Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

281.Chapter 279 Soul Formation Thunder Tribulation

Some people are born to be protagonists, as soon as they appear, they will take away all the spotlight and make the whole world focus on them.

And Xuan Yang True Monarch is undoubtedly one of them.

Before, Yu Xian had thought about Xuan Yang True Monarch being trapped in Pure Yang Peak, being no different from a prisoner. If he appeared with a floating peak during the grand ceremony, it would be a bit unconventional.

And it would also expose his true self.

But not long after, Xuan Yang True Monarch gave him a little shock.

The Xuan Yang True Monarch in front of him may not have arrived in person, but if he wasn't mistaken, this body was completely formed by divine consciousness, just like a Primordial Spirit Astral Projection. Its strength was not much weaker than the original body.

The most crucial thing is that divine consciousness is inherently formless and immaterial, it is a kind of void power.

To materialize divine consciousness, one must evolve their soul power again, which is the power symbol of the Soul Formation Realm.

Just like how Qi Refining evolves into Foundation Building, and spiritual awareness evolves into divine consciousness, even without relying on a Law Weapon, it can still cause tremendous destructive power. It is a very special symbol.

"Master, could it be that you have already broken through... Soul Formation?"

Someone asked incredulously, but their eyes were filled with longing.

If it weren't for the existence of a Soul Formation Venerable in the Jiuyang Immortal Sect in the Jiuyang Domain, many Nascent Soul cultivators would have thought that the Nascent Soul realm was the ultimate for cultivators.

It has been too long since someone broke through Soul Formation.

Not only the fellow disciples, even the cultivators from the three sects who came to observe the ceremony had flickering gazes, as if they had a thousand words to say.

Xuan Yang True Monarch's expression remained unchanged, shaking his head lightly, he said:

"Fellow Daoists have guessed wrong, this humble one has only gained some insights in cultivation, the Soul Formation Venerable is still beyond reach."

Someone wanted to ask again.

Xuan Yang True Monarch lowered his eyelids, his voice was soft, but no one dared to question it.

"Today is the succession ceremony of our sect's leader, don't make a fuss. Where is Shen Yan True Monarch?"

A young cultivator with a noble appearance descended from the sky, bowed to Xuan Yang True Monarch and said:

"Shen Yan is here."

"After discussing with the elders of the Elder Council, it has been decided that Shen Yan True Monarch will succeed me as the sect's leader. Does anyone have any objections?"

All the Profound Yang Sect True Monarch cultivators stood up and bowed towards Xuan Yang True Monarch in the center.

"We obey the sect leader's decree!"

Seeing everyone standing up, Yu Xian also followed suit and bowed respectfully, without any objections.

Since both the sect leader and the Elder Council had no objections, even if he had objections, no one would care.

But thanks to Yue Jiu having a seat in the Elder Council, he was one of the first to know who would succeed as the sect leader.

True Monarch Shenyan is a disciple of the previous generation of true transmission disciples, only over 300 years old, with cultivation at the mid-stage of Nascent Soul, and can be considered young and strong.

The master is also a Nascent Soul True Monarch, but his cultivation is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul, and he is already old, with only one or two hundred years left.

Although the master and disciple have a certain degree of influence within the sect, their combined strength is not among the top five.

And this is the unspoken rule among the many True Monarchs of the Profound Yang Sect.

That is, the position of the True Monarch of the Sect Leader has never been passed on to True Monarchs who are cultivators of peaks like the Great Sun Peak or the Starry Sky Peak.

Otherwise, if someone as powerful and well-established as the Great Sun True Monarch were to obtain the position of the Sect Leader True Monarch, it would be like giving wings to a tiger, and in just a few years, the Profound Yang Sect would become a single lineage.

These True Monarchs with weak backgrounds have even fewer cultivation resources and have to become enforcers, unable to enjoy the comfortable life they have now.

Only by balancing each other can there be relative fairness.

The situation when True Monarch Xuan Yang took over as the Sect Leader True Monarch was similar to that of True Monarch Shenyan.

It's just that True Monarch Xuan Yang, with the position of the Sect Leader True Monarch and his own talent, quickly became a Nascent Soul cultivator and rapidly became the number one person in the Profound Yang Sect with absolute strength.

Thinking back to the succession of the Sect Leader in the Profound Yang Sect, Yu Xian could only say that wherever there are people, there is a world.

Even Nascent Soul True Monarchs are no exception.

They also like the white spirit stones and various spiritual treasures.

That is their foundation at a higher level.

After all, after reaching the Nascent Soul realm, breaking through each small realm can extend their lifespan by one or two hundred years.

The breakthrough in realm not only brings an improvement in strength and status, but also represents the essential pursuit of the immortal path of longevity.

The pursuit of the Great Dao of longevity is not something that can be achieved by just shouting slogans.

Without solid resources as assistance, no matter what Dao Body Immortal Physique you have, you are nothing more than rotten fish and shrimp, not worth mentioning.

So, in order to compete for more resources, even Nascent Soul True Monarchs have their undignified moments.

It is said that there have been incidents of True Monarchs arguing and cursing each other at the True Monarch Assembly (Elder Council).

Yu Xian thought mischievously.


True Monarch Xuan Yang transferred the token of the Sect Leader and many secret transmission privileges to True Monarch Shenyan, making him the ninth generation Sect Leader True Monarch of the Profound Yang Sect, inheriting the title of True Monarch Xuan Yang.

As for himself, he resumed the title of Pure Yang True Monarch.

After another round of encouragement, Pure Yang True Monarch fulfilled his duty, bowed to the four directions, and gradually dissipated.

Only a sigh remains, lingering for a long time without dispersing.

The newly appointed True Monarch, with a face full of redness, passionately delivered his inaugural speech, expressing his determination to lead the Profound Yang Sect towards a brighter future.

Except for the younger generation, everyone present listened attentively, as they rarely had the opportunity to participate in such a high-profile ceremony and didn't want to miss a single word.

Hardly anyone else paid attention.

All the True Monarchs of the Profound Yang Sect were thinking about the previous generation's True Monarch of Profound Yang. Was he about to break through?

Otherwise, why would he pass on the position of True Monarch so early when he was still in his prime?

The grand ceremony ended smoothly.

Yu Xian and Yue Jiu quietly left, keeping a low profile.

But there were still people staring at their backs, lost in thought.

"What's wrong, Xiao Yi?"

True Monarch Yunyu noticed that the woman beside him was not acting right and asked with a smile.

"Just now, the True Monarch of the Profound Yang Sect invited us to discuss the Dao, and the people from the Beast Taming Sect and the Heavenly Sword Sect will also be present. Do you want to join?"

"It's also a good opportunity for these people to know the power of our future number one True Monarch of the Profound Yin Sect."

Chen Yi's thoughts were interrupted, and she couldn't help but frown.

"No need. They are just a bunch of insignificant people. Not worth my effort."

After breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage, her progress was not significantly different from other Nascent Soul True Monarchs. At most, she was a little faster.

But her combat power far exceeded her cultivation level.

Not only because of her First Grade offensive Gold Core Divine Ability, but also because of the profound nature of her Dao Body, the Wondrous Dao Body.

The Wondrous Dao Body didn't enhance her cultivation, but it allowed her to transform any spiritual technique into something extraordinary in her hands, incorporating its essence into her own domain.

When various spiritual techniques merged together, their power became mysterious and unpredictable.

So even though she was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, her combat power was not weaker than that of a Nascent Soul Grand Cultivator.

The reason she and True Monarch Yunyu came to the Profound Yang Sect to observe the ceremony was only out of their responsibility as disciples of the sect leader, but she had no interest in getting involved with other True Monarchs from different sects.

She seemed to have caught a glimpse of a familiar figure just now, stirring up the hidden restlessness in her heart.

But that figure disappeared in the sea of clouds in an instant.

She sighed and looked towards the distant horizon.

"I have already reached the Nascent Soul stage. In a few days, I will be able to break through to the mid-stage of Nascent Soul. With the resources of the sect supporting me, I can attempt to break through to Soul Formation in no more than two hundred years. Have you already left Shangyang City?"

In her heart, Yu Xian might have broken through to the Gold Core stage at this moment, but he was still far from the Nascent Soul stage.

Although he had that miraculous physique that allowed him to cultivate with women, it was only equivalent to a rather extraordinary dual cultivation technique.

But cultivation was not child's play. After many years of cultivation, she became more convinced of the importance of resources for cultivators.

And Yu Xian, an Independent Cultivator, had to carry a group of women with him, so how fast could his cultivation progress?

But for some reason, she still held a faint hope in her heart.

What if a miracle happened?


"What if a miracle happened?"

Pure Yang Peak had somehow moved away from the many floating peaks of the sect, and the surrounding hundred miles of void seemed to be caught in a slow and discernible suction force.

Pure Yang Peak was like the center of a vortex, pulling everything in the void towards it.

Yu Xian bid farewell to True Monarch Chunyang along with Yue Jiu.

Mainly Yue Jiu.

He had only met True Monarch Chunyang three times, and they didn't have a deep relationship, nor could he influence his personal will.

On the contrary, when he saw that True Monarch Chunyang had further advanced his mental state by condensing his divine sense, he knew that True Monarch Chunyang had made up his mind, despite his mental turmoil.

The various distractions and inner demons from before could no longer affect him.

So when True Monarch Chunyang said these words, his expression was somewhat mixed, and he seemed carefree about everything.

"Doing something you know you shouldn't do is foolish!"

Yue Jiu suppressed his anger.

Looking at Yue Jiu, True Monarch Chunyang suddenly smiled playfully.

"So, you still care about me. I suddenly miss the time when you used to call me brother. At that time, I thought I shouldn't let you call me brother, but uncle instead, otherwise our seniority would be messed up. Unfortunately, until now, you haven't called me that once. Now that I'm about to die, just fulfill a dying man's wish, Xiao Yue, call me uncle."

Yue Jiu remained silent.

"Look, you really make people sad."

True Monarch Chunyang looked at Yu Xian and said,

"We're not familiar, so I won't explain."

"Go, go!"

The familiar sensation came again.

Yu Xian's hand tightened as Yue Jiu grabbed him. Her hand was very cold, and he sighed helplessly.

Their bodies and powers resisted the teleportation technique of the Pure Yang True Monarch together with Yue Jiu.

In the next moment,

Strong winds blew, and the air became scorching hot, as if even the void was about to melt.

The massive Pure Yang Peak was actually melting!

Pure Yang Peak was formed around the Rank Five spiritual object, the Great Sun Gold Essence. It was originally an extremely strong and yang object, and after being refined by the Pure Yang True Monarch for hundreds of years, and with the recent secret technique of Integrated Union, it was even more indestructible.

But now it was melting.

The physical body of the Pure Yang True Monarch gradually sank into Pure Yang Peak.

And Pure Yang Peak, like a newly peeled egg, shed layer after layer of rough rock, which was then turned into ashes by the intense heat.

Yu Xian's skin began to heat up, and he couldn't help but sigh and say,

"Little Yue, the Sect Master's mind is made up. Why do you need to stop him? It is a beautiful thing to be able to die for what one loves and pursues.

I think this is also the reason why the Sect Master is determined to break through."

Yue Jiu remained unmoved.

Finally, Yu Xian let out a cry of despair.

"Alright, then I will accompany you in death here."

Yu Xian released his protective magic power, and flames ignited on the surface of his body. Yue Jiu finally woke up from her dream and no longer dared to resist the rejection of the Pure Yang True Monarch.


A pressure enveloped the area around Pure Yang Peak, and the flames on Yu Xian's body instantly extinguished, leaving only a charred appearance, quite unsightly.

Yue Jiu looked at Yu Xian with some guilt.

"I'm sorry, husband."

Tears suddenly fell from her eyes.

"I just don't want him to die."

This was the first time Yu Xian had seen Yue Jiu in such a tearful state. He casually used a healing technique on himself and added a cleaning technique, instantly restoring his handsome appearance.

He held Yue Jiu's hand and embraced her.

"If the Sect Master doesn't want to die, no one can make him die. But this is his own decision, how can you replace him and do what you think is good?

Besides, what if there is a miracle?"

He looked up and saw that Pure Yang Peak had completely melted, and all its power had merged into the Golden Crystal Jade Tree where the Pure Yang True Monarch often stayed.

And this was the core of Pure Yang Peak - the Great Sun Gold Essence.

The Pure Yang True Monarch was nowhere to be seen.

In the next moment, the Great Sun Gold Essence began to flow like liquid, and a blurry figure appeared, gradually solidifying into the form of the Pure Yang True Monarch.

He looked at the sky as if he was staring at someone, reached out his hand and clenched it, and a plain and unadorned long sword appeared in his hand.

"Master, I will accompany you."

This long sword had actually developed sentience, and it was considered quite extraordinary even among Spiritual Treasures.


The Pure Yang True Monarch laughed wildly, lightly flicked the long sword in his hand, and ascended step by step.

"A mere little cultivator, Zhang Youyang, today I invite the heavens to test my sword!"


A clear and melodious sword sound rang out.

In an instant, the situation changed dramatically, and dark clouds surged like waves, covering a range of three thousand miles in the void, causing the sky and earth to darken.

Thunder roared.

Above the Pure Yang True Monarch, countless thunder serpents surged, converging into a huge thunder pool, and a terrifying aura was born from within the thunder pool.

Yu Xian stood at the center of the Thunder Tribulation, a hundred miles away, still feeling a great disaster approaching. So he instinctively retreated another hundred miles, feeling that it was still not safe, and retreated another hundred miles.

But with this retreat of two hundred miles, he was already three hundred miles away from the Pure Yang True Monarch. In addition, his divine sense was disturbed by the aura of the Thunder Tribulation, greatly reducing his detection distance, so he could only vaguely see what was happening inside.

Yue Jiu let Yu Xian pull her along, her eyes filled with sadness.

She had very few friends, and the Pure Yang True Monarch was already her only friend and loved one.

But she still held onto the hope of a miracle.


A flash of lightning tore through the void.

They saw a huge claw emerge from the thunder pool, covered in scales and armor, followed by a head with flowing whiskers and towering dragon horns.

Its true form gradually revealed itself.

It was actually a Thunder Dragon. When it completely emerged from the thunder pool, it shook its body and stretched for tens of thousands of feet, spanning the void like a small mountain range.

Its emotionless eyes lowered, looking at the Pure Yang True Monarch, without any foreplay, it was the most intense collision!

Dazzling white light filled the void.

The violent power spread through the void, destroying everything in its path.

Fortunately, the location of the Transcending Tribulation was already high above ten thousand meters, so it was spared from calamity below.

However, there were still groans coming from the air.

Those were the cultivators who were watching the Transcending Tribulation, injured by the aftermath. Some Gold Core Perfected Beings even had their divine senses destroyed, instantly suffering severe injuries, and no longer dared to easily probe.

Yu Xian's expression became serious.

"This is not right. The Gold Core's Thirty-Nine Thunder Tribulation, the Nascent Soul's Sixty-Nine Thunder Tribulation, and even the Soul Formation's Thunder Tribulation should be at the Seventy-Nine or Eighty-Nine or even Ninety-Nine levels. How can it start with such a powerful move?"

He glanced at the boiling thunder pool in the void.

Could it be that the path to Soul Formation was blocked by the heavens, forcing the Nascent Soul stage to seek death?

Then where did those Venerables from the immortal sects and the Demon Race come from?

Dao seed, Soul Formation...

These two words kept lingering in Yu Xian's mind.

Dragon roars accompanied by thunderous roars, sword sounds, even the air became scorching.

It could be three hours, or maybe four hours.

Yu Xian, who was pondering without understanding, heard Yue Jiu's joyful voice.

"Brother Yang has slain the Thunder Dragon!"

Yu Xian's mind was shocked, and he probed with his divine sense.

He saw the Thunder Dragon's body disintegrating inch by inch in the void, and the image of the Pure Yang True Monarch didn't look any better.

Even though his body was transformed by the Great Sun Golden Essence, the surface of his skin was covered in cracks at this moment, as if it could shatter at any moment.

He lowered his sword in the void, his eyes half-open and half-closed, muttering something in his mouth, not knowing what he was saying.

Now, his body was filled with the power of the Thunder Tribulation, which could no longer be probed by divine sense.


Another roar resounded.

A Thunder Dragon emerged from the thunder pool, revealing half of its head.

Everyone fell into despair.

A Thunder Dragon was already beyond human power to contend with. It was already a miracle that the Pure Yang True Monarch could slay one.

Now that another one appeared, how could he resist?

What's more, if even the Pure Yang True Monarch couldn't break through the Thunder Tribulation, how could others withstand the Thunder Dragon for several rounds?

"Hahaha! So that's how it is! So that's how it is!"

Suddenly, the Pure Yang True Monarch looked up and laughed foolishly. He swung his long sword into the void, inch by inch collapsing and turning into dust.

"A calamity of ten thousand years! Unfortunate fate! A crime of non-combat! I only regret being born five hundred years too early!"

The Thunder Dragon, which had only exposed half of its body, stiffened, then quickly dissipated, turning into strands of electric light and dispersing.

The natural thundercloud also dissipated at an unusually fast speed.

Strands of light pierced through the gloom and fell into the scene.

Looking at the Pure Yang True Monarch enveloped in light, his lips curled up, his eyes closed, slowly descending from the void.

He was dead.

This was the reason why the Thunder Tribulation dissipated.


A cry of mourning sounded, and Zhang Yan, who had just made a fool of himself at the ceremony, transformed into a streak of light and quickly approached the Pure Yang True Monarch.

"Hold on!"

But someone wanted to stop him.

"Don't touch the body of the Sect Master!"

Surging mana filled the void, and domains unfolded, centered around the Pure Yang True Monarch, not giving way to each other.

The Pure Yang True Monarch was the only person in nearly a thousand years to pass the Soul Formation Thunder Tribulation. Coupled with the fragments of words he left behind just now, it was obvious that he knew something during the Thunder Tribulation.

Now his body was the greatest treasure.

If they could obtain something from his body, perhaps they could unravel the secret of why Soul Formation was so difficult.

For a while, even fellow disciples were unwilling to give up even a bit.

The body of the Pure Yang True Monarch floated peacefully in mid-air, guarded by numerous powers, as if still alive.

On the other side, Yu Xian held Yue Jiu's hand and fled towards the mountain gate without looking back.

"Master, I promise you that your tomb will be grand and luxurious, I will not break my promise."

His other hand clenched into a fist, and a strand of sword light kept flickering in his palm, greedily absorbing his blood. The pain was extraordinary, but he couldn't suppress the curve of his lips.

PS: This month's votes have reached 1200, and there are still two more chapters to be added, which will be carried over to next month. Thank you very much for the handsome guys and beautiful girls who voted. (End of this chapter)

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