Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

288. Chapter 285 The Remnants Of The Alchemist Society

Yu Xian has been making friends at Danfamen for six months.

As one of the only two Rank Four alchemists in Danfamen, Qin Miao finished refining a furnace of Infant Yuan Pills, let out a sigh of relief, and revealed deep exhaustion in his eyes.

The Infant Yuan Pills are of Rank Four Low Grade, and even for cultivators in the mid-stage of Nascent Soul, they have a certain effect. They are one of the most suitable spirit pills for assisting early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators in their cultivation.

The cost of materials alone for a furnace of Infant Yuan Pills is nearly eight digits.

Moreover, some of the main ingredients can only be obtained in secret realms and dangerous places. Even if a Nascent Soul True Monarch personally takes action, it would still require a lot of effort to gather enough materials for a furnace of pills.

If lucky, it could be done in three to five years.

If unlucky, it could take twenty to thirty years.

Faced with such a rare and hard-to-find spirit pill, even as a Rank Four alchemist, he dared not be careless.

He worked tirelessly, without sleep, for two and a half years before successfully refining this furnace of pills.

If it weren't for his own cultivation reaching the peak of Gold Core, he probably wouldn't have been able to sustain such a long period of alchemy.

The pill furnace is still being nurtured.

He closed his eyes and entered a deep state of meditation.

Opening the furnace and retrieving the pills is the final step of alchemy. His current state is not secure enough, so he needs to adjust to a perfect state.

Half a month later.

Qin Miao suddenly opened his eyes and saw that the pill furnace was still being nurtured by the spiritual fire. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't hesitate, but instead formed a hand seal and pointed towards the pill furnace.


With a loud bang, the lid of the furnace lifted, and a burst of spiritual light flew out, about the size of a fist, vaguely revealing the appearance of a baby.

After flying out of the pill furnace, it danced in the air, seemingly searching for an escape route.

"It seems to have strong medicinal properties."

Qin Miao was not surprised but delighted.

The materials used to refine Rank Four spirit pills are all rare in the world. Once refined into pills, the spirit pills will possess a trace of spirituality, which is also a symbol of Rank Four spirit pills.

In theory, if a Rank Four spirit pill is nourished by its medicinal power for a long time without losing its potency, there is a possibility that it will develop spiritual wisdom and become a pill demon, a natural alchemist.

However, Qin Miao had only occasionally seen such strange legends in ancient alchemy books, and he regarded them as the imagination of previous alchemists.

But it is true that the more spiritual the Rank Four spirit pill is, the stronger its medicinal power.

Qin Miao continuously formed hand seals, and strands of mana wove into a large net in the air, enveloping the spiritual light and slowly dragging it towards his hand.

When the spiritual light fell on his palm, as if it had touched human aura, the light instantly dimmed, leaving only a walnut-sized spirit pill in the shape of a crystal ball.

Inside the pill, there seemed to be a blurry and curled-up baby.

"The pill is transparent, the medicinal power is abundant, a High Grade spirit pill."

Qin Miao's face lit up, and he took out an icy jade box emitting a cold aura, carefully placed the Infant Yuan Pill inside, and then sealed it with a spiritual talisman to prevent the medicinal power from overflowing.

This furnace of pills can be considered complete.

Qin Miao visibly relaxed, as if a huge stone had been lifted from his heart.

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"If I had messed up this furnace of pills, I don't know when I would be able to break through to Nascent Soul."

In recent years, he has been walking on thin ice in Danfamen, not daring to make the slightest mistake.

Unlike formation masters, the rank of alchemists is not completely limited by their own cultivation. Foundation Building cultivators can also refine Rank Three spirit pills, but the probability is lower.

And he, as one of the only two Rank Four alchemists in Danfamen, only has the cultivation of Gold Core realm.

Originally, he didn't want to reveal his level as a Rank Four alchemist, fearing that it would arouse suspicion and persecution from the Fire Pill True Monarch.

But Rank Three alchemists make money too slowly.

As an alchemist, theoretically, he can earn tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of spirit stones by refining a furnace of Rank Three spirit pills.

But these spirit stones need to be shared with Danfamen, and he can only get a small portion.

At the same time, if he fails, not only will he waste a lot of time, but he will also be fined.

After all, as an alchemy platform, Danfamen has to guarantee its reputation and cannot allow its own alchemists to act recklessly.

In case the alchemist is in a bad mood and intentionally ruins the guest's elixirs, it is still the Danfamen that will have to compensate.

The unspoken rules of alchemists do not apply here.

The so-called unspoken rules of alchemists mean that if ordinary cultivators want to have their elixirs refined by alchemists, they generally provide all the materials, and if the refinement fails, they don't have to compensate, but if it succeeds, they give the alchemist a reward of 10% to 30% of the market price.

But Danfamen naturally cannot take this unspoken rule as a rule if they want to demonstrate their competitiveness.

Otherwise, if the materials that others have worked hard to find are ruined in just a few moments, it not only damages their reputation but also easily offends people.

Danfamen is able to refine elixirs for many cultivators and charge high fees because of the guarantee of success rate. Otherwise, why would people come to Danfamen for elixir refinement?

Qin Miao knew that he was nominally a noble alchemist, but in fact, he was just a worker for Danfamen.

Not only him, but the majority of the earnings of all alchemists flow to the Fire Pill True Monarch, who uses them as resources for cultivation.

But Danfamen is able to gather so many alchemists not because of the violent rule of the Fire Pill True Monarch, but because it has provided a relatively healthy path for many alchemists to rise.

Those who are not apprentices in alchemy are just pure labor.

They are taught alchemy knowledge for free by Danfamen, and their food and accommodation are provided, but they are not given any labor compensation and have to be at the mercy of the alchemists.

Rank One alchemists start to have their own alchemy rooms and receive alchemy rewards, but they have to complete the alchemy tasks assigned by Danfamen every year.

But the alchemy rewards are only about 30% of what independent alchemists of the same rank can earn.

Rank Three alchemists are the same, but the relative rewards are higher.

Only when they reach Rank Four alchemists do they have complete autonomy. Not only do they keep all the alchemy rewards, but they also receive subsidies from Danfamen.

So the income of Rank Four alchemists is tens of times higher than that of Rank Three alchemists.

Therefore, Qin Miao knew that there were risks in doing this, but he still took the risk of exposing his true level.

As for why he didn't simply start his own business and earn more, it was because his strength was not enough.

In Danfamen, only the Fire Pill True Monarch could possibly become a threat to him.

But once he stepped out of Danfamen, once he exposed his alchemy level, his strength was not enough to protect himself.

It is likely that other Nascent Soul True Monarchs wouldn't mind having an alchemy slave under them.

Most alchemists are in such a predicament.

And they are nurtured by Danfamen, receiving the grace of teaching and guidance, and secondly, they have many fellow practitioners to exchange skills with, making rapid progress.

Finally, with Danfamen as a large platform, they can have stable orders and refine more elixirs.

If they become independent alchemists, they may have freedom, but whether they can continue to refine elixirs depends on their reputation and strength. It is not as convenient as practicing in Danfamen.

In the end, the amount of spiritual stones earned may not be as much as in Danfamen, and there may be threats from various sources.

And they don't have the lofty status in Danfamen.

Alchemists who have stepped out of Danfamen are naturally superior to others.

However, unlike others, the reason why Qin Miao has a strong sense of crisis, like someone with paranoid delusions, is because of his true identity.

As a remnant of the alchemist association, the predecessor of Danfamen, Qin Miao knows that once his identity is exposed, it will definitely attract the thunderous strike of the Fire Pill True Monarch.

Even though he doesn't recognize this identity himself.

Clearly, he was originally kind-hearted and took care of a critically ill senior, and by the way, wanted to learn some alchemy techniques and skills from the senior.

As a result, he inexplicably inherited the position of the 26th president of the alchemist association.

He didn't want to be this damn president at all.

But whether he recognizes it or not is not important. The key is whether the Fire Pill True Monarch recognizes it or not.

And over the years, he has indeed gained a lot of benefits from the alchemist association.

Being able to become a Rank Four alchemist is not solely based on his own talent. The various inheritances accumulated by the alchemist association are also indispensable.

But after becoming a Rank Four alchemist, the association can no longer provide him with any help, but instead needs to suck blood from him.

In order to protect his own life, he has to shoulder the responsibility of the president and do his best to protect the development of the alchemist association under the watchful eyes of the Fire Pill True Monarch.

So he wants to break through to the Nascent Soul realm more than anyone else.

Only strength can allow him to protect himself after being exposed.

"Damn it, after saving up for so many years, I still haven't accumulated enough spiritual stones. The Infant Transformation Pill is still far away from me."

Qin Miao calculated the reward he would receive after refining the Infant Transformation Pill, plus his previous savings, it was still less than fifty million spiritual stones.

The Infant Transformation Pill is also a Rank Four elixir, theoretically, he can refine it himself.

However, the formula for the Infant Transformation Pill is a closely guarded secret and has not been circulated among the common people. It is likely that only major sects like the Profound Yang Sect have it in their collection.

Moreover, the main ingredients for refining the Infant Transformation Pill must be extremely precious, something that an ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarch cannot obtain.

Otherwise, there would be even more Nascent Soul cultivators in the Profound Yang Sect.

"I only regret not being born five hundred years earlier."

Qin Miao sighed.

Five hundred years ago, it took several generations of alchemists and craftsmen to accumulate enough knowledge to support the breakthrough of the Fire Pill True Monarch, which led to the monopolization of resources. If he had been born five hundred years earlier, he might have been able to compete with the Fire Pill True Monarch, instead of living in fear as he does now.

Qin Miao suppressed his mixed thoughts, adjusted himself, and then opened the restriction on his Cave Mansion. He threw out a sound transmission talisman to inform the disciple who was guarding the Pill Method Gate that the pill had been successfully refined.

This Infant Yuan Pill was refined at the request of the Yuanli True Monarch and could save him decades of cultivation. That's why he had sent his disciple to wait for it. Once it was successfully refined, he would come to collect it personally.

Two days later.

Yuanli True Monarch, who was cultivating in the Donghua Heavenly City, hurriedly arrived and was very satisfied after receiving the spiritual pill. Not only did he pay the reward on the spot, but he also mentioned that he owed a favor to someone.

Qin Miao responded and spent a lot of effort to send Yuanli True Monarch away, but he was in a good mood.

Favors can be big or small, and when necessary, they might even save his life.

Just as he was organizing the recent affairs of the Pill Method Gate, especially the news that the alchemists' association had secretly sent, suddenly a visitor arrived.

"Lin Lu? What business do I have with him? I don't want to see him."

Qin Miao frowned and refused the alchemy apprentice who was serving him.

To avoid arousing suspicion from the Fire Pill True Monarch, he always kept a low profile, rarely communicated with the alchemists in the sect, and had a reputation for being reclusive within the sect.

Lin Lu was one of the managers of the Lingdan Pavilion and had no connection with him.

The Lingdan Pavilion was one of the money-making tools of the Pill Method Gate.

He had gone crazy just to provoke the Fire Pill True Monarch's nerves. Even if the Fire Pill True Monarch himself didn't care, it was important to be cautious and prevent mistakes, especially in small matters and details.

But the alchemy apprentice had received benefits and knew that his master was in a good mood these past two days, so he mustered up the courage to say, "Master, it's not that Lin Lu wants to see you, but he was entrusted by another alchemist named Zhou to introduce himself to you. He wants to exchange alchemy techniques with the alchemists of our Pill Method Gate. You've been busy refining pills these days, so you might not know what's happening outside. This Zhou alchemist is said to have an extraordinary background and is very generous. Many alchemists who have interacted with him not only praised his superb skills, but also received generous gifts afterwards. This time, he specially prepared a token of appreciation in order to request your guidance..."

Qin Miao was taken aback for a moment, remembering his long-awaited Infant Transformation Pill, and stopped the apprentice to ask, "Are you sure this Zhou alchemist only wants to exchange alchemy techniques?"

The apprentice replied, "Zhou alchemist has been here for more than half a year, focusing on studying alchemy. He has met dozens of Rank Three alchemists and nearly a hundred Rank Two alchemists. There shouldn't be any falsehood. I heard that even the True Monarch himself intends to meet him and invite him to join the Pill Method Gate."

Upon hearing this, Qin Miao looked at the fresh news in his hand again and confirmed that it was similar to what the apprentice had said.

This Zhou alchemist was indeed an alchemy enthusiast. In just over half a year since he arrived at the Pill Method Gate, he had visited dozens of Rank Three alchemists, nearly a hundred Rank Two alchemists, and had participated in several small-scale alchemy exchange meetings. He had put forward many novel ideas and had made considerable progress in alchemy.

The news from the association even suggested that he should be approached and won over.

Qin Miao thought for a moment and said, "Since this Zhou alchemist is so interested, it's fine to meet him. But Lin Lu doesn't need to come in."

"Yes, Master."

The apprentice left.

In the time it took to drink a cup of tea, the apprentice led in a rough and bold man.

"Master Qin, it's not easy to meet you."

Yu Xian looked at the handsome Qin Miao and a hint of inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

Although his tone was a bit off, Qin Miao decided not to pay too much attention to it, considering the upcoming goodwill.

He dismissed the apprentice and put on a standard smile.

"Zhou Dan Shi is joking. Qin Mou is a busy person. If Zhou Dan Shi had come two days later, Qin Mou might have had to go and refine pills for some other cultivator. I heard that Zhou Dan Shi visited Qin Mou because he had some doubts in alchemy, so it's better to speak up and exchange ideas together."

Yu Xian remained silent and did not speak.

Qin Miao frowned, feeling a bit anxious. He felt that ever since Zhou Dan Shi entered, the entire Cave Mansion had become strange. He couldn't help but feel regretful. He had just refined a furnace of Infant Yuan Pills and received a favor from a True Monarch, which made him lose some vigilance.

Just as he was about to send Zhou Dan Shi away, he saw the air in front of him distort and felt an overwhelming pressure.

"True Monarch..."

With his cultivation at the peak of the Gold Core stage, he was able to react to some extent, but it was still limited. He couldn't do anything.

He felt like a bug trapped in amber, with the scenery before his eyes turning into a kaleidoscope. Faint music played in his ears, and he tried to block it out but couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

Three hours later.

Qin Miao shook his head and looked at Yu Xian, who had a smile on his face. He apologized, "I'm sorry, Zhou Dan Shi. I was distracted just now. What were you saying?"

Yu Xian clasped his hands and said, "It's nothing. Thank you, Qin Dan Shi, for your guidance. Zhou has benefited a lot from this exchange. As a token of my gratitude, I hope you won't refuse this small gift."

He took out a brocade box and opened it, revealing a thousand-year Purple Dragon Ginseng inside.

Qin Miao's gaze casually swept over it, but his blood surged. It was just a thousand-year ginseng, although precious, it shouldn't have made him so excited. But when he thought that it was a gift from Zhou Dan Shi, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of shame.

"Zhou Dan Shi, what are you doing?!"

Qin Miao coldly snorted, "We became friends, exchanging insights in alchemy. I'm not after your gifts. If you do this, it would be unjust to me. If you still consider me a friend, please take it back."

Yu Xian said, "Qin Dan Shi, please don't be angry. This is Zhou's intention and also a rule. It's true that you and I have a good relationship, and your refusal to accept my gift is also your sincere heart. But if this becomes a precedent, how can other alchemists accept Zhou's gifts in the future and be willing to exchange alchemy with Zhou?"

"So Qin Dan Shi, please accept it."

Qin Miao said, "There's no difficulty in that. I will only say that I have accepted Zhou's gift to the outside world. Not only that, I will also praise it greatly. Please rest assured, Zhou, I will not break your rule."

"But please take the gift back, Zhou."


Yu Xian readily agreed and no longer persuaded him. He put away the ginseng.

Seeing Yu Xian being so straightforward, Qin Miao blinked and felt that something was off. But seeing Yu Xian giving him face like this, he was quite satisfied.

"That's right."

"Zhou, if you want to come and exchange alchemy with me next time, just come directly. I will instruct my servants not to stop you."

"Haha, then I will have to trouble Qin Xiong in the future."

Yu Xian bid farewell with a cupped hand gesture.

The disciple sent Yu Xian away and entered the Cave Mansion to report. Seeing his master with a smile on his face that wouldn't fade away, he couldn't help but laugh and say, "Master, it's been a long time since you've been this happy."

Qin Miao nodded with a smile, "Having an exchange with Zhou, although it feels like we didn't say much, my mood is inexplicably pleasant. No wonder other alchemists speak highly of Zhou."

The disciple was stunned.

They had been together for over three hours and still hadn't said much.

But then he thought that perhaps it was a secret exchange between the two masters that he shouldn't talk about, so he just made an excuse.

Then Qin Miao instructed that in the future, if Zhou Dan Shi wanted to come in, there was no need to inform him, just let him in. He also instructed to spread the news that Zhou Dan Shi had given him a thousand-year Purple Dragon Ginseng.

The disciple became even more puzzled.

Everyone knew that his master was reclusive and didn't like to interact with others. It was rare for him to get along so well with Zhou Dan Shi and even help promote him.

But he didn't ask further and left.

"Perhaps I can discuss with Zhou about what I've learned. As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. Keeping this to myself is really uncomfortable. Having someone to share it with might help me come up with a solution."

An inexplicable thought emerged in Qin Miao's mind and lingered, unable to be dispelled.

He unconsciously trusted Yu Xian and was willing to share his biggest secret with him. (End of this chapter)

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