Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 30 Convincing Chen Xiao

Chapter 30: Convincing Chen Xiao

The next day.

Wang Mansion's dungeon.

This place never sees the light of day, it's cold and damp, and there's a foul smell of decay. Only a few oil lamps hanging on the sides of the passage bring some light.

Clang clang!

Yu Xian, dressed in casual clothes, carrying two jars of wine, knocked on the iron railing to wake up Chen Xiao, whose face had aged almost ten years.


Chen Xiao opened his eyes and saw that it was Yu Xian, so he impatiently turned over, pretending not to hear.

"Big brother?"

Yu Xian didn't mind and changed the way he addressed him.

This time, Chen Xiao was directly angered and cursed at Yu Xian.

"You bastard! You promised to take care of my sister, is this how you take care of her? You've taken care of her in bed!"

"She's still so young!"

Yu Xian thought for a moment and said seriously, "Not young, feeding a big and a small child is enough."

"I'm not joking with you!"

Chen Xiao swiftly moved in front of Yu Xian, ready to grab him.

As if foreseeing it, Yu Xian calmly took a step back, and Chen Xiao's hand couldn't catch him.

"Big brother, don't be angry. If your sister hadn't followed me, she would be living next door to you now, keeping you company. How can you have such leisurely days? Do you really think the Prince would spare a woman?"

"She's so obedient, she must have sacrificed herself for me and submitted to you, this scoundrel. Xiao Yi, I'm sorry!"

Chen Xiao looked remorseful and distressed.

He seemed to imagine the scene of a weak woman walking on thin ice in the Wang Mansion, especially since this girl was the sister of a notorious criminal who had attempted to assassinate the Prince.

Hearing this, Yu Xian remembered Chen Yi's behavior towards him during these days, her reluctance and welcoming gestures, and he couldn't bear to tell Chen Xiao the truth.

"Alright, it's all my fault, it's all my fault for mistreating your sister."

"I'll apologize to you now, and you can choose whether to drink or not."

Yu Xian reached out and handed over a jar of wine.


Chen Xiao angrily snatched the wine, gritting his teeth and said, "If you ever mistreat my sister again, I won't let you off even if I become a ghost!"

Although he had only spent less than a month with Chen Yi, his feelings for her were unimaginable for an ordinary person.

When he learned that he had a sister, Chen Xiao even thought about giving up his hatred and taking his sister away to start a new life.

Faced with Yu Xian, who held his sister in his hands, he had no choice but to yield.

The wine jar in Yu Xian's hand touched Chen Xiao's, and he struck a blow, saying, "In the mortal world, the spiritual energy is thin, and without the conditions to become a ghost, even if you have a heavy grudge after death, you still won't become a ghost."

"You came early in the morning to invite me for a drink just to anger me?"

Chen Xiao forcefully took a sip, his fierce demeanor as if he was drinking Yu Xian's blood.

"No, I came to tell you some good news."

Yu Xian casually said, "After my unremitting efforts, the Prince has finally decided to let you and your sister go."

Chen Xiao fell silent for a moment and asked, "What are the conditions? I don't believe the Prince would be so merciful."

"Talking to smart people is simple."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "The conditions are simple, you remove the toxins from the Prince's body, then leave and never appear in front of him for ten years."

Chen Xiao sneered, "What a good condition. He must have realized that I don't have much time left to live, not many years left."

"If I die, there will be no one to suppress the poison gas, and it won't be long before he accompanies me!"

In order to enhance his strength for revenge, Chen Xiao actively cultivated various poisons into his body, which made his innate true qi incredibly powerful, far beyond the reach of ordinary innate martial artists.

But because of this, his body had long been affected by the backlash.

After being imprisoned in the Wang Mansion's dungeon, his injuries were not properly treated, and he had a lot of hidden injuries in his body.

Although he was a martial arts master with abundant qi and blood, still in his prime, he now looked as old as a man in his forties or fifties.

Yu Xian responded with a cold smile, "Do you really think that no one can cure your Five Poison Palm? Just because mortal martial artists can't do it doesn't mean that cultivators can't.

You want to both be injured with the Prince, but in the end, I'm afraid you'll be the only one who gets hurt."

Chen Xiao's smile froze, but he still stubbornly held his ground.

"Let's wait until he finds a cultivator who can detoxify him!"

Seeing this, Yu Xian knew that Chen Xiao had already fallen into obsession.

If it weren't for the concerns in his heart, Chen Xiao would have probably sought death long ago. It must be said that Prince Fu's move was a good chess move that saved his own life.

He sighed suddenly and said,

"Do you know, Chen Yi has already cultivated her mana and become a cultivator."


Chen Xiao was both shocked and delighted, unable to speak for a moment. Only his trembling hands could express his current emotions.

Yu Xian repeated again, "You didn't hear wrong. She is a genius. With the Changchun Gong you left her...

Well, and a little help from me, she has now become a cultivator."

Chen Xiao took a deep breath, suppressing his shock, and asked cautiously, "Does Prince Fu know?"

If Prince Fu knew that his sister had become a cultivator, he would definitely spare no cost to eliminate this threat.

"He probably doesn't know. For now, you are the third person to know about this," Yu Xian said calmly.

Chen Xiao unconsciously lowered his voice and asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

Yu Xian said, "The spiritual energy environment in the mortal world is too poor. The cultivation world is the best place for Xiao Yi.

But her strength is too weak now, and she doesn't have much self-defense. If you accompany her on the journey, maybe you can send her there.

That's why I agreed to the prince's request to persuade you."

Chen Xiao didn't let Yu Xian lead him by the nose, but instead asked,

"Why don't you accompany Xiao Yi? With your strength, don't you want to go to the cultivation world? Maybe you will have a chance to cultivate in the future."

Yu Xian shrugged and said, "Of course, I can't bear to leave this flashy world. The cultivation world is a place where geniuses gather and the strong are abundant. What would I do there?

Here, I am the boss. Even the prince has to give me some face. If I go to the cultivation world, who knows if my status will be lower than a dog."

Chen Xiao frowned and said, "But Xiao Yi has followed you. You are Xiao Yi's husband!"

Yu Xian naturally replied, "I have more than just Xiao Yi as a woman. In my heart, every woman is equally important.

I have given Xiao Yi a choice, and she chose to leave instead of staying. It shows that going to the cultivation world is more important to her than staying by my side.

Since that's the case, why should I be asked to accompany her?

Big brother-in-law, you can't be so double-standard."

"Well, um..."

Chen Xiao was suddenly speechless, feeling as if his own sister wanted to climb high and abandon others.

"Alright, big brother-in-law, don't think too much about it," Yu Xian patted Chen Xiao's shoulder, acting like an experienced person.

"If love between two people can last forever, then it doesn't matter if they are together every day or not. I also support Xiao Yi's decision.

But if she changes her mind in the future and falls in love with someone else, please find someone to pass on a message to me, so that I won't always worry.

Hmm, it would be even better if you could give me some breakup compensation."

Chen Xiao quickly shook his head, "That's impossible. Xiao Yi is not that kind of person!"

"Time is a magical force," Yu Xian said meaningfully.

Oaths and promises are often powerless in the face of reality.

Not to mention that he and Chen Yi were only together because of mutual desire, and then they developed feelings over time.

He just hoped that when Chen Yi became successful in the future, she would at least give him, her ex-boyfriend, a sealing fee of ten to eighteen thousand spirit stones.

Of course, if the two siblings encountered any misfortune in the cultivation world, he would also express his condolences.

While Chen Xiao was still promising that his sister was pure and would never be fickle,

Yu Xian had already taken out the key and opened the prison door.

"Alright, let's go. I'll find a doctor to check your injuries first, then detoxify Prince Fu, and finally choose an auspicious day for you two siblings to set off."

Chen Xiao looked at the unguarded prison door and gradually fell into silence.

He knew that once he left, the grudges of the Chen family might never have a chance to be avenged in this lifetime.

But after hesitating for a moment, he still walked out.

There were only him and his sister left in the Chen family. They shouldn't live only in hatred. He alone should bear the guilt.

After entering the underworld in the future, he would apologize to his parents.

"I want to take a bath."

After leaving the dungeon, Chen Xiao looked up at the unclear sky, squinted his eyes, and said so.

(End of this chapter)

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