Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 29 The Princess Is A Good Assist!

Chapter 29: The Princess's Assist!

One hour later.

"Thank you for your generous gift. Your death was worthwhile."

Yu Xian casually snapped the neck of the young man who had turned into a pile of rotten flesh, begging for a quick death.

Yu Xian stood up, his eyebrows furrowing as he recalled the information he had obtained from the young man.

"The Jiang family of Shangyang City, and the Lin family of the cultivation world..."

"The hidden conflict between the two major cultivation families is causing a disturbance that someone like me, a small fry, cannot bear."

"The tree desires tranquility but the wind continues to blow. I only want a peaceful life, why is it so difficult?"

"Do I have to run away?"

Yu Xian hesitated.

These people were cultivators from the Lin family, and their target was the Prince Fu. And he happened to be staying in the Prince Fu's residence.

It could be foreseen that if he continued to stay, he would eventually encounter the Lin family cultivators.

As a small fry who had just reached the late stage of Qi Refining, what could he use to confront a cultivation family like the Lin family?

The most crucial point was that the Prince Fu was not worth his desperate efforts.

"The only good news is that the Lin family is wary of the Jiang family and dare not act openly. The number of people they sent to Yue Country this time is not many, and there are only two cultivators in the late stage of Qi Refining."

One of them is stationed in Guangnan County, secretly protecting the leader of the uprising, and will not be easily mobilized. The other one is developing their influence in the martial world of Yue Country, absorbing martial arts experts, and has always been elusive.

Since they are so mysterious, they won't easily show themselves.

For the time being, there is no need to worry about the arrival of a Lin family cultivator in the late stage of Qi Refining.

But this scoundrel is just a pawn, with limited information and a single-minded desire for death. He might dig a pit for me.

"And their target is the Prince Fu..."

In that case, why not push the Prince Fu out to his death? If the Prince Fu dies, the Lin family's goal will be achieved, and they won't be interested in this side anymore.

But this thought only circled in Yu Xian's mind for a moment before he discarded it.

He could watch indifferently as the Prince Fu is killed without any reaction, but he cannot actively push the Prince Fu out to his death.

The results of the two are the same, but the significance is completely different.

The former can be considered as him being indifferent, while the latter goes against his moral principles.

For the sake of his own selfishness, causing harm to others' lives is a bad start.

He adheres to his own faintly discernible bottom line.

"Forget it, forget it. If I can't afford it, I can't hide from it either."

After pondering for a moment, Yu Xian had an idea.

"First, find a place to lay low. When the Prince Fu dies, or when the Lin family gives up their target, I'll come back. After all, the power behind the royal family of Yue Country is not weak. If we really want to save the Prince Fu, it's not impossible."

Where should I go?

"I've got it. Ding, you undercover agent with thick eyebrows and big eyes, I never expected you to be one. I'll keep this secret for the rest of my life!"

With a firm decision, Yu Xian felt as if a heavy stone had been lifted off his shoulders, and he felt relaxed all over.

He picked up the young man's body, leaped a few times, and quickly disappeared.


The palace.

Prince Fu's study.

Yu Xian walked past numerous guards.

"Yu Gongfu! Are you alright?"

The princess, who had changed into a new outfit, had regained her former elegance and grace. She was originally chatting with Prince Fu.

At this moment, she was the first to come forward, her tone filled with concern, as she saw Yu Xian's disheveled appearance and pale face.

Prince Fu, who was about to lift his leg, frowned as if he had seen a flash of green light in front of him.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern. There are still two accomplices of the assassin. I am no match for them. I apologize to Your Highness and the Prince."

Yu Xian was somewhat surprised by the princess's enthusiasm, but he still bowed and smiled bitterly, looking somewhat ashamed.

At this moment, the young man had already been burned to ashes by him.

Unless the young man had the ability to transform into a vengeful ghost and appear in broad daylight, no one had any evidence that he had killed someone.

Moreover, he had already obtained the spoils he wanted this time, so there was no need to use the young man's body to show off in front of Prince Fu, which would only expose his own strength.

"It's alright. The most important thing is that Yu Gongfu has returned safely. I have entrusted the investigation of the assassin to Zhou, the head of the arrest team, based on the princess's account."

Based on the princess's account, I suspect that this assassin is the same as the Divine Fire Lord from the incident at the Baibao Tower that day.

The two cases are combined into one case, and the maritime arrest documents are issued. The entire county will search and capture them, and they will not be allowed to escape!"

The Prince of Fu's face was angry.

In less than half a year, there were actually two major assassination cases in the prince's mansion.

Today, if the assassin can kill in front of the princess, tomorrow he might be able to reach his bed. Even though he had set up layers of protection for himself, it was difficult to give him a sense of security.

Because that Divine Fire Lord, according to his speculation, was most likely a cultivator.

The more unknown, the more fearful.

"Your Highness is wise!" Yu Xian praised with a cupped fist.

Just at this moment, the princess suddenly said, "Your Highness, this time I was able to escape safely, thanks to Yu Gongfeng sacrificing himself to save me. You must reward him well."

The normal words stopped in the Prince of Fu's ears, but they all felt a bit off.

Has the princess been looking at Yu Gongfeng too frequently today?

But considering that the princess was frightened and Yu Gongfeng saved her life, it was inevitable that she would be enthusiastic.

Suppressing his displeasure, the Prince of Fu laughed heartily, "Of course. The princess is the person I cherish the most. Yu Gongfeng has made great contributions this time, and no matter what reward he wants, I will grant it."

"Your Highness's rewards and punishments are clear. We dare not disobey!" Yu Xian's face was full of admiration and respect.

"I happen to want to ask Your Highness for one thing. I heard that Your Highness has a woman named Xu Meng'er under your command, who is both beautiful and talented. I am not good at anything else, but I appreciate beauty, so I request that Your Highness reward her to me."

This Xu Meng'er is Chen Yi's sister.

The Prince of Fu's face stiffened, and he said in astonishment, "How do you know her name?"

Seeing the Prince of Fu's expression, the princess thought that this Meng'er was one of the Prince of Fu's concubines.

Although she felt a little unhappy when she heard Yu Xian asking the Prince of Fu for a woman, what made her even more unhappy was that the Prince of Fu hesitated for this.

"Your Highness, is the safety of this concubine not as important as a woman in your heart?" The princess's smile turned cold.

"No, she is different." The Prince of Fu wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain.

"I don't care. A gentleman's words are as weighty as a horse-drawn carriage. Your Highness has already promised Yu Gongfeng. Can you go back on your word?" The princess snorted.

Yu Xian silently gave a thumbs up in his heart.

The princess is a great help!

The Prince of Fu sighed and nodded, "Alright! Tomorrow, I will send Xu Meng'er to Yu Gongfeng's residence. In this way, Xiner, are you finally satisfied?"

"That's about right." The princess pouted.

Then the Prince of Fu said again, "But Yu Gongfeng, you need to agree to one condition from me."

"Your Highness!" The princess pinched the Prince of Fu's waist, "How can you attach conditions when giving rewards to others?"

The Prince of Fu felt the pain, but still said firmly, "Yu Gongfeng, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, please speak."

Yu Xian knew that the Prince of Fu would not easily let someone go.

But he saved his wife, and yet he was still so stingy.

Originally, he wanted to remind him of the matter of the Lin family cultivator, but now he thought it was better to forget it. It's better to have one less thing to worry about.

"You go persuade Chen Xiao to completely remove the poison gas from my body. In addition, he cannot appear in my sight for the next ten years. Then I will allow him and his sister to be free."

After the Prince of Fu said this, the princess stopped making a fuss.

The poison on the Prince of Fu's body was also a concern for her. The crown prince was still young, and the Prince of Fu couldn't fall.

After hesitating for a while, Yu Xian nodded, "Alright."

"I believe in Yu Gongfeng's promise. Xu Meng'er will be sent to him tomorrow."

After thinking for a moment, the Prince of Fu added, "And for Yu Gongfeng's meritorious service this time, he must not go unrewarded. I will also reward him with a thousand taels of silver, twenty pieces of silk, and ten barrels of fine wine."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Yu Xian thanked him and withdrew, silently thinking in his heart.

'Chen Yi, you owe me now. You won't be able to repay it in this lifetime.'

(End of this chapter)

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