Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 28 Who Is A Decent Person To Keep A Diary?

Chapter 28: Who Writes Diaries Seriously?

Yu Xian hid in the shadows, watching as a faint red line in the air gradually dissipated, indicating that the two individuals had indeed abandoned their companion.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had taken the initiative by weakening the two with poison gas, it was clear that they were prepared, and the poison had much less effect than the red-robed youth.

If a fight were to break out, as a one against three, there was a possibility of failure.

After all, his magical tools had not been successfully refined yet. Apart from the meager fireball technique and the poison he had just used on the three, he had no other means to deal with his opponents.

Speaking of which, this was a spoils of war he obtained when capturing Chen Xiao that day - a book titled "The Book of Poisons" written by a certain seated cultivator.

There were several poisons in it that were effective against cultivators.

The poison that the three youths were afflicted with was a type of poison called "Fuling Maggot," which could attach its toxicity to spiritual energy and mana, just like bone maggots.

Moreover, the person affected by the poison would emit an odor that even they themselves couldn't detect.

This was the reason why Yu Xian was able to track them successfully.

However, as long as they were prepared in advance and abandoned the mana contaminated by the toxin as soon as possible, this poison would not have much effect.

But then again, these cultivators who had fallen to the mortal world and were about to die, what powerful weapons could they be expected to leave behind?

When he asked Huang the doctor to prepare the medicine, he also asked him to help find some medicinal materials. It was originally made out of boredom, and he didn't expect it to be useful.

But when he was able to release his spiritual awareness, he was frustrated by the fact that his magical tools were not ready, so this poison had a place to be used.

Within ten meters, his intangible spiritual awareness enveloped the poison powder silently.

Then it was just a matter of taking advantage of their insufficient cultivation realm and their inability to detect the presence of spiritual awareness, allowing him to poison them right in front of their faces, which was incredibly convenient.

But even so, Yu Xian did not appear rashly.

He waited for a while, and when he saw that the scholar and the big man did not return, he moved his spiritual awareness and spread another type of powder called "Ruanguxiang" into the room.

Inside the room.

The youth was unable to move and his emotions gradually collapsed.

Moreover, because his mana was excessively agitated, he gradually couldn't resist the toxicity of the "Fuling Maggot" and eventually exhausted it.

Without mana protection, the poison began to invade his body.

First, it felt like an itching sensation as if ants were crawling on his skin, then it was a stinging pain like being pricked by needles, and then it was the agony of being bitten by insects.

"Come out!"

The youth was both terrified and in pain, screaming in despair.

"If you have the ability to poison, then have the ability to come out!"

The only response he received was the quiet air.

Suddenly, the youth felt his body becoming weak, gradually losing strength, unable to even move a finger.

The hand he had been tightly holding opened weakly on the ground, revealing a bright red talisman shining with spiritual light.

Thump, thump!

The youth lay on the ground, his half-opened eyes only seeing a pair of black boots descending towards him at a leisurely pace.

"You're despicable..."

He opened his mouth to speak, but even the strength to speak was gone.

Yu Xian saw the bright red talisman and although he didn't know what kind of talisman it was, the danger it contained made his brow twitch.

Obviously, if this talisman were to explode at close range, even he would be threatened with his life.

"You're too despicable, actually trying to ambush me!"

Yu Xian snatched the talisman from the youth's hand, his face filled with lingering fear and disdain.

"As compensation for my mental distress, everything on your body belongs to me."

Yu Xian clumsily searched the youth's body, his breathing slightly hurried.

This was his first time searching a corpse, so he couldn't help but feel nervous and excited.

After a while, he found a bulging gray cloth bag in the youth's embrace, and Yu Xian immediately became spirited.

"This... could this be the legendary storage bag?!"

Storage bag, the basic storage artifact for cultivators, is a standard equipment for cultivators with some wealth.

Obviously, Yu Xian belongs to the type without any wealth.

Because the cheapest storage bag, a standard cubic storage bag, starts at ten spirit stones.

And Yu Xian used to earn less than three spirit stones a year from farming, excluding his own cultivation expenses. It would be considered good if he could save half a spirit stone in a year.

If he wants to buy a storage bag, he would have to save for twenty years!

Although this storage bag looks dusty and unattractive, Yu Xian still loves it and immediately probes his spiritual sense into it.

Obviously, low-grade storage bags do not have anti-theft functions, and any cultivator's spiritual sense can easily enter.

The space inside the storage bag is not large, about a little more than one cubic unit, and it is already filled with things.

Yu Xian is too lazy to distinguish them one by one. With a thought, everything in the storage bag is poured out.

The top layer is spirit stones, a total of thirteen, all of them are low-grade spirit stones.

There is also a bag of spirit sand, delicate like white sandstone, weighing about seven or eight catties.

Spirit sand is a lower-grade currency than spirit stones, with about twelve taels of spirit sand equivalent to one spirit stone. It contains a small amount of spiritual energy and is commonly used as material for refining tools.

Individual cultivators who cannot afford spirit stones generally use spirit sand for cultivation and transactions.

There is also a narrow top and wide bottom jade bottle with the words "Nourishing Spirit Pill" on it.

Yu Xian remembers vaguely hearing this name somewhere.

Next are two low-level spirit talismans, one is a green lightness talisman, and the other is a blue concealment talisman.

The lightness talisman can make oneself light as a swallow and jump three zhang high, while the concealment talisman can hide one's own breath and scent, making it essential for daily life and travel.

Yu Xian has seen these low-level spirit talismans when he strolled through the cultivator's market before.

Of course, he has only seen them, not used them, even if he is curious, he wouldn't buy them to try.

Next are a red bellyband, a white undergarment with lace edges...

These intimate clothing of young girls are wrapped together in a mess.

"Damn it, beast!"

Yu Xian fiercely kicks the young man's lower body. He recognizes that there are at least seven or eight sets of different styles of clothing inside.

In other words, this bastard has at least defiled seven or eight girls, not to mention those he didn't collect.

Even in his dreams, he wouldn't dare to be so bold.

A cracking sound comes from the young man's ear.

If he heard correctly, it was the sound of his eggs breaking.

His eyes widen, bloodshot. Even though he is weak and powerless, the pain from his soul emerges when a man's vital part is crushed.

Unfortunately, he can't even shout out, and two drops of tears flow from his eyes.

Yu Xian continues to sort out the spoils.

Next is a pile of translucent jade stones, about twenty or thirty pieces. Although they are not big, each piece is a fine product, taking up most of the space.

As for the rumored loss of one million taels of silver bills, not a single one is seen.

After all, it is not easy to sell jade stones, but silver bills are different. The bank does not require real-name registration for deposits, but instead uses a number to withdraw money.

"It seems that you three are the three big thieves who committed the Grand Treasure Tower robbery. It's a perfect match."

Yu Xian doesn't care much about these stolen goods. He doesn't lack money now.

Of course, he won't return them either.

In addition to these, there are some flint, water bags, daggers, ropes, and other small items, enough for survival in the wild.

Finally, there is a sheepskin booklet.

Is it a cultivation technique? Or a spiritual art secret manual?

Yu Xian opens it with anticipation, then spits at the young man.

"Who writes a diary like a decent person?"

(End of this chapter)

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