be his limit in this lifetime. He seems to be acquainted with that Thousand Wonders True Monarch, but his attitude is so obsequious, it's really embarrassing. By the way, the female cultivators of the Profound Yin Sect don't have a good reputation outside, so husband, don't provoke them."

Yu Xian shook his head, "I never actively provoke other women."

It has always been women who actively provoke him, even Yue Ji came to him willingly.

He didn't know Zhang Yan, but the name triggered a memory. He was the culprit behind the second beast tide in Shangyang City. Because of Chen Yi's cold attitude towards him, he went on a killing spree in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, causing the Golden Peng Monster Emperor to mistakenly think that the Ten Thousand Beasts Perfected Being had returned and killed his subordinates. Fortunately, there was that cunning monster named Yue Xiaoxiao, and with Chen Yi's help at the time, he was able to refine a Rank Three Blood Puppet using the million-beast tide as nourishment, as well as the Blood Demon Sword. Later, he integrated with the Ten Thousand Beasts Soul Banner, which led to the Blood Sea Banner he has today. He savored it carefully, feeling a taste of destiny's mysteries. As for Zhang Yan, he didn't pay much attention to him. When he was at the Foundation Building stage, Zhang Yan was already a true transmission disciple at the Gold Core Late Stage. Now that he is in the mid-Nascent Soul stage, Zhang Yan is only in the early Nascent Soul stage, and his potential is exhausted. Considering such a person as an opponent would be a failure. It's just that he just regained his true love unilaterally, and the possessiveness of a man made him feel a little unhappy. But Chen Yi's attitude was no less accommodating than Yue Ji's.

Before Zhang Yan could say a word, the Cloud Rain True Monarch sitting beside him smiled at him, causing him to lose his composure and walk forward with a fascinated look.

"Hmph! Shameless!" A cold snort sounded in the air, it was the Great Sun True Monarch. His cultivation of the Great Sun True Fire, which exterminates evil and breaks through illusions, is extremely sharp and has an innate restraint against enchantments. Zhang Yan's back felt hot, as if he had just woken up from a dream, with a look of panic on his face. If it weren't for the reminder from the Great Sun True Monarch just now, he might have already revealed his embarrassing state. He hurriedly saluted and quickly left, leaving no trace behind.

"Cloud Rain True Monarch, I was rude, please don't blame me," the Great Sun True Monarch spoke up.

The Cloud Rain True Monarch covered her mouth and chuckled. Although she was a young woman, her voice was that of a little girl, which made people's scalps tingle. "Young man, full of vitality, I was just joking with him. Please don't blame me, Great Sun True Monarch."

The two chatted for a while, and the atmosphere returned to its previous tranquility. After all, it was the succession ceremony of the Profound Yang Sect's Sect Master, and everyone had to give face and not cause any trouble.

In the field, Wen Buyu, as the host, had already started speaking. He began with the establishment of the sect by the first ancestor of the Profound Yang Sect, and spoke eloquently, making the history of the Profound Yang Sect seem grand and magnificent, like a chronicle of the years, which greatly impressed many young disciples who had come to attend the ceremony. Yu Xian, on the other hand, regarded it all as nonsense and happily gnawed on the fruit on the table.

The various tedious ceremonial activities of the ceremony passed one by one, and the fruit pits on the table piled up into a small mountain.

Finally, it came to the last item, the former Sect Master passing on the position to the next Sect Master.

"Please welcome the Sect Master, True Monarch!"


Ripples spread from the void.

Everyone present felt a bit of pressure.

The air suddenly became quiet.

Yu Xian even exchanged a glance with Yue Ji, both of them showing disbelief.

"The Sect Master has become stronger again?!"

In the field, a real and solid figure suddenly condensed.

It was none other than the Profound Yang True Monarch.

(End of this chapter)

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