Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

285. Chapter 282 This Woman Is So Terrifying! (6K, Plus One Thousand Monthly Votes Last Month)

Donghua Tiancheng, one of the eight great celestial cities in the Xuan Yang realm, has a vast area, spanning thousands of miles in all directions. However, the terrain is rugged, with many mountains and steep ridges, often plagued by demonic groups.

When Yu Xian and the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts flew in the sky, they didn't feel it, as they traveled thousands of miles in an instant.

But once they landed, they saw mountains upon mountains, ridges connected to ridges. At a glance, it was lush and verdant, as if they were in a primeval jungle.

"There are few places suitable for farming here, but it should be decent after cultivation," Yu Xian gave a non-professional evaluation from the perspective of a spiritual farmer.

Then he heard the howls of wolves and tigers in his ears, and he added another sentence.

"The planting environment is worrisome."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts stood aside, his eyes filled with nostalgia, and he said:

"It's not all like this. There are still vast plains. Otherwise, how could the human race gather here? It's just that compared to the Mingyue Tiancheng, it is indeed sparsely populated and much more difficult to travel."

"In the past, when I grazed ten thousand beasts in the mountains, I often couldn't see any signs of human habitation for several days."

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "If I were the lord of this place, I would flatten a thousand mountains, open up ten thousand roads, and connect the world."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts looked at Yu Xian strangely and said,

"Lord, you are different from others."

Yu Xian naturally replied, "To become rich, one must first build roads. In this kind of environment, how can people survive? Without a population, where does wealth come from? The most important thing is to build roads. Otherwise, how will people come to our Great Love City in the future? We cannot discriminate against cultivators with low realms."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts casually said, "No one does things without benefits."

"I will do it sooner or later," Yu Xian said confidently.

He needed a lot of leeks. It would definitely not be enough to rely solely on his own cultivation.

So, by building roads, all the leeks in the world could overcome their difficulties and not be confined to one place. This would automatically bring them to him and help him advance rapidly in his cultivation.

But he would have to wait until his cultivation level was higher. After all, if he wanted to meddle in other people's territories, he needed the strength to make them shut up.

"Now that we've appreciated the local characteristics, let's continue on our way," Yu Xian stopped and looked into the distance before taking off again.

The territory of Donghua Tiancheng is much larger than that of Mingyue Tiancheng, spanning thousands of miles and covering billions of square kilometers.

However, although the area is large, there are not many habitable places.

Of course, for cultivators, spiritual veins are the only criterion for determining habitability.

But that is only for mid to high-level cultivators.

For ordinary people and low-level cultivators who can only absorb a few mouthfuls of spiritual energy, mountains are everywhere, and it is definitely not a good place to live.

So under the rule of Donghua Tiancheng, the status of middle and high-level cultivators is much higher than that of Mingyue Tiancheng.

Because only by relying on them can they resist the harsh living environment around them.

Otherwise, any Demonic Cultivator or Demonic Beast that comes along would be a tragedy.

It is precisely because of this that the underlying cultural style of Donghua Tiancheng is brave and ruthless, cruel and intolerant of any weakness.

Yu Xian recalled the geographical introduction of Donghua Tiancheng and confirmed it with what he had seen along the way, causing his speed to slow down.

But after a day, Donghua Tiancheng was already in sight.

For ordinary people, it may be a journey they may never make in their lifetime, but for high-level cultivators like Yu Xian, it is just a leisurely stroll.


Donghua Tiancheng is built in the center of a basin, with a Rank Four Middle Grade spiritual vein, surrounded by a vast plain with abundant water and grass, and a dense population.

This plain is also called Donghua Plain.

In the center of the basin, there is a giant mountain peak that rises abruptly, with the surrounding terrain suddenly rising.

On the mountain, there is a huge city, as if built in the clouds, so Donghua Tiancheng is also called the City in the Clouds locally.

There are many small towns built around the foot of the mountain.

From time to time, flying boats can be seen taking off and landing. These flying boats are used to transport supplies for Donghua Tiancheng.

This is similar to Mingyue Tiancheng.

Most of the area on the mountain belongs to high-level cultivators and is privately owned.

There are fewer places available for serving middle and low-level cultivators, for production and cultivation, so they need to continuously transport supplies from the outside world.

Storage bags are at most small rooms that can be carried around. The value of storage bags used as warehouses is much higher than that of flying boats, so they cannot be used as ordinary transportation tools.

Yu Xian randomly found a teahouse in a small town to settle down.

He sat by the window, watching the flying boats passing by from time to time in his field of vision, and couldn't help but think that he was already a Nascent Soul True Monarch, but he didn't even have a larger storage Law Weapon.

The storage ring he had on hand had a volume of only a hundred cubic units, which was already the largest volume available on the market.

After all, he never went on dungeon raids, so he didn't have a pressing need for a storage Law Weapon that could store loot. He didn't think much about it in normal times.

If there's time, he can look for equipment similar to a portable Cave Mansion.

But this thing should be expensive.

His thoughts diverged, and Yu Xian felt a shadow in front of him. The Perfected Being of the Ten Thousand Beasts sat down opposite him.

"Returning to familiar territory must bring back many memories, right?"

The Perfected Being of the Ten Thousand Beasts, originally named Yang Ming, came from a family of beast tamers in Donghua Tiancheng. His ancestors were also influential figures and even produced a Nascent Soul True Monarch. He once inherited the lineage of the Profound Yang Sect.

Later, when the True Monarch passed away, the later generations were not as capable, so the family migrated to Donghua Tiancheng.

After all, the environment here is very suitable for raising Spirit Beasts.

But each generation was not as good as the previous one.

Although advanced cultivators can leave behind their bloodline, it is very difficult, especially since most cultivators are unwilling to let childbirth interfere with their cultivation.

When there is no hope in the future, it becomes even more difficult to leave behind a bloodline.

Therefore, theoretically, the bloodlines of advanced cultivators are generally excellent, but this statement is not entirely accurate, as it is possible to inherit the inferior part.

The Yang family is like this.

At first, the highest cultivation level in the family was at the peak of Gold Core, with the opportunity to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. Later, it was only at the late stage of Gold Core, unable to even touch the threshold of the Nascent Soul realm.

Later on, it was at the middle stage of Gold Core, then the early stage of Gold Core...

It barely maintained the dignity of a Gold Core family.

The passing of a thousand years is the history of a family's decline.

Until the generation of the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts, who showed outstanding talent from a young age and had the support of a family's heritage, it seemed that they were about to rise.

But then they encountered a lifelong love at first sight.

Later on, there's no need to say more, they received the treatment of a typical protagonist in a novel.

Betrayed by their lifelong love, the family was devastated, and they fled alone, falling into the demonic path, taking on the name of the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts, rising all the way, and eventually perishing at the hands of the Monster Emperor in the Forest of Demonic Bees.

Before, Yu Xian didn't think much of it.

It wasn't until they became a Nascent Soul True Monarch that they realized how extraordinary it was for a Gold Core cultivator to escape from the Monster Emperor.

Moreover, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts faced the Golden Peng Monster Emperor, who possessed extreme speed in the wind and was at the Middle Grade Monster Emperor level.

Even if the Golden Peng Monster Emperor didn't go all out, they might have underestimated a Gold Core cultivator.

But despite such a huge gap, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts managed to escape.

One reason is that the Blood Demon Path's techniques are good at preserving life, and the other is the extraordinary nature of the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts themselves.

They are truly a True Monarch in appearance.

If it weren't for the unexpected appearance of the Golden Peng Monster Emperor, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts might have already become a Blood Demon Path True Monarch, rather than a spiritual treasure's spirit, subject to the control of others.

"Old friends withered away, no more relatives and friends, this place has become a foreign land to me."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts fell silent for a moment and let out a bitter smile.

"And she is not dead yet, she has become a Gold Core Perfected Being, the city lord's favored concubine, and the family has enjoyed over a hundred years of glory and wealth because of her honor.

My poor clansmen have turned into piles of bones, with no one to bury them."

Yu Xian comforted, "It can be considered fortunate in misfortune, otherwise you wouldn't even have the chance to take revenge yourself."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts: "..."

There's a feeling that something is not quite right with this statement, but it's hard to pinpoint what's wrong.

"What are your plans?"

Yu Xian didn't regard the city lord's favored concubine highly, even if that city lord were to come, they wouldn't pay much attention to them.

After all, if I want to fight him, I have to find him first.

The current Lord of Donghua Tiancheng is named Zhongshan True Monarch, with a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation. It is said that he is a solitary cultivator, but his reputation is average.

Unlike his wife Jiuyue True Monarch, who is truly capable, and with her extraordinary beauty, her fame has spread among the high-level cultivators in the entire Xuanyang realm.

Perfected Being Wan Shou's tone was calm and unhurried, but his words were chilling.

"Blood debt must be repaid with blood. I will make her watch as the people she cares about die one by one in front of her, and let her live in pain and regret for the rest of her life."

Yu Xian keenly noticed the flaw in his words.

"Are you serious, Fellow Daoist Yang? At this point, you still want to spare her life. I have to criticize you for this. If you want to kill, kill her whole family. Since you look like this, keeping a woman is useless."

As he spoke, he muttered quietly.

"I haven't heard that a spirit can still be intimate with a woman."

Perfected Being Wan Shou's voice faltered, and the hatred that had just been brewing was extinguished like a bucket of cold water.

"I just want her to experience the pain I suffered back then, not intentionally spare her life. I will capture her and put her in the Blood Sea Banner, let her flesh be corroded by the Blood Sea, and her soul torn apart by the demonic spirits, wailing for the rest of her life."

Perfected Being Wan Shou remained stubborn.

"Now it feels like a demon lord has returned, with the taste of vowing to avenge the deep hatred of the Blood Sea."

Yu Xian never talked about repaying kindness with gratitude.

To repay kindness with gratitude, how can one repay kindness?

If someone stabs me, returning the favor with one stab is fair, but returning it with ten stabs is a bonus.

This is his simple value system.

"Since that's the case, let's go."

Yu Xian stood up.

Perfected Being Wan Shou was taken aback, "So soon?"

Yu Xian shrugged, "We're here for revenge, not for a dinner invitation. Why bother with auspicious dates? Capture that woman and do whatever you want to her, it will be easy."

Perfected Being Wan Shou's mind was not clouded by hatred.

"She currently resides in Tiancheng as a favored concubine of True Monarch, so it must be a heavily guarded place. There is also a Rank Four formation protecting the city, and once there is any disturbance, there are several Nascent Soul True Monarchs' Cave Mansions in the city..."

Donghua Tiancheng is vast in size and relatively sparsely populated, which means a larger area and more resources, making it easier for high-level cultivators to emerge.

Therefore, the number of True Monarchs under his rule is not as scarce as in Mingyue Tiancheng. Over the years, the number of publicly recognized True Monarch cultivators has reached a dozen or so.

Moreover, not all Nascent Soul Independent Cultivators like to stay in their own territories to develop their power.

After all, the most that the Profound Yang Sect can allocate to them is at most a Rank Three spiritual vein, which is not of much benefit to cultivation.

As for the territory, it is neither big nor small, just enough to keep them from starving to death.

To truly obtain cultivation bonuses, one must have a Rank Four spiritual vein.

Therefore, in the jurisdiction of Donghua Tiancheng, many Nascent Soul True Monarchs' permanent residence is not their own territory, but Donghua Tiancheng.

Therefore, once there is too much movement, it will definitely alarm other True Monarchs.

And the target of his revenge is the favored concubine of True Monarch Chongshan. Once discovered, other True Monarchs would be willing to give him face and lend a helping hand.

If True Monarch Chongshan happens to be in the city and mobilizes the city's grand formation, they may all be in danger.

In this regard, Yu Xian, who has always been steady, showed great confidence.

"In terms of direct confrontation, I may not be able to compare to those geniuses who can fight beyond their level.

But when it comes to bullying those with lower cultivation than me, even among the cultivators of the same realm in the entire Immortal Cultivation World, I definitely have a place among the top three.

Moreover, don't forget, I am also a Rank Four formation master.

Cracking a Rank Four grand formation head-on may be beyond my ability, but it is not difficult to hide movements within a formation."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts: "..."

What's there to be proud of in bullying children?

However, even though Yu Xian is so confident, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts did not hastily agree.

After pondering for a while, he said:

"My lord, please give me two more days to investigate and come up with a foolproof plan."

Yu Xian didn't care and said, "Do as you wish, it won't make much difference in a day or two."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts nodded and left.

He is now a Spiritual Treasure in human form, still a demonic Spiritual Treasure, even though he has been cleansed by the Great Love Law Domain, making it difficult for ordinary cultivators to see through his true nature.

But if he goes to the heavenly city and encounters True Monarch cultivators, it may not be the case.

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble and gather information, he can only inquire in the nearby towns.

Fortunately, the cultivators around here are all dependent on the heavenly city for survival and have always been concerned about the city's news and movements, especially the city lord's mansion as the ruler of this place.

In addition, the Yang family, as a thousand-year-old family, even if they were exterminated, it is impossible for them to leave no trace and still have some hidden relationships.

After some effort, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts finally obtained the information he wanted.


Half a month later.

Zhu Family Village.

This is a village located hundreds of miles east of Donghua Tiancheng, a Gold Core force with nearly a hundred thousand people under its family's jurisdiction.

Although there is only one Gold Core Perfected Being in the entire family, and they are rarely present in the family.

But no one dares to provoke the surrounding forces, and even many young descendants have been warned by their elders to endure if they can.

Because the Gold Core Perfected Being of the Zhu family is not someone else, but the favored concubine of the True Monarch Zhongshan, the Perfected Being Zhu Yurong.

It is said that the Zhu family was only a small Foundation Building family more than a hundred years ago, and such families are as numerous as hairs on the East Huaplain.

But Zhu Yurong, the Perfected Being, was born delicate and beautiful, and for some reason, she was chosen by the True Monarch Zhongshan and brought into his room, breaking through the Gold Core realm.

As a result, the entire Zhu family also rose with the tide and became one of the prominent forces nearby.

A delicate flying boat stopped in the air above the Zhu family's village.

A beautiful woman in a gorgeous long dress, with ribbons on her arms, walked out of the flying boat gracefully and landed gently. Behind her were two maidservants following.

As soon as she landed, a group of cultivators surged forward like a tide under the lead of a middle-aged cultivator, bowing respectfully to the woman.

"Zhu family patriarch Zhu You'an and his clan members pay respects to Grandmother Ancestor."

The woman's expression was cold and indifferent. Without even looking, she walked into the main hall of the estate.

Only then did the maidservants say to the kneeling clan members, "You can all get up now. The patriarch stays, and the rest of you can leave. Miss doesn't like too many people."

Zhu Yurong sat in the position of the family head, looking at the patriarch who was bowing his head anxiously, and her red lips lightly opened.

"I have said before that the family's urgent communication should not be abused. If you cannot give me a satisfactory reason today, you, as the patriarch, will step down and let someone else take over."

For Zhu Yurong, the family's support for her was not significant. At most, they provided a few loyal and reliable clan members to serve her and run errands.

She was well aware that her position was supported by her own strength and the favor of the True Monarch. The Zhu family was of little use to her.

But they were still of the same bloodline, and she took care of them on ordinary days.

However, these guys took advantage of her reputation and often got into conflicts with the surrounding forces, which always cost her some favors.

She was somewhat annoyed and planned to find an opportunity to sever the ties with the family.

After all, she had given them many chances, but the Zhu family had failed to produce a single Gold Core Perfected Being in so many years.

It would be better to cut off the relationship early, so as to avoid the Zhu family causing trouble in the future and implicating her.

She was now nearly three hundred years old, and the family members she used to be familiar with had long turned into a handful of yellow soil.

Even if she had offspring, they were the children of the True Monarch and could not stay in the Zhu family.

Moreover, there were none.

Zhu Yurong made up her mind. This would be her last time helping the Zhu family.

"Zhu Perfected Being is so powerful. I wonder if you still recognize an old acquaintance from the past?"

A mocking voice came.

Zhu Yurong looked towards the voice and saw a young man with an ordinary appearance and bright eyes walking slowly into the hall, wearing a smile on his face that she detested.

She hadn't seen that kind of smile in a long time. It was mocking, condescending, and it made her feel inferior.

"Who are you?"

Zhu Yurong didn't get angry easily.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world, and no one knows when a master will emerge.

This person was unfathomable, and his strength was probably not to be underestimated.

She had been able to serve by True Monarch Zhongshan's side in the Reishan Mountains, receiving his favor without any decrease, relying on her strong emotional control ability, so that True Monarch Zhongshan wouldn't see her as a spoiled woman.

So, until she figured out the person's intentions, she maintained the dignity of a woman.

Yu Xian casually waved his hand towards the head of the Zhu family, who had not spoken.

"You go guard outside, no one is allowed to approach."

The head of the Zhu family respectfully retreated, but didn't look at his own ancestor again.

Zhu Yurong's expression changed slightly.

"Do you know who I am?"

"I have heard of the reputation of Zhu Perfected Being. You are the favored concubine of True Monarch Zhongshan, your fame is widespread."

"But I came to the Zhu family precisely for Zhu Perfected Being."

"Oh, Zhu Perfected Being, don't be so impatient. I haven't finished speaking, why resort to such small actions?"

Yu Xian lightly tapped his finger, causing ripples in the air, and a blood-colored radiance appeared, trapped in a small bubble.

"The Blood Symbol of Ten Thousand Miles, True Monarch Zhongshan is quite concerned about you."

"But unfortunately, it falls a bit short."

His domain had already covered the entire Zhu family village, but under the double coverage of the Divine Ability domain, it didn't show any power.

So, any slight disturbance in space could be detected by him.

Although the activation of the Blood Symbol of Ten Thousand Miles was concealed, it couldn't escape his perception.

Zhu Yurong's face gradually turned pale.

When True Monarch Zhongshan gave her the blood symbol, he had said that this blood symbol could be sensed within a thousand miles, even within ten thousand miles, in just a few breaths.

Even if they were separated by a hundred thousand miles, there would still be some sense after activation.

No ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarch could intercept it.

"As a woman, no matter how difficult it is, I will make sure to satisfy you, Senior, if you tell me what I have done to offend you."

She spoke with difficulty.

Yu Xian smiled, "This has nothing to do with me. How to deal with you depends on an acquaintance of yours."

"Yang Fellow Daoist, as an acquaintance, why hide and refuse to show up?"

Zhu Yurong saw another middle-aged man in his thirties appear in front of her with a complicated expression.

Even though they hadn't seen each other for hundreds of years, she recognized him at a glance.

"Brother Yang, it's you!"

Her eyes turned slightly red, tears falling like pearls.

"You look older, are you... alright?"

Her voice trembled, touching.

The Beast Perfected Being fell silent for a moment, revealing a complex and indescribable smile.

"A scene of blood and rain from that year still haunts my mind day and night, how can I be alright? But you, your appearance remains the same, still so captivating."

Yu Xian, who had been watching, couldn't help but take a cold breath.

This woman was truly terrifying!

In such a short time, she could immediately recall the identity of her acquaintance and switch emotions in an instant, comparable to the scene when he reunited with Chen Yi under the moonlight years ago.

No, she was even more formidable than him.

When he discovered Chen Yi's identity back then, he spent half a day on psychological preparation and scene rehearsal.

But this was the Beast Perfected Being's private matter.

No matter how the Beast Perfected Being wanted to deal with this woman, he wouldn't interfere.

After all, he had no grudges or grievances with Zhu Yurong.

There are countless green teas in the world, but none of them have caused any trouble for him. He couldn't just consider them all as competitors to be eliminated.

Zhu Yurong forced a bitter smile and said sadly,

"Brother Yang, you must still blame me. When the Yang family was annihilated, I was heartbroken. Uncle, aunt, and my little sister were all good to me."

"But I couldn't show any emotions, I could only force a smile. Afterwards, I buried their remains to find some peace of mind."

These years, I devoted myself to True Monarch Zhongshan, and outsiders only saw my glory, but no one saw the pain in my heart.

I often think of the scenes of running and grazing in the mountains with Brother Yang. At that time, I didn't need to think about anything, I just needed to run forward.

Brother Yang chased after me from behind, the wind was sweet, the flowers were fragrant, those were the happiest days of my life.

Only Brother Yang truly understood me.

These years, I secretly asked people to search for Brother Yang's whereabouts. Occasionally, I would hear that someone had seen Brother Yang, and every time I went with hope, I would often return disappointed."

At this moment, tears filled Zhu Yurong's eyes, and a smile appeared on her face.

"To see Brother Yang again, I don't know how happy I am. Even if I die now, I will be content."

"Perhaps this way, I can see Uncle, Aunt, and my little sister again, and personally apologize to them."

She slowly closed her eyes, revealing a relieved smile.

"Brother Yang, kill me, let me die by your hand, I have no regrets." (End of this chapter)

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