Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

284. Chapter 281 Stealing Business, Old Friend Returns (52K)

Spirit Rice has become popular.

This pill can be taken for a long time without any toxic effects, and it can replace spiritual stones for cultivation. As expected, it has been welcomed by most low-level cultivators.

The price set by the Datong Association for Spirit Rice pills is four pills for one spiritual stone.

However, the actual cultivation value of Spirit Rice pills is three pills for one spiritual stone.

When one Spirit Rice pill can save one-twelfth of a spiritual stone, low-level cultivators will definitely choose it.

Making money is not easy, so they will save wherever they can.

At first, many people were dissatisfied when the Datong Association forced them to settle with Spirit Rice pills.

But once they experienced the benefits of Spirit Rice pills and realized that they could settle within the association using them, the dissatisfaction faded away.

Cultivators with foresight even actively bought large quantities of Spirit Rice pills from the association to resell them.

Under the jurisdiction of Mingyue City, there are only nine major prefectures, each with a branch of the Datong Association. The city of Da'ai, located within Wangshu Prefecture, serves as the headquarters of the association.

In other words, the market in county towns and below is blank.

Even if the first batch of cultivators who tried it only made a profit of one twenty-fourth of a spiritual stone per pill, when the quantity increased, it still amounted to a considerable income.

This is the effect of information asymmetry.

However, this business is not sustainable.

After seeing the profits, local family forces will actively become distributors for the association.

It is difficult for local forces to develop new sources of wealth, and most of their income comes from Spirit Fields, Medicine Mountains, and mineral veins, which provide basic resources for cultivation.

The lower limit of income is quite high, but the upper limit is low.

At most, they can do some basic processing of these resources, such as refining medicinal herbs into pills or forging ores into Law Weapons, etc.

But this kind of processing is mostly done by low-level professionals, with limited profits.

The real high profits come from high-level professionals who can turn decay into magic. They can earn several times to tens of times the profit from one spiritual pill.

A local family that has worked hard to accumulate spiritual stones for decades may spend it all on a Foundation Building Pill or a Gold Core Pill.

This is how high-level professionals harvest from the lower levels.

But even so, competition is necessary.

Strength is the foundation for maintaining a family business. If there is no successor, no matter how many spiritual stones there are, it cannot be maintained.

Therefore, a new source of wealth suddenly appeared, which is an unexpected joy and a windfall for local forces.

The most important thing is that this windfall has no risk.

All they need is for a cultivator to go to the association in Da'ai City to purchase a batch of Spirit Rice pills and then sell them in their own shops as a hot-selling product.

The key is that they don't have to worry about excess funds.

Because this thing not only has a long shelf life, claiming to retain its medicinal properties for a hundred years, but it can also be used by themselves.

Their own cultivators also need spiritual stones for cultivation, and now they can save on expenses by using Spirit Rice pills instead.

In just two years, Spirit Rice pills have appeared in every corner of the Mingyue City jurisdiction, becoming the best-selling product and to some extent replacing the role of spiritual stones.

Every day, cultivators line up outside the Datong Association. Once Spirit Rice pills are produced, there is no need to worry about finding buyers.

Many distributors even become members of the association's Hope Project in order to get more Spirit Rice pills.

Because one of the benefits of being a member is the privilege of purchasing Spirit Rice pills in advance.

A bronze membership requires one hundred thousand spiritual stones, which is also a good unexpected income for the association.

After all, becoming a member, why not enjoy the baptism of the Great Love Domain in Da'ai City.

This benefit is not to be missed.

And once baptized by the domain, there is no turning back.

The soft power of the Datong Association is gradually strengthening.


On this day.

In the True Monarch Mansion of Da'ai.

Yu Xian held a Spirit Rice pill in his hand and spat.

"Damn pirated version!"

Although he knew that the formula for Spirit Rice pills would be cracked, after all, it was only a Rank One pill, and the technical content was there.

But when he saw the pirated version of Spirit Rice pills in front of him, Yu Xian was still very angry.

Those stolen spiritual stones were his!

Zhao Shiwen stood in front of Yu Xian, looking calm.

"The pirated Spirit Rice pills that appeared on the market are not as effective as ours. One Spirit Rice pill has the same effect as one-fourth of a spiritual stone, but they sell it cheaper, six pills for one spiritual stone.

So they have taken away a lot of our market.

If we lower the price, we should be able to quickly regain the market.

In addition, with the production and sales contract we signed with the local forces during the peak sales of Spirit Rice pills, most of the Spirit Rice will be purchased by our association.

The cost will not increase much, and we are not afraid of a price war."

The so-called production and sales contract refers to the agreement that Datong Club will prioritize selling Spirit Rice Pills to forces with Spirit Fields in exchange for the priority purchasing rights of Spirit Field outputs.

In this way, it is equivalent to controlling the raw materials of Spirit Rice Pills and is also one of the measures to prevent counterfeit Spirit Rice Pills.

However, Yu Xian's face looked very bad.

He anticipated counterfeiting and competition, but he didn't expect counterfeiting to occur so quickly.

Datong Club opened up the market for Spirit Rice Pills, allowing him to earn spiritual stones for two years, and now someone is trying to snatch his cake.

He doesn't care about or have control over other places right now.

But in the territory of Mingyue City, whoever tries to snatch his cake, he will kill them.

"Price wars are something for the future, right now I just want to fight. Find out where these counterfeit pills are coming from," he said.

Zhao Shiwen paused and said,

"The one who stands out is a force called Danfamen, but it seems that there are also traces of Profound Yang Sect and Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce behind them. As for which True Monarch specifically, we are still investigating."

She handed over the information she had found to Yu Xian.

Datong Club's influence spreads throughout Mingyue City, it's not a joke.

Almost all forces above the Gold Core level are members of Datong Club and have been influenced by the Great Love Law Domain.

Even if this influence has not reached the level of changing their will, their favor towards Datong Club is unique.

So when someone contacts them and cooperates in selling counterfeit Spirit Rice Pills, their attitude is - cooperate when it comes to cooperation, but betray when it comes to betrayal.

Therefore, there is very little information that can be hidden from Yu Xian in this land.


Yu Xian took the jade slip and scanned it with his divine sense, and information about this force flashed through his mind.

Danfamen, a Nascent Soul level force, belongs to the jurisdiction of Donghua Tiancheng. They occupy an active volcano as their base, called Huofeng.

Their main combat power is the Fire Pill True Monarch, a Rank Four alchemist, and a relatively rare practitioner of alchemy among alchemists.

The so-called alchemy practitioner is primarily focused on the path of alchemy, using spirit pills to carry out magical techniques, similar to inscribing Divine Abilities on the Gold Core. The pills they refine are not only for consumption but also for combat.

The Fire Pill True Monarch is best at fire-based magical pills, especially the Qingluan Lihuo Pill and the Huofeng Ziyand Pill, which are the most famous.

It is rumored that during a beast tide one year, the Fire Pill True Monarch, who ruled the Luan Fire Demon Vein, was dissatisfied with the fact that the Fire Pill True Monarch used their lineage to refine pills and fought a great battle.

In the battle, the Fire Pill True Monarch controlled two magical pills, summoning a demon flame that transformed into a Qingluan Fire Phoenix, and was able to hold his own against the Luan Fire Demon Emperor.

The Luan Fire Demon Emperor is a descendant of the Qing Phoenix Demon Lord, with noble bloodline, and although a Middle Grade Monster Emperor, he was able to fight against a Nascent Soul cultivator without dying.

The Fire Pill True Monarch became famous after this battle and is also considered a transcendent existence in Donghua Tiancheng, similar to the Moyafang Market under the jurisdiction of Mingyue City.

However, True Monarch Huo Dan does not have the eccentric temperament of Mo Ya San Ren. He gets along well with Donghua Tiancheng and often refines pills for Nascent Soul cultivators, making many friends.

"No wonder you were able to decipher my Spirit Rice Pill formula so quickly and dare to intervene in Mingyue Tiancheng. You do have some skills." Yu Xian rubbed his chin, feeling less angry.

If it were a nobody, he wouldn't be polite, but this True Monarch Huo Dan is not easy to deal with.

Moreover, since this matter also involves the Profound Yang Sect and the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, it means that his opponents are not just an Independent Cultivator alchemy master.

There may also be several Nascent Soul True Monarchs who could come forward to help.

"Now that you've deciphered the pill formula, why not just sell it on your own territory? Why compete with me?" Yu Xian felt a bit wronged.

He hadn't even thought about occupying other territories, but the other party attacked first.

The Da Tong Society has developed too quickly and has shallow foundations. There is a severe shortage of backup alchemists, otherwise there wouldn't be a situation where people have to line up to buy pills.

Although it seems hot, it is actually a constraint on productivity.

"If they want to compete with us, what can we do? Lower the price..." Yu Xian paused and shook his head.

"We can't lower the price, let's offer a discount instead. If we lower the price, it will be difficult to raise it again in the future. They sell six pills for one spirit stone, we'll buy four and get one free."

"Adding more than 20% of the cost for no reason means adding millions of spirit stones. Who can I reason with?"

Zhao Shiwen nodded.

"Alright, sir."

"By the way, there's one more thing. Wan Tianchou and the others have returned."

Zhao Shiwen remembered the group of people who had returned not long ago and were waiting to be summoned.

Yu Xian was stunned for a moment before he remembered who Wan Tianchou was.

"Calculating with my fingers, they've been gone for over fifty years. I almost forgot about them."

Back then, his Da Tong Society pursued short-term gains and slaughtered recklessly in Jinpeng Monster Emperor's territory, almost wiping out all the Low Grade Monster Kings. This finally provoked Jinpeng Monster Emperor to personally take action, resulting in the loss of more than twenty pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivators in a single day.

He had to lay low and go into hiding.

It was at this time that he had Wan Laozu and the Violent Ape Monster King, who had followed him from Shangyang City, take more than ten pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivators from the Da Tong Society and go far away to continue hunting Monster Kings and accumulate capital.

For this, he promised Wan Tianchou that as long as he brought back fifty Beast Cores, he would set him free.

However, as he continued to develop, breakthrough to Nascent Soul, and establish Da Ai City, he had forgotten about the ten-plus pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivators Wan Tianchou had taken away.

It was because he had too many pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivators under his command, and even their work was being internalized. There was simply no shortage of people.

"Master, do you want to see them?" Zhao Shiwen asked.

Yu Xian nodded, "Let's meet them."

Zhao Shiwen stepped back.

Before long, a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and a strong aura, accompanied by a young man with white hair, came side by side.

"Young master, I'm back," the middle-aged man said.

As soon as the middle-aged man saw Yu Xian, his fierce expression immediately softened, and he knelt half in excitement in front of Yu Xian.

"Master," the young man with white hair greeted awkwardly. He was the Silverback Violent Ape transformed into human form.

"It's good that you're back," Yu Xian nodded casually.

Seeing Yu Xian's expression, Wan Tianchou sighed inwardly.

Although he had been hunting demons outside for the young master these years, risking his life, he had never been by his side. Naturally, their relationship had faded.

It was nothing like Wu Laozu, who didn't even have time to catch his breath in order to refine pills for the young master back then. But now that the young master had become a Nascent Soul True Monarch, his status as an old man following the young master instantly soared.

He was now the deputy director of the Alchemy Department of the Great Unity Society, responsible for teaching new alchemists. His status was high, not much different from a true Gold Core Perfected Being.

But this path was his own choice.

The word "freedom" is only truly cherished when it is lost.

Although it seemed no different now.

He took out a storage bag from his pocket and handed it over with both hands.

"I have fulfilled my mission and led thirteen members of the Great Unity Society's preparatory team to travel through various Great Monster veins for many years, hunting down fifty-one Beast Cores. Please check them, young master."

Yu Xian casually took it, but it was covered in the smell of blood.

"How many people are left?" Wan Tianchou's eyes turned red instantly.

"Reporting to the young master, there are only five of us left, including me and Brother Yang," Wan Tianchou said.

Yu Xian shook his head, "You've all worked hard."

As he spoke, he probed his divine sense into the storage ring and took out the fake pill cultivators who had left back then, along with a row of blood souls belonging to Wan Tianchou.

Sure enough, most of the jade plaques among them were already shattered.

"As promised, I will return the Beast Cores to you, young master, and also give you those who are still alive," Yu Xian said.

Wan Tianchou had followed him as an old man back then, and because of a sudden whim, he had fought outside for decades.

Fifteen people went, and only five came back. One can imagine the tragic situation.

"Thank you, young master," Wan Tianchou said without hesitation. This was what he deserved.

"What are your plans for the future? If you want to go back, I will support you. If you want to stay, go find Vice President Zhao, she will arrange a job for you," Yu Xian said.

He was no longer afraid of Wan Tianchou revealing his true identity.

The strength of a Nascent Soul True Monarch was truly not to be underestimated, even if people knew where he came from, he wouldn't panic.

After all, he had no family or friends left behind.

Anyone who tried to threaten him with his loved ones would be gravely mistaken.

Wan Tianchou had already thought about it when he came. When he heard that the young master was willing to arrange for him, he couldn't help but feel moved.

He had blamed the young master when he was fighting in the demon veins, almost losing his life several times.

He had forgotten the favor the young master had shown him when he helped him with Core Formation and extended his lifespan.

They were just a group of fake pill cultivators. Even with the help of Yang Hou, the Demon King, it would have taken them who knows how long to hunt down fifty Beast Cores, and they might have died long ago.

But at that time, the young master was in a rage, and he didn't dare to refuse easily.

Fortunately, they had survived it all.

Now that the young master had become a Nascent Soul True Monarch, he still remembered their old relationship and was willing to meet with a fake pill cultivator like him who had no future prospects.

The huge difference in status made his nerves, which had been tested by blood and fire, tremble.

"I am willing to follow the young master and give my all for him," Wan Tianchou said.

Yu Xian waved his hand, "There weren't many old people who walked out of Shangyang City with me back then. Work hard, and you may be able to go further in the future."

"Is the young master serious?!" Wan Tianchou didn't expect such a huge surprise.

Yu Xian smiled, "Why would I deceive a small fake pill cultivator like you? Go down and let Wu Fellow Daoist take care of you. If you want to work, you can go find Vice President Zhao whenever you're ready."

Although being a fake pill cultivator was a great shackle, it might not be impossible to break through without going through the fake pill stage.

Guishou is a good example. His spiritual cultivation has now advanced further, reaching the realm of Middle Grade Spirit King, which is the mid-stage of Gold Core.

The limitations of his physical aptitude can no longer restrict his cultivation.

Wan Tianchou stepped back excitedly.

"Yang Hou, it seems like you haven't been standing still these years."

Yu Xian looked at the white-haired youth.

Even though he had fought alongside Wan Tianchou for many years, there was still a hint of simplicity on his face, because all of his violent aura had been hidden in his bloodline.

Yang Hou's face showed a hint of shyness.

"Master has a good eye."

He and a group of fake pill cultivators surrounded and killed the Demon King with a formation that covered the sky, devouring the flesh and blood of many Demon Kings. His cultivation has reached the Middle Grade Demon King.

For the Monster Race, this progress is already considered good.

Yu Xian snapped his fingers.

"I know you have always been thinking about your old master. Because you have fought so hard for many years, I will grant you a wish."

The figure of the Perfected Being gradually solidified, with an inexplicable look of desolation in his eyes.

"Silly child."

Yang Hou's expression froze, then he knelt down and hugged the Perfected Being's thigh, crying loudly.


Although the Perfected Being had used him to test his cultivation technique back then, he had also given him a path to advancement.

If it weren't for that demonic blood technique, he would still be a little monkey on Savage Ape Mountain, how could he become the Ape King and rule the clan?

Later, he even became a Demon King, with a fierce and domineering presence.

He had always been grateful to the Perfected Being and regarded him as a father.

So after transforming, he refused the name Yuan Fabai given to him by Yu Xian and insisted on keeping the surname Yang, unwilling to forget his old master.

Yu Xian walked away, giving the two old acquaintances time to reunite.

About the time it takes to drink a cup of tea.

The Perfected Being led Yang Hou over.

"So fast?"

Yu Xian was surprised. "I thought you had a lot to say to each other."

The Perfected Being smiled. "I'm not about to die immediately, so there's no need to say everything at once."

Yang Hou followed behind the Perfected Being, expressing his gratitude.

"Master, my old master has already told me. It was you who saved him. From now on, whoever you want me to fight, I will fight. I will always follow you!"

Yu Xian said impatiently, "You're good at making calculations. With my current identity as a True Monarch, I can easily find Demon Kings willing to submit."


Yang Hou just smiled foolishly, without defending himself.

"If you want to stay, then stay. We don't need you."

Saying that, Yu Xian took out a token.

"Here's your proof, so you won't be captured and used to refine pills."

"Thank you, Master."

Yang Hou bowed with both hands and happily stepped back.

Fighting in the Demon Vein was a common occurrence for him, and he didn't find the past few decades difficult at all. As for his human comrades, he was initially saddened by their deaths, but later he became accustomed to it.

So compared to Wan Tianchou's complex emotions, he was actually more pure.

"Yang Fellow Daoist."

Yu Xian called out to the Perfected Being, who had a complicated expression.

"What is it, Lord?"

The Perfected Being now called him Lord without hesitation.

"Do you still remember Donghua City? The promise I made to you back then, now we can go and fulfill it."

Yu Xian said casually.

The Danfa Sect had snatched his business, and he wasn't a good person either, so he definitely had to go. Moreover, after reading about the Danfa Sect, he was quite envious of their alchemists. He didn't have a reason before, but now he had a good reason.

If he could lure them to join the Datong Society, productivity would definitely increase significantly.

And the inheritance of the Fire Pill True Monarch seemed promising, it could also be used for Luo Han.

As for avenging the Perfected Being, it was just a side matter.

If it weren't for this fortuitous encounter, he would have to wait several more decades for revenge, anyway, it hadn't been a hundred years yet.

The Perfected Being was taken aback, and an elegant figure appeared in his mind, followed by a heart-wrenching pain.

His gaze dimmed, and his voice became low.

"I will follow your orders, Lord." (End of this chapter)

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